Month: June 2024
How to make multiple graphs in one plot with a for loop?
Hello, I want multiple graphs in one plot. So different dfranges plotted to see the T2. But we only get one df = -500 or df=500 all the time. What do we do wrong??
close all;
% Initial values and parameters
T2 = 0.052; % Needs to be changed > T1 needs to be checked in T2prep_function
M0 = 1;
TErange = 0.005:0.01:0.1;
T2range = 0.040:0.002:0.064; % Needs to be changed
dfrange = 100; % Scalar value for frequency range
B1var = 1; % 1 means no change in flip angle
Nspins = 500;
MLEV_size = 4; % Can be 4, 8, and 16
Mzprep = zeros(size(TErange));
compound = ‘yes’; % ‘yes’ for compound MLEV, ‘no’ for simple MLEV
%% Comparing off resonances
df_range = -500:100:500; % Range of off-resonance values
% Create figure
hold on;
% Initialize legend cell array
legendstrings = cell(size(df_range));
% Loop over df_range and plot each line
for n = 1:length(df_range)
fprintf(‘Processing df = %dn’, df_range(n));
% Calculate T2fit for the current df_range value
T2fit = calculate_multi_T2(T2range, TErange, MLEV_size, Nspins, df_range(n), M0, B1var, compound);
% Print T2fit for debugging purposes
fprintf(‘T2fit for df = %d: %sn’, df_range(n), mat2str(T2fit));
% Plot T2fit with a DisplayName that corresponds to the current df_range value
plot(T2range, T2fit, ‘DisplayName’, sprintf(‘df = %d’, df_range(n)));
% Store legend entry for current df_range value
legendstrings{n} = sprintf(‘df = %d’, df_range(n));
% Finish the plot
hold off;
disp(‘Simulation finished’);
% Add labels, legend, title, and grid
xlabel(‘Initial T2 (s)’);
ylabel(‘Fitted T2 (s)’);
legend(legendstrings, ‘Location’, ‘northwest’);
title(‘Different off-resonance values’);
grid on;Hello, I want multiple graphs in one plot. So different dfranges plotted to see the T2. But we only get one df = -500 or df=500 all the time. What do we do wrong??
close all;
% Initial values and parameters
T2 = 0.052; % Needs to be changed > T1 needs to be checked in T2prep_function
M0 = 1;
TErange = 0.005:0.01:0.1;
T2range = 0.040:0.002:0.064; % Needs to be changed
dfrange = 100; % Scalar value for frequency range
B1var = 1; % 1 means no change in flip angle
Nspins = 500;
MLEV_size = 4; % Can be 4, 8, and 16
Mzprep = zeros(size(TErange));
compound = ‘yes’; % ‘yes’ for compound MLEV, ‘no’ for simple MLEV
%% Comparing off resonances
df_range = -500:100:500; % Range of off-resonance values
% Create figure
hold on;
% Initialize legend cell array
legendstrings = cell(size(df_range));
% Loop over df_range and plot each line
for n = 1:length(df_range)
fprintf(‘Processing df = %dn’, df_range(n));
% Calculate T2fit for the current df_range value
T2fit = calculate_multi_T2(T2range, TErange, MLEV_size, Nspins, df_range(n), M0, B1var, compound);
% Print T2fit for debugging purposes
fprintf(‘T2fit for df = %d: %sn’, df_range(n), mat2str(T2fit));
% Plot T2fit with a DisplayName that corresponds to the current df_range value
plot(T2range, T2fit, ‘DisplayName’, sprintf(‘df = %d’, df_range(n)));
% Store legend entry for current df_range value
legendstrings{n} = sprintf(‘df = %d’, df_range(n));
% Finish the plot
hold off;
disp(‘Simulation finished’);
% Add labels, legend, title, and grid
xlabel(‘Initial T2 (s)’);
ylabel(‘Fitted T2 (s)’);
legend(legendstrings, ‘Location’, ‘northwest’);
title(‘Different off-resonance values’);
grid on; Hello, I want multiple graphs in one plot. So different dfranges plotted to see the T2. But we only get one df = -500 or df=500 all the time. What do we do wrong??
