Month: June 2024
Can MATLAB Parallel Server be used in a mixed Operating System configuration?
I have a number of computers running different Operating Systems that I would like to utilize with my MATLAB Parallel Server license. Can I use a mix of Operating Systems in my configuration?I have a number of computers running different Operating Systems that I would like to utilize with my MATLAB Parallel Server license. Can I use a mix of Operating Systems in my configuration? I have a number of computers running different Operating Systems that I would like to utilize with my MATLAB Parallel Server license. Can I use a mix of Operating Systems in my configuration? MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Simulink-Pixhawk Generating ELF failed for command source
Windows 10
Pixhawk 4
PX4 v1.14.0
I am following the tutorial Getting Started with uORB Blocks for PX4 Autopilots Support Package. I get stuct at Step 14 (Monitor & Tune). The error messages are as follows
Error:Generating ELF failed for command source /mnt/c/ProgramData/MATLAB/SupportPackages/R2024a/toolbox/target/supportpackages/px4/lib/scripts/ /home/xing/PX4-Autopilot/build/px4_fmu-v5_default/generateElf.txt with error ‘\wsl.localhostubuntuhomexingPX4-Autopilotbuildpx4_fmu-v5_default’ CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory. UNC paths are not supported. Defaulting to Windows directory. /opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++ -mcpu=cortex-m7 -mthumb -mfpu=fpv5-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Os -DNDEBUG –specs=nosys.specs -nostartfiles -nodefaultlibs -nostdlib -nostdinc++ -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -Wl,–script=/home/xing/PX4-Autopilot/boards/px4/fmu-v5/nuttx-config/scripts/script.ld -Wl, -Wl,–warn-common -Wl,–gc-sections -Wl,–start-group NuttX/nuttx/boards/libboards.a NuttX/nuttx/drivers/libdrivers.a NuttX/nuttx/fs/libfs.a NuttX/nuttx/sched/libsched.a NuttX/nuttx/crypto/libcrypto.a NuttX/nuttx/binfmt/libbinfmt.a NuttX/nuttx/libs/libxx/libxx.a NuttX/apps/libapps.a NuttX/nuttx/arch/arm/src/libarch.a NuttX/nuttx/mm/libmm.a NuttX/nuttx/libs/libc/libc.a -Wl,–end-group -lm -lgcc -Wl,–print-memory-usage src/drivers/adc/ads1115/libdrivers__ads1115.a src/drivers/adc/board_adc/libdrivers__board_adc.a src/drivers/barometer/bmp280/libdrivers__barometer__bmp280.a src/drivers/barometer/bmp388/libdrivers__barometer__bmp388.a src/drivers/barometer/dps310/libdrivers__barometer__dps310.a src/drivers/barometer/goertek/spl06/libdrivers__barometer__spl06.a src/drivers/barometer/invensense/icp101xx/libdrivers__invensense__icp101xx.a src/drivers/barometer/invensense/icp201xx/libdrivers__invensense__icp201xx.a src/drivers/barometer/lps22hb/libdrivers__barometer__lps22hb.a src/drivers/barometer/lps33hw/libdrivers__barometer__lps33hw.a src/drivers/barometer/maiertek/mpc2520/libdrivers__maiertek__mpc2520.a src/drivers/barometer/ms5611/libdrivers__barometer__ms5611.a src/drivers/batt_smbus/libdrivers__batt_smbus.a src/drivers/camera_capture/libdrivers__camera_capture.a src/drivers/camera_trigger/libdrivers__camera_trigger.a src/drivers/differential_pressure/ms4525do/libdrivers__differential_pressure__ms4525do.a src/drivers/differential_pressure/ms5525dso/libdrivers__differential_pressure__ms5525dso.a src/drivers/differential_pressure/sdp3x/libdrivers__differential_pressure__sdp3x.a src/drivers/distance_sensor/cm8jl65/libdrivers__cm8jl65.a src/drivers/distance_sensor/gy_us42/libdrivers__distance_sensor__gy_us42.a src/drivers/distance_sensor/leddar_one/libdrivers__distance_sensor__leddar_one.a src/drivers/distance_sensor/lightware_laser_i2c/libdrivers__distance_sensor__lightware_laser_i2c.a src/drivers/distance_sensor/lightware_laser_serial/libdrivers__distance_sensor__lightware_laser_serial.a src/drivers/distance_sensor/ll40ls/libdrivers__ll40ls.a src/drivers/distance_sensor/ll40ls_pwm/libdrivers__ll40ls_pwm.a src/drivers/distance_sensor/mappydot/libdrivers__mappydot.a src/drivers/distance_sensor/mb12xx/libdrivers__mb12xx.a src/drivers/distance_sensor/pga460/libdrivers__pga460.a src/drivers/distance_sensor/srf02/libdrivers__distance_sensor__srf02.a src/drivers/distance_sensor/teraranger/libdrivers__distance_sensor__teraranger.a src/drivers/distance_sensor/tf02pro/libdrivers__distance_sensor__tf02pro.a src/drivers/distance_sensor/tfmini/libdrivers__tfmini.a src/drivers/distance_sensor/ulanding_radar/libdrivers__distance_sensor__ulanding_radar.a src/drivers/distance_sensor/vl53l0x/libdrivers__distance_sensor__vl53l0x.a src/drivers/distance_sensor/vl53l1x/libdrivers__distance_sensor__vl53l1x.a src/drivers/dshot/libdrivers__dshot.a src/drivers/gps/libdrivers__gps.a src/drivers/heater/libdrivers__heater.a src/drivers/hygrometer/sht3x/libdrivers__hygrometer__sht3x.a src/drivers/imu/analog_devices/adis16448/libdrivers__imu__analog_devices__adis16448.a src/drivers/imu/bosch/bmi055/libdrivers__imu__bosch__bmi055.a src/drivers/imu/invensense/icm20602/libdrivers__imu__invensense__icm20602.a src/drivers/imu/invensense/icm20689/libdrivers__imu__invensense__icm20689.a src/drivers/imu/invensense/icm20948/libdrivers__imu__invensense__icm20948.a src/drivers/imu/invensense/icm20948/libdrivers__imu__invensense__icm20948_i2c_passthrough.a src/drivers/imu/invensense/icm42688p/libdrivers__imu__invensense__icm42688p.a src/drivers/irlock/libdrivers__irlock.a 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src/modules/flight_mode_manager/libmodules__flight_mode_manager.a src/modules/fw_att_control/libmodules__fw_att_control.a src/modules/fw_autotune_attitude_control/libfw_autotune_attitude_control.a src/modules/fw_pos_control/libmodules__fw_pos_control.a src/modules/fw_rate_control/libmodules__fw_rate_control.a src/modules/gimbal/libdrivers__gimbal.a src/modules/gyro_calibration/libmodules__gyro_calibration.a src/modules/land_detector/libmodules__land_detector.a src/modules/landing_target_estimator/libmodules__landing_target_estimator.a src/modules/load_mon/libmodules__load_mon.a src/modules/local_position_estimator/libmodules__local_position_estimator.a src/modules/logger/libmodules__logger.a src/modules/mag_bias_estimator/libmodules__mag_bias_estimator.a src/modules/manual_control/libmodule__manual_control.a src/modules/mavlink/libmodules__mavlink.a src/modules/mc_att_control/libmodules__mc_att_control.a src/modules/mc_autotune_attitude_control/libmc_autotune_attitude_control.a src/modules/mc_hover_thrust_estimator/libmodules__mc_hover_thrust_estimator.a src/modules/mc_pos_control/libmodules__mc_pos_control.a src/modules/mc_rate_control/libmodules__mc_rate_control.a src/modules/navigator/libmodules__navigator.a src/modules/px4_simulink_app/libmodules__px4_simulink_app.a src/modules/rc_update/libmodules__rc_update.a src/modules/rover_pos_control/libmodules__rover_pos_control.a src/modules/sensors/libmodules__sensors.a src/modules/simulation/pwm_out_sim/libmodules__simulation__pwm_out_sim.a src/modules/simulation/sensor_baro_sim/libmodules__simulation__sensor_baro_sim.a src/modules/simulation/sensor_gps_sim/libmodules__simulation__sensor_gps_sim.a src/modules/simulation/sensor_mag_sim/libmodules__simulation__senosr_mag_sim.a src/modules/simulation/simulator_sih/libmodules__simulation__simulator_sih.a src/modules/temperature_compensation/libmodules__temperature_compensation.a src/modules/uuv_att_control/libmodules__uuv_att_control.a 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src/drivers/telemetry/hott/libdrivers__hott.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/tone_alarm/libarch_tone_alarm.a src/lib/drivers/rangefinder/libdrivers_rangefinder.a src/lib/led/libled.a src/lib/button/libbutton_publisher.a src/drivers/uavcan/libuavcan_drivers/libuavcan_stm32_driver.a src/drivers/uavcan/libuavcan/libuavcan/libuavcan.a src/lib/wind_estimator/libwind_estimator.a src/modules/commander/failure_detector/libfailure_detector.a src/modules/commander/Arming/ArmAuthorization/libArmAuthorization.a src/modules/commander/Arming/ArmStateMachine/libArmStateMachine.a src/modules/commander/HealthAndArmingChecks/libhealth_and_arming_checks.a src/modules/commander/ModeUtil/libmode_util.a src/modules/commander/failsafe/libfailsafe.a src/modules/control_allocator/ActuatorEffectiveness/libActuatorEffectiveness.a src/modules/control_allocator/ControlAllocation/libControlAllocation.a src/lib/world_magnetic_model/libworld_magnetic_model.a src/modules/ekf2/Utility/libEKF2Utility.a src/lib/battery/libbattery.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/Descend/libFlightTaskDescend.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/Failsafe/libFlightTaskFailsafe.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/ManualAcceleration/libFlightTaskManualAcceleration.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/ManualPositionSmoothVel/libFlightTaskManualPositionSmoothVel.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/ManualPosition/libFlightTaskManualPosition.a src/lib/collision_prevention/libCollisionPrevention.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/Transition/libFlightTaskTransition.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/AutoFollowTarget/libFlightTaskAutoFollowTarget.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/Auto/libFlightTaskAuto.a src/lib/weather_vane/libWeatherVane.a src/lib/avoidance/libavoidance.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/AutoFollowTarget/follow_target_estimator/libfollow_target_estimator.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/Orbit/libFlightTaskOrbit.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/ManualAltitudeSmoothVel/libFlightTaskManualAltitudeSmoothVel.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/ManualAltitude/libFlightTaskManualAltitude.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/Utility/libFlightTaskUtility.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/FlightTask/libFlightTask.a src/lib/bezier/libbezier.a src/modules/fw_pos_control/launchdetection/liblaunchdetection.a src/lib/npfg/libnpfg.a src/modules/fw_pos_control/runway_takeoff/librunway_takeoff.a src/lib/tecs/libtecs.a src/modules/mc_att_control/AttitudeControl/libAttitudeControl.a src/lib/system_identification/libSystemIdentification.a src/modules/mc_hover_thrust_estimator/libzero_order_hover_thrust_ekf.a src/lib/slew_rate/libSlewRate.a src/lib/controllib/libcontrollib.a src/modules/mc_pos_control/PositionControl/libPositionControl.a src/modules/mc_pos_control/Takeoff/libTakeoff.a src/lib/rate_control/libRateControl.a src/modules/navigator/MissionFeasibility/libmission_feasibility_checker.a src/modules/navigator/libmodules__navigator.a src/modules/navigator/MissionFeasibility/libmission_feasibility_checker.a src/lib/motion_planning/libmotion_planning.a src/lib/adsb/libadsb.a src/modules/navigator/GeofenceBreachAvoidance/libgeofence_breach_avoidance.a src/modules/dataman/libmodules__dataman.a src/lib/hysteresis/libhysteresis.a src/lib/l1/libl1.a src/lib/pid/libpid.a src/lib/airspeed/libairspeed.a src/modules/sensors/vehicle_imu/libvehicle_imu.a src/modules/sensors/vehicle_acceleration/libvehicle_acceleration.a src/modules/sensors/vehicle_air_data/libvehicle_air_data.a src/modules/sensors/vehicle_angular_velocity/libvehicle_angular_velocity.a src/modules/sensors/vehicle_gps_position/libvehicle_gps_position.a src/modules/sensors/vehicle_magnetometer/libvehicle_magnetometer.a src/lib/sensor_calibration/libsensor_calibration.a src/modules/sensors/data_validator/libdata_validator.a src/modules/sensors/vehicle_optical_flow/libvehicle_optical_flow.a src/lib/mixer_module/libmixer_module.a src/lib/drivers/magnetometer/libdrivers_magnetometer.a src/lib/geo/libgeo.a src/lib/drivers/accelerometer/libdrivers_accelerometer.a src/lib/drivers/gyroscope/libdrivers_gyroscope.a src/lib/conversion/libconversion.a src/lib/mathlib/libmathlib.a src/lib/timesync/libtimesync.a src/modules/uxrce_dds_client/lib/libmicroxrcedds_client.a src/modules/uxrce_dds_client/lib/libmicrocdr.a src/lib/tunes/libtunes.a src/lib/circuit_breaker/libcircuit_breaker.a src/lib/version/libversion.a src/lib/systemlib/libsystemlib.a src/lib/parameters/libparameters.a src/lib/perf/libperf.a src/lib/tinybson/libtinybson.a src/lib/parameters/flashparams/libflashparams.a NuttX/nuttx/arch/arm/src/libarch.a boards/px4/fmu-v5/src/libdrivers_board.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/board_reset/libarch_board_reset.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/common/libpx4_layer.a src/lib/drivers/device/libdrivers__device.