Month: May 2024
What To Do When stuck in QuickBooks Desktop Payroll Update Not Working after latest update?
I’m having trouble with my QuickBooks Desktop Payroll update not working. How can I fix this issue?
I’m having trouble with my QuickBooks Desktop Payroll update not working. How can I fix this issue? Read More
Tune FIS with Training Data
In the example contained in the Fuzzy logic user guide documentation by mathworks, Tune Fuzzy Inference System at the Command Line, page 225, I understand the code used for tuning the FIS, but i dont know how they come up with tunedfismpgprediction.mat . below is the sample code:
[data,name] = loadGasData;
X = data(:,1:6);
Y = data(:,7);
trnX = X(1:2:end,:); % Training input data set
trnY = Y(1:2:end,:); % Training output data set
vldX = X(2:2:end,:); % Validation input data set
vldY = Y(2:2:end,:); % Validation output data set
dataRange = [min(data)’ max(data)’];
fisin = mamfis;
for i = 1:6
fisin = addInput(fisin,dataRange(i,:),’Name’,name(i),’NumMFs’,2);
fisin = addOutput(fisin,dataRange(7,:),’Name’,name(7),’NumMFs’,64);
options = tunefisOptions(‘Method’,’particleswarm’,…
‘OptimizationType’,’learning’, …
options.MethodOptions.MaxIterations = 20;
runtunefis = false;
%% This is the stage where am confused, I dont know how they get tunedfismpgprediction.mat
if runtunefis
fisout1 = tunefis(fisin,[],trnX,trnY,options); %#ok
tunedfis = load(‘tunedfismpgprediction.mat’);
fisout1 = tunedfis.fisout1;
fprintf(‘Training RMSE = %.3f MPGn’,calculateRMSE(fisout1,trnX,trnY));
plotfis(fisout1)In the example contained in the Fuzzy logic user guide documentation by mathworks, Tune Fuzzy Inference System at the Command Line, page 225, I understand the code used for tuning the FIS, but i dont know how they come up with tunedfismpgprediction.mat . below is the sample code:
[data,name] = loadGasData;
X = data(:,1:6);
Y = data(:,7);
trnX = X(1:2:end,:); % Training input data set
trnY = Y(1:2:end,:); % Training output data set
vldX = X(2:2:end,:); % Validation input data set
vldY = Y(2:2:end,:); % Validation output data set
dataRange = [min(data)’ max(data)’];
fisin = mamfis;
for i = 1:6
fisin = addInput(fisin,dataRange(i,:),’Name’,name(i),’NumMFs’,2);
fisin = addOutput(fisin,dataRange(7,:),’Name’,name(7),’NumMFs’,64);
options = tunefisOptions(‘Method’,’particleswarm’,…
‘OptimizationType’,’learning’, …
options.MethodOptions.MaxIterations = 20;
runtunefis = false;
%% This is the stage where am confused, I dont know how they get tunedfismpgprediction.mat
if runtunefis
fisout1 = tunefis(fisin,[],trnX,trnY,options); %#ok
tunedfis = load(‘tunedfismpgprediction.mat’);
fisout1 = tunedfis.fisout1;
fprintf(‘Training RMSE = %.3f MPGn’,calculateRMSE(fisout1,trnX,trnY));
plotfis(fisout1) In the example contained in the Fuzzy logic user guide documentation by mathworks, Tune Fuzzy Inference System at the Command Line, page 225, I understand the code used for tuning the FIS, but i dont know how they come up with tunedfismpgprediction.mat . below is the sample code:
[data,name] = loadGasData;
X = data(:,1:6);
Y = data(:,7);
trnX = X(1:2:end,:); % Training input data set
trnY = Y(1:2:end,:); % Training output data set
vldX = X(2:2:end,:); % Validation input data set
vldY = Y(2:2:end,:); % Validation output data set
dataRange = [min(data)’ max(data)’];
fisin = mamfis;
for i = 1:6
fisin = addInput(fisin,dataRange(i,:),’Name’,name(i),’NumMFs’,2);
fisin = addOutput(fisin,dataRange(7,:),’Name’,name(7),’NumMFs’,64);
options = tunefisOptions(‘Method’,’particleswarm’,…
‘OptimizationType’,’learning’, …
options.MethodOptions.MaxIterations = 20;
runtunefis = false;
%% This is the stage where am confused, I dont know how they get tunedfismpgprediction.mat
if runtunefis
fisout1 = tunefis(fisin,[],trnX,trnY,options); %#ok
tunedfis = load(‘tunedfismpgprediction.mat’);
fisout1 = tunedfis.fisout1;
fprintf(‘Training RMSE = %.3f MPGn’,calculateRMSE(fisout1,trnX,trnY));
plotfis(fisout1) tunefis, fis, fuzzy inference system MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Midpoint integration with for loop
Computing a numerical integration with the Midpoint Method I’m struggling with the output of my function, while with Euler I got the expected result, with this method I’m getting a different graphical solution far away than the analytical solution (and the euler’s one). What could be wrongly specified?
