Month: October 2024
Concatenate combined with if/then on Lists
I have a column for each day of the week. If the value for the column is “Yes”, I’d like a separate column called “Notes” populated with that day of the week:
However, if the Tuesday column also has “Yes”, I’d like to “Tuesday” to appear in the Notes column as well: “Mondays Tuesdays”
A concat with if/then works in Excel, but this formula I have isn’t working on Lists:
Is this formula possible on Lists? What am I missing? Thanks!
I have a column for each day of the week. If the value for the column is “Yes”, I’d like a separate column called “Notes” populated with that day of the week: =IF(Monday=”Yes”,”Mondays”,””) However, if the Tuesday column also has “Yes”, I’d like to “Tuesday” to appear in the Notes column as well: “Mondays Tuesdays” A concat with if/then works in Excel, but this formula I have isn’t working on Lists: =CONCATENATE(IF([Monday]=”Yes”,”Mondays”,IF([Tuesday]=”Yes”,”Tuesdays”,IF([Wednesday]=”Yes”,”Wednesdays”,IF([Thursday]=”Yes”,”Thursdays”,IF([Friday]=”Yes”,”Fridays”,IF([Saturday]=”Yes”,”Saturdays”,IF([Sunday]=”Yes”,”Sundays”,””)))))))) Is this formula possible on Lists? What am I missing? Thanks! Read More
[EX:/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=06a8f17eda834f4881ef057d7b1dc812-a26e5ec4-de]
[EX:/o=ExchangeLabs/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=06a8f17eda834f4881ef057d7b1dc812-a26e5ec4-de] 上記に消去したはずのアドレスが残っているため、転送メールに配信不能の表示がなされる。完全に消去する方法はありますか。 Read More
Pending Documents Behaviour
I cant seem to find the info regarding pending files that were previously approved.
If a file has been changed from approved to pending, should that file in its previous approved state still be visible to users with Read access? I swear something has changed because users were not able to see files that had been changed from Approved to Pending.
Can someone confirm if this is normal behaviour?
I cant seem to find the info regarding pending files that were previously approved. If a file has been changed from approved to pending, should that file in its previous approved state still be visible to users with Read access? I swear something has changed because users were not able to see files that had been changed from Approved to Pending. Can someone confirm if this is normal behaviour? Read More
Outlook Desktop – Searching Large, Shared Mailboxes Either Not or Poorly Functional
Not a new topic, but looking for any new insights!
We have a significant number of large, shared mailboxes in EXO – and Outlook desktop users who need to do frequent searches of these mailboxes. With Outlook desktop’s caching behavior [regardless of whether or not ‘download shared folders’ is checked/unchecked], search functionality is either not working at all, or not providing complete/accurate results if it [sort of] works.
Of course, Outlook desktop users mutiny over trying to use the Outlook Web App for shared mailbox functions.
Does anyone have a solid solution or recommendation for the searching of large, shared mailboxes?
Not a new topic, but looking for any new insights! We have a significant number of large, shared mailboxes in EXO – and Outlook desktop users who need to do frequent searches of these mailboxes. With Outlook desktop’s caching behavior [regardless of whether or not ‘download shared folders’ is checked/unchecked], search functionality is either not working at all, or not providing complete/accurate results if it [sort of] works. Of course, Outlook desktop users mutiny over trying to use the Outlook Web App for shared mailbox functions. Does anyone have a solid solution or recommendation for the searching of large, shared mailboxes? Read More
Why does Edge suddenly start 14 or more instances at 100% CPU with opening just one tab?
I’m sorry if this is the wrong forum.
Every time I open a new tab in edge it gobbles up ALL my memory: all 4GB of it!!!!! Why?
Chrome doesn’t do this. I have done everything I can to limit background processes through the group policy editor and Edge settings, using a Dell Optiplex 380 2.73Ghz processing dual-core. When I go to Amazon prime, so much memory is used up on that one tab I get choppy pictures and sound.
I feel I have to stop using edge and go back to the oldest version of Chrome just so that all my memory and resources are not being gobbled up by ONE TAB in Edge!
I do not think anyone can help this one. I have even prevented Edge from updating because I believe that is the problem. Updates are often the problem. If it’s working, I say, don’t fix it!
I’m leaning more and more towards Apple every day. Enough is enough!