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/io_pins/libarch_io_pins.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/spi/libarch_spi.a src/lib/drivers/led/libdrivers__led.a NuttX/nuttx/arch/arm/src/libarch.a boards/px4/fmu-v5/src/libdrivers_board.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/board_reset/libarch_board_reset.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/common/libpx4_layer.a src/lib/drivers/device/libdrivers__device.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/io_pins/libarch_io_pins.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/spi/libarch_spi.a src/lib/drivers/led/libdrivers__led.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/hrt/libarch_hrt.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/board_hw_info/libarch_board_hw_info.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/adc/libarch_adc.a src/lib/crc/libcrc.a boards/px4/fmu-v5/src/libboard_bus_info.a platforms/common/libpx4_platform.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/board_critmon/libarch_board_critmon.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/version/libarch_version.a platforms/common/uORB/libuORB.a NuttX/nuttx/mm/libmm.a src/lib/cdev/libcdev.a NuttX/nuttx/fs/libfs.a msg/libuorb_msgs.a platforms/common/px4_work_queue/libpx4_work_queue.a NuttX/nuttx/libs/libxx/libxx.a NuttX/nuttx/drivers/libdrivers.a NuttX/nuttx/libs/libc/libc.a NuttX/nuttx/drivers/libdrivers.a NuttX/nuttx/libs/libc/libc.a NuttX/nuttx/sched/libsched.a -lm -lgcc -o px4_fmu-v5_default.elf Memory region Used Size Region Size %age Used FLASH_ITCM: 0 GB 2016 KB 0.00% FLASH_AXIM: 2064841 B 2016 KB100.02% ITCM_RAM: 0 GB 16 KB 0.00% DTCM_RAM: 0 GB 128 KB 0.00% SRAM1: 48472 B 368 KB 12.86% SRAM2: 0 GB 16 KB 0.00/opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/9.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: px4_fmu-v5_default.elf section `.data’ will not fit in region `FLASH_AXIM’ /opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/9.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: region `FLASH_AXIM’ overflowed by 457 bytes collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status %
In WSL2, after typing "arm-none-eabi-g++ –version", I have
arm-none-eabi-g++ (GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain 9-2020-q2-update) 9.3.1 20200408 (release)
Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
How should I resolve this problem? Thanks.Windows 10
Pixhawk 4
PX4 v1.14.0
I am following the tutorial Getting Started with uORB Blocks for PX4 Autopilots Support Package. I get stuct at Step 14 (Monitor & Tune). The error messages are as follows
Error:Generating ELF failed for command source /mnt/c/ProgramData/MATLAB/SupportPackages/R2024a/toolbox/target/supportpackages/px4/lib/scripts/ /home/xing/PX4-Autopilot/build/px4_fmu-v5_default/generateElf.txt with error ‘\wsl.localhostubuntuhomexingPX4-Autopilotbuildpx4_fmu-v5_default’ CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory. UNC paths are not supported. Defaulting to Windows directory. /opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++ -mcpu=cortex-m7 -mthumb -mfpu=fpv5-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Os -DNDEBUG –specs=nosys.specs -nostartfiles -nodefaultlibs -nostdlib -nostdinc++ -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -Wl,–script=/home/xing/PX4-Autopilot/boards/px4/fmu-v5/nuttx-config/scripts/script.ld -Wl, -Wl,–warn-common -Wl,–gc-sections -Wl,–start-group NuttX/nuttx/boards/libboards.a NuttX/nuttx/drivers/libdrivers.a NuttX/nuttx/fs/libfs.a NuttX/nuttx/sched/libsched.a NuttX/nuttx/crypto/libcrypto.a NuttX/nuttx/binfmt/libbinfmt.a NuttX/nuttx/libs/libxx/libxx.a NuttX/apps/libapps.a NuttX/nuttx/arch/arm/src/libarch.a NuttX/nuttx/mm/libmm.a NuttX/nuttx/libs/libc/libc.a -Wl,–end-group -lm -lgcc -Wl,–print-memory-usage src/drivers/adc/ads1115/libdrivers__ads1115.a src/drivers/adc/board_adc/libdrivers__board_adc.a src/drivers/barometer/bmp280/libdrivers__barometer__bmp280.a src/drivers/barometer/bmp388/libdrivers__barometer__bmp388.a 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src/lib/battery/libbattery.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/Descend/libFlightTaskDescend.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/Failsafe/libFlightTaskFailsafe.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/ManualAcceleration/libFlightTaskManualAcceleration.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/ManualPositionSmoothVel/libFlightTaskManualPositionSmoothVel.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/ManualPosition/libFlightTaskManualPosition.a src/lib/collision_prevention/libCollisionPrevention.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/Transition/libFlightTaskTransition.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/AutoFollowTarget/libFlightTaskAutoFollowTarget.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/Auto/libFlightTaskAuto.a src/lib/weather_vane/libWeatherVane.a src/lib/avoidance/libavoidance.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/AutoFollowTarget/follow_target_estimator/libfollow_target_estimator.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/Orbit/libFlightTaskOrbit.a 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src/lib/mixer_module/libmixer_module.a src/lib/drivers/magnetometer/libdrivers_magnetometer.a src/lib/geo/libgeo.a src/lib/drivers/accelerometer/libdrivers_accelerometer.a src/lib/drivers/gyroscope/libdrivers_gyroscope.a src/lib/conversion/libconversion.a src/lib/mathlib/libmathlib.a src/lib/timesync/libtimesync.a src/modules/uxrce_dds_client/lib/libmicroxrcedds_client.a src/modules/uxrce_dds_client/lib/libmicrocdr.a src/lib/tunes/libtunes.a src/lib/circuit_breaker/libcircuit_breaker.a src/lib/version/libversion.a src/lib/systemlib/libsystemlib.a src/lib/parameters/libparameters.a src/lib/perf/libperf.a src/lib/tinybson/libtinybson.a src/lib/parameters/flashparams/libflashparams.a NuttX/nuttx/arch/arm/src/libarch.a boards/px4/fmu-v5/src/libdrivers_board.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/board_reset/libarch_board_reset.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/common/libpx4_layer.a src/lib/drivers/device/libdrivers__device.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/io_pins/libarch_io_pins.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/spi/libarch_spi.a src/lib/drivers/led/libdrivers__led.a NuttX/nuttx/arch/arm/src/libarch.a boards/px4/fmu-v5/src/libdrivers_board.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/board_reset/libarch_board_reset.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/common/libpx4_layer.a src/lib/drivers/device/libdrivers__device.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/io_pins/libarch_io_pins.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/spi/libarch_spi.a src/lib/drivers/led/libdrivers__led.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/hrt/libarch_hrt.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/board_hw_info/libarch_board_hw_info.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/adc/libarch_adc.a src/lib/crc/libcrc.a boards/px4/fmu-v5/src/libboard_bus_info.a platforms/common/libpx4_platform.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/board_critmon/libarch_board_critmon.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/version/libarch_version.a platforms/common/uORB/libuORB.a NuttX/nuttx/mm/libmm.a src/lib/cdev/libcdev.a NuttX/nuttx/fs/libfs.a msg/libuorb_msgs.a platforms/common/px4_work_queue/libpx4_work_queue.a NuttX/nuttx/libs/libxx/libxx.a NuttX/nuttx/drivers/libdrivers.a NuttX/nuttx/libs/libc/libc.a NuttX/nuttx/drivers/libdrivers.a NuttX/nuttx/libs/libc/libc.a NuttX/nuttx/sched/libsched.a -lm -lgcc -o px4_fmu-v5_default.elf Memory region Used Size Region Size %age Used FLASH_ITCM: 0 GB 2016 KB 0.00% FLASH_AXIM: 2064841 B 2016 KB100.02% ITCM_RAM: 0 GB 16 KB 0.00% DTCM_RAM: 0 GB 128 KB 0.00% SRAM1: 48472 B 368 KB 12.86% SRAM2: 0 GB 16 KB 0.00/opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/9.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: px4_fmu-v5_default.elf section `.data’ will not fit in region `FLASH_AXIM’ /opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/9.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: region `FLASH_AXIM’ overflowed by 457 bytes collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status %
In WSL2, after typing "arm-none-eabi-g++ –version", I have
arm-none-eabi-g++ (GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain 9-2020-q2-update) 9.3.1 20200408 (release)
Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
How should I resolve this problem? Thanks. Windows 10
Pixhawk 4
PX4 v1.14.0
I am following the tutorial Getting Started with uORB Blocks for PX4 Autopilots Support Package. I get stuct at Step 14 (Monitor & Tune). The error messages are as follows
Error:Generating ELF failed for command source /mnt/c/ProgramData/MATLAB/SupportPackages/R2024a/toolbox/target/supportpackages/px4/lib/scripts/ /home/xing/PX4-Autopilot/build/px4_fmu-v5_default/generateElf.txt with error ‘\wsl.localhostubuntuhomexingPX4-Autopilotbuildpx4_fmu-v5_default’ CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory. UNC paths are not supported. Defaulting to Windows directory. /opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++ -mcpu=cortex-m7 -mthumb -mfpu=fpv5-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -Os -DNDEBUG –specs=nosys.specs -nostartfiles -nodefaultlibs -nostdlib -nostdinc++ -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -Wl,–script=/home/xing/PX4-Autopilot/boards/px4/fmu-v5/nuttx-config/scripts/script.ld -Wl, -Wl,–warn-common -Wl,–gc-sections -Wl,–start-group NuttX/nuttx/boards/libboards.a NuttX/nuttx/drivers/libdrivers.a NuttX/nuttx/fs/libfs.a NuttX/nuttx/sched/libsched.a NuttX/nuttx/crypto/libcrypto.a NuttX/nuttx/binfmt/libbinfmt.a NuttX/nuttx/libs/libxx/libxx.a NuttX/apps/libapps.a NuttX/nuttx/arch/arm/src/libarch.a NuttX/nuttx/mm/libmm.a NuttX/nuttx/libs/libc/libc.a -Wl,–end-group -lm -lgcc -Wl,–print-memory-usage src/drivers/adc/ads1115/libdrivers__ads1115.a src/drivers/adc/board_adc/libdrivers__board_adc.a src/drivers/barometer/bmp280/libdrivers__barometer__bmp280.a src/drivers/barometer/bmp388/libdrivers__barometer__bmp388.a src/drivers/barometer/dps310/libdrivers__barometer__dps310.a src/drivers/barometer/goertek/spl06/libdrivers__barometer__spl06.a src/drivers/barometer/invensense/icp101xx/libdrivers__invensense__icp101xx.a src/drivers/barometer/invensense/icp201xx/libdrivers__invensense__icp201xx.a src/drivers/barometer/lps22hb/libdrivers__barometer__lps22hb.a src/drivers/barometer/lps33hw/libdrivers__barometer__lps33hw.a src/drivers/barometer/maiertek/mpc2520/libdrivers__maiertek__mpc2520.a src/drivers/barometer/ms5611/libdrivers__barometer__ms5611.a src/drivers/batt_smbus/libdrivers__batt_smbus.a src/drivers/camera_capture/libdrivers__camera_capture.a src/drivers/camera_trigger/libdrivers__camera_trigger.a src/drivers/differential_pressure/ms4525do/libdrivers__differential_pressure__ms4525do.a src/drivers/differential_pressure/ms5525dso/libdrivers__differential_pressure__ms5525dso.a src/drivers/differential_pressure/sdp3x/libdrivers__differential_pressure__sdp3x.a 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src/lib/battery/libbattery.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/Descend/libFlightTaskDescend.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/Failsafe/libFlightTaskFailsafe.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/ManualAcceleration/libFlightTaskManualAcceleration.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/ManualPositionSmoothVel/libFlightTaskManualPositionSmoothVel.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/ManualPosition/libFlightTaskManualPosition.a src/lib/collision_prevention/libCollisionPrevention.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/Transition/libFlightTaskTransition.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/AutoFollowTarget/libFlightTaskAutoFollowTarget.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/Auto/libFlightTaskAuto.a src/lib/weather_vane/libWeatherVane.a src/lib/avoidance/libavoidance.