Thanks for your help.
% Midpoint method
% General information
L = 0.61; % [m]
G = 9.81; % gamma [m/s^2]
% Sampling interval
h = 0.1;
%h = 0.05;
%h = 0.01;
ti = 0; % Initial time
tf = 4; % Final time
t = ti:h:tf; % Time vector
function [md] = midpoint(t,L,G,h)
% Initial Value problem
md = zeros(2, length(t));
md(1,1) = pi/40;
for i = 1:length(t)-1
pmd = md(2,i) + (h/2) + (-G/L)*sin(md(1,i)) + (h/2) * [md(2,i); (-G/L)*sin(md(1,i))];
md(:,i+1) = md(:,i) + h * pmd;
Computing a numerical integration with the Midpoint Method I’m struggling with the output of my function, while with Euler I got the expected result, with this method I’m getting a different graphical solution far away than the analytical solution (and the euler’s one). What could be wrongly specified?
Thanks for your help.
% Midpoint method
% General information
L = 0.61; % [m]
G = 9.81; % gamma [m/s^2]
% Sampling interval
h = 0.1;
%h = 0.05;
%h = 0.01;
ti = 0; % Initial time
tf = 4; % Final time
t = ti:h:tf; % Time vector
function [md] = midpoint(t,L,G,h)
% Initial Value problem
md = zeros(2, length(t));
md(1,1) = pi/40;
for i = 1:length(t)-1
pmd = md(2,i) + (h/2) + (-G/L)*sin(md(1,i)) + (h/2) * [md(2,i); (-G/L)*sin(md(1,i))];
md(:,i+1) = md(:,i) + h * pmd;
end Hi,
Computing a numerical integration with the Midpoint Method I’m struggling with the output of my function, while with Euler I got the expected result, with this method I’m getting a different graphical solution far away than the analytical solution (and the euler’s one). What could be wrongly specified?
Thanks for your help.
% Midpoint method
% General information
L = 0.61; % [m]
G = 9.81; % gamma [m/s^2]
% Sampling interval
h = 0.1;
%h = 0.05;
%h = 0.01;
ti = 0; % Initial time
tf = 4; % Final time
t = ti:h:tf; % Time vector
function [md] = midpoint(t,L,G,h)
% Initial Value problem
md = zeros(2, length(t));
md(1,1) = pi/40;
for i = 1:length(t)-1
pmd = md(2,i) + (h/2) + (-G/L)*sin(md(1,i)) + (h/2) * [md(2,i); (-G/L)*sin(md(1,i))];
md(:,i+1) = md(:,i) + h * pmd;
end midpoint, numerical integration, for loop, function, indexing, iteration MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to get Simulink HDL Coder RAM with non power of 2 depth.
Simulink RAMs ask the user for the address bits instead of the data depth, and then generate HDL using a power-of-2 depth. This may result in extra, unused RAMs to be inferred by a synthesis tool. For example if your RAM could be implemented in 3 chained Block RAMs of depth 2^10 for a total depth of 3*2^10 but due to the Simulink RAM specifying a depth of 2^12 (based on needing 12 address bits) the tool will use 4 Block RAMs instead of the minimum 3.
Is it possible to get Simulink to generate RAM HDL with a specified depth? The output code would look something like below:
module SimpleDualPortRAM_generic
parameter integer DataWidth = 9;
parameter integer DataDepth = 12288;
localparam AddrWidth = $clog2(DataDepth);
input clk;
input [DataWidth – 1:0] wr_din; // parameterized width
input [AddrWidth – 1:0] wr_addr; // parameterized width
input wr_en; // ufix1
input [AddrWidth – 1:0] rd_addr; // parameterized width
output [DataWidth – 1:0] dout; // parameterized width
reg [DataWidth – 1:0] ram [DataDepth – 1:0];
reg [DataWidth – 1:0] data_int;
always @(posedge clk)
begin : SimpleDualPortRAM_generic_process
if (wr_en == 1’b1) begin
ram[wr_addr] <= wr_din;
data_int <= ram[rd_addr];
assign dout = data_int;
endmodule // SimpleDualPortRAM_genericSimulink RAMs ask the user for the address bits instead of the data depth, and then generate HDL using a power-of-2 depth. This may result in extra, unused RAMs to be inferred by a synthesis tool. For example if your RAM could be implemented in 3 chained Block RAMs of depth 2^10 for a total depth of 3*2^10 but due to the Simulink RAM specifying a depth of 2^12 (based on needing 12 address bits) the tool will use 4 Block RAMs instead of the minimum 3.