I’m sorry if this is the wrong forum. Every time I open a new tab in edge it gobbles up ALL my memory: all 4GB of it!!!!! Why?Chrome doesn’t do this. I have done everything I can to limit background processes through the group policy editor and Edge settings, using a Dell Optiplex 380 2.73Ghz processing dual-core. When I go to Amazon prime, so much memory is used up on that one tab I get choppy pictures and sound. THIS IS RIDICULOUS!I feel I have to stop using edge and go back to the oldest version of Chrome just so that all my memory and resources are not being gobbled up by ONE TAB in Edge! I do not think anyone can help this one. I have even prevented Edge from updating because I believe that is the problem. Updates are often the problem. If it’s working, I say, don’t fix it! I’m leaning more and more towards Apple every day. Enough is enough!😡😡 Read More
Learn Live GitHub Foundations – Automatização com GitHub Actions
No Learn Live da série Certificação GitHub Foundations dessa semana, foram exploradas as possibilidades de automatização com GitHub Actions. A automatização de fluxos de trabalho é essencial para desenvolvedores que desejam ganhar eficiência, reduzir erros manuais e se concentrar em atividades de maior valor.
A sessão foi conduzida por Pablo Lopes, Cloud Advocate na Microsoft, e contou com a participação do Renicius Fostaini, Senior Infrastructure Engineer na ThoughtWorks. Ambos focaram em conceitos e demonstrações práticas para ajudar a audiência a entender como usar o GitHub Actions e GitHub Codespaces de maneira eficiente.
Essa é uma série de lives dedicada a quem deseja se certificar com o GitHub Foundations. Acompanhe a agenda, inscreva-se e participe das próximas sessões!
Inscreva-se AQUI para receber notificações sobre os próximos eventos.
Confira agora um resumo do que foi abordado durante a sessão!
Não Perca a Sessão Gravada
Se você perdeu a live, não se preocupe! O vídeo está disponível no canal do YouTube do Microsoft Reactor. Acesse o link abaixo para assistir à sessão completa:
Pablo e Renicius discutiram como automatizar processos com GitHub Actions e exploraram o GitHub Codespaces, que facilita a configuração de ambientes de desenvolvimento de forma prática e centralizada na nuvem.
Ambos fizeram uma introdução sobre as vantagens de usar essas ferramentas, destacando como elas ajudam a solucionar problemas comuns enfrentados por desenvolvedores, como a dificuldade de replicar ambientes e a necessidade de automatizar tarefas repetitivas. Eles enfatizaram que a automação de fluxos de trabalho é essencial para ganhar eficiência, reduzir erros manuais e se concentrar em atividades de maior valor.
Os principais objetivos da sessão foram:
Utilizar o GitHub Codespaces de maneira eficiente.
Escrever código com o GitHub Copilot.
Automatizar processos com GitHub Actions.
GitHub Codespaces
Uma das maiores dificuldades que muitos desenvolvedores enfrentam é replicar ambientes de desenvolvimento em diferentes máquinas.
Como Pablo explicou na live, o famoso “funciona na minha máquina” é um problema recorrente e pode atrasar o progresso de um projeto colaborativo. O GitHub Codespaces resolve essa questão ao oferecer um ambiente virtual que permite o desenvolvimento direto na nuvem.
Com o GitHub Codespaces, é possível resolver esse problema criando e configurando um ambiente de desenvolvimento com um simples clique. Este ambiente é uma máquina virtual que pode ser facilmente escalada, permitindo que todos os desenvolvedores de uma equipe utilizem um setup padronizado, sem a necessidade de instalações locais complexas.
Qual é o ciclo de vida de um Codespaces?
O ciclo de vida de um Codespaces envolve as seguintes etapas principais:
1. creating a Codespaces (criação do Codespaces): O ciclo de vida do Codespaces começa com a criação de um novo ambiente, onde o desenvolvedor(a) seleciona o repositório e as configurações desejadas. Esse ambiente é então configurado automaticamente, incluindo extensões e dependências.
2. rebuilding a codespace (reconstrução do codespace): Durante o uso, pode ser necessário reconstruir o Codespace, especialmente se houver mudanças significativas nas configurações ou dependências do projeto (por exemplo, modificações no arquivo .devcontainer.json). A reconstrução garante que o ambiente esteja sempre atualizado com as configurações mais recentes.
3. stopping a codespace (pausa do codespace): Para economizar recursos, o Codespace pode ser pausado quando não está em uso. Essa etapa permite que o estado do trabalho seja salvo, e o desenvolvedor possa retomar do ponto em que parou sem perder nenhuma alteração.
4. deleting a codespace (exclusão do codespace): O ciclo de vida termina com a exclusão do Codespace quando ele não é mais necessário. Essa etapa libera os recursos associados e encerra o ambiente de forma definitiva.Principais Benefícios do GitHub Codespaces
Benefícios do GitHub Codespaces
Os principais benefícios do GitHub Codespaces incluem:
ambiente virtual padronizado: Garante que todos os desenvolvedores trabalhem com a mesma configuração, eliminando inconsistências e problemas de compatibilidade entre diferentes máquinas.
escalabilidade flexível: Permite ajustar recursos como CPU e memória de acordo com as necessidades específicas do projeto, garantindo performance ideal para cada etapa do desenvolvimento.
configuração automatizada: O Codespaces utiliza o arquivo .devcontainer.json para configurar automaticamente extensões, dependências e outras configurações, proporcionando um ambiente pronto para uso em minutos.
colaboração simplificada: Compartilhe seu Codespace com outros desenvolvedores, permitindo acesso simultâneo, visualização em tempo real e contribuições colaborativas de forma prática e eficiente.
redução de problemas de configuração: Evita o famoso problema do “funciona na minha máquina“, garantindo que todos os membros da equipe tenham acesso ao mesmo ambiente, com as mesmas ferramentas e configurações.