close all;
% Initial values and parameters
T2 = 0.052; % Needs to be changed > T1 needs to be checked in T2prep_function
M0 = 1;
TErange = 0.005:0.01:0.1;
T2range = 0.040:0.002:0.064; % Needs to be changed
dfrange = 100; % Scalar value for frequency range
B1var = 1; % 1 means no change in flip angle
Nspins = 500;
MLEV_size = 4; % Can be 4, 8, and 16
Mzprep = zeros(size(TErange));
compound = ‘yes’; % ‘yes’ for compound MLEV, ‘no’ for simple MLEV
%% Comparing off resonances
df_range = -500:100:500; % Range of off-resonance values
% Create figure
hold on;
% Initialize legend cell array
legendstrings = cell(size(df_range));
% Loop over df_range and plot each line
for n = 1:length(df_range)
fprintf(‘Processing df = %dn’, df_range(n));
% Calculate T2fit for the current df_range value
T2fit = calculate_multi_T2(T2range, TErange, MLEV_size, Nspins, df_range(n), M0, B1var, compound);
% Print T2fit for debugging purposes
fprintf(‘T2fit for df = %d: %sn’, df_range(n), mat2str(T2fit));
% Plot T2fit with a DisplayName that corresponds to the current df_range value
plot(T2range, T2fit, ‘DisplayName’, sprintf(‘df = %d’, df_range(n)));
% Store legend entry for current df_range value
legendstrings{n} = sprintf(‘df = %d’, df_range(n));
% Finish the plot
hold off;
disp(‘Simulation finished’);
% Add labels, legend, title, and grid
xlabel(‘Initial T2 (s)’);
ylabel(‘Fitted T2 (s)’);
legend(legendstrings, ‘Location’, ‘northwest’);
title(‘Different off-resonance values’);
grid on; for loop multiple graphs in one plot MATLAB Answers — New Questions
More than one update profile assigned
Hello everyone,
we have the following problem.
There are several update ring profiles.
For driver management, a profile was created in which only Windows drivers are allowed.
The assignment group was excluded from the other update ring profiles by membership in the exclusion groups for the other update rings.
But update ring profiles are still assigned.
Only individual ones, but as far as I understand, the devices should only receive one update profile?!
In addition, users and devices are members through nested group members in the exclusion groups.
At user level, the update policies are also shown as excluded under “Assigned Policy”.
Not for the devices. There, the two or more update policies are shown as active.
What could be the reason for two or more policies being assigned?
How can I prevent this?
Thank you in advance for tips and help
Hello everyone, we have the following problem. There are several update ring profiles.For driver management, a profile was created in which only Windows drivers are allowed.The assignment group was excluded from the other update ring profiles by membership in the exclusion groups for the other update rings.But update ring profiles are still assigned.Only individual ones, but as far as I understand, the devices should only receive one update profile?!In addition, users and devices are members through nested group members in the exclusion groups.At user level, the update policies are also shown as excluded under “Assigned Policy”.Not for the devices. There, the two or more update policies are shown as active.What could be the reason for two or more policies being assigned?How can I prevent this? Thank you in advance for tips and help Read More
Combine workingdirectory and startScript results in error message.
I am trying to combine both working directory and startup script in the config.json file. Everything seems to be configured correctly. i install the MSIX package but when i try to start it i get this error message.
If i exclude either workingDirectory og startScript everything is OK.
“applications”: [
“id”: “NOTEPAD”,
“executable”: “VFS\ProgramFilesX64\Notepad++\notepad++.exe”,
“workingDirectory”: “VFS\ProgramFilesX64\Notepad++”,
“scriptExecutionMode”: “-ExecutionPolicy Bypass”,
“startScript”: {
“waitForScriptToFinish”: true,
“runOnce”: true,
“showWindow”: false,
“scriptPath”: “Copy.ps1”
Package files
<Application Id=”NOTEPAD” Executable=”PsfLauncher64.exe” EntryPoint=”Windows.FullTrustApplication”>
I am trying to combine both working directory and startup script in the config.json file. Everything seems to be configured correctly. i install the MSIX package but when i try to start it i get this error message. If i exclude either workingDirectory og startScript everything is OK.Config.json{“applications”: [{“id”: “NOTEPAD”,”executable”: “VFS\ProgramFilesX64\Notepad++\notepad++.exe”,”workingDirectory”: “VFS\ProgramFilesX64\Notepad++”,”scriptExecutionMode”: “-ExecutionPolicy Bypass”,”startScript”: {“waitForScriptToFinish”: true,”runOnce”: true,”showWindow”: false,”scriptPath”: “Copy.ps1″}}]}Package filesAppxManifest.xml<Applications><Application Id=”NOTEPAD” Executable=”PsfLauncher64.exe” EntryPoint=”Windows.FullTrustApplication”> Read More
Toggle visibility function is not working in the New MS Teams adaptive cards.