Is it possible to get Simulink to generate RAM HDL with a specified depth? The output code would look something like below:
module SimpleDualPortRAM_generic
parameter integer DataWidth = 9;
parameter integer DataDepth = 12288;
localparam AddrWidth = $clog2(DataDepth);
input clk;
input [DataWidth – 1:0] wr_din; // parameterized width
input [AddrWidth – 1:0] wr_addr; // parameterized width
input wr_en; // ufix1
input [AddrWidth – 1:0] rd_addr; // parameterized width
output [DataWidth – 1:0] dout; // parameterized width
reg [DataWidth – 1:0] ram [DataDepth – 1:0];
reg [DataWidth – 1:0] data_int;
always @(posedge clk)
begin : SimpleDualPortRAM_generic_process
if (wr_en == 1’b1) begin
ram[wr_addr] <= wr_din;
data_int <= ram[rd_addr];
assign dout = data_int;
endmodule // SimpleDualPortRAM_generic Simulink RAMs ask the user for the address bits instead of the data depth, and then generate HDL using a power-of-2 depth. This may result in extra, unused RAMs to be inferred by a synthesis tool. For example if your RAM could be implemented in 3 chained Block RAMs of depth 2^10 for a total depth of 3*2^10 but due to the Simulink RAM specifying a depth of 2^12 (based on needing 12 address bits) the tool will use 4 Block RAMs instead of the minimum 3.
Is it possible to get Simulink to generate RAM HDL with a specified depth? The output code would look something like below:
module SimpleDualPortRAM_generic
parameter integer DataWidth = 9;
parameter integer DataDepth = 12288;
localparam AddrWidth = $clog2(DataDepth);
input clk;
input [DataWidth – 1:0] wr_din; // parameterized width
input [AddrWidth – 1:0] wr_addr; // parameterized width
input wr_en; // ufix1
input [AddrWidth – 1:0] rd_addr; // parameterized width
output [DataWidth – 1:0] dout; // parameterized width
reg [DataWidth – 1:0] ram [DataDepth – 1:0];
reg [DataWidth – 1:0] data_int;
always @(posedge clk)
begin : SimpleDualPortRAM_generic_process
if (wr_en == 1’b1) begin
ram[wr_addr] <= wr_din;
data_int <= ram[rd_addr];
assign dout = data_int;
endmodule // SimpleDualPortRAM_generic simulink ram, ram depth, ram, dual port ram MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How is the Shape factor for laminar flow viscous friction calculated in Regenerator pipe (G) in Stirling Simscape model.
In the model’s parameter script it has various properties for the regenerator including reynold’s number. i know how reynold’s number is caluclated but i cant understand how the assumingly conductive shape factor is calculated and why is it put into Shape factor for laminar flow viscous friction tab in pipe block
regenerator.geometry.length = geometry.displacer_piston.length – 2*crank_wheel.slidercrank_disp.crank_radius;
regenerator.geometry.area = A;
regenerator.geometry.hydraulic_diam = 4*A/P;
regenerator.fric_therm.length_add = 0.01*regenerator.geometry.length;
regenerator.fric_therm.roughness = 15e-6; %[m]
regenerator.fric_therm.Re_lam = 2000;
regenerator.fric_therm.Re_tur = 4000;
regenerator.fric_therm.shape_factor = 64;
regenerator.fric_therm.Nu_lam = 3.66;In the model’s parameter script it has various properties for the regenerator including reynold’s number. i know how reynold’s number is caluclated but i cant understand how the assumingly conductive shape factor is calculated and why is it put into Shape factor for laminar flow viscous friction tab in pipe block
regenerator.geometry.length = geometry.displacer_piston.length – 2*crank_wheel.slidercrank_disp.crank_radius;
regenerator.geometry.area = A;
regenerator.geometry.hydraulic_diam = 4*A/P;
regenerator.fric_therm.length_add = 0.01*regenerator.geometry.length;
regenerator.fric_therm.roughness = 15e-6; %[m]
regenerator.fric_therm.Re_lam = 2000;
regenerator.fric_therm.Re_tur = 4000;
regenerator.fric_therm.shape_factor = 64;
regenerator.fric_therm.Nu_lam = 3.66; In the model’s parameter script it has various properties for the regenerator including reynold’s number. i know how reynold’s number is caluclated but i cant understand how the assumingly conductive shape factor is calculated and why is it put into Shape factor for laminar flow viscous friction tab in pipe block
regenerator.geometry.length = geometry.displacer_piston.length – 2*crank_wheel.slidercrank_disp.crank_radius;
regenerator.geometry.area = A;
regenerator.geometry.hydraulic_diam = 4*A/P;
regenerator.fric_therm.length_add = 0.01*regenerator.geometry.length;
regenerator.fric_therm.roughness = 15e-6; %[m]
regenerator.fric_therm.Re_lam = 2000;
regenerator.fric_therm.Re_tur = 4000;
regenerator.fric_therm.shape_factor = 64;