GitHub Copilot: Seu Parceiro no Desenvolvimento de Código
Pablo e Renicius também apresentaram o GitHub Copilot, uma ferramenta de desenvolvimento de código baseada em inteligência artificial que auxilia os desenvolvedores a escrever código de maneira mais rápida e eficiente.
E explicaram as diversas maneiras como o GitHub Copilot pode ser utilizado, incluindo:
sugestões inline: O Copilot sugere automaticamente trechos de código enquanto você escreve, diretamente no editor, facilitando a incorporação rápida de sugestões sem interromper o fluxo de trabalho.
sugestões por chat: Você pode interagir com o Copilot através de um chat, fazendo perguntas sobre problemas específicos, pedindo exemplos ou explicações.
chat inline: Similar ao chat, mas realizado diretamente no contexto do código em que você está trabalhando. Isso permite obter sugestões específicas ou entender seções de código sem sair do editor.
command palette: A paleta de comandos do editor (como VS Code) permite acessar funcionalidades do Copilot de forma rápida e eficiente.
comentários no código: Escreva comentários descrevendo o que deseja implementar, e o Copilot gera o código relevante com base nesses comentários. Isso é útil para economizar tempo quando você já tem uma ideia clara do que precisa fazer.
Essas diferentes formas de interação oferecem uma abordagem flexível e poderosa para melhorar a produtividade, adaptando-se a fluxos de trabalho de desenvolvimento.
Os participantes também foram incentivados a explorar o GitHub Student Developer Pack, que oferece acesso gratuito ao GitHub Copilot e a outras ferramentas para estudantes.
Automação com GitHub Actions
A segunda parte da live foi dedicada à criação de uma pipeline automatizada utilizando GitHub Actions.
Pablo apresentou um exemplo prático de como criar um workflow simples que executa uma ação personalizada em resposta a um evento de push. O exemplo incluiu a criação de um repositório com um arquivo de ação personalizada e um arquivo de configuração de workflow.
name: A workflow for my Hello World file
on: push
name: Hello world action
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
– uses: actions/checkout@v1
– uses: ./action-a
MY_NAME: “Mona”
No exemplo acima, temos um arquivo de configuração de workflow que executa um job chamado build em resposta a um evento de push. O job é executado em uma máquina virtual ubuntu-latest e consiste em duas etapas: actions/checkout@v1 e ./action-a. A primeira etapa faz o checkout do repositório, enquanto a segunda executa uma ação personalizada chamada action-a com um parâmetro MY_NAME definido como Mona.
Demonstração Prática
Renicius fez uma demonstração prática de como criar uma aplicação estática e automatizar o seu deploy no Azure Static Web Apps. O Azure Static Web Apps é um serviço que permite hospedar aplicações estáticas e APIs serverless de forma simples e rápida, oferecendo integração contínua e deploy automático a partir de repositórios GitHub ou Azure DevOps.
A demonstração foi dividida em cinco etapas principais:
1. criação da aplicação estática: Renicius iniciou criando uma aplicação simples, que consistia em alguns arquivos HTML. O objetivo era mostrar como é possível implementar rapidamente uma aplicação estática que poderia ser distribuída.
2. configuração do workflow: Utilizando um arquivo YAML (main.yaml)
3. compilação do código: A etapa de compilação era realizada para garantir que não houvesse erros antes de prosseguir com o deploy.
4. testes automatizados: Testes foram adicionados para validar o código da aplicação. Esta prática é importante para manter a qualidade e a estabilidade do código, identificando problemas antecipadamente.
5. deploy no Azure Static Web Apps: Por fim, o deploy era feito automaticamente no Azure Static Web Apps, utilizando as configurações definidas no workflow.
Além disso, Renicius usou o GitHub Copilot com o GitHub Codespaces para acelerar o desenvolvimento e a configuração do ambiente de desenvolvimento. Essas ferramentas combinadas permitiram uma experiência de desenvolvimento mais eficiente e produtiva.
A live sobre Automatização com GitHub Actions foi uma oportunidade incrível para aprender sobre as possibilidades de automação no desenvolvimento de software. Pablo e Renicius compartilharam conhecimentos valiosos sobre o GitHub Codespaces, GitHub Copilot e GitHub Actions, demonstrando como essas ferramentas podem ser utilizadas para melhorar a produtividade, a qualidade do código e a eficiência dos fluxos de trabalho.