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/AutoFollowTarget/follow_target_estimator/libfollow_target_estimator.a src/modules/flight_mode_manager/tasks/Orbit/libFlightTaskOrbit.a 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src/lib/mixer_module/libmixer_module.a src/lib/drivers/magnetometer/libdrivers_magnetometer.a src/lib/geo/libgeo.a src/lib/drivers/accelerometer/libdrivers_accelerometer.a src/lib/drivers/gyroscope/libdrivers_gyroscope.a src/lib/conversion/libconversion.a src/lib/mathlib/libmathlib.a src/lib/timesync/libtimesync.a src/modules/uxrce_dds_client/lib/libmicroxrcedds_client.a src/modules/uxrce_dds_client/lib/libmicrocdr.a src/lib/tunes/libtunes.a src/lib/circuit_breaker/libcircuit_breaker.a src/lib/version/libversion.a src/lib/systemlib/libsystemlib.a src/lib/parameters/libparameters.a src/lib/perf/libperf.a src/lib/tinybson/libtinybson.a src/lib/parameters/flashparams/libflashparams.a NuttX/nuttx/arch/arm/src/libarch.a boards/px4/fmu-v5/src/libdrivers_board.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/board_reset/libarch_board_reset.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/common/libpx4_layer.a src/lib/drivers/device/libdrivers__device.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/io_pins/libarch_io_pins.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/spi/libarch_spi.a src/lib/drivers/led/libdrivers__led.a NuttX/nuttx/arch/arm/src/libarch.a boards/px4/fmu-v5/src/libdrivers_board.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/board_reset/libarch_board_reset.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/common/libpx4_layer.a src/lib/drivers/device/libdrivers__device.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/io_pins/libarch_io_pins.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/spi/libarch_spi.a src/lib/drivers/led/libdrivers__led.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/hrt/libarch_hrt.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/board_hw_info/libarch_board_hw_info.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/adc/libarch_adc.a src/lib/crc/libcrc.a boards/px4/fmu-v5/src/libboard_bus_info.a platforms/common/libpx4_platform.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/board_critmon/libarch_board_critmon.a platforms/nuttx/src/px4/stm/stm32f7/version/libarch_version.a platforms/common/uORB/libuORB.a NuttX/nuttx/mm/libmm.a src/lib/cdev/libcdev.a NuttX/nuttx/fs/libfs.a msg/libuorb_msgs.a platforms/common/px4_work_queue/libpx4_work_queue.a NuttX/nuttx/libs/libxx/libxx.a NuttX/nuttx/drivers/libdrivers.a NuttX/nuttx/libs/libc/libc.a NuttX/nuttx/drivers/libdrivers.a NuttX/nuttx/libs/libc/libc.a NuttX/nuttx/sched/libsched.a -lm -lgcc -o px4_fmu-v5_default.elf Memory region Used Size Region Size %age Used FLASH_ITCM: 0 GB 2016 KB 0.00% FLASH_AXIM: 2064841 B 2016 KB100.02% ITCM_RAM: 0 GB 16 KB 0.00% DTCM_RAM: 0 GB 128 KB 0.00% SRAM1: 48472 B 368 KB 12.86% SRAM2: 0 GB 16 KB 0.00/opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/9.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: px4_fmu-v5_default.elf section `.data’ will not fit in region `FLASH_AXIM’ /opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/9.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: region `FLASH_AXIM’ overflowed by 457 bytes collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status %
In WSL2, after typing "arm-none-eabi-g++ –version", I have
arm-none-eabi-g++ (GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain 9-2020-q2-update) 9.3.1 20200408 (release)
Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
How should I resolve this problem? Thanks. simulink, pixhawk, px4 MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Is there anyway to convert vibration acceleration data into velocity ?
How can I convert the vibration acceleration data collected in real time to velocity ?
I know the relation is to integrate the data but my system requires real time velocity monitoring.
I appreciate your reply.
Thanks in advanceHow can I convert the vibration acceleration data collected in real time to velocity ?
I know the relation is to integrate the data but my system requires real time velocity monitoring.
I appreciate your reply.
Thanks in advance How can I convert the vibration acceleration data collected in real time to velocity ?
I know the relation is to integrate the data but my system requires real time velocity monitoring.
I appreciate your reply.
Thanks in advance vibration MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to get Policy “Windows VMs should enable ADE or EncryptionAtHost.” to be compliant?
Advisor noticed that Azure Disk Encryption is missing on my VMs and gave me the following recommendation: “Windows virtual machines should enable Azure Disk Encryption or EncryptionAtHost.”
A couple of weeks ago I installed the AzurePolicyforWindows extension on one of the machines. Its status changed to compliant.
Two days ago, I did the same for all other VMs but their statuses haven’t changed.
Am I missing something or are the policies messing with me?
Advisor noticed that Azure Disk Encryption is missing on my VMs and gave me the following recommendation: “Windows virtual machines should enable Azure Disk Encryption or EncryptionAtHost.” A couple of weeks ago I installed the AzurePolicyforWindows extension on one of the machines. Its status changed to compliant.Two days ago, I did the same for all other VMs but their statuses haven’t changed.Am I missing something or are the policies messing with me? Read More
Partner wants to sell and buy Microsoft license and become a Microsoft Reller. they need assistance
PARTNER is Microsoft Hub and currently using a reseller to provide them their NCE licenses, they would like to become a partner for MS so they can buy their license direct and also sell to their clients as they are an AV company
Partner wants to sell and buy Microsoft license and become a Microsoft Reller. they need assistance on how they can do it
PARTNER is Microsoft Hub and currently using a reseller to provide them their NCE licenses, they would like to become a partner for MS so they can buy their license direct and also sell to their clients as they are an AV company
Partner wants to sell and buy Microsoft license and become a Microsoft Reller. they need assistance on how they can do it
Read More
Unable to invoke Task module in MS Teams botbuilder bot
Hi there,
We are facing an issue while trying to invoke a task module in Microsoft Teams. We have create an adaptive card with a button that submit a task/fetch action.
When we click the button , the method on_teams_task_module_fetch() is triggered. A TaskModuleTasInfo is returned, but the popup is showing an error.
More details could be found here
Could you please help?
Thank you in advance,
Hi there, We are facing an issue while trying to invoke a task module in Microsoft Teams. We have create an adaptive card with a button that submit a task/fetch action. When we click the button , the method on_teams_task_module_fetch() is triggered. A TaskModuleTasInfo is returned, but the popup is showing an error. More details could be found here Could you please help? Thank you in advance,Ouad Read More
RDWeb HTML5 client on On-Prem Deployment: Change internal resource URLs to public ones.
On our RDWeb HTML5 deployment per we have set up the client.
However, while our RDGateway and other components are all set to ‘’ for the URL and server name to use, the RDWeb client is defaulting to which isn’t usable from the outside. As such, connections that aren’t on our internal VPN or internal network are failing.
With the old (and I mean REALLY old) preview versions, this URL was the correct ‘’ settings. Since the new version, however, it looks like there’s no way to configure this.
Is there any way to tell RDWeb to use the proper URL publicly rather than use the internal FQDN that is NOT set in the RD Gateway and RD Broker systems?
On our RDWeb HTML5 deployment per we have set up the client. However, while our RDGateway and other components are all set to ‘’ for the URL and server name to use, the RDWeb client is defaulting to which isn’t usable from the outside. As such, connections that aren’t on our internal VPN or internal network are failing. With the old (and I mean REALLY old) preview versions, this URL was the correct ‘’ settings. Since the new version, however, it looks like there’s no way to configure this. Is there any way to tell RDWeb to use the proper URL publicly rather than use the internal FQDN that is NOT set in the RD Gateway and RD Broker systems? Read More
New on Microsoft AppSource: May 16-23, 2024
We continue to expand the Microsoft AppSource ecosystem. For this volume, 303 new offers successfully met the onboarding criteria and went live. See details of the new offers below:
Get it now in our marketplace
ActiveControl: ActiveControl from Basis Technologies simplifies change management in complex SAP landscapes. Get real-time insights to identify bottlenecks and optimize workflows, preventing costly mistakes during deployment. Backout functionality safeguards critical systems by allowing reversion to a previous state.
Aurachain Platform as a Service: Aurachain is a low-code platform that automates processes and connects multiple systems, teams, and departments. It streamlines manual processes, provides end-to-end visibility, ensures compliance and auditability, and enhances security and trust. While it’s a great fit for any industry, Aurachain has had particular impact within the banking and financial services sector.
BitAccurate Model Driven: Designed for housing authorities or rentals with fewer than 30 employees, BitAccurate from PCM Technologies is a user-friendly solution for tracking and managing appliances, assets, and inventory records. It simplifies the process of asset management, allowing managers to log acquisitions and movements, generate reports, and ensure compliance.
Business Card Scanner: Business Card Scanner from PTSC Beixiang Technology Services enables business and marketing professionals to easily scan and access customer information. This offer is available in Chinese.
Cloud Cost Analysis Dashboard for Azure: Trusted Tech Team’s Cloud Cost Analysis Dashboard for Azure provides comprehensive metrics for managing and optimizing Azure expenditures. The dashboard includes detailed overviews of billing, usage by subscriptions and resource groups, usage by services, and more. Trusted Tech Team is a Microsoft partner committed to simplifying licensing.
Comply Pulse: BH Compliance’s Comply Pulse measures the effectiveness of compliance programs, allowing officers and management to visualize and correct gaps. The technology uses blockchain to ensure collected data is tamper-proof and valid for years. BH Compliance works with multinationals in Latin America committed to regulatory compliance.
Connected Food: Viiision is a platform that allows customers to access important information about a product or service through a branded QR code on packaging. Deliver multimedia instructions in multiple languages and monitor customer engagement with Viiision.
Consulting Service for Dynamics 365 Sales (Elevate): Imperium Dynamics offers customized packages to help businesses adapt to evolving customer needs and market trends. This package is recommended for enterprise-level businesses seeking outstanding sales performance through Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales.
Consulting Service for Dynamics 365 Sales (Ignite): Imperium Dynamics’ packages provide tools and expertise to transform sales processes, enhance productivity, and drive significant growth. This package is ideal for businesses aiming to kick-start their sales journey with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales in just five weeks.
Engage AI: Engage AI from Bontoko Pty Ltd is a LinkedIn plug-in that uses ChatGPT to draft comments for you. Edit a comment before posting to ensure it fits your brand voice. Choose from diverse types of responses and refer to Engage AI’s Second Brain feature to revisit past comments.
Enterprise: This enterprise resource planning system from Fluentis SRL allows manufacturing companies to manage logistics, sales, purchasing, warehouse functions, and more. The software emphasizes integration with Industry 4.0 and facilitates unified planning, resource allocation, collaboration, and budgeting across all project phases and sizes.
eRapha HMS: eRapha is a hospital management system that simplifies administration, from patient scheduling to inventory control. It offers a user-friendly interface, real-time reports, and analytics to empower healthcare providers to make informed decisions and deliver high-quality care. With robust integration features, eRapha can optimize your efficiency and reduce your costs.
