Month: May 2024
Have list item inherit start time based on the time I select in a weekly calendar view.
(First time poster, so let me know if this is in the incorrect board please. )
In SharePoint lists, we have a list that we use primarily as a calendar. We always use the weekly view. When looking at the weekly calendar view, if you click a blank spot on the calendar it will open the editor to create a new list item.
1. Is there a way to have the start time of that new item auto-fill based on where the user has clicked on the weekly calendar?
Ex: In the screenshot below I clicked on the 2pm-2:30pm block on the calendar, which opened the New item popup. Could I assign my Start Time field to inherit 2pm on May 26th by default?
2. Is it possible to have the end time auto fill to be 1hr after the start time? This would save some keystrokes and would allow it to display on the calendar properly. Currently the user has to enter an end time manually as well.
Thank you,
Hi, (First time poster, so let me know if this is in the incorrect board please. ) In SharePoint lists, we have a list that we use primarily as a calendar. We always use the weekly view. When looking at the weekly calendar view, if you click a blank spot on the calendar it will open the editor to create a new list item. 1. Is there a way to have the start time of that new item auto-fill based on where the user has clicked on the weekly calendar?Ex: In the screenshot below I clicked on the 2pm-2:30pm block on the calendar, which opened the New item popup. Could I assign my Start Time field to inherit 2pm on May 26th by default? 2. Is it possible to have the end time auto fill to be 1hr after the start time? This would save some keystrokes and would allow it to display on the calendar properly. Currently the user has to enter an end time manually as well. Thank you, Read More
If a “x” value is present and the column header is today’s date how do we display true/false
I have a workbook that I am trying to update to display the status (red or green) in cell AB1 of the lab in a singular cell based on =Today(). The table is a calendar format but due to some other pivot tables and other data validation features they have some separating columns (an example workbook is attached). The basic function of this is to track the daily events in each category/swim lane. An x marks that that issue happened on that particular day. So I am trying to come up with a function that will search the table for the specific date and if there are any x’s in the column below to then have a true/false scenario. I was searching through V/XLookup, MATCH, and IF functions but they all don’t quite seem to fit.
Anyone have any advice?
Also to note, secondary issue is that I wasn’t able to have the dates as the specific column headers in the tables so I opted above but if there is a solution to that as well, I’d be very grateful. Any formula I try doesn’t stick as it needs to be referenced to the year input as this is a rolling template from year to year.
Thank you so much,
I have a workbook that I am trying to update to display the status (red or green) in cell AB1 of the lab in a singular cell based on =Today(). The table is a calendar format but due to some other pivot tables and other data validation features they have some separating columns (an example workbook is attached). The basic function of this is to track the daily events in each category/swim lane. An x marks that that issue happened on that particular day. So I am trying to come up with a function that will search the table for the specific date and if there are any x’s in the column below to then have a true/false scenario. I was searching through V/XLookup, MATCH, and IF functions but they all don’t quite seem to fit. Anyone have any advice? Also to note, secondary issue is that I wasn’t able to have the dates as the specific column headers in the tables so I opted above but if there is a solution to that as well, I’d be very grateful. Any formula I try doesn’t stick as it needs to be referenced to the year input as this is a rolling template from year to year. Thank you so much, Nyssa Read More
Convite – Ação de Plantio
Em comemoração à Semana do Meio Ambiente, parceiros se juntaram à Ecolmeia nesta ação de plantio coletivo de mudas nativas da Mata Atlântica, indicadas previamente por levantamentos realizados por Biólogo e Agrônomo da Ecolmeia.
Ação em benefício da qualidade ambiental no território da Represa Billings, em São Bernardo do Campo/SP.
Gostariam de aderir? Sempre bem-vindos!
Inscrições online:
AÇÃO DE PLANTIO COLETIVO :seedling:Em comemoração à Semana do Meio Ambiente, parceiros se juntaram à Ecolmeia nesta ação de plantio coletivo de mudas nativas da Mata Atlântica, indicadas previamente por levantamentos realizados por Biólogo e Agrônomo da Ecolmeia.Ação em benefício da qualidade ambiental no território da Represa Billings, em São Bernardo do Campo/SP.Gostariam de aderir? Sempre bem-vindos!Inscrições online: Read More
Why do I receive License Manager Error -139?
Why do I receive License Manager Error -139?Why do I receive License Manager Error -139? Why do I receive License Manager Error -139? MATLAB Answers — New Questions and Clipboard
Every time I copy/paste into (send an email), I get this popup that appears
However, it seems that the setting is “saved”
Is this really annoying, an adjustment to make or a bug?