regenerator.fric_therm.Nu_lam = 3.66; simscape MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Looking to confirm effects of “Sign out inactive users” setting in Sharepoint admin center
Hi. I’m a MS global admin for my company (and quite new to it). Our security center is recommending enabling “Idle session sign-out” in the Sharepoint admin center (setting here, documentation here)
The documentation says the article is for “admins wanting to control user access to SharePoint and OneDrive (business) data on unmanaged devices”. What about Windows devices that are managed in Intune, does it not affect them? (we only allow Intune-managed company-purchased computers to access 365 resources)
Before I enable it, I want to confirm this setting only applies to the web-app/browser versions Sharepoint and OneDrive, that it doesn’t cause the desktop version of OneDrive to sign out. Also, if someone is using the browser version of OneDrive and it does sign out, will it affect other people accessing shared files in said OneDrive?
Hi. I’m a MS global admin for my company (and quite new to it). Our security center is recommending enabling “Idle session sign-out” in the Sharepoint admin center (setting here, documentation here) The documentation says the article is for “admins wanting to control user access to SharePoint and OneDrive (business) data on unmanaged devices”. What about Windows devices that are managed in Intune, does it not affect them? (we only allow Intune-managed company-purchased computers to access 365 resources) Before I enable it, I want to confirm this setting only applies to the web-app/browser versions Sharepoint and OneDrive, that it doesn’t cause the desktop version of OneDrive to sign out. Also, if someone is using the browser version of OneDrive and it does sign out, will it affect other people accessing shared files in said OneDrive? Read More
Bluetooth supposedly connected my “Beats Audio” ear bugs/my Bose AE 2 headphones! NOT = ! = WTH
Bluetooth supposedly connected my “Beats Audio” ear bugs/my “Bose AE-2 Soundlink” headphones! NOT happening, I have to connect via System–>Bluetooth, it may take more than two (2), I say again, 2 attempts.
Unsatisfactory, link to laptop should have occurred w/o my having to do it, via the System menu!
I have had both of my Bluetooth ‘items’ connect before (devices are found & listed), now I don’t trust the system to connect… Is this the 21st century, or what the $#@* is the matter?!!
Whose testing this ‘SNAP’?!!
Bluetooth supposedly connected my “Beats Audio” ear bugs/my “Bose AE-2 Soundlink” headphones! NOT happening, I have to connect via System–>Bluetooth, it may take more than two (2), I say again, 2 attempts. Unsatisfactory, link to laptop should have occurred w/o my having to do it, via the System menu!I have had both of my Bluetooth ‘items’ connect before (devices are found & listed), now I don’t trust the system to connect… Is this the 21st century, or what the $#@* is the matter?!! Whose testing this ‘SNAP’?!! Read More
Inventory Management in Sharepoint
Hi there,
I have an inventory list for our first aid kit in SharePoint lists.
The list keeps track of:
– the items we have
– how many we have
– when to reorder them
– when they expire
– when they were last checked
– who checked them.
I am wanting to create a form or list for the incident reports which will include the incident that happened and what they used. I want to somehow CONNECT these so that we can see the history of these items.
For example:
For plasters we can see :
Joe used x2 plasters on 12/12/2012
Anne used x1 plaster on. 01/01/2013
I’m not sure how to go about this? Any ideas?
Hi there,I have an inventory list for our first aid kit in SharePoint lists.The list keeps track of:- the items we have- how many we have- when to reorder them- when they expire- when they were last checked- who checked them. I am wanting to create a form or list for the incident reports which will include the incident that happened and what they used. I want to somehow CONNECT these so that we can see the history of these items.For example:For plasters we can see :Joe used x2 plasters on 12/12/2012Anne used x1 plaster on. 01/01/2013Etc. I’m not sure how to go about this? Any ideas?Thanks Read More
Microsoft Teams Calling blocked “We couldn’t complete the call. Please contact your admin”
On a relatively new (3 weeks old) tenant, set up cleanly, with paid subscriptions and proper, correct licensing for Teams Calling, PSTN calling has been working fine since implementation.