Exchange Migration: Migrate your mailboxes and calendars to Microsoft Exchange with Dalikoo. Dalikoo’s experts assess your email infrastructure, design a robust Exchange environment, and develop a comprehensive data migration strategy. They provide exceptional support and employ a phased migration approach to minimize downtime.
Honeywell Flight Efficiency: Honeywell Flight Efficiency is an analytics platform that helps airlines reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions. It offers advanced fuel monitoring, analytics, and reporting to increase operational efficiency and meet sustainability goals. The cloud-based platform is scalable and customizable for organizations of all sizes.
Honeywell Forge CEM: Honeywell Forge Carbon and Energy Management uses machine learning to help building owners and operators improve sustainability. It connects all buildings to the cloud, monitors real-time condition data, and adjusts HVAC set points for peak efficiency without sacrificing occupant comfort.
Honeywell Forge Performance+ for Buildings | Carbon and Energy Management: This Honeywell software helps building owners and operators improve sustainability and energy efficiency through machine learning. The solution monitors real-time conditions data and adjusts HVAC set points to maintain peak efficiency without sacrificing occupant comfort. It also analyzes energy and carbon emissions at the asset, site, and portfolio levels.
Honeywell Forge Performance+ for Buildings | Predictive Maintenance: Honeywell Forge Performance+ for Buildings offers predictive maintenance to improve building performance, promote asset longevity, and reduce downtime and maintenance spending. Real-time predictive analytics, equipment models, and easy-to-use dashboards identify potential improvements and help service teams track corrective actions.
Honeywell Forge Performance+ for Industrials | Production Intelligence: This software from Honeywell centralizes data from different systems for real-time visibility and improved efficiency. The solution adapts to changing conditions and predicts deviations to reduce operational risk and maintain process integrity. It comes prepackaged with scalable models and seamlessly connects to operational technology data.
Honeywell Forge Production Intelligence: Honeywell Forge Production Intelligence centralizes data from various systems for real-time visibility and improved operational efficiency. Analytics prioritize key patterns to accelerate root-cause analysis. The solution adapts operations to changing conditions and demand through deviation predictions, reducing operational risk and driving cloud standardization.
Honeywell Forge Sustainability+ for Industrials | Emissions Management: This software from Honeywell helps organizations track, measure, and report greenhouse gas emissions. It addresses common problems related to emissions management, such as lack of digital transformation, emissions transparency, and inability to convert information into action.
Honeywell Performance Plus Aero: Honeywell Forge Performance+ digitalizes aerospace manufacturing, maintenance, and repair to maximize asset reliability, enhance workforce intelligence, and optimize site performance. It enables operators to do more with less and shift to usage-based maintenance and predictive asset failure.
Honeywell Process Digital Twin: Honeywell Process Digital Twin provides a virtual environment for process and asset monitoring, troubleshooting, and prediction. It turns data into KPIs, offers insights into process constraints, and allows for scenario analysis before implementing improvements in the actual plant.
HR Portal: Dalikoo’s HR Portal offers a centralized platform for managing your HR needs. Integrated within a Microsoft tenant for enhanced security and data privacy, HR Portal includes a secure AI chatbot for HR inquiries, a document management system, and streamlined workflow management.
IBM IBM is an open data store that enables hybrid cloud analytics workloads, such as data engineering, data science, and business intelligence. It offers built-in governance, automation, and integrations with an organization’s existing databases and tools to simplify setup and user experience. augments data warehouses like Db2 Warehouse and Netezza, optimizing workloads for performance and cost.
Imperium Citizen Development Training (Pro): Imperium Dynamics offers the Citizen Development Training Package to empower employees to create advanced solutions using Microsoft Power Platform. The Pro Package is a 36-week program for 25 or more people, with additional monthly support.
LOKASI Intelligence: LOKASI Intelligence uses geospatial big data, analytics, and machine learning to help businesses reduce operational costs and find optimal locations for new stores. It offers territory planning, asset management, and data visualization services to maximize sales potential. Transform insights into action with LOKASI Intelligence.
Owl: Akadenia Owl is an application-monitoring system that captures metadata about incoming requests, including IP address, HTTP method, time, response status, and more. It provides visibility into user interactions and enables analysis of patterns and behaviors.
PriceVision – Commodity Price Forecasting: PriceVision is an AI-powered tool for consumer packaged goods companies to optimize procurement operations and increase margins. The customizable solution uses machine learning algorithms to accurately predict commodity prices. Stay ahead of the competition with PriceVision.
RollingStart: This enterprise resource planning system from Fluentis SRL is an entry-level solution suitable for micro-enterprises. It covers basic administration and sales management functionality, customer risk management, warehouse capabilities, bills of materials, and batch management. Modules are included for finance, sales, and logistics management.
Soteria Inspect for Microsoft 365: Soteria Inspect for Microsoft 365 is a SaaS platform that provides automated configuration scans to identify areas of risk and misconfiguration. It features a web UI, automated report delivery, and scheduled recurring scans to ensure visibility of configuration changes over time. The tool offers a guided onboarding process and single sign-on with Microsoft Entra ID.
SPC_Visual: SPC is a statistical method used in manufacturing to monitor and improve processes. It uses the process capability index (Cpk) to assess a process’s ability to meet specifications and consistently produce results. This visual from NextGenIndustries calculates Cpk according to the DIN ISO 22514-2 norm, considering different probability distributions.
TeamMate+ Audit: TeamMate+ Audit, from Wolters Kluwer’s Corporate Performance & ESG division, offers purpose-built solutions for audit teams to manage risk assessments, planning, execution, and issue tracking. The solutions use configurable workflows to empower collaboration and deliver data-driven insights through concise audit reports.
TMI – Data Oversharing Analysis for Microsoft 365: Copilot for Microsoft 365 uses generative AI to access data across a company’s Microsoft 365 tenant. Invero’s TMI software identifies overshared data, even from years ago, and offers a remediation tool to remove overshared links and to limit access to intended users.
Trewon’s aME – AI Assistant: The AI Trewon Managed Ask Me (aME) application is an AI-powered solution that automates responses, analyzes customer feedback, and streamlines communication processes. Deployment involves finding the application in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace, subscribing, uploading files, and accessing the finished product.
Universal: This enterprise resource planning system from Fluentis SRL is suitable for medium-sized to large enterprises that want to digitize. It includes modules for finance, treasury, purchasing, sales, logistics, quality, subcontracting, prototyping, maintenance, and resource planning.
Verint Customer Engagement Platform (WFO): Verint Cloud Platform helps businesses close the engagement capacity gap by connecting digital-first journeys, harnessing data to drive AI and analytics, and seamlessly delivering experiences across engagement channels. for Education: If you consent, tracks your eye movement patterns and facial expressions from your workstation, analyzing your emotional state to help you understand and foster your well-being. Employers can view anonymized, aggregated data to identify trends and make proactive changes to support their team’s mental health. Privacy is a top priority, with all data communicated directly to employees through a specialized app. for Gaming & Entertainment: If you consent, tracks your eye movement patterns and facial expressions from your workstation, analyzing your emotional state to help you foster your well-being. Employers can view anonymized, aggregated data to identify trends and make proactive changes to support their team’s mental health. Privacy is a top priority, with all data communicated directly to employees through a specialized app. for R&D: If you consent, tracks your eye movement patterns and facial expressions from your workstation, analyzing your emotional state to help you understand and foster your well-being. Employers can view anonymized, aggregated data to identify trends and make proactive changes to support their team’s mental health. Privacy is a top priority, with all data communicated directly to employees through a specialized app. If you consent, tracks your eye movement patterns and facial expressions from your workstation, analyzing your emotional state to help you understand and foster your well-being. Employers can view anonymized, aggregated data to identify trends and make proactive changes to support their team’s mental health. Privacy is a top priority, with all data communicated directly to employees through a specialized app.
XPR365 Trengo: Trengo integrates various channels to help businesses more efficiently manage their customer communications. Trengo can automate time-consuming workflows with auto-replies, rules, quick replies, and chatbots. It supports multiple platforms and is compatible with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Essential and Premium.
Go further with workshops, proofs of concept, and implementations
Accelerate Your Sustainability Journey: Using Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability and Microsoft Sustainability Manager, Baufest will help your company measure your carbon footprint and waste. Let Baufest optimize your information-gathering processes so you can reduce costs and provide transparency over the entire value chain.
Art of the Possible with Copilot for Microsoft 365: 3-Hour Workshop: This workshop from HTG will explore the possibilities of Copilot for Microsoft 365 in your business. After an assessment, HTG will build a plan to implement Copilot for Microsoft 365 to unleash creativity and unlock productivity through its natural language and AI capabilities.
Avanade Agents Discovery Workshop: In this workshop, Avanade will introduce participants to AI agents, the next evolution of copilots, and how they differ from traditional copilots. Agents add automation to copilot capabilities, enabling them to take action on behalf of people. Participants will receive a high-level assessment of AI and copilot maturity, along with readiness recommendations for agent implementation.
AvePoint Backup: 4-Week Proof of Concept: This offer from Sentinel Technologies allows you to try out AvePoint Cloud Backup, which offers unlimited automated backups and secure storage options for Microsoft 365, Azure, Dynamics 365, and more. Granular restore allows for on-demand, detailed recovery of content, including metadata and permissions, to any location. Daily monitoring detects unusual activity and potential ransomware attacks.
Consultancy Workshop for Microsoft Teams: Imperium Dynamics offers specialized consulting services to help businesses unlock the full value of Microsoft Teams. Expert consultants will determine your company’s data management needs and develop customized solutions aligned with your organizational requirements. Comprehensive training sessions will then empower your employees to maximize Teams.
Copilot for Microsoft 365 Deployment: 3-Month Implementation: Information and Communication Technology W.L.L (ICT) will help your organization deploy Copilot for Microsoft 365 and optimize your Microsoft 365 environment. The implementation includes two phases: Copilot enablement for rollout strategy and gap remediation, and Copilot adoption for user communications and training.
Copilot for Microsoft 365: 7-Week Proof of Concept: Are you considering Copilot for Microsoft 365? Softchoice’s adoption and change management experts can help you define user personas and use cases to drive greater value for your organization. Softchoice will then test assumptions with a curated user group over several weeks, building a team of AI evangelists that will support Copilot for Microsoft 365 adoption across your organization.
Dynamics 365 Business Central Migration Solution Discovery: 3-Day Workshop: Acora will delve into the benefits, challenges, and best practices of migrating to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Acora will use the Acora Trusted Digital Framework to design a customized migration plan and provide a detailed proposal.
Dynamics 365 Customer Service: 1-Month Implementation: AW Latam will implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service so you can centralize customer information, automate repetitive tasks, and improve response time. This offer is available only in Spanish.
Dynamics 365 Field Service: 2-Month Implementation: AW Latam will implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service so you can reduce operational costs, simplify inventory management, optimize field service management, and make data-driven decisions. This offer is available only in Spanish.
Dynamics 365 Sales: 1-Month Implementation: AW Latam will implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales so you can automate sales tasks, track leads, analyze customer behavior, and optimize your company’s sales strategy. This offer is available only in Spanish.
Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Implementation: Would you like to achieve a streamlined, efficient, and effective operations ecosystem? Accigo can help. As an implementation partner, Accigo brings expertise to enhance functionality and drive business growth. With Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain, Accigo can improve the visibility and transparency of your supply chain.
Eviden’s Business Applications Envisioning 4-Hour Workshop: Eviden’s workshop will help customers identify and prioritize their business scenarios. Participants will gain insights into Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Power Platform, and Eviden’s capabilities as a Microsoft partner. Eviden will examine a business case and determine its technical feasibility.
Get Prepared for Copilot for Microsoft 365: 4-Week Proof of Concept: Sopra Steria offers a multi-layered approach to data loss prevention for Microsoft 365, including an assessment of your security posture, implementation of tailored solutions, and training programs. Sopra Steria provides continuous monitoring and reporting for real-time insights into data usage and unauthorized activities.
Microsoft 365 Adoption Support for Nonprofits: Ideal State offers customized training sessions for managers and end users, a review of your Microsoft 365 configuration, and an analysis to increase adoption rates and maximize the value of your Microsoft 365 investment. Enhance your team’s productivity and get the most out of your subscription.