And this problem only appears in
Hello Every time I copy/paste into (send an email), I get this popup that appears However, it seems that the setting is “saved” Is this really annoying, an adjustment to make or a bug?And this problem only appears in Thanks Read More
Simpson integral – problem with writing the formula
I have the following task to do:
I developed the following code:
function I = simpson(f,a,b,n)
%I = SIMPSON(f,a,b,n) przybliża wartość całki funkcji f
%na przedziale [a,b] stosując metodę Simpsona z n podprzedziałami
x = linspace(a, b, n+1); % Określ listę wektor punktów przy użyciu LINSPACE
Delta = (b – a) / n; % Określ stałą Delta
% Zakładamy wstępną wartość całki jako 0, a następnie obliczamy sumę
I = 0;
for i = 1:n % Ustaw zakres dla i w pętli
dI = f(a(i)) + 4 * f(a(i) + a(i+1) / 2) + f(a(i+1)); % Określ składnik sumy dla i-tego podprzedziału
% Zwiększa sumę całkowitą o nową wartość
I = I + dI;
% Mnoży sumę przez Delta
I = Delta*I;
Auxiliary function:
% Test 1
a = 0; b = 1; n = 10; f = @(x)1-x+x.^3;
I = simpson(f,a,b,n)
fprintf(‘Test1: Błąd trapezów: %e | Błąd Simpsona: %e’,abs(trapz((b-a)/n,f(linspace(a,b,n+1)))-0.75),abs(I-0.75))
% Test 2
a = 0; b = pi/2; n = 50; f = @(x)sin(x);
I = simpson(f,a,b,n)
fprintf(‘Test2: Błąd trapezów: %e | Błąd Simpsona: %e’,abs(trapz((b-a)/n,f(linspace(a,b,n+1)))-1),abs(I-1))
Error message:
Where is the problem?I have the following task to do:
I developed the following code:
function I = simpson(f,a,b,n)
%I = SIMPSON(f,a,b,n) przybliża wartość całki funkcji f
%na przedziale [a,b] stosując metodę Simpsona z n podprzedziałami
x = linspace(a, b, n+1); % Określ listę wektor punktów przy użyciu LINSPACE
Delta = (b – a) / n; % Określ stałą Delta
% Zakładamy wstępną wartość całki jako 0, a następnie obliczamy sumę
I = 0;
for i = 1:n % Ustaw zakres dla i w pętli
dI = f(a(i)) + 4 * f(a(i) + a(i+1) / 2) + f(a(i+1)); % Określ składnik sumy dla i-tego podprzedziału
% Zwiększa sumę całkowitą o nową wartość
I = I + dI;
% Mnoży sumę przez Delta
I = Delta*I;
Auxiliary function:
% Test 1
a = 0; b = 1; n = 10; f = @(x)1-x+x.^3;
I = simpson(f,a,b,n)
fprintf(‘Test1: Błąd trapezów: %e | Błąd Simpsona: %e’,abs(trapz((b-a)/n,f(linspace(a,b,n+1)))-0.75),abs(I-0.75))
% Test 2
a = 0; b = pi/2; n = 50; f = @(x)sin(x);
I = simpson(f,a,b,n)
fprintf(‘Test2: Błąd trapezów: %e | Błąd Simpsona: %e’,abs(trapz((b-a)/n,f(linspace(a,b,n+1)))-1),abs(I-1))
Error message:
Where is the problem? I have the following task to do:
I developed the following code:
function I = simpson(f,a,b,n)
%I = SIMPSON(f,a,b,n) przybliża wartość całki funkcji f
%na przedziale [a,b] stosując metodę Simpsona z n podprzedziałami
x = linspace(a, b, n+1); % Określ listę wektor punktów przy użyciu LINSPACE
Delta = (b – a) / n; % Określ stałą Delta
% Zakładamy wstępną wartość całki jako 0, a następnie obliczamy sumę
I = 0;
for i = 1:n % Ustaw zakres dla i w pętli
dI = f(a(i)) + 4 * f(a(i) + a(i+1) / 2) + f(a(i+1)); % Określ składnik sumy dla i-tego podprzedziału
% Zwiększa sumę całkowitą o nową wartość
I = I + dI;
% Mnoży sumę przez Delta
I = Delta*I;
Auxiliary function:
% Test 1
a = 0; b = 1; n = 10; f = @(x)1-x+x.^3;
I = simpson(f,a,b,n)
fprintf(‘Test1: Błąd trapezów: %e | Błąd Simpsona: %e’,abs(trapz((b-a)/n,f(linspace(a,b,n+1)))-0.75),abs(I-0.75))
% Test 2
a = 0; b = pi/2; n = 50; f = @(x)sin(x);
I = simpson(f,a,b,n)
fprintf(‘Test2: Błąd trapezów: %e | Błąd Simpsona: %e’,abs(trapz((b-a)/n,f(linspace(a,b,n+1)))-1),abs(I-1))
Error message:
Where is the problem? #simpson integral MATLAB Answers — New Questions
code gen support for disparitySGM
I noted under Extended Capablities section of the disparitySGM help page, the following code generation limitations are listed:
The name-value pair arguments, ‘DisparityRange’ and ‘UniquenessThreshold’ must be compile-time constants.