Se você está buscando otimizar o seu fluxo de trabalho, GitHub Actions e Codespaces podem ser exatamente o que você precisa. Você pode acessar os materiais de apoio da live e cursos gratuitos nos links abaixo e aprender ainda mais:
Codificar com o GitHub Codespaces
Introdução ao GitHub Copilot para Python
Não perca as próximas sessões do Learn Live! Vamos explorar temas como segurança de projetos no GitHub e aumentar a produtividade com GitHub Copilot.
Espero que este resumo da live tenha sido útil para você. Se você tiver alguma dúvida ou sugestão, deixe um comentário. Estamos aqui para ajudar na sua jornada de aprendizado.
Experimente GitHub Actions e Codespaces em seus projetos e veja como podem transformar seu fluxo de trabalho. Para começar, confira os tutoriais e guias práticos disponíveis nos links acima.
Até a próxima live! 😎
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
unable to deploy modules other than edgeAgen & edgeHub to my device
I have my device hooked up to IoT Edge account and have two modules built and pushed to my ACR account.
I’ve added them the modules to my device under IoT Edge Modules. I configured ther ACR name, address, username & password and there’s no apparent error visible.
The DESIRED STATUS for both modules is set to running.
under Settings, i can see that the Image URI & the Module name has been set as well, yet my device does not receive the modules. When I execute “iotedge list”, I only see the edgeAgent & the edgeHub modules. What might I be missing, I’m wondering?
Thanks for any help in this matter!
Hi,I have my device hooked up to IoT Edge account and have two modules built and pushed to my ACR account.I’ve added them the modules to my device under IoT Edge Modules. I configured ther ACR name, address, username & password and there’s no apparent error visible.The DESIRED STATUS for both modules is set to running.under Settings, i can see that the Image URI & the Module name has been set as well, yet my device does not receive the modules. When I execute “iotedge list”, I only see the edgeAgent & the edgeHub modules. What might I be missing, I’m wondering?Thanks for any help in this matter! Read More
Updating Quick Access Panel
I’m uncertain if this can be achieved but decided to inquire. In the access panel (shown in the attached screenshot), I am interested in repositioning the following items to the top instead of Home and Gallery:
– This PC
– OS (C:)
– Data (D:)
I attempted to drag them but they do not remain in the desired position.
Furthermore, in Explorer, when sorting by date, the folders are displayed before the files. Is there a way to have the files appear above the folders when sorting by dates?
Thank you for your assistance.
I’m uncertain if this can be achieved but decided to inquire. In the access panel (shown in the attached screenshot), I am interested in repositioning the following items to the top instead of Home and Gallery: – This PC- OS (C:)- Data (D:) I attempted to drag them but they do not remain in the desired position. Furthermore, in Explorer, when sorting by date, the folders are displayed before the files. Is there a way to have the files appear above the folders when sorting by dates? Thank you for your assistance. Read More
Unable to Skip Windows 11 Login Screen and Import Backed-up Registry Copy
I am unable to find the listed options for netplwiz on my computer. I attempted the registry edit provided in the “Enable or Disable Automatically Sign in Account at Startup in Windows 11 Tutorial” but it was unsuccessful. I am running out of ideas to resolve this issue. Furthermore, I encountered an error message when trying to import the copied registry back.
I am unable to find the listed options for netplwiz on my computer. I attempted the registry edit provided in the “Enable or Disable Automatically Sign in Account at Startup in Windows 11 Tutorial” but it was unsuccessful. I am running out of ideas to resolve this issue. Furthermore, I encountered an error message when trying to import the copied registry back. Read More
Details Pane in File Explorer: A Guide to its Functionality
Hello everyone,
I’m a newcomer to this forum seeking assistance with an issue I’m experiencing in the Details Pane of Windows 11’s File Explorer.
To provide a clearer understanding, I will be attaching screenshots illustrating the problem.
1. Currently, when I select all files within a specific folder in File Explorer, the Details Pane on the right remains blank:
Upon researching potential solutions, I discovered that upon re-accessing the same folder (the one used as an example), the information does appear in the Details Pane:
Here is a snapshot of my Windows 11 interface:
[Attached Screenshot]
I also want to mention that I am utilizing StartIsBack – StartAllBack.
I have made an attempt to create shortcuts for easy access to the folders I frequently use via the Control Panel, but this approach has not resolved the issue.