Microsoft 365 Copilot Adoption & Change Accelerator: 4-Week Implementation: Signal Alliance will design an adoption and change management plan for Microsoft 365 Copilot, identifying necessary skills and training, creating a Copilot center of excellence, and developing a customer success plan.
Microsoft 365 Copilot Adoption: 12-Week Implementation: Nexus Technologies will assess your current workflow and identify areas where Microsoft 365 Copilot could add value and efficiency. Nexus Technologies will provide customization to suit your needs and preferences, ensuring optimal performance and user satisfaction.
Microsoft 365 Copilot Kickstart Program: Savaco will enable your business to use the AI capabilities of Microsoft Copilot and Microsoft 365 to improve productivity, collaboration, learning, and well-being. Savaco will provide the right services and tools to ensure a smooth rollout.
Microsoft 365 Copilot Studio Customer Proof of Concept: NTT’s workshop will give you hands-on experience with Microsoft Copilot and help you transform your ideas into a working prototype. The workshop includes ideation, prototyping, and feasibility and validation sessions.
Microsoft 365 Copilot Workshop: In this workshop, Logicalis will assess your organization’s needs, then define an actionable road map for adopting Microsoft Copilot. This engagement is intended for business leaders, technology leaders, and knowledge workers who want to explore Copilot’s value.
Microsoft 365 Optimization Consulting: Ideal State helps organizations optimize their use of Microsoft 365 licenses, with a focus on SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, and OneDrive. The process includes stakeholder interviews, an optimization strategy, a change management plan, and training and support.
Microsoft Copilot – Empowering Your Digital Transformation: Wragby will provide expert guidance and support to enable you to maximize Microsoft technologies. Empower your organizations with the skills and knowledge to enhance productivity and security through cloud solutions, data analytics, cybersecurity measures, and productivity improvements.
Microsoft Copilot Extension Workshop: This workshop from NTT will explore Microsoft Copilot expansion scenarios and technical capabilities. Experts will provide insights on the latest developments and future directions for Copilot, helping businesses customize expansions to their needs.
Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Adoption Accelerator: Get expert consultation and support for developing a customized concept and implementation strategy for Copilot in Microsoft 365. NTT’s accelerator will let you participate in interactive workshops and network with other professionals to maximize the benefits of Copilot for your team.
Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Call & Meetings Workshop: Learn how Microsoft Copilot’s generative AI can enhance business outcomes in communication processes, increase efficiency, and improve decision-making. In NTT’s workshop, you’ll participate in hands-on demonstrations and interactive Q&A sessions to gain valuable insights.
Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 Readiness Workshop: This workshop from NTT provides guidance to help organizations successfully implement Copilot for Microsoft 365. Participants will engage in hands-on activities to familiarize themselves with the features and capabilities of Copilot. By the end of the session, participants will have a clear understanding of essential topics and a road map to guide their implementation process.
Microsoft Copilot Studio with Cloud Voice Workshop: Learn how to enhance sales, contact center, and CRM capabilities with Microsoft Copilot Studio. This session from NTT will showcase Copilot Studio’s capabilities and share success stories of businesses transforming with Copilot. Participants will then develop a strategy to integrate Copilot features into their business model.
Microsoft Purview Proof of Concept: Wanstor’s consulting services help organizations use Microsoft Purview to manage data within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. Wanstor will assist in discovering, cataloguing, classifying, and mapping data; applying data sensitivity labels, terms, and glossaries to standardize data definitions and classifications; and implementing Microsoft Purview Information Protection.
Migration to Microsoft 365: Consulting Workshop: CBTS offers an interactive consulting workshop for organizations planning to migrate to Microsoft 365. The workshop covers aspects such as configuration, organizational needs, design, licensing, and support. CBTS also provides professional service engagements for expert assistance.
Netas Adoption Guide for Microsoft 365 Copilot: Netas offers a workshop to help customers understand and test Copilot for Microsoft 365. The goal is to improve productivity, creativity, and skills while ensuring security, privacy, compliance, and responsible AI. Adaptation and challenge management work is carried out with up to three departments.
NNIT – Power Platform – Batch Management: Using Microsoft Power Platform, NNIT will streamline the batch release process across different products by aligning your company’s QA functions to a common level of understanding. This will enable a stronger and faster QA process.
Self-Service Checkout Support for Microsoft Dynamics 365: Retcon will implement its checkout support extension for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce to expand the capabilities of your point-of-sale and self-checkout machines. This offer is available only in Polish.
Power Platform High-Level Architecture: IT RBLS will supply a high-level architecture for Microsoft Power Platform so your company can establish sustainable governance and realize the full potential of your technology investment. This offer is available only in Dutch.
Rebel Approach: IT RBLS will demonstrate the value of Microsoft Power Platform and its low-code technology. IT RBLS consultants will aim to maximize your operational efficiency, reduce your costs, and help you achieve strategic goals. This offer is available only in Dutch.
SharePoint Content & News Management: 3-Week Workshop: This workshop from Taras Tech, available in English or German, offers tailored support for building or migrating to a SharePoint intranet. It includes planning and design, a proof of concept, and end-user training.
SharePoint Content and News Management Workshop: This workshop from Taras Tech, available only in German, offers tailored support for building or migrating to a SharePoint intranet. It includes planning and design, a proof of concept, and end-user training.
Talan – Copilot for Microsoft 365: 1-Day Workshop: Talan offers a workshop to help businesses implement Copilot for Microsoft 365. The workshop includes technical and functional analysis, demonstrating the value of Copilot, and change management strategies to encourage adoption.
Threat Protection Engagement (4 Weeks): Grant Thornton’s engagement helps organizations maximize their Microsoft license spending and develop a security strategy aligned with their needs. The engagement covers areas such as Microsoft Sentinel, Microsoft Defender XDR, Microsoft Defender for Office 365, and Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.
Viva Engage Launch: 12-Week Implementation: Engage Squared will implement Microsoft Viva Engage so your company can use the enterprise social network to enhance knowledge sharing, build community, and foster collaboration among employees and leaders. Configuration and ongoing adoption support will be provided.
Viva Goals Launch: 12-Week Implementation: Engage Squared will implement Microsoft Viva Goals to help your company stay aligned and focused on achieving objectives and key results. Engage Squared will package best practices into creative collateral and host a series of training and coaching sessions.
Viva Insights: 6-Week Proof of Concept: Planet Technologies will deploy Microsoft Viva Insights to up to 500 users so your organization can identify patterns related to well-being, productivity, communication, collaboration, and engagement and build a road map to change company culture accordingly.
Contact our partners
Address Verification for Microsoft Dynamics 365
Adopting Microsoft Teams for Collaboration: 4-Day Assessment
Adopting Microsoft Teams for Collaboration: 4-Day Assessment (Germany)
Advanced Analytics and Reporting by IDC
AI Readiness Assessment and Workshop for L&D and Coaching
Amplemarket Add-In for Microsoft Outlook
Application Design and UI/UX by IDC
Aptean Drop Shipment for Food and Beverage
ARIEL – Robotics Automation Platform
Artic Consulting’s Grant Management
Authentication Extension Service for IT Modernization
BlueDash: Cross-Platform Management and Device Monitoring for Schools and Corporations
Botkube: Collaborative Kubernetes Troubleshooting Platform
Briefing on Dynamics 365 Business Central and Microsoft Copilot
Bulut Collection Integration by Infotek
CAP Vignes – Winery Management
CAPTOR for Microsoft Intune (Trial)
CI Sync: Sync Your Microsoft Intune Resources into Your ServiceNow CMDB
CI Sync: Sync Your SCCM Data into Your ServiceNow CMDB
CI Sync: Sync Your VM Resources into Your ServiceNow CMDB
Cinchy – Large Enterprise Offering
Cinchy: Solving Data Complexity
CIPAce Project and Program Management Lifecycle Platform
Consultancy for Azure Data Lake
Consultancy for Azure Machine Learning
Consultancy for Dynamics 365 Marketing & Customer Insights (Elevate)
Consultancy for Dynamics 365 Marketing & Customer Insights (Ignite Plus)
Consultancy for Dynamics 365 Marketing & Customer Insights (Transform)
Consultancy for Microsoft Teams
Copilot 1-Week Activation Assessment: Dynamics 365 Business Central
Copilot 1-Week Activation Assessment: Dynamics 365 Customer Service
Copilot 1-Week Activation Assessment: Dynamics 365 Sales
Copilot and AI for Microsoft Teams Rooms: 2-Hour Session
CPQ (Configure, Price & Quote) Software
CRM Launchpad for Financial Advisors
Custom Teams App Development: 1-Hour Assessment
Cybersecurity: 4-Week Assessment
Degreed: The Learning and Upskilling Platform
Digital Vendor Risk Management
DM Recruit: Applicant Tracking System Service
DocuWare Connect for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Dot Plot Chart by Office Solution
e-mail signature by CC Bilgi Teknolojileri
ecoDMS-LogiProduction Connector
Energisme’s N’Gage: Optimize Energy Consumption
Ephoto Dam for Microsoft Outlook
Fuzzy Match for Microsoft Excel
Honeywell Connected Workforce Competency
Honeywell Flight Efficiency – US
Honeywell Forge Performance+ for Aerospace
Honeywell Predictive Maintenance
Honeywell Remote Building Management
Honeywell Remote Building Management – US
HR Package from Creakom Business Solutions
HYMDL: Cloud Enablement Platform
HyperNym AI Dashcam For Fleet Management
HyperSCHED Express Maintenance
HyperSCHED Express PLUS Maintenance
HyperSCHED Standard Maintenance
iDynamics Commissions Connector for Microsoft Power BI
iGTB Contextual Banking eXperience
Intelisense Manufacturing Lite
Intelligent Agent Assist Powered by Azure OpenAI
Jupiter VisionPoint Integration
Jurisprudence GPT – AI Enterprise
m+m Item Charge Management with Material Properties
m+m Package Management with Material Properties
m+m Price Calculation with Unit Conversion
m+m Prod. Order Job Overview with Package Mgt.
m+m Production Order Job Overview Steel with Package Mgt.
m+m Production Order Job Overview with Test Certificate Mgt.
m+m Test Certificate Mgt. with Additional Lot Info.
Maildroppa Email Marketing and Automation
Microsoft 365 Copilot Preflight: Assessment and Proof of Concept
Microsoft 365 Security Assessment (Basic): Security and Configuration Review
Microsoft Teams Custom App: 3-Day Assessment
Mini-CRM for Sales and Marketing Team App
MJ Flood Technology’s Complimentary Business Value Assessment
msg.SCIPper: Fulfill SCIP Reporting Obligations
OnePortal – Digital Grid Connection Requests
Our D9A Kickstart for Dynamics 365 Business Central – Foundation
PARLe: Digital Court for Dynamics 365
Pebble Stream Zen for Microsoft Excel
POINT – Plant Operation Integrated Tool
PortalTalk: Governance Solution for Microsoft Teams and SharePoint
PROC-EX Expense Management Solution
Product Lifecycle Intelligence
Purchase Requisition for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Remedly Medical Practice Management
Seismic Custom Content for Microsoft Word
Self-Service Assessment for Cybersecurity (OEM)
SKOLISTIC: Platform for Schools
Smart Energy Management System
Smart Surveillance: Audits and Inspections (Brazil)
Summize’s Inbox Assistant (UAE)
Sysdoc Competency Assessment Tool
The Layer: A Solution for Telecoms and IT
Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE: Indirect Tax Determination for Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement
Travel Risk Management and Request Approvals
UAUC – Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition
Visual Copilots for Knowledge Work
WATER: Model to Identify and Segment Bodies of Water
Wipro Lab45 Chat AI Application
Wipro Lab45 Document AI Application
Work 365: Record Clone for Microsoft Dynamics
This content was generated by Microsoft Azure OpenAI and then revised by human editors.