But last night I received multiple emails stating “Skype for Business all users blocked for PSTN calling – We have detected what may be fraudulent calling activity for one or more of your Skype for Business users. In order to prevent financial risk to you and your business we have disabled calling and/or conferencing services for all users:”
I got an email for each user, AND an email stating that ALL users were blocked.
This is a brand new tenant in Teams-only mode, SkypeForBusiness doesn’t even show up in the tenant. There is no “Reports->Skype for Business->ANYTHING” option in the M365 Admin Center.
Entra Admin Center shows no logins or unknown activity for any of the users (all of which are protected with 2FA and authenticators). The Teams Admin Center Usage Report shows only two calls made in the past 24 hours – both were test calls from me to my cell testing out call forwarding. The Teams Admin Center Blocked Users Report is broken and crashing.
I tried to test with the self-help diagnostics. Interestingly, the diagnostic fails saying there is no number assigned to the user…
Except that there is. In the assigned numbers screen, everything shows up properly and correctly.
The emails state: “If you determine the call(s) were not fraudulent, please: Contact Microsoft Support. A customer support agent will assist you in unblocking the user’s calling and/or conferencing capabilities.”
The problem is that the support engineers I’m getting are on the other side of the planet, with an accent very different than mine. They can barely understand me and I can barely hear them. Worse: they kept attempting to debug using Get-CsUser – which is a fully-deprecated and no-longer-working cmdlet, and then basically gave up, saying they would “escalate it to their back office.” They have no idea what is happening or why or how to fix it.
I’ve had no updates since.
Does anyone know why this happened or how to fix it? No fraudulent logins, no compromised accounts, no strange calls, no nothing… and yet the entire tenant is blocked? I’ve gone through most of the PowerShell cmdlets I can think of, compared them against a working tenant, and they’re all identical – yet both incoming and outgoing PSTN calling remains blocked.
Can anyone help me either fix this, or teach me how to get past the very difficult-to-work-with front-line support at Microsoft to someone who knows how to unblock this?
My users are already looking at Google Voice… ugh…
On a relatively new (3 weeks old) tenant, set up cleanly, with paid subscriptions and proper, correct licensing for Teams Calling, PSTN calling has been working fine since implementation. But last night I received multiple emails stating “Skype for Business all users blocked for PSTN calling – We have detected what may be fraudulent calling activity for one or more of your Skype for Business users. In order to prevent financial risk to you and your business we have disabled calling and/or conferencing services for all users:” I got an email for each user, AND an email stating that ALL users were blocked. This is a brand new tenant in Teams-only mode, SkypeForBusiness doesn’t even show up in the tenant. There is no “Reports->Skype for Business->ANYTHING” option in the M365 Admin Center. Entra Admin Center shows no logins or unknown activity for any of the users (all of which are protected with 2FA and authenticators). The Teams Admin Center Usage Report shows only two calls made in the past 24 hours – both were test calls from me to my cell testing out call forwarding. The Teams Admin Center Blocked Users Report is broken and crashing. I tried to test with the self-help diagnostics. Interestingly, the diagnostic fails saying there is no number assigned to the user… Except that there is. In the assigned numbers screen, everything shows up properly and correctly. The emails state: “If you determine the call(s) were not fraudulent, please: Contact Microsoft Support. A customer support agent will assist you in unblocking the user’s calling and/or conferencing capabilities.” The problem is that the support engineers I’m getting are on the other side of the planet, with an accent very different than mine. They can barely understand me and I can barely hear them. Worse: they kept attempting to debug using Get-CsUser – which is a fully-deprecated and no-longer-working cmdlet, and then basically gave up, saying they would “escalate it to their back office.” They have no idea what is happening or why or how to fix it. I’ve had no updates since. Does anyone know why this happened or how to fix it? No fraudulent logins, no compromised accounts, no strange calls, no nothing… and yet the entire tenant is blocked? I’ve gone through most of the PowerShell cmdlets I can think of, compared them against a working tenant, and they’re all identical – yet both incoming and outgoing PSTN calling remains blocked. Can anyone help me either fix this, or teach me how to get past the very difficult-to-work-with front-line support at Microsoft to someone who knows how to unblock this? My users are already looking at Google Voice… ugh… Read More
“Go to connections” in appearing in SharePoint Online Home Site
Recently, I have observed in some tenant “Go to connections” button is appearing in SharePoint Online Home communication site. Is it possible to disable this option from SharePoint end ?