Supports code generation only in generic MATLAB Host Computer target platform.
I am targeting ARM device and I am seeing errors like "Transpose on ND array is not defined." while generating code. Are there alternative solutions?I noted under Extended Capablities section of the disparitySGM help page, the following code generation limitations are listed:
The name-value pair arguments, ‘DisparityRange’ and ‘UniquenessThreshold’ must be compile-time constants.
Supports code generation only in generic MATLAB Host Computer target platform.
I am targeting ARM device and I am seeing errors like "Transpose on ND array is not defined." while generating code. Are there alternative solutions? I noted under Extended Capablities section of the disparitySGM help page, the following code generation limitations are listed:
The name-value pair arguments, ‘DisparityRange’ and ‘UniquenessThreshold’ must be compile-time constants.
Supports code generation only in generic MATLAB Host Computer target platform.
I am targeting ARM device and I am seeing errors like "Transpose on ND array is not defined." while generating code. Are there alternative solutions? code generation, matlab coder, computer vision, disparitysgm MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Calendar Template
I have downloaded a calendar template for excel that I like. As I am creating new months for the calendar it stops in October 2024 from the dropdown tab. How do I create the other months of this year and for 2025, which are not listed in the dropdown tab on the excel sheet?
I have downloaded a calendar template for excel that I like. As I am creating new months for the calendar it stops in October 2024 from the dropdown tab. How do I create the other months of this year and for 2025, which are not listed in the dropdown tab on the excel sheet? Read More
Cosmos Db JAVA SDK Retry Policy
Hi Azure Cosmos Db Team,
We haven’t explicitly set retry policy in the event of throttling. Uses the default throttling retry policy.
Below as seen from diagnostics.
throttlingRetryOptions=RetryOptions{maxRetryAttemptsOnThrottledRequests=9, maxRetryWaitTime=PT30S}
However when we encountered actual throttling (“statusCode”:429,”subStatusCode”:3200) we see in the diagnostics values increasing in multiples of 4 “retryAfterInMs”:4.0 x-ms-retry-after-ms=4, “retryAfterInMs”:8.0 x-ms-retry-after-ms=8 and resulting in Request rate is large. More Request Units may be needed, so no changes were made. Please retry this request later.
Can you please let me know the difference in behavior here(maxRetryWaitTime as shown in throttlingRetryOptions and retryAfterInMs in the diagnostics as seen above in the event pf throttling) ? I was expecting in the event of throttling the request will be retried after 30 seconds only based on throttlingRetryOptions setting? This is having a compounding effect in case of concurrent requests which affects overall throughput. We need to customize based on our requirement the retry no of times and interval in the event of throttling. Which parameter should we use for that?
With Regards,
Nitin Rahim
Hi Azure Cosmos Db Team, We haven’t explicitly set retry policy in the event of throttling. Uses the default throttling retry policy.Below as seen from diagnostics. throttlingRetryOptions=RetryOptions{maxRetryAttemptsOnThrottledRequests=9, maxRetryWaitTime=PT30S} However when we encountered actual throttling (“statusCode”:429,”subStatusCode”:3200) we see in the diagnostics values increasing in multiples of 4 “retryAfterInMs”:4.0 x-ms-retry-after-ms=4, “retryAfterInMs”:8.0 x-ms-retry-after-ms=8 and resulting in Request rate is large. More Request Units may be needed, so no changes were made. Please retry this request later. Can you please let me know the difference in behavior here(maxRetryWaitTime as shown in throttlingRetryOptions and retryAfterInMs in the diagnostics as seen above in the event pf throttling) ? I was expecting in the event of throttling the request will be retried after 30 seconds only based on throttlingRetryOptions setting? This is having a compounding effect in case of concurrent requests which affects overall throughput. We need to customize based on our requirement the retry no of times and interval in the event of throttling. Which parameter should we use for that? With Regards,Nitin Rahim Read More
Analysis toolpak
Can’t find the toolpak. When I go to File I don’t have options as listed in the instructions. I have a button for addins but the toolpak is not listed
Can’t find the toolpak. When I go to File I don’t have options as listed in the instructions. I have a button for addins but the toolpak is not listed Read More
How programmatically create an array from variable-length vectors?