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Need help while defining ode function for bvp4c/bvp5c/ode45 solve
I wanted to define system of ode functions for my higher order problems. I have differential equations are :
y"=(-y’*x’/lambda*x)-(cosy/x)-(f*p’/4)-(f*x’*p/4*x)+(y’*cosy/x)+(siny/lambda)+(lambda*f*p*cosy/4*x)+(siny*cosy/x^2)+(mu_1*(sin(y) – mu_2*cos(y)) / (2 * x^2)
where, y,x,p are functions of s. and f,lambda and a are constants.
while defining ode function for my bvp solve, I write the code as
function dydx = odefun2(t, y, params)
lambda = params.lambda;
a = params.a;
f = params.f;
y1 = y(1); % y
y2 = y(2); % x
y3 = y(3); % z
y4 = y(4); % p
y5 = y(5); % p_dot
y6 = cos(y1); %x_dot
y7 = sin(y1); %z_dot
ydot = sqrt((lambda * f * y4 * sin(y1) / y2) + (sin(y1)^2 / y2^2) – (2 / lambda^2) + (2 * cos(y1) / lambda) – (3 * a * (y4^2) * lambda^2)/2);
yddot = -((ydot * cos(y1) / (lambda * y2))) – (cos(y1) / y2) – (0.5 * y5 / 4) – (0.5 *cos(y1) * y4 / (4 * y2)) + (ydot * cos(y1) / y2) + (sin(y1) / lambda) + (0.5 * lambda * y4 * cos(y1) / (4 * y2)) + (sin(y1) * cos(y1) / y2^2) + (mu_1*(sin(y1) – mu_2*cos(y1)) / (2 * y2));
dydx = [y5; y6; y7; ydot; yddot];
But I have no equation for p’. And I am not sure that how can I relate x and z with x’ and z’ respectively. Also I don’t have any differential equation for p’. how I should relate p and p’?
need some suggestions.I wanted to define system of ode functions for my higher order problems. I have differential equations are :
y"=(-y’*x’/lambda*x)-(cosy/x)-(f*p’/4)-(f*x’*p/4*x)+(y’*cosy/x)+(siny/lambda)+(lambda*f*p*cosy/4*x)+(siny*cosy/x^2)+(mu_1*(sin(y) – mu_2*cos(y)) / (2 * x^2)
where, y,x,p are functions of s. and f,lambda and a are constants.
while defining ode function for my bvp solve, I write the code as
function dydx = odefun2(t, y, params)
lambda = params.lambda;
a = params.a;
f = params.f;
y1 = y(1); % y
y2 = y(2); % x
y3 = y(3); % z
y4 = y(4); % p
y5 = y(5); % p_dot
y6 = cos(y1); %x_dot
y7 = sin(y1); %z_dot
ydot = sqrt((lambda * f * y4 * sin(y1) / y2) + (sin(y1)^2 / y2^2) – (2 / lambda^2) + (2 * cos(y1) / lambda) – (3 * a * (y4^2) * lambda^2)/2);
yddot = -((ydot * cos(y1) / (lambda * y2))) – (cos(y1) / y2) – (0.5 * y5 / 4) – (0.5 *cos(y1) * y4 / (4 * y2)) + (ydot * cos(y1) / y2) + (sin(y1) / lambda) + (0.5 * lambda * y4 * cos(y1) / (4 * y2)) + (sin(y1) * cos(y1) / y2^2) + (mu_1*(sin(y1) – mu_2*cos(y1)) / (2 * y2));
dydx = [y5; y6; y7; ydot; yddot];
But I have no equation for p’. And I am not sure that how can I relate x and z with x’ and z’ respectively. Also I don’t have any differential equation for p’. how I should relate p and p’?
need some suggestions. I wanted to define system of ode functions for my higher order problems. I have differential equations are :
y"=(-y’*x’/lambda*x)-(cosy/x)-(f*p’/4)-(f*x’*p/4*x)+(y’*cosy/x)+(siny/lambda)+(lambda*f*p*cosy/4*x)+(siny*cosy/x^2)+(mu_1*(sin(y) – mu_2*cos(y)) / (2 * x^2)
where, y,x,p are functions of s. and f,lambda and a are constants.
while defining ode function for my bvp solve, I write the code as
function dydx = odefun2(t, y, params)
lambda = params.lambda;
a = params.a;
f = params.f;
y1 = y(1); % y
y2 = y(2); % x
y3 = y(3); % z
y4 = y(4); % p
y5 = y(5); % p_dot
y6 = cos(y1); %x_dot
y7 = sin(y1); %z_dot
ydot = sqrt((lambda * f * y4 * sin(y1) / y2) + (sin(y1)^2 / y2^2) – (2 / lambda^2) + (2 * cos(y1) / lambda) – (3 * a * (y4^2) * lambda^2)/2);
yddot = -((ydot * cos(y1) / (lambda * y2))) – (cos(y1) / y2) – (0.5 * y5 / 4) – (0.5 *cos(y1) * y4 / (4 * y2)) + (ydot * cos(y1) / y2) + (sin(y1) / lambda) + (0.5 * lambda * y4 * cos(y1) / (4 * y2)) + (sin(y1) * cos(y1) / y2^2) + (mu_1*(sin(y1) – mu_2*cos(y1)) / (2 * y2));
dydx = [y5; y6; y7; ydot; yddot];
But I have no equation for p’. And I am not sure that how can I relate x and z with x’ and z’ respectively. Also I don’t have any differential equation for p’. how I should relate p and p’?
need some suggestions. bvp5c, bvp4c, ode45, ode MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Mismatched Stability check.
I have system of two equations. I solved the model – variable k and t for each value of parameter m, between 0 and 1, and checked for stability of solution. I got all solution as stable
% Define the equations as anonymous functions
eq1 = @(vars, m) (sqrt(vars(1))/sqrt(1-vars(1))) + ((vars(2)*(2*(m^3) + vars(2)^3 – 3*vars(2)*((m+1)^2))^2)/(6*vars(2) – 3*((m-vars(2))^2)) + ((m-vars(2))^2)*(m+2*vars(2))*(m/(3*vars(2)) + 2/3)) / ((m^3 – (vars(2)^2)*(3*m+3) + 2*(vars(2)^3))*(m/(3*vars(2)) – (2*m+vars(2))/(3*(2*vars(2)-((m-vars(2))^2))) + 2/3) – vars(2)*((m-vars(2))^2)*(2*m+vars(2))*((2*m/3) + vars(2)/3));
eq2 = @(vars, m) vars(2) – ((sqrt(vars(1))/sqrt(1-vars(1)))*(((m/vars(2))+2)/3) – (1/3)*(2 + (m/vars(2)) + ((2*m+vars(2))/(((m-vars(2))^2)-2*vars(2))))) / ((sqrt(vars(1))/sqrt(1-vars(1)))*(2*(m^3) – 3*((1+m)^2)*vars(2) + vars(2)^3)/(3*(((m-vars(2))^2)-2*vars(2))) – ((2*m+vars(2))/3));
% Range of m values
m_values = linspace(0, 1, 100); % 100 values of m between 0 and 1
% Preallocate arrays to store solutions
k_solutions = zeros(size(m_values));
t_solutions = zeros(size(m_values));
stabilities = cell(size(m_values));
% Loop over m values and solve the system of equations for each m
for i = 1:length(m_values)
m = m_values(i);
% System of equations for current m
system_of_equations = @(vars) [eq1(vars, m); eq2(vars, m)];
% Initial guess for [k, t]
initial_guess = [0.75, 1.5];
% Solve the system of equations using fsolve
options = optimoptions(‘fsolve’, ‘Display’, ‘off’);
solution = fsolve(system_of_equations, initial_guess, options);
% Store solutions if they meet the criteria
k_solution = solution(1);
t_solution = solution(2);
if k_solution > 0.5 && k_solution < 1 && t_solution > 0
k_solutions(i) = k_solution;
t_solutions(i) = t_solution;
% Compute the Jacobian matrix
J = [diff(eq1([k_solution, t_solution], m), 1, 1), diff(eq1([k_solution, t_solution], m), 1, 2);
diff(eq2([k_solution, t_solution], m), 1, 1), diff(eq2([k_solution, t_solution], m), 1, 2)];
% Calculate eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix
eigenvalues = eig(J);
% Analyze stability
if all(real(eigenvalues) < 0)
stabilities{i} = ‘Stable’;
elseif all(real(eigenvalues) == 0)
% Use center manifold method for stability analysis
% Modify this part with your center manifold method implementation
stabilities{i} = ‘Center manifold method’;
elseif any(real(eigenvalues) > 0)
stabilities{i} = ‘Unstable’;
k_solutions(i) = NaN;
t_solutions(i) = NaN;
stabilities{i} = ‘NaN’;
% Display solutions and stabilities
disp(‘Solutions for each m:’);
for i = 1:length(m_values)
fprintf(‘m = %.2f, k = %.4f, t = %.4f, Stability = %sn’, m_values(i), k_solutions(i), t_solutions(i), stabilities{i});
Now, the problem arose when I took k as an exogenous variable. When I input the value of k say 0.6945 (In above code, I got one of the solution as for m=0.38 I had k=0.6945 and t =1.82 and it was stable), I got value of t as 1.82 against m=0.38, as should be. But now this solution is unstable. Why? Can anyone help me why I am getting it stable in above code. While it is unstable in below. Please help
% Define the range of m values
m_values = linspace(0, 1, 100); % Adjust the number of points for higher accuracy
% Define the value of k
k = 0.6945;
% Initialize cell arrays to store fixed points and their stability
fixed_points = cell(length(m_values), 1);
stability_info = cell(length(m_values), 1);
% Define the function f(t, m)
f = @(t, m) real(((((k).^(1/2)).*(((m./t)+2)/3) – ((1-k).^(1/2)).*(1/3)*(2 + (m./t) + ((2*m + t)./(((m – t)^2) – 2*t)))))./((((k).^(1/2)).*(2*m^3 – 3*((1+m)^2)*t + t^3)/(3*(((m – t)^2) – 2*t)) – ((1-k).^(1/2)).*((2*m + t)/3))) – t);
% Define initial guesses for fsolve
initial_guesses = [0.1, 0.5, 1.7];
% Loop over the range of m values
for i = 1:length(m_values)
m_val = m_values(i);
% Initialize temporary storage for current m
current_fixed_points = [];
current_stability_info = [];
% Find fixed points using fsolve with multiple initial guesses
for guess = initial_guesses
options = optimset(‘Display’, ‘off’, ‘TolFun’, 1e-10, ‘TolX’, 1e-10);
[t_val, fval, exitflag] = fsolve(@(t) f(t, m_val), guess, options);
% Check if the solution is valid and positive
if exitflag > 0 && t_val > 0 && isreal(t_val) && ~isnan(t_val) && ~isinf(t_val)
% Check if the solution is already found (to avoid duplicates)
if isempty(current_fixed_points) || all(abs(current_fixed_points – t_val) > 1e-6)
% Calculate the partial derivative (Jacobian) at the fixed point to check stability
df_dt = (f(t_val + 1e-6, m_val) – f(t_val, m_val)) / 1e-6;
% The eigenvalue in this 1D case is just df_dt
eigenvalue = df_dt;
% Check stability based on the real part of the eigenvalue
is_stable = real(eigenvalue) < 0;
% Store the fixed point and its stability
current_fixed_points = [current_fixed_points, t_val];
current_stability_info = [current_stability_info, is_stable];
% Skip this initial guess if it causes an error
% Store results for current m
fixed_points{i} = current_fixed_points;
stability_info{i} = current_stability_info;
% Display results
for i = 1:length(m_values)
m_val = m_values(i);
t_vals = fixed_points{i};
stability_vals = stability_info{i};
for j = 1:length(t_vals)
fprintf(‘For m = %.2f, t = %.6f: stable = %dn’, m_val, t_vals(j), stability_vals(j));
% Plot fixed points as a function of m with stability info
hold on;
for i = 1:length(m_values)
t_vals = fixed_points{i};
stability_vals = stability_info{i};
for j = 1:length(t_vals)
if stability_vals(j)
plot(m_values(i), t_vals(j), ‘go’); % Stable points in green
plot(m_values(i), t_vals(j), ‘ro’); % Unstable points in red
ylabel(‘Fixed Point t’);
title(‘Fixed Points and Stability as a Function of m’);
legend(‘Stable’, ‘Unstable’);
hold off;I have system of two equations. I solved the model – variable k and t for each value of parameter m, between 0 and 1, and checked for stability of solution. I got all solution as stable
% Define the equations as anonymous functions
eq1 = @(vars, m) (sqrt(vars(1))/sqrt(1-vars(1))) + ((vars(2)*(2*(m^3) + vars(2)^3 – 3*vars(2)*((m+1)^2))^2)/(6*vars(2) – 3*((m-vars(2))^2)) + ((m-vars(2))^2)*(m+2*vars(2))*(m/(3*vars(2)) + 2/3)) / ((m^3 – (vars(2)^2)*(3*m+3) + 2*(vars(2)^3))*(m/(3*vars(2)) – (2*m+vars(2))/(3*(2*vars(2)-((m-vars(2))^2))) + 2/3) – vars(2)*((m-vars(2))^2)*(2*m+vars(2))*((2*m/3) + vars(2)/3));
eq2 = @(vars, m) vars(2) – ((sqrt(vars(1))/sqrt(1-vars(1)))*(((m/vars(2))+2)/3) – (1/3)*(2 + (m/vars(2)) + ((2*m+vars(2))/(((m-vars(2))^2)-2*vars(2))))) / ((sqrt(vars(1))/sqrt(1-vars(1)))*(2*(m^3) – 3*((1+m)^2)*vars(2) + vars(2)^3)/(3*(((m-vars(2))^2)-2*vars(2))) – ((2*m+vars(2))/3));
% Range of m values
m_values = linspace(0, 1, 100); % 100 values of m between 0 and 1
% Preallocate arrays to store solutions
k_solutions = zeros(size(m_values));
t_solutions = zeros(size(m_values));