Also, is there any documentation around this when Microsoft released this feature and what is this ?
Thank you in advance for your response on this topic.
Hi, Recently, I have observed in some tenant “Go to connections” button is appearing in SharePoint Online Home communication site. Is it possible to disable this option from SharePoint end ? Also, is there any documentation around this when Microsoft released this feature and what is this ? Thank you in advance for your response on this topic. Regards,Pratik Read More
What are some effective methods and tools available for recovering corrupted or lost PST files?
You can recover your data with Softaken Outlook PST Repair Software. Recover your PST file with this simple tool. This powerful tool is designed to restore your damaged or corrupted PST file quickly and efficiently. Users can recover mailboxes, calendars, contacts, messages, attachments, tasks, and much more from Outlook PST files with these features. Its scanning technology ensures complete data recovery without any loss. Perfect for both personal and business purposes, this software is a great solution for PST file recovery.
You can recover your data with Softaken Outlook PST Repair Software. Recover your PST file with this simple tool. This powerful tool is designed to restore your damaged or corrupted PST file quickly and efficiently. Users can recover mailboxes, calendars, contacts, messages, attachments, tasks, and much more from Outlook PST files with these features. Its scanning technology ensures complete data recovery without any loss. Perfect for both personal and business purposes, this software is a great solution for PST file recovery. Read More
Format X-Axis label colors in Excel charts
Dear Experts,
May be a trivial case, but how would you change the X-axis label colors/Font?
If they are numbers we can play around, but if they are Text , I couldn’t see such option.
For example, in below chart, I want to color the “BWP_CHNG_FAIL” and “PARSING_NOT_ENABLED” as Bold-RED, while “NO_ERROR” as Bold Green, how would I achieve that?
In Format Axis, not much option , I can see for that to color based on different criteria?
Attaching the Sample file,
Thanks in Advance,
Dear Experts, May be a trivial case, but how would you change the X-axis label colors/Font?If they are numbers we can play around, but if they are Text , I couldn’t see such option.For example, in below chart, I want to color the “BWP_CHNG_FAIL” and “PARSING_NOT_ENABLED” as Bold-RED, while “NO_ERROR” as Bold Green, how would I achieve that?In Format Axis, not much option , I can see for that to color based on different criteria?Attaching the Sample file,Thanks in Advance,Br,Anupam Read More
Text wrapping in a table
The text has stopped wrapping at the end of the line. It was okay but I must have done something to mess it up. It’s as if it’s hidden under the next column. Help!
The text has stopped wrapping at the end of the line. It was okay but I must have done something to mess it up. It’s as if it’s hidden under the next column. Help! Read More
How can I fix a payroll error in QuickBooks Desktop?
I’m encountering a payroll error in QuickBooks Desktop that’s causing issues with processing payroll. Can you provide guidance on how to troubleshoot and resolve this problem efficiently?
I’m encountering a payroll error in QuickBooks Desktop that’s causing issues with processing payroll. Can you provide guidance on how to troubleshoot and resolve this problem efficiently? Read More
Can I use Matlab 2024a license with 2022b client software version
I am going to update my license for 2024a and my license has that version listed. I want to update the license but keep the client software at 2022b for now. I will update the client software at a later date and need the backwards compatibility temporily. Is it possible to update my license to 2024a but keep the 2022b client software? Thank you.I am going to update my license for 2024a and my license has that version listed. I want to update the license but keep the client software at 2022b for now. I will update the client software at a later date and need the backwards compatibility temporily. Is it possible to update my license to 2024a but keep the 2022b client software? Thank you. I am going to update my license for 2024a and my license has that version listed. I want to update the license but keep the client software at 2022b for now. I will update the client software at a later date and need the backwards compatibility temporily. Is it possible to update my license to 2024a but keep the 2022b client software? Thank you. license, 2024a, 2022b MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to do differentiation in Matlab
THT = 0:12:360;
L_spm = [67.14387343 67.08087868 71.27139857 77.8011002 83.48598354 86.53313448 86.96218524 86.54264509 86.55222711 86.96002063 86.43128473 83.48041917 77.77271123 71.24225453 67.07111986 67.25745156 67.08157624 71.23009025 77.76475253 83.46615144 86.42639244 86.96777069 86.54247287 86.56340306 86.9412182 86.52945688 83.49766473 77.78259172 71.25635182 67.06788196 67.14602485];
How to differentiate L_spm with respect to THT? Thanks.clc;
THT = 0:12:360;
L_spm = [67.14387343 67.08087868 71.27139857 77.8011002 83.48598354 86.53313448 86.96218524 86.54264509 86.55222711 86.96002063 86.43128473 83.48041917 77.77271123 71.24225453 67.07111986 67.25745156 67.08157624 71.23009025 77.76475253 83.46615144 86.42639244 86.96777069 86.54247287 86.56340306 86.9412182 86.52945688 83.49766473 77.78259172 71.25635182 67.06788196 67.14602485];
How to differentiate L_spm with respect to THT? Thanks. clc;
THT = 0:12:360;
L_spm = [67.14387343 67.08087868 71.27139857 77.8011002 83.48598354 86.53313448 86.96218524 86.54264509 86.55222711 86.96002063 86.43128473 83.48041917 77.77271123 71.24225453 67.07111986 67.25745156 67.08157624 71.23009025 77.76475253 83.46615144 86.42639244 86.96777069 86.54247287 86.56340306 86.9412182 86.52945688 83.49766473 77.78259172 71.25635182 67.06788196 67.14602485];
How to differentiate L_spm with respect to THT? Thanks. differentiation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
What are your top blockers with customers?