I have ~500 .mat files, generated by a separate software, which all contain a structure called s1.a. This structure has variable length for each file, and I don’t know this length until each file is loaded into the workspace. I cannot control the naming of the files nor the naming of the structures ahead of time. Example:
s1.a = [1 3 4 2];
s1.a = [4 6 2 9 0 4];
s1.a = [0 9 5 7 2];
s1.a = [4 8 6 1];
s1.a = [5 7 2 9 4 0 1];
s500.a = [3 2 0];
I need to end up with a single structure at the end which concatenates all of the individual s1.a structures:
sFinal.a = [1 3 4 2 4 6 2 9 0 4 0 9 5 7 2 4 8 6 1 5 7 2 9 4 0 1 … 3 2 0];
If all structures had the same length, I can easily write a for loop to load each file and then build the array. But I’m struggling with the variable length aspect of each structure.
One thought I had was to pre-allocate an array with NaNs that is longer than the max length of the s1.a structure (which is 3600), thus "forcing" them to be of the same length by populating the first numel(s1.a) slots, and then once the final structure is built, simply removing all the NaNs. But this seems rather convoluted and not efficient.
Any suggestions?
Thank you!Hello
I have ~500 .mat files, generated by a separate software, which all contain a structure called s1.a. This structure has variable length for each file, and I don’t know this length until each file is loaded into the workspace. I cannot control the naming of the files nor the naming of the structures ahead of time. Example:
s1.a = [1 3 4 2];
s1.a = [4 6 2 9 0 4];
s1.a = [0 9 5 7 2];
s1.a = [4 8 6 1];
s1.a = [5 7 2 9 4 0 1];
s500.a = [3 2 0];
I need to end up with a single structure at the end which concatenates all of the individual s1.a structures:
sFinal.a = [1 3 4 2 4 6 2 9 0 4 0 9 5 7 2 4 8 6 1 5 7 2 9 4 0 1 … 3 2 0];
If all structures had the same length, I can easily write a for loop to load each file and then build the array. But I’m struggling with the variable length aspect of each structure.
One thought I had was to pre-allocate an array with NaNs that is longer than the max length of the s1.a structure (which is 3600), thus "forcing" them to be of the same length by populating the first numel(s1.a) slots, and then once the final structure is built, simply removing all the NaNs. But this seems rather convoluted and not efficient.
Any suggestions?
Thank you! Hello
I have ~500 .mat files, generated by a separate software, which all contain a structure called s1.a. This structure has variable length for each file, and I don’t know this length until each file is loaded into the workspace. I cannot control the naming of the files nor the naming of the structures ahead of time. Example:
s1.a = [1 3 4 2];
s1.a = [4 6 2 9 0 4];
s1.a = [0 9 5 7 2];
s1.a = [4 8 6 1];
s1.a = [5 7 2 9 4 0 1];
s500.a = [3 2 0];
I need to end up with a single structure at the end which concatenates all of the individual s1.a structures:
sFinal.a = [1 3 4 2 4 6 2 9 0 4 0 9 5 7 2 4 8 6 1 5 7 2 9 4 0 1 … 3 2 0];
If all structures had the same length, I can easily write a for loop to load each file and then build the array. But I’m struggling with the variable length aspect of each structure.
One thought I had was to pre-allocate an array with NaNs that is longer than the max length of the s1.a structure (which is 3600), thus "forcing" them to be of the same length by populating the first numel(s1.a) slots, and then once the final structure is built, simply removing all the NaNs. But this seems rather convoluted and not efficient.
Any suggestions?
Thank you! concatenate, for loop, variable length MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How can I read values from an ultrasonic sensor connected to an Arduino in Matlab app designer?