Toggle visibility function in adaptive cards stopped working in the new version of MS Teams.
The issue is not reproducible in the older version of MS Teams.
It can be reproduced in developer portal with the following card structure example:
Toggle visibility function in adaptive cards stopped working in the new version of MS Teams.The issue is not reproducible in the older version of MS Teams.It can be reproduced in developer portal with the following card structure example:{ “type”: “AdaptiveCard”, “$schema”: “”, “version”: “1.4”, “body”: [ { “type”: “Container”, “items”: [ { “type”: “TextBlock”, “text”: “Request”, “size”: “Large”, “wrap”: true, “weight”: “Bolder”, “spacing”: “Small”, “horizontalAlignment”: “Center” }, { “type”: “TextBlock”, “text”: “Please provide your contact information”, “wrap”: true, “spacing”: “Medium” }, { “type”: “Container”, “items”: [ { “type”: “ColumnSet”, “columns”: [ { “type”: “Column”, “width”: “stretch”, “items”: [ { “type”: “TextBlock”, “text”: “Contact Data”, “wrap”: true, “style”: “default”, “fontType”: “Default”, “size”: “Medium”, “weight”: “Bolder” } ] }, { “type”: “Column”, “width”: “20px”, “items”: [ { “type”: “Image”, “url”: “”, “id”: “chevronUp1” }, { “type”: “Image”, “url”: “”, “id”: “chevronDown1”, “isVisible”: false } ], “selectAction”: { “type”: “Action.ToggleVisibility”, “targetElements”: [ “contactData”, “chevronDown1”, “chevronUp1” ] } } ] }, { “type”: “Container”, “items”: [ { “type”: “Input.Text”, “id”: “rt_user_first_name”, “errorMessage”: “Please input contact person first name”, “label”: “First Name”, “spacing”: “Small”, “value”: “{{memory.rt_user_first_name}}”, “isRequired”: true }, { “type”: “Input.Text”, “label”: “Last Name”, “id”: “rt_user_last_name”, “errorMessage”: “Please input contact person last name”, “spacing”: “Small”, “value”: “{{memory.rt_user_last_name}}”, “isRequired”: true }, { “spacing”: “Small”, “regex”: “^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$”, “isRequired”: true, “value”: “{{memory.rt_user_email}}”, “placeholder”: “email address removed for privacy reasons”, “label”: “Email”, “type”: “Input.Text”, “id”: “rt_user_email”, “errorMessage”: “Please provide the contact person email” }, { “spacing”: “Small”, “regex”: “^[+][0-9]{10,12}$”, “maxLength”: 13, “value”: “{{memory.rt_user_phone_number}}”, “placeholder”: “+1”, “label”: “Phone Number”, “type”: “Input.Text”, “id”: “rt_user_phone_number”, “errorMessage”: “Asking you to kindly enter the phone number in the international format, starting with +, then the country code, operator code and your local number.” } ], “id”: “contactData”, “spacing”: “Small” } ] } ] }, { “type”: “Container”, “items”: [ { “type”: “ActionSet”, “actions”: [ { “type”: “Action.Submit”, “title”: “Submit” } ] } ] } ]} Read More
Email sent from Shared Mailbox gets stuck in Outbox
I am working with a client who has a primary and shared mailbox in Outlook. They are using the newest version of classic Outlook desktop app and they have full permissions to the shared mailbox, including “send as” permissions. They can send email from their primary mailbox without issue. However, when they send email as the shared mailbox, it gets stuck in the Outbox and never sends. I have tried the following:
1. Removing the profiles re-adding
2. Deleting the Outlook data files
3. Reducing cache to as low as 3 months
4. Turning off cache but when I do the shared mailbox gets an error that it cannot connect to the Exchange server
5. Turning on auto-archive to shrink the data files
6. Switching to “New Outlook”. This does seem to work but the company uses a plug-in for a program called “Mail Manager” and they don’t fully support New Outlook yet
Sometimes these solutions will fix the issue for a few days to a week but then it begins happening again. This issue does not happen when they are using the mobile or web clients. To me this sounds like a corrupted data file but I can’t pinpoint what exactly is causing the corruption.