If anyone has any insights on how to address this problem and display the details of selected files without the need to repeatedly navigate into the folder via the Control Panel, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Hello everyone, I’m a newcomer to this forum seeking assistance with an issue I’m experiencing in the Details Pane of Windows 11’s File Explorer. To provide a clearer understanding, I will be attaching screenshots illustrating the problem. 1. Currently, when I select all files within a specific folder in File Explorer, the Details Pane on the right remains blank:Upon researching potential solutions, I discovered that upon re-accessing the same folder (the one used as an example), the information does appear in the Details Pane:Here is a snapshot of my Windows 11 interface: [Attached Screenshot] I also want to mention that I am utilizing StartIsBack – StartAllBack. I have made an attempt to create shortcuts for easy access to the folders I frequently use via the Control Panel, but this approach has not resolved the issue. If anyone has any insights on how to address this problem and display the details of selected files without the need to repeatedly navigate into the folder via the Control Panel, your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Read More
“How to Ensure Proper Battery Protection on Surface Laptop v7 Running Windows 11”
Hey there!
I’m looking for ways to optimize battery health on my Windows 11 (Home) system. Ideally, I want to restrict charging to 80% when plugged in and receive a warning when battery levels drop below 20% (maybe 30%) before automatic sleep mode kicks in. It would be great if I could adjust these settings when I’m on the go.
I’ve noticed that SmartCharging isn’t available in the Surface App, which is not very helpful. Has anyone tried using the “Battery Limiter” app for this purpose?
I’m hoping to find a free or freemium app for this task as I’m not looking to make a purchase. I don’t mind seeing ads. It’s frustrating that these features aren’t readily available, especially since replacing the battery in my Microsoft Surface Laptop (v7 – 15in.) isn’t straightforward.
Any suggestions or insights on how to achieve this?
Hey there! I’m looking for ways to optimize battery health on my Windows 11 (Home) system. Ideally, I want to restrict charging to 80% when plugged in and receive a warning when battery levels drop below 20% (maybe 30%) before automatic sleep mode kicks in. It would be great if I could adjust these settings when I’m on the go. I’ve noticed that SmartCharging isn’t available in the Surface App, which is not very helpful. Has anyone tried using the “Battery Limiter” app for this purpose? I’m hoping to find a free or freemium app for this task as I’m not looking to make a purchase. I don’t mind seeing ads. It’s frustrating that these features aren’t readily available, especially since replacing the battery in my Microsoft Surface Laptop (v7 – 15in.) isn’t straightforward. Any suggestions or insights on how to achieve this? Read More
How to Move Files Without Copying Them
When working with files on Windows 11, the behavior may vary depending on the method used to transfer them. If you’re moving a file or folder within the same drive, it will simply relocate the item. However, if you perform a search for specific file types within a folder, select all the results, and then drag them to another location, it will create a copy instead of moving them, even if it’s on the same drive.
It’s puzzling why this happens, especially if you haven’t made any changes to the default settings for file operations. If you’re encountering this issue when attempting to move files that were searched for using the Windows 11 search feature, and you’d prefer them to be moved instead of duplicated between folders on the same drive, you may need to explore potential solutions or adjustments to eliminate this behavior.
When working with files on Windows 11, the behavior may vary depending on the method used to transfer them. If you’re moving a file or folder within the same drive, it will simply relocate the item. However, if you perform a search for specific file types within a folder, select all the results, and then drag them to another location, it will create a copy instead of moving them, even if it’s on the same drive. It’s puzzling why this happens, especially if you haven’t made any changes to the default settings for file operations. If you’re encountering this issue when attempting to move files that were searched for using the Windows 11 search feature, and you’d prefer them to be moved instead of duplicated between folders on the same drive, you may need to explore potential solutions or adjustments to eliminate this behavior. Read More
“When resizing windows, the corners briefly appear square”
Whenever I resize the window on my computer, the corners briefly transition from rounded to squared before reverting back. This issue occurs both at the top and bottom of the window, making it challenging to capture with a recording or screenshot due to its rapid nature.
Even after updating my operating system to the latest version (Windows 11 Version 23H2 – OS Build 22631.4112), the problem persists. To better illustrate the issue, I’ve created a visual representation in Paint where one side of the window exhibits rounded corners while the other shows squared corners. How can I troubleshoot and resolve this inconsistent corner display behavior?
Whenever I resize the window on my computer, the corners briefly transition from rounded to squared before reverting back. This issue occurs both at the top and bottom of the window, making it challenging to capture with a recording or screenshot due to its rapid nature. Even after updating my operating system to the latest version (Windows 11 Version 23H2 – OS Build 22631.4112), the problem persists. To better illustrate the issue, I’ve created a visual representation in Paint where one side of the window exhibits rounded corners while the other shows squared corners. How can I troubleshoot and resolve this inconsistent corner display behavior? Read More
nCopilot qualification consistently disables
This installation is fully compliant with 3155 Pro, however, the BingChat key value “IsUserEligible” keeps resetting to 0 every time the system is rebooted. To restore the taskbar icon option and enable Copilot in taskbar settings, I have to use a .reg file that I created by exporting the key.