The problem is mainly getting the measured distance and display as I want. I do not get any errors when ruuning the app but no distance is shown on the editable field. Below is some of the code I have used for the button as well as the editable numeric field. I believe there is something I am missing and I cannot figure it out, please let me know of any suggestion I can try out to get this right.
properties (Access = private)
I have declared the above properties which I will be using in the code to further try and attain the measured distance and display it in an editable numeric field
function startupFcn(app)
app.a = arduino;
app.u = ultrasonic(app.a,’d50′,’d51′);
Above is the start up function whereby I have assignedd values to the variables I declared earlier on. Where app.a= arduino gets all the required properties and makes the neccessary connections and settings to allow me to communicate with the arduino board. app.u = …. lets me define the pins on the arduino board which will be used as triger and echo pins.
function ButtonPushed(app, event)
% app.u = ultrasonic(app.a,’D50′,’D51′);
app.dist = readDistance(app.u); % determing the initial distance
while (app.dist > 0.050) % this loop ensures that the sensor continues to
% "measure" distance for as long as the object is further than 5cm
app.dist = readDistance(app.u);
Below is the last piece of code which I am using to try and display the measured distance
function EditFieldValueChanged(app, event)
app.EditField.Value = app.dist;
endThe problem is mainly getting the measured distance and display as I want. I do not get any errors when ruuning the app but no distance is shown on the editable field. Below is some of the code I have used for the button as well as the editable numeric field. I believe there is something I am missing and I cannot figure it out, please let me know of any suggestion I can try out to get this right.
properties (Access = private)
I have declared the above properties which I will be using in the code to further try and attain the measured distance and display it in an editable numeric field
function startupFcn(app)
app.a = arduino;
app.u = ultrasonic(app.a,’d50′,’d51′);
Above is the start up function whereby I have assignedd values to the variables I declared earlier on. Where app.a= arduino gets all the required properties and makes the neccessary connections and settings to allow me to communicate with the arduino board. app.u = …. lets me define the pins on the arduino board which will be used as triger and echo pins.
function ButtonPushed(app, event)
% app.u = ultrasonic(app.a,’D50′,’D51′);
app.dist = readDistance(app.u); % determing the initial distance
while (app.dist > 0.050) % this loop ensures that the sensor continues to
% "measure" distance for as long as the object is further than 5cm
app.dist = readDistance(app.u);
Below is the last piece of code which I am using to try and display the measured distance
function EditFieldValueChanged(app, event)
app.EditField.Value = app.dist;
end The problem is mainly getting the measured distance and display as I want. I do not get any errors when ruuning the app but no distance is shown on the editable field. Below is some of the code I have used for the button as well as the editable numeric field. I believe there is something I am missing and I cannot figure it out, please let me know of any suggestion I can try out to get this right.
properties (Access = private)
I have declared the above properties which I will be using in the code to further try and attain the measured distance and display it in an editable numeric field
function startupFcn(app)
app.a = arduino;
app.u = ultrasonic(app.a,’d50′,’d51′);
Above is the start up function whereby I have assignedd values to the variables I declared earlier on. Where app.a= arduino gets all the required properties and makes the neccessary connections and settings to allow me to communicate with the arduino board. app.u = …. lets me define the pins on the arduino board which will be used as triger and echo pins.
function ButtonPushed(app, event)
% app.u = ultrasonic(app.a,’D50′,’D51′);
app.dist = readDistance(app.u); % determing the initial distance
while (app.dist > 0.050) % this loop ensures that the sensor continues to
% "measure" distance for as long as the object is further than 5cm
app.dist = readDistance(app.u);
Below is the last piece of code which I am using to try and display the measured distance
function EditFieldValueChanged(app, event)
app.EditField.Value = app.dist;
end matlab app designer, ultrasonic sensor, arduino MATLAB Answers — New Questions
I have code to generate the Point Spread Function (PSF) and now I want to calculate the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) and Strehl Ratio.