In this age of just trying to keep up with the rapid pace of innovations, the smallest stumbling blocks can make a mountain out of a mole hill. What are your top blockers with your customers? Licensing? Regulations? Inadequate funds? Time constraints? Not enough resources? Lack of training?
Tell us your top blockers and more importantly how you have overcome them. Share your successes and share what didn’t work. We all learn from our failures and it leads to a path of success.
In this age of just trying to keep up with the rapid pace of innovations, the smallest stumbling blocks can make a mountain out of a mole hill. What are your top blockers with your customers? Licensing? Regulations? Inadequate funds? Time constraints? Not enough resources? Lack of training? Tell us your top blockers and more importantly how you have overcome them. Share your successes and share what didn’t work. We all learn from our failures and it leads to a path of success. Read More
What’s New in Excel (May 2024)
Welcome to the May 2024 update. This month, filtering for comments is rolling out to Excel for the web, and the new regular expression (REGEX) functions are rolling out to Insider Beta for Excel for Windows & Mac.
Excel for Web:
Filtering for Comments #FIA
Excel for Windows & Mac:
New Regular Expression (REGEX) Functions (Insiders)
Excel for Web
Filtering for Comments
You can now filter comments that are active, resolved, or ones that @mention you so that you can find the comments you’re looking for. Filtering to a certain set of comments will update which comment indicators you see on the worksheet so you can focus on which comments are important with the context of your work. This feature is already supported on Mac and is currently rolling out to Web users.
Excel for Windows & Mac
New Regular Expression (REGEX) Functions (Insiders)
Regular expressions, or “regex,” are sequences of characters that define search patterns, commonly used for string searching and text parsing. They are incredibly versatile and are often used to check if a string contains a certain pattern, extract substrings that match the pattern, or replace substrings that match the pattern.
The new regex functions we are introducing are:
REGEXTEST: Checks if any part of supplied text matches a regex pattern.
REGEXEXTRACT: Extracts one or more parts of supplied text that match a regex pattern.
REGEXREPLACE: Searches for a regex pattern within supplied text and replaces it with different text.
We’re excited that these new functions can help you parse text more easily. Read more here >
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Your feedback helps shape the future of Excel. Please let us know how you like a particular feature and what we can improve upon—“Give a compliment” or “Make a suggestion”.. You can also submit new ideas or vote for other ideas via Microsoft Feedback.
Subscribe to our Excel Blog and the Insiders Blog to get the latest updates. Stay connected with us and other Excel fans around the world – join our Excel Community and follow us on X, formerly Twitter.