Any suggestions?
Hello, I am working with a client who has a primary and shared mailbox in Outlook. They are using the newest version of classic Outlook desktop app and they have full permissions to the shared mailbox, including “send as” permissions. They can send email from their primary mailbox without issue. However, when they send email as the shared mailbox, it gets stuck in the Outbox and never sends. I have tried the following: 1. Removing the profiles re-adding2. Deleting the Outlook data files3. Reducing cache to as low as 3 months4. Turning off cache but when I do the shared mailbox gets an error that it cannot connect to the Exchange server5. Turning on auto-archive to shrink the data files6. Switching to “New Outlook”. This does seem to work but the company uses a plug-in for a program called “Mail Manager” and they don’t fully support New Outlook yet Sometimes these solutions will fix the issue for a few days to a week but then it begins happening again. This issue does not happen when they are using the mobile or web clients. To me this sounds like a corrupted data file but I can’t pinpoint what exactly is causing the corruption. Any suggestions? Thanks,Mike Read More
in got stripped out on resulting in incorrect styling
Hi there,
When sending emails, we noticed that the <style> elements in <head> got stripped out by (the web client), making our emails style incorrectly.
Is this a bug on Or is this a new feature that added?
Hi there, When sending emails, we noticed that the <style> elements in <head> got stripped out by (the web client), making our emails style incorrectly. Is this a bug on Or is this a new feature that added? Read More
Useful add-ons for Microsoft Word 365
Useful add-ons for Microsoft Word 365. These add-ons make writing easier and improve the quality of your documents. Let me share some with you:
Automatic proofreader (Grammarly): Grammarly is one of the best add-ons for Word. Automatically scans documents for spelling and grammatical errors and provides suggestions to improve your writing style1.
Wikipedia: If you need information while writing an article or report, you can use the Wikipedia plugin. Allows you to access Wikipedia information within the document1.
Pexels for images: You can use this plugin to insert high-quality images into your documents. Provides a large collection of free images1.
Move from Excel to Word: If you frequently switch between Excel and Word, you can use this add-on to easily move tables and graphs between the two documents1.
Documents Tab: This add-on allows you to open two documents in tabs similar to a web browser, which makes it easier to navigate between the two documents and increases work efficiency1.
Useful add-ons for Microsoft Word 365. These add-ons make writing easier and improve the quality of your documents. Let me share some with you:Automatic proofreader (Grammarly): Grammarly is one of the best add-ons for Word. Automatically scans documents for spelling and grammatical errors and provides suggestions to improve your writing style1.Wikipedia: If you need information while writing an article or report, you can use the Wikipedia plugin. Allows you to access Wikipedia information within the document1.Pexels for images: You can use this plugin to insert high-quality images into your documents. Provides a large collection of free images1.Move from Excel to Word: If you frequently switch between Excel and Word, you can use this add-on to easily move tables and graphs between the two documents1.Documents Tab: This add-on allows you to open two documents in tabs similar to a web browser, which makes it easier to navigate between the two documents and increases work efficiency1. Read More
Microsoft 365 tools in teaching people with special needs
Of course! Using Microsoft 365 tools in teaching people with special needs plays an important role in achieving a comprehensive and motivating learning experience. Let me share with you some useful tools:
Immersive Reader: Helps students improve reading comprehension skills and engage effectively. The text markup feature can be used for students with reading difficulties1.
Translator: Allows you to translate words or texts into more than 100 languages. It can be used to reduce distractions and improve communication between students and teachers1.
Dictation: Converts speech into text and allows students to dictate documents and presentations using the computer’s microphone. The text can be easily revised and revised1.
Live Captions: Displays what you say in text form as you speak, which helps improve communication and understanding1.
Learning Accelerators: Help teachers realize the full potential of students using tools that support foundational skills and continuous improvement2.
The use of these tools contributes to a comprehensive educational experience and supports the development of students’ abilities.