% Imaging with Zone Plate
for tt=1:1
z2 = s2+s2/5000*tt;
h2 = exp(1i*2*pi*z2*sqrt(1/(lambda)^2-(x/L).^2-(y/L).^2));
E2 = ifft2(fftshift(fftshift(fft2(E.*exp(1i*FZP))).*h2));
resulting_image = abs(E2).^2;
axis square;
I need assistance in calculating MTF, plotting MTF vs spatial frequency graph, and calculating the Strehl ratio. I am a beginner and have been struggling with this for a long time. Your help would be greatly appreciated.% Imaging with Zone Plate
for tt=1:1
z2 = s2+s2/5000*tt;
h2 = exp(1i*2*pi*z2*sqrt(1/(lambda)^2-(x/L).^2-(y/L).^2));
E2 = ifft2(fftshift(fftshift(fft2(E.*exp(1i*FZP))).*h2));
resulting_image = abs(E2).^2;
axis square;
I need assistance in calculating MTF, plotting MTF vs spatial frequency graph, and calculating the Strehl ratio. I am a beginner and have been struggling with this for a long time. Your help would be greatly appreciated. % Imaging with Zone Plate
for tt=1:1
z2 = s2+s2/5000*tt;
h2 = exp(1i*2*pi*z2*sqrt(1/(lambda)^2-(x/L).^2-(y/L).^2));
E2 = ifft2(fftshift(fftshift(fft2(E.*exp(1i*FZP))).*h2));
resulting_image = abs(E2).^2;
axis square;
I need assistance in calculating MTF, plotting MTF vs spatial frequency graph, and calculating the Strehl ratio. I am a beginner and have been struggling with this for a long time. Your help would be greatly appreciated. psf, mtf, strehlratio, zoneplate, spatialfrequency MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Word help: building block work-around.
I am looking to make a template for my work environment, but what I have done so far hasn’t worked. I have tried saving the word document as a .dotx format so that I can save building blocks to it, but it doesn’t seem to stick (building blocks don’t transfer) for when others open the file. The building blocks I have created include a photo, name, phone number, and position/title of the respective person effectively signing the document. Drop-downs don’t seem to be able yo get the job done. Anyone have a work-around for this without having to transfer a building block file to everyone anytime there is an update (new person added to the list of those possibly signing or a change in the document)?
I am looking to make a template for my work environment, but what I have done so far hasn’t worked. I have tried saving the word document as a .dotx format so that I can save building blocks to it, but it doesn’t seem to stick (building blocks don’t transfer) for when others open the file. The building blocks I have created include a photo, name, phone number, and position/title of the respective person effectively signing the document. Drop-downs don’t seem to be able yo get the job done. Anyone have a work-around for this without having to transfer a building block file to everyone anytime there is an update (new person added to the list of those possibly signing or a change in the document)? Read More
Excel Pivot Table: Missing sum of month totals???
I am using 3 different pivot tables that link to 3 different sets of data (all configured identical format). For two of the PT’s, I am getting the monthly totals (circled in red in 2nd photo) but for the middle (2023) it does not bring back an value. When I hover over the cell, it shows value: 0. Please help. What am I doing wrong?
I am using 3 different pivot tables that link to 3 different sets of data (all configured identical format). For two of the PT’s, I am getting the monthly totals (circled in red in 2nd photo) but for the middle (2023) it does not bring back an value. When I hover over the cell, it shows value: 0. Please help. What am I doing wrong? Read More
Solidariedade em Ação: LBV Convoca Voluntários e Doações para Vítimas no Rio Grande do Sul
Na Legião da Boa Vontade – LBV, mobilizamos 42 postos de arrecadação em solidariedade às vítimas da recente tragédia no Rio Grande do Sul. Convidamos a sociedade a se juntar a nós, seja contribuindo com doações ou atuando como voluntário na recepção e classificação dos itens doados. Em São Paulo, nosso ponto de coleta está localizado na Avenida Rudge, 763 – Bom Retiro.
Estamos gratos por já termos reunido 380 toneladas de doações, e continuamos comprometidos em fazer a diferença na vida daqueles afetados por este evento devastador.”
Na Legião da Boa Vontade – LBV, mobilizamos 42 postos de arrecadação em solidariedade às vítimas da recente tragédia no Rio Grande do Sul. Convidamos a sociedade a se juntar a nós, seja contribuindo com doações ou atuando como voluntário na recepção e classificação dos itens doados. Em São Paulo, nosso ponto de coleta está localizado na Avenida Rudge, 763 – Bom Retiro.Estamos gratos por já termos reunido 380 toneladas de doações, e continuamos comprometidos em fazer a diferença na vida daqueles afetados por este evento devastador.” Read More
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Uniform Guidance re-write: What you need to know
The federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) recently released a major rewrite to the Uniform Guidance, the common rules governing most federal grantmaking to charitable nonprofits, and others, effective on Oct. 1, 2024: The Biden-Harris Administration Finalizes Guidance to Make Grants More Accessible and Transparent for Families, Communities, and Small Businesses | OMB | The White House
The rewrite addresses longstanding problems in covering nonprofits’ actual costs, advances equity by making grants accessible to more nonprofits, and makes other significant reforms that will reduce bureaucratic barriers and costs of seeking, performing, and reporting on grants using federal funds.