While this workaround is functional, it’s not ideal. I am looking to prevent the key from reverting back to zero upon shutdown or reboot. Perhaps Copilot can provide me with a batch file to achieve this, and instruct me to place it in User…ProgramsStartup, but this solution is also not optimal.
I am seeking guidance on how to configure gpedit, settings, or the registry to ensure that the value data for IsUserEligible remains at 1 and does not reset to zero.
Additionally, I would appreciate insights into the underlying cause of this issue and why the value keeps changing unexpectedly.
This installation is fully compliant with 3155 Pro, however, the BingChat key value “IsUserEligible” keeps resetting to 0 every time the system is rebooted. To restore the taskbar icon option and enable Copilot in taskbar settings, I have to use a .reg file that I created by exporting the key. While this workaround is functional, it’s not ideal. I am looking to prevent the key from reverting back to zero upon shutdown or reboot. Perhaps Copilot can provide me with a batch file to achieve this, and instruct me to place it in User…ProgramsStartup, but this solution is also not optimal. I am seeking guidance on how to configure gpedit, settings, or the registry to ensure that the value data for IsUserEligible remains at 1 and does not reset to zero. Additionally, I would appreciate insights into the underlying cause of this issue and why the value keeps changing unexpectedly. Read More
Changing the Function key functionalities
I’m currently experiencing an issue with my Lenovo V17 laptop that is behaving unexpectedly:
– The laptop has Ubuntu Studio installed, with a small partition labeled “mandatory w11”.
– While I primarily use the laptop with Linux, there are times when my wife uses Windows 11, which causes problems.
– I have configured the BIOS to ensure that the function keys (F1-F12) are set as standard keys, rather than performing alternate functions as they do by default.
– Everything functions well under Linux until Windows 11 is accidentally run by my wife.
– Upon running Windows 11, all function keys revert to their alternate settings, even overriding my BIOS configurations.
– I have to manually change the BIOS settings back, and everything works flawlessly under Linux for a few weeks until Windows 11 is accessed again.
I find it puzzling how Windows 11 seems to override my preferences, even in the BIOS settings. Has anyone encountered a similar issue?
Best regards
Hello,I’m currently experiencing an issue with my Lenovo V17 laptop that is behaving unexpectedly:- The laptop has Ubuntu Studio installed, with a small partition labeled “mandatory w11”.- While I primarily use the laptop with Linux, there are times when my wife uses Windows 11, which causes problems.- I have configured the BIOS to ensure that the function keys (F1-F12) are set as standard keys, rather than performing alternate functions as they do by default.- Everything functions well under Linux until Windows 11 is accidentally run by my wife.- Upon running Windows 11, all function keys revert to their alternate settings, even overriding my BIOS configurations.- I have to manually change the BIOS settings back, and everything works flawlessly under Linux for a few weeks until Windows 11 is accessed again.I find it puzzling how Windows 11 seems to override my preferences, even in the BIOS settings. Has anyone encountered a similar issue?Best regards Read More
Comparison of Windows 11 Pro and Windows 11 Enterprise IoT LTSC
I am currently experiencing a new issue with my taskbar. Whenever I open a File Explorer folder, the taskbar displays the folder name with “- File Explorer” appended to it. For example, instead of just showing “UD” and “Downloads,” it now shows “UD – File Explorer” and “Downloads – File Explorer.”
I would greatly appreciate any help with resolving this issue.
Thank you.
Hello, I am currently experiencing a new issue with my taskbar. Whenever I open a File Explorer folder, the taskbar displays the folder name with “- File Explorer” appended to it. For example, instead of just showing “UD” and “Downloads,” it now shows “UD – File Explorer” and “Downloads – File Explorer.” I would greatly appreciate any help with resolving this issue.Thank you. Read More
Unable to save changes to a draft email in Draft folder for IMAP accounts
Is Microsoft working on fixing this issue?
It has been a few years and the latest 3 or 4 versions of Outlook are still affected. Why is this problem so difficult to solve?
The steps in the suggested Workaround are not clear. Would someone please explain them in more details? Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Is Microsoft working on fixing this issue? It has been a few years and the latest 3 or 4 versions of Outlook are still affected. Why is this problem so difficult to solve? The steps in the suggested Workaround are not clear. Would someone please explain them in more details? Your help will be greatly appreciated. Read More
Restoring an MS SQL 2022 DB from a ANF SnapShot
Restoring an MS SQL 2022 DB from a ANF SnapShot
PoC and Validation
Using Azure NetApp Files (ANF) with SAP systems offers several advantages that can significantly enhance performance, reliability, and manageability. Here are some key reasons:
High Availability and Reliability: ANF provides a highly available NFS/SMB file server with a Service Level Agreement (SLA) of 99.95%, which is usually much higher. This eliminates the need for creating a Linux pacemaker cluster on two Azure VMs, reducing costs and administrative overhead.