Of course! Using Microsoft 365 tools in teaching people with special needs plays an important role in achieving a comprehensive and motivating learning experience. Let me share with you some useful tools:Immersive Reader: Helps students improve reading comprehension skills and engage effectively. The text markup feature can be used for students with reading difficulties1.Translator: Allows you to translate words or texts into more than 100 languages. It can be used to reduce distractions and improve communication between students and teachers1.Dictation: Converts speech into text and allows students to dictate documents and presentations using the computer’s microphone. The text can be easily revised and revised1.Live Captions: Displays what you say in text form as you speak, which helps improve communication and understanding1.Learning Accelerators: Help teachers realize the full potential of students using tools that support foundational skills and continuous improvement2.The use of these tools contributes to a comprehensive educational experience and supports the development of students’ abilities. Read More
Table ends with invisible page break
I’ve got a very weird issue in Word in Google Chrome. I have a H1 header, followed by a table. Below that I want to add text. However, there’s “nothing” after the table, instead all text is moved to the next page.
If I place the cursor in the bottom row and move it to the right, it automatically jumps to the next page as well, as if there’s a line break there. If I remove and re-insert a table the issue appears again. The size of the table doesn’t matter. I’ve tried viewing the hidden markup symbols, but even then I don’t see anything.
Some help would be greatly appreciated 🙂
I’ve got a very weird issue in Word in Google Chrome. I have a H1 header, followed by a table. Below that I want to add text. However, there’s “nothing” after the table, instead all text is moved to the next page.If I place the cursor in the bottom row and move it to the right, it automatically jumps to the next page as well, as if there’s a line break there. If I remove and re-insert a table the issue appears again. The size of the table doesn’t matter. I’ve tried viewing the hidden markup symbols, but even then I don’t see anything. Some help would be greatly appreciated 🙂 Page 1Page 2 Read More
Accelerate Phi-3 use on macOS: A Beginner’s Guide to Using Apple MLX Framework
Previously, I shared with you how to use Phi-3-mini on AIPC’s NPU and iPhone. Some people want to know more about the experience of using macOS and how to use Apple Silicon to accelerate SLM models. This blog will share with you relevant knowledge, including how to use Apple MLX Framework to accelerate Phi-3-mini operation, fine-tune, and combine Llama.cpp for quantitative operation.
What’s MLX Framework
MLX is an array framework for machine learning research on Apple silicon, brought to you by Apple machine learning research.
MLX is designed by machine learning researchers for machine learning researchers. The framework is intended to be user-friendly, but still efficient to train and deploy models. The design of the framework itself is also conceptually simple. We intend to make it easy for researchers to extend and improve MLX with the goal of quickly exploring new ideas.
LLMs can be accelerated in Apple Silicon devices through MLX, and models can be run locally very conveniently.
Installing MLX is easy, you will need Python 3.11.x+, then install it in the terminal
pip install mlx-lm
Run MLX’s instructions
1. Running Phi-3-mini in Terminal with MLX
python -m mlx_lm.generate –model microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct –max-token 2048 –prompt “<|user|>nCan you introduce yourself<|end|>n<|assistant|>”
2. Quantizing Phi-3-mini with MLX in Terminal
python -m mlx_lm.convert –hf-path microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct
3. Running Phi-3-mini with MLX in Jupyter Notebook
Note: Please read Inference Phi-3 with Apple MLX Framework to Learn more
Fine-tuning with MLX Framework
We generally need GPU acceleration to complete model training or fine-tuning, but in Apple devices you can use Apple silicon’s MPS(Metal Performance Shaders) to replace the GPU to complete model training and fine-tuning.
What’s Metal Performance Shaders
The Metal Performance Shaders framework contains a collection of highly optimized compute and graphics shaders that are designed to integrate easily and efficiently into your Metal app. These data-parallel primitives are specially tuned to take advantage of the unique hardware characteristics of each GPU family to ensure optimal performance.
Sample – Using LoRA to fine-tuning Phi-3-mini with MLX
1. Data preparation
By default, MLX Framework requires the jsonl format of train, test, and eval, and is combined with Lora to complete fine-tuning jobs.
jsonl data format :
{“text”: “<|user|>nWhen were iron maidens commonly used? <|end|>n<|assistant|> nIron maidens were never commonly used <|end|>”}
{“text”: “<|user|>nWhat did humans evolve from? <|end|>n<|assistant|> nHumans and apes evolved from a common ancestor <|end|>”}
{“text”: “<|user|>nIs 91 a prime number? <|end|>n<|assistant|> nNo, 91 is not a prime number <|end|>”}
Our example uses TruthfulQA’s data , but the amount of data is relatively insufficient, so the fine-tuning results are not necessarily the best. It is recommended that learners use better data based on their own scenarios to complete.