The National Council of Nonprofits are hosting a special, nationwide, free webinar, OMB Uniform Guidance: What the Updates Mean for Nonprofits, on Thursday, May 30th at 3:30 – 4:30pm ET to ensure charitable organizations understand the significant improvements to the Uniform Guidance and what the changes mean for their missions.
Register here:
The federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) recently released a major rewrite to the Uniform Guidance, the common rules governing most federal grantmaking to charitable nonprofits, and others, effective on Oct. 1, 2024: The Biden-Harris Administration Finalizes Guidance to Make Grants More Accessible and Transparent for Families, Communities, and Small Businesses | OMB | The White House
The rewrite addresses longstanding problems in covering nonprofits’ actual costs, advances equity by making grants accessible to more nonprofits, and makes other significant reforms that will reduce bureaucratic barriers and costs of seeking, performing, and reporting on grants using federal funds.
The National Council of Nonprofits are hosting a special, nationwide, free webinar, OMB Uniform Guidance: What the Updates Mean for Nonprofits, on Thursday, May 30th at 3:30 – 4:30pm ET to ensure charitable organizations understand the significant improvements to the Uniform Guidance and what the changes mean for their missions.
Register here: Read More
Entra Free – Allow Signin to Application
I have a WPF application which I have integrated Entra into. I can signin and see that login in the logs on Azure. What I would like to do is distribute this program to anyone who wants it. I want them to signin to it. I want to be able to see their information in the logs. I do not want to have to charge them a fee such as a subscription to Entra for it. Is this possible?
I tried a different email address that I own and was unable to get it to work.
I have a WPF application which I have integrated Entra into. I can signin and see that login in the logs on Azure. What I would like to do is distribute this program to anyone who wants it. I want them to signin to it. I want to be able to see their information in the logs. I do not want to have to charge them a fee such as a subscription to Entra for it. Is this possible? I tried a different email address that I own and was unable to get it to work. Read More
Memory Protection for AI ML Model Inferencing
This article was originally posted on Confidential Container Project’s blog by Suraj Deshmukh & Pradipta Banerjee. Read the original article here and the source for this content can be found here.
With the rapid stride of artificial intelligence & machine learning and businesses integrating these into their products and operations, safeguarding sensitive data and models is a top priority. That’s where Confidential Containers (CoCo) comes into picture. Confidential Containers:
Provides an extra layer of protection for data in use.
Helps prevent data leaks.
Prevents tampering and unauthorized access to sensitive data and models.
By integrating CoCo with model-serving frameworks like KServe, businesses can create a secure environment for deploying and managing machine learning models. This integration is critical in strengthening data protection strategies and ensuring that sensitive information stays safe.
Model Inferencing
Model inferencing typically occurs on large-scale cloud infrastructure. The following diagram illustrates how users interact with these deployments.
Importance of Model Protection
Protecting both the model and the data is crucial. The loss of the model leads to a loss of intellectual property (IP), which negatively impacts the organization’s competitive edge and revenue. Additionally, any loss of user data used in conjunction with the model can erode users’ trust, which is a vital asset that, once lost, can be difficult to regain.
Additionally, reputational damage can have long-lasting effects, tarnishing a company’s image in the eyes of both current and potential customers. Ultimately, the loss of a model can diminish a company’s competitive advantage, setting it back in a race where innovation and trustworthiness are key.
Attack Vectors against Model Serving Platforms
Model serving platforms are critical for deploying machine learning solutions at scale. However, they are vulnerable to several common attack vectors. These attack vectors include the following:
Data or model poisoning: Introducing malicious data to corrupt the model’s learning process.
Data privacy breaches: Unauthorized access to sensitive data.
Model theft: Proprietary or fine-tuned models are illicitly copied or stolen.
Denial-of-service attacks: Overwhelming the system to degrade performance or render it inoperable.
The OWASP Top 10 for LLMs paper provides a detailed explanation of the different attack vectors.
Among these attack vectors, our focus here is “model theft” as it directly jeopardizes the intellectual property and competitive advantage of organizations.
Traditional Model Protection Mechanisms
Kubernetes offers various mechanisms to harden the cluster in order to limit the access to data and code. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is a foundational pillar regulating who can interact with the Kubernetes API and how. Thus ensuring that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive operations. API security mechanisms complements RBAC and acts as gatekeeper, safeguarding the integrity of interactions between services within the cluster. Monitoring, logging, and auditing further augment these defences by providing real-time visibility into the system’s operations, enabling prompt detection and remediation of any suspicious activities.