Cost Savings and Simplified Management: By using ANF, there is no need for additional VMs or operating systems, which translates to cost savings and less administration. Additionally, there is no need for complex configurations like DRBD block shipping between local VM disks, which reduces latency and further simplifies management.
Performance: ANF can deliver enterprise-level NFS/SMB performance required by SAP workload for database support, with sub-millisecond latency. It supports both SMB and NFS protocols, allowing for near-instantaneous snapshots and volume cloning.
Backup and Recovery: ANF offers robust backup solutions, including policy-based (scheduled) and manual (on-demand) backups. These backups are stored in Azure storage, independent of volume snapshots, providing long-term recovery, archive, and compliance capabilities.
Scalability and Flexibility: ANF allows for flexible volume assignment according to application needs and supports online volume resizing. This makes it easier to scale and adapt to changing requirements.
Simplified Deployment: ANF simplifies the deployment of SAP systems by providing a consolidated structure and design concepts for multiple SAP systems in one ANF volume. This includes optimal volume design for SAP HANA and considerations for backup and recovery.
These benefits make ANF a compelling choice for running SAP systems, offering a combination of high performance, reliability, cost savings, and simplified management.
This Document
This document describes a recovery procedure of a Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Database from a NetApp SnapShot. The principles and processes shown, are working on our Azure Large Instances or on Azure VMs with ANF infrastructure. There is no difference between both infrastructure variants.
We assume that enhanced Azure Large Instances, Azure VM, ANF and MS SQL knowledge is available because we start right away with the topic without any explanation of the underlying technologies.
For basic information please use our learning site where you can find anything you will need to understand this article Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career.
Explaining MS SQL 2022 snapshot feature: Create a Transact-SQL snapshot backup – SQL Server | Microsoft Learn
We configured one Windows VM and installed MS SQL Server 2022 on it.
We recommend splitting the Data and Log volumes from the Backup volume in different Azure Zones.
This will be more optimal for data resiliency.
To scale the I/O throughput for larger systems, we configured multiple data volumes and data files. and separated the log file of the SQL Server database into a different volume as well.
Database files:
Log files:
Backup Volume structure:
Here we recommend to create a directory for every DB like:
and so on…
In this directory now create three directories:
Backup –> here a “normal” SQL Full Backup can be stored
Metadata –> here the Metadata of the DB will be stored which we need for the SQL SnapShot procedure
T-Log : Here we will store our log backup files.
In our setup it looks like this:
The Azure Application Consistent Snapshot tool (AzAcSnap) is a command-line tool that enables data protection for third-party databases. It handles all the orchestration required to put those databases into an application-consistent state before taking a storage snapshot. After the snapshot, the tool returns the databases to an operational state.
Before performing the installation, it is important to understand the functionality of an ANF snapshot and how it is working:
How Azure NetApp Files snapshots work | Microsoft Learn
So far AzAcSnap was “only” available for databases like SAP HANA, IBM DB2 and Oracle. Up to now we only supported Linux as an operating system for the snapshot backup scenarios.
With this blog we will show that AzAcSnap is also capable of creating application consistent snapshots for Microsoft SQL Server (version 2022 and newer) on the Windows operating system.
Setup and configuration of AzAcSnap on Windows.
Download the executable from and store it in a directory e.g.
Create the metadata directory for AzAcSnap e.g.
Create either a managed identity or service principal authentication file for AzAcSnap to be able to access the ANF volumes. We highly recommend using managed Identity!
Look for a detailed description for “Enable Communication with Storage” in
Install the Azure Application Consistent Snapshot tool for Azure NetApp Files | Microsoft Learn
Configuration of AzAcSnap
Login as the domain user which has access to the SQL data base.
Create the config file for AzAcSnap
azacsnap.exe –configfile mssql.json -c configure –configuration new
Enter the database type to add, ‘hana’, ‘oracle’, ‘db2’, ‘mssql’, ‘exit’ (to abort without saving), ‘save’ (to save and exit)?
=== Add MS SQL Server details ===
What is the MS SQL Server ConnectionString?
Trusted_Connection=True;Persist Security Info=True;Data Source=anfsmbdb01;TrustServerCertificate=true
What is the MS SQL Server Instance (Database) Name?
What is the MS SQL Server Backup Meta-Data File Location?
BEGIN : Database tests
PASSED: Successful connectivity to MSSQL version 16.00.4015
*** Connection to SQ4 successful. ***
=== Add Mssql Storage section ===
Do you want to add Mssql database Storage?
You need to snapshot SQ4data1, SQ4Data2 and SQ4log at the same time. All three volumes must be configured under the point data-volumes in the azacsnap config. The SQLBackup volume does not need to be snapshotted because only offline files are stored there. You can directly backup file from this volume, if you like.
After you created the mssql.json file and both tests (storage and Database) were successful you can create the first snapshot.