The data format is combined with the Phi-3 template
Please download data from this link , please inculde all .jsonl in data folder
2. Fine-tuning in your terminal
Please run this command in terminal
python -m mlx_lm.lora –model microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct –train –data ./data –iters 1000
Note: This is LoRA fine-tuning, MLX framework not published QLoRA
3. Run Fine-tuning adapter to test
You can run fine-tuning adapter in terminal,like this
python -m mlx_lm.generate –model microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct –adapter-path ./adapters –max-token 2048 –prompt “Why do chameleons change colors? “ –eos-token “<|end|>”
and run original model to compare result
python -m mlx_lm.generate –model microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct –max-token 2048 –prompt “Why do chameleons change colors? “ –eos-token “<|end|>”
You can try to compare the results of Fine-tuning with the original model
4. Merge adapters to generate new models
python -m mlx_lm.fuse –model microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct
5. Running quantified fine-tuning models using ollama
Before use, please configure your llama.cpp environment
git clone
cd llama.cpp
pip install -r requirements.txt
python ‘Your meger model path’ –outfile phi-3-mini-ft.gguf –outtype f16
Now supports quantization conversion of fp32, fp16 and INT 8
The merged model is missing tokenizer.model, please download it from
Set Ollma Model file(If not install ollama ,please read [Ollama QuickStart](../02.QuickStart/
FROM ./phi-3-mini-ft.gguf
PARAMETER stop “<|end|>”
Run command in terminal
ollama create phi3ft -f Modelfile
ollama run phi3ft “Why do chameleons change colors?”
Note: Please read Fine-tuning Phi-3 with Apple MLX Framework to Learn more
Read Phi-3 CookBook
MLX framework Repo
Learn more about MLX Framework
Hugging face Phi-3 Family
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Change the background colour gradient.
Is there any way of changing the background colour of a MATLAB plot. I want to apply changes in the CTF Plot11.fig file and the idea I acquired was from a picture on wikipedia page "2013_Atmospheric_absorption_of_electromagnetic_waves". there any way of changing the background colour of a MATLAB plot. I want to apply changes in the CTF Plot11.fig file and the idea I acquired was from a picture on wikipedia page "2013_Atmospheric_absorption_of_electromagnetic_waves". Is there any way of changing the background colour of a MATLAB plot. I want to apply changes in the CTF Plot11.fig file and the idea I acquired was from a picture on wikipedia page "2013_Atmospheric_absorption_of_electromagnetic_waves". background colour gradient MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Difference between fft and dsphdl.FFT.
I am trying to convert FFT code to HDL, but the problem is that fft function is not supported and dsphdl.FFT is supported. So what is the difference between them?I am trying to convert FFT code to HDL, but the problem is that fft function is not supported and dsphdl.FFT is supported. So what is the difference between them? I am trying to convert FFT code to HDL, but the problem is that fft function is not supported and dsphdl.FFT is supported. So what is the difference between them? hdlconversion, fft, dsp MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Deprecated, does not apply
DeprecatedDeprecated Deprecated old MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Azure Cache for Redis
I am trying to optimize the cost for Azure Cache for Redis. Right now i have an E100 sku deployed and checking if there is a possibility to right size the instance to a lower tier. I checked the utilization metrics and could find low CPU, memory and low server load. However i am struggling to understand the metrics for the connected clients as this is one of the important criteria for rightsizing.
Can someone please tell me if i need to look the MAX or SUM aggregation for connected clients? As per azure pricing E100 include upto 100,000 connection but i would like to understand if it is concurrent connection during a month or summation of all connection during a month.
Can someone please help me to understand this?
Hello,I am trying to optimize the cost for Azure Cache for Redis. Right now i have an E100 sku deployed and checking if there is a possibility to right size the instance to a lower tier. I checked the utilization metrics and could find low CPU, memory and low server load. However i am struggling to understand the metrics for the connected clients as this is one of the important criteria for rightsizing.Can someone please tell me if i need to look the MAX or SUM aggregation for connected clients? As per azure pricing E100 include upto 100,000 connection but i would like to understand if it is concurrent connection during a month or summation of all connection during a month.Can someone please help me to understand this? Read More
Failed to create remote connection for private endpoint
Hi Team,
We have created application gateway in azure .. then we have enabled private link service inside azure application gateway.