stabilities = cell(size(m_values));
% Loop over m values and solve the system of equations for each m
for i = 1:length(m_values)
m = m_values(i);
% System of equations for current m
system_of_equations = @(vars) [eq1(vars, m); eq2(vars, m)];
% Initial guess for [k, t]
initial_guess = [0.75, 1.5];
% Solve the system of equations using fsolve
options = optimoptions(‘fsolve’, ‘Display’, ‘off’);
solution = fsolve(system_of_equations, initial_guess, options);
% Store solutions if they meet the criteria
k_solution = solution(1);
t_solution = solution(2);
if k_solution > 0.5 && k_solution < 1 && t_solution > 0
k_solutions(i) = k_solution;
t_solutions(i) = t_solution;
% Compute the Jacobian matrix
J = [diff(eq1([k_solution, t_solution], m), 1, 1), diff(eq1([k_solution, t_solution], m), 1, 2);
diff(eq2([k_solution, t_solution], m), 1, 1), diff(eq2([k_solution, t_solution], m), 1, 2)];
% Calculate eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix
eigenvalues = eig(J);
% Analyze stability
if all(real(eigenvalues) < 0)
stabilities{i} = ‘Stable’;
elseif all(real(eigenvalues) == 0)
% Use center manifold method for stability analysis
% Modify this part with your center manifold method implementation
stabilities{i} = ‘Center manifold method’;
elseif any(real(eigenvalues) > 0)
stabilities{i} = ‘Unstable’;
k_solutions(i) = NaN;
t_solutions(i) = NaN;
stabilities{i} = ‘NaN’;
% Display solutions and stabilities
disp(‘Solutions for each m:’);
for i = 1:length(m_values)
fprintf(‘m = %.2f, k = %.4f, t = %.4f, Stability = %sn’, m_values(i), k_solutions(i), t_solutions(i), stabilities{i});
Now, the problem arose when I took k as an exogenous variable. When I input the value of k say 0.6945 (In above code, I got one of the solution as for m=0.38 I had k=0.6945 and t =1.82 and it was stable), I got value of t as 1.82 against m=0.38, as should be. But now this solution is unstable. Why? Can anyone help me why I am getting it stable in above code. While it is unstable in below. Please help
% Define the range of m values
m_values = linspace(0, 1, 100); % Adjust the number of points for higher accuracy
% Define the value of k
k = 0.6945;
% Initialize cell arrays to store fixed points and their stability
fixed_points = cell(length(m_values), 1);
stability_info = cell(length(m_values), 1);
% Define the function f(t, m)
f = @(t, m) real(((((k).^(1/2)).*(((m./t)+2)/3) – ((1-k).^(1/2)).*(1/3)*(2 + (m./t) + ((2*m + t)./(((m – t)^2) – 2*t)))))./((((k).^(1/2)).*(2*m^3 – 3*((1+m)^2)*t + t^3)/(3*(((m – t)^2) – 2*t)) – ((1-k).^(1/2)).*((2*m + t)/3))) – t);
% Define initial guesses for fsolve
initial_guesses = [0.1, 0.5, 1.7];
% Loop over the range of m values
for i = 1:length(m_values)
m_val = m_values(i);
% Initialize temporary storage for current m
current_fixed_points = [];
current_stability_info = [];
% Find fixed points using fsolve with multiple initial guesses
for guess = initial_guesses
options = optimset(‘Display’, ‘off’, ‘TolFun’, 1e-10, ‘TolX’, 1e-10);
[t_val, fval, exitflag] = fsolve(@(t) f(t, m_val), guess, options);
% Check if the solution is valid and positive
if exitflag > 0 && t_val > 0 && isreal(t_val) && ~isnan(t_val) && ~isinf(t_val)
% Check if the solution is already found (to avoid duplicates)
if isempty(current_fixed_points) || all(abs(current_fixed_points – t_val) > 1e-6)
% Calculate the partial derivative (Jacobian) at the fixed point to check stability
df_dt = (f(t_val + 1e-6, m_val) – f(t_val, m_val)) / 1e-6;
% The eigenvalue in this 1D case is just df_dt
eigenvalue = df_dt;
% Check stability based on the real part of the eigenvalue
is_stable = real(eigenvalue) < 0;
% Store the fixed point and its stability
current_fixed_points = [current_fixed_points, t_val];
current_stability_info = [current_stability_info, is_stable];
% Skip this initial guess if it causes an error
% Store results for current m
fixed_points{i} = current_fixed_points;
stability_info{i} = current_stability_info;
% Display results
for i = 1:length(m_values)
m_val = m_values(i);
t_vals = fixed_points{i};
stability_vals = stability_info{i};
for j = 1:length(t_vals)
fprintf(‘For m = %.2f, t = %.6f: stable = %dn’, m_val, t_vals(j), stability_vals(j));
% Plot fixed points as a function of m with stability info
hold on;
for i = 1:length(m_values)
t_vals = fixed_points{i};
stability_vals = stability_info{i};
for j = 1:length(t_vals)
if stability_vals(j)
plot(m_values(i), t_vals(j), ‘go’); % Stable points in green
plot(m_values(i), t_vals(j), ‘ro’); % Unstable points in red
ylabel(‘Fixed Point t’);
title(‘Fixed Points and Stability as a Function of m’);
legend(‘Stable’, ‘Unstable’);
hold off; I have system of two equations. I solved the model – variable k and t for each value of parameter m, between 0 and 1, and checked for stability of solution. I got all solution as stable
% Define the equations as anonymous functions
eq1 = @(vars, m) (sqrt(vars(1))/sqrt(1-vars(1))) + ((vars(2)*(2*(m^3) + vars(2)^3 – 3*vars(2)*((m+1)^2))^2)/(6*vars(2) – 3*((m-vars(2))^2)) + ((m-vars(2))^2)*(m+2*vars(2))*(m/(3*vars(2)) + 2/3)) / ((m^3 – (vars(2)^2)*(3*m+3) + 2*(vars(2)^3))*(m/(3*vars(2)) – (2*m+vars(2))/(3*(2*vars(2)-((m-vars(2))^2))) + 2/3) – vars(2)*((m-vars(2))^2)*(2*m+vars(2))*((2*m/3) + vars(2)/3));
eq2 = @(vars, m) vars(2) – ((sqrt(vars(1))/sqrt(1-vars(1)))*(((m/vars(2))+2)/3) – (1/3)*(2 + (m/vars(2)) + ((2*m+vars(2))/(((m-vars(2))^2)-2*vars(2))))) / ((sqrt(vars(1))/sqrt(1-vars(1)))*(2*(m^3) – 3*((1+m)^2)*vars(2) + vars(2)^3)/(3*(((m-vars(2))^2)-2*vars(2))) – ((2*m+vars(2))/3));
% Range of m values
m_values = linspace(0, 1, 100); % 100 values of m between 0 and 1
% Preallocate arrays to store solutions
k_solutions = zeros(size(m_values));
t_solutions = zeros(size(m_values));
stabilities = cell(size(m_values));
% Loop over m values and solve the system of equations for each m
for i = 1:length(m_values)
m = m_values(i);
% System of equations for current m
system_of_equations = @(vars) [eq1(vars, m); eq2(vars, m)];
% Initial guess for [k, t]
initial_guess = [0.75, 1.5];
% Solve the system of equations using fsolve
options = optimoptions(‘fsolve’, ‘Display’, ‘off’);
solution = fsolve(system_of_equations, initial_guess, options);
% Store solutions if they meet the criteria
k_solution = solution(1);
t_solution = solution(2);
if k_solution > 0.5 && k_solution < 1 && t_solution > 0
k_solutions(i) = k_solution;
t_solutions(i) = t_solution;
% Compute the Jacobian matrix
J = [diff(eq1([k_solution, t_solution], m), 1, 1), diff(eq1([k_solution, t_solution], m), 1, 2);
diff(eq2([k_solution, t_solution], m), 1, 1), diff(eq2([k_solution, t_solution], m), 1, 2)];
% Calculate eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix
eigenvalues = eig(J);
% Analyze stability
if all(real(eigenvalues) < 0)
stabilities{i} = ‘Stable’;
elseif all(real(eigenvalues) == 0)
% Use center manifold method for stability analysis
% Modify this part with your center manifold method implementation
stabilities{i} = ‘Center manifold method’;
elseif any(real(eigenvalues) > 0)
stabilities{i} = ‘Unstable’;
k_solutions(i) = NaN;
t_solutions(i) = NaN;
stabilities{i} = ‘NaN’;
% Display solutions and stabilities
disp(‘Solutions for each m:’);
for i = 1:length(m_values)
fprintf(‘m = %.2f, k = %.4f, t = %.4f, Stability = %sn’, m_values(i), k_solutions(i), t_solutions(i), stabilities{i});
Now, the problem arose when I took k as an exogenous variable. When I input the value of k say 0.6945 (In above code, I got one of the solution as for m=0.38 I had k=0.6945 and t =1.82 and it was stable), I got value of t as 1.82 against m=0.38, as should be. But now this solution is unstable. Why? Can anyone help me why I am getting it stable in above code. While it is unstable in below. Please help
% Define the range of m values
m_values = linspace(0, 1, 100); % Adjust the number of points for higher accuracy
% Define the value of k
k = 0.6945;
% Initialize cell arrays to store fixed points and their stability
fixed_points = cell(length(m_values), 1);
stability_info = cell(length(m_values), 1);
% Define the function f(t, m)
f = @(t, m) real(((((k).^(1/2)).*(((m./t)+2)/3) – ((1-k).^(1/2)).*(1/3)*(2 + (m./t) + ((2*m + t)./(((m – t)^2) – 2*t)))))./((((k).^(1/2)).*(2*m^3 – 3*((1+m)^2)*t + t^3)/(3*(((m – t)^2) – 2*t)) – ((1-k).^(1/2)).*((2*m + t)/3))) – t);
% Define initial guesses for fsolve
initial_guesses = [0.1, 0.5, 1.7];
% Loop over the range of m values
for i = 1:length(m_values)
m_val = m_values(i);
% Initialize temporary storage for current m
current_fixed_points = [];
current_stability_info = [];
% Find fixed points using fsolve with multiple initial guesses
for guess = initial_guesses
options = optimset(‘Display’, ‘off’, ‘TolFun’, 1e-10, ‘TolX’, 1e-10);
[t_val, fval, exitflag] = fsolve(@(t) f(t, m_val), guess, options);
% Check if the solution is valid and positive
if exitflag > 0 && t_val > 0 && isreal(t_val) && ~isnan(t_val) && ~isinf(t_val)
% Check if the solution is already found (to avoid duplicates)
if isempty(current_fixed_points) || all(abs(current_fixed_points – t_val) > 1e-6)
% Calculate the partial derivative (Jacobian) at the fixed point to check stability
df_dt = (f(t_val + 1e-6, m_val) – f(t_val, m_val)) / 1e-6;
% The eigenvalue in this 1D case is just df_dt
eigenvalue = df_dt;
% Check stability based on the real part of the eigenvalue
is_stable = real(eigenvalue) < 0;
% Store the fixed point and its stability
current_fixed_points = [current_fixed_points, t_val];
current_stability_info = [current_stability_info, is_stable];
% Skip this initial guess if it causes an error
% Store results for current m
fixed_points{i} = current_fixed_points;
stability_info{i} = current_stability_info;
% Display results
for i = 1:length(m_values)
m_val = m_values(i);
t_vals = fixed_points{i};
stability_vals = stability_info{i};
for j = 1:length(t_vals)
fprintf(‘For m = %.2f, t = %.6f: stable = %dn’, m_val, t_vals(j), stability_vals(j));
% Plot fixed points as a function of m with stability info
hold on;
for i = 1:length(m_values)
t_vals = fixed_points{i};
stability_vals = stability_info{i};
for j = 1:length(t_vals)
if stability_vals(j)
plot(m_values(i), t_vals(j), ‘go’); % Stable points in green
plot(m_values(i), t_vals(j), ‘ro’); % Unstable points in red
ylabel(‘Fixed Point t’);
title(‘Fixed Points and Stability as a Function of m’);
legend(‘Stable’, ‘Unstable’);
hold off; matlab, optimization MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Slow Training of RL Agent on HPC Compared to Local Machine
I am currently running a MATLAB 2021a script (execute.m added as attachment for reference) to train a reinforcement learning (RL) agent in Simulink to control a drone. While training it in my local machine it connects to 6 workers and the training speed is much higher compared to HPC which is connected to 12 workers. I have ensured that the whole node is assigned to the the job with 28 cores in total.