Special thanks to our Excel MVPs David Benaim, Bill Jelen, and Alan Murray for their contribution to this month’s What’s New in Excel article. David publishes weekly YouTube videos and regular LinkedIn posts about the latest innovations in Excel and more. Bill is the founder and host of and the author of several books about Excel. Alan is an Excel trainer, author and speaker, best known for his blog and YouTube channel with the same name.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
How to customise Polar Plots – Part 2
Following on from a question I had a year ago (How to customise Polar Plots – MATLAB Answers – MATLAB Central (, I am in need of shifting the location of the chart/axis titles. My polar plot has a range of 180^o: from-90 to 90 with 0 at the middle bottom, but because I’ve had to increase the axis fontweight to bold, the Raxis values and label overlap with the chart title. When I try to relocate the chart title horizontally to the left, it is going off the screen. Can someone advise, I’ve included the relevant code below:
polarplot(th2-pi/2,Rs); Ax = gca; Ax.ThetaZeroLocation = ‘bottom’; Ax.ThetaLim = [270 360+90];
Ax.LineWidth = 2; Ax.FontSize = 16; Ax.FontWeight = ‘bold’; Ax.RLim = [0 1e-7]; Ax.ThetaTick = Ax.ThetaLim(1):10:Ax.ThetaLim(2);
Ax.RTick = Ax.RLim(1):1e-8:Ax.RLim(2); Ax.ThetaTickLabel = compose(‘%d’,-90:10:90);
title(‘I want this chart title to be wholly visible in the top-left hand corner of the screen’,’FontSize’,20,’FontWeight’,’bold’);Following on from a question I had a year ago (How to customise Polar Plots – MATLAB Answers – MATLAB Central (, I am in need of shifting the location of the chart/axis titles. My polar plot has a range of 180^o: from-90 to 90 with 0 at the middle bottom, but because I’ve had to increase the axis fontweight to bold, the Raxis values and label overlap with the chart title. When I try to relocate the chart title horizontally to the left, it is going off the screen. Can someone advise, I’ve included the relevant code below:
polarplot(th2-pi/2,Rs); Ax = gca; Ax.ThetaZeroLocation = ‘bottom’; Ax.ThetaLim = [270 360+90];
Ax.LineWidth = 2; Ax.FontSize = 16; Ax.FontWeight = ‘bold’; Ax.RLim = [0 1e-7]; Ax.ThetaTick = Ax.ThetaLim(1):10:Ax.ThetaLim(2);
Ax.RTick = Ax.RLim(1):1e-8:Ax.RLim(2); Ax.ThetaTickLabel = compose(‘%d’,-90:10:90);
title(‘I want this chart title to be wholly visible in the top-left hand corner of the screen’,’FontSize’,20,’FontWeight’,’bold’); Following on from a question I had a year ago (How to customise Polar Plots – MATLAB Answers – MATLAB Central (, I am in need of shifting the location of the chart/axis titles. My polar plot has a range of 180^o: from-90 to 90 with 0 at the middle bottom, but because I’ve had to increase the axis fontweight to bold, the Raxis values and label overlap with the chart title. When I try to relocate the chart title horizontally to the left, it is going off the screen. Can someone advise, I’ve included the relevant code below:
polarplot(th2-pi/2,Rs); Ax = gca; Ax.ThetaZeroLocation = ‘bottom’; Ax.ThetaLim = [270 360+90];
Ax.LineWidth = 2; Ax.FontSize = 16; Ax.FontWeight = ‘bold’; Ax.RLim = [0 1e-7]; Ax.ThetaTick = Ax.ThetaLim(1):10:Ax.ThetaLim(2);
Ax.RTick = Ax.RLim(1):1e-8:Ax.RLim(2); Ax.ThetaTickLabel = compose(‘%d’,-90:10:90);
title(‘I want this chart title to be wholly visible in the top-left hand corner of the screen’,’FontSize’,20,’FontWeight’,’bold’); polarplot, axis, title MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to connect MATLAB with EES(engineering equation solver) using MATLAB code?
I have wrote some MATLAB code, using some parameters from genetic algorithm input to EES for calculating thermodynamic properties. Then I get the calculated result and output from EES to matlab. But I met some problems, here is the connecting matlab code below:
Because I have bought the academic version EES software, I input the parameters into EES by writing parameter value in dat file, and EES got the data from dat file. However, the calculating process stopped in the EES interface, no command have executed after that. If the program runs successfully, EES should return calculating results to MATLAB within seconds.
I have no idea what wrong with it, can anyone help me? I can’t thank you enough.I have wrote some MATLAB code, using some parameters from genetic algorithm input to EES for calculating thermodynamic properties. Then I get the calculated result and output from EES to matlab. But I met some problems, here is the connecting matlab code below:
Because I have bought the academic version EES software, I input the parameters into EES by writing parameter value in dat file, and EES got the data from dat file. However, the calculating process stopped in the EES interface, no command have executed after that. If the program runs successfully, EES should return calculating results to MATLAB within seconds.
I have no idea what wrong with it, can anyone help me? I can’t thank you enough. I have wrote some MATLAB code, using some parameters from genetic algorithm input to EES for calculating thermodynamic properties. Then I get the calculated result and output from EES to matlab. But I met some problems, here is the connecting matlab code below:
Because I have bought the academic version EES software, I input the parameters into EES by writing parameter value in dat file, and EES got the data from dat file. However, the calculating process stopped in the EES interface, no command have executed after that. If the program runs successfully, EES should return calculating results to MATLAB within seconds.
I have no idea what wrong with it, can anyone help me? I can’t thank you enough. engineering equation solver, ees, interaction MATLAB Answers — New Questions