After above setup configured, we are trying to create private endpoint from other tenant/ same tenant we got error every time “An error occurred. Failed to create remote connection for private endpoint /subscriptions/175b2/resourceGroups/test/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/tstt (Code: InternalServerError)”
Previously it was working but from last 20 days it was not working and giving error like this.
We followed azure doc in-order to create application gateway and private link inside it.
Hi Team,We have created application gateway in azure .. then we have enabled private link service inside azure application gateway.After above setup configured, we are trying to create private endpoint from other tenant/ same tenant we got error every time “An error occurred. Failed to create remote connection for private endpoint /subscriptions/175b2/resourceGroups/test/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/tstt (Code: InternalServerError)” Previously it was working but from last 20 days it was not working and giving error like this.We followed azure doc in-order to create application gateway and private link inside it. Read More
GoogleUpdate ADML and ADMX file file fails upload
I am trying to keep up with the Google browser upgrade and I am trying to import the Google admx and adml templates. I was successful in uploading google.admx and adml file, but when I try the googleupdate.adml and admx it fails the upload.
What could be wrong?
I am trying to keep up with the Google browser upgrade and I am trying to import the Google admx and adml templates. I was successful in uploading google.admx and adml file, but when I try the googleupdate.adml and admx it fails the upload. What could be wrong? Read More
Issue with Azure VM Conditional Access for Office 365 and Dynamic Public IP Detection
Hi all,
I have a VM in Azure where I need to allow an account with MFA to bypass the requirement on this specific server when using Office 365. I’ve tried to achieve this using Conditional Access by excluding locations, specifically the IP range of my Azure environment. Although I’ve disconnected any public IPs from this server, the Conditional Access policy still isn’t working as intended. The issue seems to be that it continues to detect a public IP, which changes frequently, making it impossible to exclude. What am I doing wrong?
Hi all, I have a VM in Azure where I need to allow an account with MFA to bypass the requirement on this specific server when using Office 365. I’ve tried to achieve this using Conditional Access by excluding locations, specifically the IP range of my Azure environment. Although I’ve disconnected any public IPs from this server, the Conditional Access policy still isn’t working as intended. The issue seems to be that it continues to detect a public IP, which changes frequently, making it impossible to exclude. What am I doing wrong? Read More
Microsoft Solutions Deployment
Can anyone recommend a deployment guide with instructions to setting up and configuring Microsoft Security Solutions
Kindly this will be of Great help
HELLOCan anyone recommend a deployment guide with instructions to setting up and configuring Microsoft Security Solutions Kindly this will be of Great help Read More
Print preview and printing not working 126.0.2592.68
Print preview an printing is not working in Edge 126.0.2592.68, blue circle only rotating.
Print preview and printing is not working for websites, pdf document are working
Print preview an printing is not working in Edge 126.0.2592.68, blue circle only rotating.Print preview and printing is not working for websites, pdf document are working Read More
Microsoft Defender For Endpoint – Ubuntu Pro Support
We have a Linux VM in Azure running a third-party platform (LiquidFiles) with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. A bash script calls Defender to provide suitable threat detection and remediation.
PEN testing has identified various security vulnerabilities with some packages installed by default as part of the image, and we’ve been advised that upgrading to Ubuntu Pro would provide access to updated versions of these packages, mitigating the security risks.
However, the following Microsoft Defender page – – potentially suggests that Defender is not compatible with Ubuntu Pro. Could you please confirm whether Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is indeed compatible with Ubuntu Pro? I have contacted Ubuntu themselves who confirmed that they are not aware of any compatibly issues.
Many thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Hello, We have a Linux VM in Azure running a third-party platform (LiquidFiles) with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. A bash script calls Defender to provide suitable threat detection and remediation. PEN testing has identified various security vulnerabilities with some packages installed by default as part of the image, and we’ve been advised that upgrading to Ubuntu Pro would provide access to updated versions of these packages, mitigating the security risks. However, the following Microsoft Defender page – – potentially suggests that Defender is not compatible with Ubuntu Pro. Could you please confirm whether Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is indeed compatible with Ubuntu Pro? I have contacted Ubuntu themselves who confirmed that they are not aware of any compatibly issues. Many thanks in advance. Best regards, Marc Read More