Additionally, encrypting models at rest ensures that data remains secure even when not in active use, while using Transport Layer Security (TLS) for data in transit between components in the cluster protects sensitive information from interception, maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of data as it moves within the Kubernetes environment.
These layered security measures create a robust framework for protecting models against threats, safeguarding the valuable intellectual property and data they encapsulate.
But, is this enough?
Demo: Read Unencrypted Memory
This video showcases how one can read the pod memory when it is run using the default runc or kata-containers. But using kata’s confidential compute support we can avoid exposing the memory to the underlying worker node.
Confidential Containers (CoCo)
The Confidential Containers (CoCo) project aims at integrating confidential computing into Kubernetes, offering a transformative approach to enhancing data security within containerized applications. By leveraging Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) to create secure enclaves for container execution, CoCo ensures that sensitive data and models are processed in a fully isolated and encrypted memory environment. CoCo not only shields the memory of applications hosting the models from unauthorized access but also from privileged administrators who might have access to the underlying infrastructure.
As a result, it adds a critical layer of security, protecting against both external breaches and internal threats. The confidentiality of memory at runtime means that even if the perimeter defenses are compromised, the data and models within these protected containers remain encrypted, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive information crucial for maintaining competitive advantage and user trust.
KServe is a model inference platform on Kubernetes. By embracing a broad spectrum of model-serving frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, ONNX, SKLearn, and XGBoost, KServe facilitates a flexible environment for deploying machine learning models. It leverages Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs), controllers, and operators to offer a declarative and uniform interface for model serving, simplifying the operational complexities traditionally associated with such tasks.
Beyond its core functionalities, KServe inherits all the advantageous features of Kubernetes, including high availability (HA), efficient resource utilization through bin-packing, and auto scaling capabilities. These features collectively ensure that KServe can dynamically adapt to changing workloads and demands, guaranteeing both resilience and efficiency in serving machine learning models at scale.
KServe on Confidential Containers (CoCo)
In the diagram below we can see that we are running the containers hosting models in a confidential computing environment using CoCo. Integrating KServe with CoCo offers a transformative approach to bolstering security in model-serving operations. By running model-serving containers within the secure environment provided by CoCo, these containers gain memory protection. This security measure ensures that both the models and the sensitive data they process, including query inputs and inference outputs, are safeguarded against unauthorized access.
Such protection extends beyond external threats, offering a shield against potential vulnerabilities posed by infrastructure providers themselves. This layer of security ensures that the entire inference process, from input to output, remains confidential and secure within the protected memory space, thereby enhancing the overall integrity and reliability of model-serving workflows.
Throughout this exploration, we’ve uncovered the pivotal role of Confidential Containers (CoCo) in fortifying data protection, particularly for data in use. CoCo emerges as a comprehensive solution capable of mitigating unauthorized in-memory data access risks. Model-serving frameworks, such as KServe, stand to gain significantly from the enhanced security layer provided by CoCo, ensuring the protection of sensitive data and models throughout their operational life cycle.
However, it’s essential to recognize that not all components must operate within CoCo’s protected environment. A strategic approach involves identifying critical areas where models and data are most vulnerable to unauthorized access and focusing CoCo’s protective measures on these segments. This selective application ensures efficient resource utilization while maximizing data security and integrity.
In the next blog we will see how to deploy KServe on Confidential Containers for memory protection.
This blog is a transcription of the talk we gave at Kubecon EU 2024. You can find the slides on Sched and the talk recording on YouTube.
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How to convert logarithmic to linear
I use rfplot to plot magnitude of s-parameters in db, if i want to plot the s.parameters in linear form how can i do this ?
s=sparameters("C:UsersMoza Salem MohamedOneDriveDesktopMMLab 2emptyCell.s2p")
hold on
title("Empty Cavity (Log)")
hold offI use rfplot to plot magnitude of s-parameters in db, if i want to plot the s.parameters in linear form how can i do this ?
s=sparameters("C:UsersMoza Salem MohamedOneDriveDesktopMMLab 2emptyCell.s2p")
hold on
title("Empty Cavity (Log)")
hold off I use rfplot to plot magnitude of s-parameters in db, if i want to plot the s.parameters in linear form how can i do this ?
s=sparameters("C:UsersMoza Salem MohamedOneDriveDesktopMMLab 2emptyCell.s2p")
hold on
title("Empty Cavity (Log)")
hold off logarithnic, s-parameters, nonlinear MATLAB Answers — New Questions