Here is the SLURM script:
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -J MATLAB_Execute # Job name
#SBATCH -N 1 # Number of nodes
#SBATCH -n 1 # Number of tasks (1 instance of the program)
#SBATCH -c 28 # Number of CPU cores per node
#SBATCH –gres=gpu:0 # Number of GPUs per node
#SBATCH –time=1:00:0 # Time limit (10 minutes)
#SBATCH -p batch -C skylake # Partition name (GPU partition)
export JAVA_LOG_DIR=/scratch/users/gshetty/java_logs
mkdir -p $JAVA_LOG_DIR
# Load the MATLAB module
module load math/MATLAB/2021a
module load openssl/1.1.1k
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/
# Run the MATLAB script
srun matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -r execute -logfile execute.out
what can be the potential reason?I am currently running a MATLAB 2021a script (execute.m added as attachment for reference) to train a reinforcement learning (RL) agent in Simulink to control a drone. While training it in my local machine it connects to 6 workers and the training speed is much higher compared to HPC which is connected to 12 workers. I have ensured that the whole node is assigned to the the job with 28 cores in total.
Here is the SLURM script:
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -J MATLAB_Execute # Job name
#SBATCH -N 1 # Number of nodes
#SBATCH -n 1 # Number of tasks (1 instance of the program)
#SBATCH -c 28 # Number of CPU cores per node
#SBATCH –gres=gpu:0 # Number of GPUs per node
#SBATCH –time=1:00:0 # Time limit (10 minutes)
#SBATCH -p batch -C skylake # Partition name (GPU partition)
export JAVA_LOG_DIR=/scratch/users/gshetty/java_logs
mkdir -p $JAVA_LOG_DIR
# Load the MATLAB module
module load math/MATLAB/2021a
module load openssl/1.1.1k
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/
# Run the MATLAB script
srun matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -r execute -logfile execute.out
what can be the potential reason? I am currently running a MATLAB 2021a script (execute.m added as attachment for reference) to train a reinforcement learning (RL) agent in Simulink to control a drone. While training it in my local machine it connects to 6 workers and the training speed is much higher compared to HPC which is connected to 12 workers. I have ensured that the whole node is assigned to the the job with 28 cores in total.
Here is the SLURM script:
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -J MATLAB_Execute # Job name
#SBATCH -N 1 # Number of nodes
#SBATCH -n 1 # Number of tasks (1 instance of the program)
#SBATCH -c 28 # Number of CPU cores per node
#SBATCH –gres=gpu:0 # Number of GPUs per node
#SBATCH –time=1:00:0 # Time limit (10 minutes)
#SBATCH -p batch -C skylake # Partition name (GPU partition)
export JAVA_LOG_DIR=/scratch/users/gshetty/java_logs
mkdir -p $JAVA_LOG_DIR
# Load the MATLAB module
module load math/MATLAB/2021a
module load openssl/1.1.1k
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/
# Run the MATLAB script
srun matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -r execute -logfile execute.out
what can be the potential reason? parallel computing toolbox, simulink, reinforcement learning, hpc MATLAB Answers — New Questions
rror copying generated code into Pixhawk firmware directory. Delete the files in the folder C:PX4homeFirmwaresrcmodulespx4_simulink_app manually and try building again.
rror copying generated code into Pixhawk firmware directory. Delete the files in the folder C:PX4homeFirmwaresrcmodulespx4_simulink_app manually and try building again.
how to rebuilding againrror copying generated code into Pixhawk firmware directory. Delete the files in the folder C:PX4homeFirmwaresrcmodulespx4_simulink_app manually and try building again.
how to rebuilding again rror copying generated code into Pixhawk firmware directory. Delete the files in the folder C:PX4homeFirmwaresrcmodulespx4_simulink_app manually and try building again.
how to rebuilding again pixhawk, simulink, uav MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Permit access only O365 Admin Center
Hi I have several users assigned to the user administrator role, to perform user activation/deactivation tasks, adding to groups etc. I would like to be able to block the admin panels and have them only use the 365 admin center (not Entra ID, Azure Portal, Exchange Online Portal etc).I created a conditional access policy but when I added “Windows Azure Service Management API” and the lock condition, block entra id (ok) and other panels, but it also blocks the 365 admin center. Is there any way to allow access only through the 365 admin center? Thanks! Read More
Why is My Qᴜɪᴄᴋʙᴏᴏᴋꜱ error 15270 after new update?
I’m encountering Qᴜɪᴄᴋʙᴏᴏᴋꜱ error 15270 when trying to download a ᴘᴀʏʀᴏʟʟ update. The message says “The update is missing a file.” How can I resolve this issue?
I’m encountering Qᴜɪᴄᴋʙᴏᴏᴋꜱ error 15270 when trying to download a ᴘᴀʏʀᴏʟʟ update. The message says “The update is missing a file.” How can I resolve this issue? Read More
Setting task categorise to minimise as default
This is quite niche but something one of our clients has raised that would greatly help their productivity.
Their team uses tasks within Outlook and shares a task list so they can all see each other’s tasks. Each member of the team organizes their tasks by categories, and each category belongs to a member of the team.
The user has reported that every time they go into tasks, they have to manually minimize each category, which takes a few moments. They then go elsewhere in Outlook, and upon returning to tasks, all the categories have expanded. They would like to know if there is a way to have the categories minimized by default.
As I said, a bit niche, but maybe someone out there knows if/how this can be done.
Thank you.
This is quite niche but something one of our clients has raised that would greatly help their productivity.Their team uses tasks within Outlook and shares a task list so they can all see each other’s tasks. Each member of the team organizes their tasks by categories, and each category belongs to a member of the team. The user has reported that every time they go into tasks, they have to manually minimize each category, which takes a few moments. They then go elsewhere in Outlook, and upon returning to tasks, all the categories have expanded. They would like to know if there is a way to have the categories minimized by default. As I said, a bit niche, but maybe someone out there knows if/how this can be done.Thank you. Read More
Common Error
Hello All,
I am running into an error that seams to repeat for different policies but happens on some devices and not all.
Error usually is as below: From location (Microsoft-Windows-DeviceManagement-Enterprise-Diagnostics-Provider/Admin)
MDM ConfigurationManager: Command failure status. Configuration Source ID: (GUID), Enrollment Name: (MDMDeviceWithAAD), Provider Name: (Policy), Command Type: (Add: from Replace or Add), CSP URI: (./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Firefox~Policy~firefox~Extensions/ExtensionSettings), Result: (The system cannot find the file specified.).
-With this particular error, It is installing the Purview(DLP) extension for Firefox(Bit this happens with other settings as well).
Can you confirm what could be the reason for this?
Hello All,I am running into an error that seams to repeat for different policies but happens on some devices and not all.Error usually is as below: From location (Microsoft-Windows-DeviceManagement-Enterprise-Diagnostics-Provider/Admin) MDM ConfigurationManager: Command failure status. Configuration Source ID: (GUID), Enrollment Name: (MDMDeviceWithAAD), Provider Name: (Policy), Command Type: (Add: from Replace or Add), CSP URI: (./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Firefox~Policy~firefox~Extensions/ExtensionSettings), Result: (The system cannot find the file specified.). -With this particular error, It is installing the Purview(DLP) extension for Firefox(Bit this happens with other settings as well). Can you confirm what could be the reason for this? Read More
Proxy setting invalid on Android when switching proxy
I use the VPN on Edge for Android, but the proxy setting invalid when switching proxy.
It works normally when connecting to VPN first time, but the proxy settings invalid after switching the the VPN.
I’ve tried to reinstall or use other versions of Edge such as Beta, Dev and Canary, but it didn’t work.
It may be a bug.
I use the VPN on Edge for Android, but the proxy setting invalid when switching proxy.It works normally when connecting to VPN first time, but the proxy settings invalid after switching the the VPN.I’ve tried to reinstall or use other versions of Edge such as Beta, Dev and Canary, but it didn’t work.It may be a bug. Read More
MDE limited details in email alert notifications
Hello Everyone,
We have set up email alert notifications for Incidents and Actions in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint following the instructions provided in the article below:
However, we have noticed that the alerts received via email contain very limited information.
We would like to know if there is a way to customize these alerts to include additional details such as the alert name, timestamp, system and user names, file and path details, and more.
Your guidance on how to achieve this customization would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Hello Everyone, We have set up email alert notifications for Incidents and Actions in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint following the instructions provided in the article below: However, we have noticed that the alerts received via email contain very limited information.We would like to know if there is a way to customize these alerts to include additional details such as the alert name, timestamp, system and user names, file and path details, and more. Your guidance on how to achieve this customization would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Read More
Photos.Exe Bad Image / Snipping Tool .EXE Bad Image
Hello Insider community,
I recently have this issue wherein my photos app and snipping tool is not opening and getting the error mentioned above. This error is also present after device is being restarted. I already tried creating a new user profile, sfc scan, dism, run mrt and still getting the same error. Already tried to re-register the app from settings and powershell
Windows 11 Home SL 23H2
Build 22635.3646 ni_release
Hello Insider community, I recently have this issue wherein my photos app and snipping tool is not opening and getting the error mentioned above. This error is also present after device is being restarted. I already tried creating a new user profile, sfc scan, dism, run mrt and still getting the same error. Already tried to re-register the app from settings and powershell Windows 11 Home SL 23H2Build 22635.3646 ni_release Read More
Creating an Index with a lot of Columns
Hi all.
I have been working on SQL Environment that are really not well due to legacy system mixed with new systems. Need to ask bit of stupid question. I have run few different SQL Scripts to recommend Creating of indexes including BrentOzar FirstResponderKit. Mostly I use FirstResponderKit scripts. Here is where I am bit stuck or not sure what to do.
Normally I create Index with no more than 5 columns in a index. This time I am getting different recommendations. This is recommending adding between 15 – 30 columns. Avg Estimated Cost is between 100% or 65%. Screen shot attach.
Has anyone added index with so many columns?
Hi all.I have been working on SQL Environment that are really not well due to legacy system mixed with new systems. Need to ask bit of stupid question. I have run few different SQL Scripts to recommend Creating of indexes including BrentOzar FirstResponderKit. Mostly I use FirstResponderKit scripts. Here is where I am bit stuck or not sure what to do.Normally I create Index with no more than 5 columns in a index. This time I am getting different recommendations. This is recommending adding between 15 – 30 columns. Avg Estimated Cost is between 100% or 65%. Screen shot attach.Has anyone added index with so many columns? Read More