C:Userssq1admazacsnap>azacsnap.exe –configfile mssql.json –preview -c backup –volume data –prefix test –retention 2 –trace
Now we have created will see a new snapshot in each volume. The timestamp indicates that it is really created at the same time.
You can now schedule the snapshot creation via the Windows scheduler, Azure Power Automation, Azure Logic Apps or any 3rd party scheduling tool.
Log Backups
Depending on the desired RPO you can schedule the Log-Backups automatically from the database.
I assume the RPO is 10 minutes, this would require a log backup every 5 minutes.
Two prerequisites must be provided:
1) DB must be in FULL Recovery mode
You must have taken a FULL Backup in FULL Recovery mode.
To schedule a log backup every 5 minutes I recommend creating a small SQL script and schedule it via the MS Windows scheduler.
Step 1: (optional)
Create a backup user which is able to execute the backup script which we create in step 2.
CREATE LOGIN azacsnap WITH PASSWORD = ‘<your Password>’;
CREATE USER azacsnap FOR LOGIN azacsnap;
Verify that the user is created
SELECT name AS username, create_date, modify_date, type_desc AS type
FROM sys.database_principals
WHERE type NOT IN (‘A’, ‘G’, ‘R’, ‘X’) AND sid IS NOT NULL AND name != ‘guest’;
Step 2: Create a Backup Script
First, create a Transact-SQL script to back up the transaction log with a unique name that includes the date and time. Save this script as backup_log.sql:
DECLARE @BackupFileName NVARCHAR(500)
SET @BackupFileName = ‘\smb-c80b.anfsmb.comSQLBackupSQ4T-Logt-log_’ +
CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), GETDATE(), 112) + ‘_’ +
REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), GETDATE(), 108), ‘:’, ”) + ‘.trn’
BACKUP LOG [SQ4]TO DISK = @BackupFileName
WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = ‘SQ4-Transaction Log Backup’
Step 3: Create a Batch File
Next, create a SQ4_T-Log_Backup .bat) to run the SQL script using sqlcmd. This script will store 100 logfiles in the logs directory of azacsnap.
@echo off
:: Set the timestamp
set “timestamp=%date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%-%time:~3,2%-%time:~6,2%”
set “timestamp=%timestamp: =0%”
cd C:Userssq1admazacsnap
:: Execute the SQL script and write to the log file
sqlcmd -S localhost -d SQ4 -U “azacsnap” -P “<your Password>” -i SQ4_T-Log-Backup.sql -o “logsSQ4_T-Log_Backup_%timestamp%.log”
:: Manage log files to keep only the latest 100
set “logdir=C:Userssq1admazacsnaplogs”
set “logcount=100”
for /f “skip=%logcount% delims=” %%F in (‘dir /b /o-d “%logdir%SQ4_T-Log_Backup_*.log”‘) do del “%logdir%%%F”
Step 4: Schedule the Task
Use Windows Task Scheduler to run the batch file every 5 minutes:
Open Task Scheduler.
Click on Create Task.
Name your task and provide a description.
Select New Task and configure the required frequence. In my case 5 minutes.
Set the start time and select Repeat task every 5 minutes for a duration of 1 day.
Choose Start a program and click Next.
Browse to your batch file
Provide the credentials of your selected OS user
Click Finish to create the task.
DB Recovery
If you want or have to restore the database from a snapshot, we recommend the following steps:
Shutdown or kill the database
Drop the Database
Revert, or even better Clone, the snapshot you would like to use for the recovery
Use the Metadata file (belonging to the SnapShot you reverted) for the “RECOVER DATABASE” command. Important here is to start the recovery with NORECOVERY
Apply each T-Log file you need to Apply and still use NORECOVERY
If all T-Log files are applied, start the DB with the “WITH RECOVERY” option.
Needless to state that you should test and exercise the procedure of recovering from a snapshot backup on a regular basis to make sure that:
Changes in your environment did not make the documented or coded procedures obsolete
To make sure that operators are able to execute the procedure
To make sure that the restored database is consistent
Here the detailed commands for our setup:
Drop the DB:
USE master;
Use The Portal to revert ALL snapshots in our case:
Logon to the master DB and use the Metadata file for the recovery
Important: Be sure to use the correct Metadata file. This can be found by matching the Metadata file name with the snapshot name. The Metadata file is generated by AzAcSnap during the snapshot backup and is called “MSSQL_BACKUP_<snapshot name>.bkm”.
RESTORE DATABASE SQ4 FROM DISK = ‘\smb-c80b.anfsmb.comSQLBackupSQ4MetadataMSSQL_BACKUP_test__FACFAFFDB2D.bkm’
Now Apply the logfiles
RESTORE LOG SQ4 FROM DISK = ‘\smb-c80b.anfsmb.comSQLBackupSQ4T-Log202408131716.trn’
RESTORE LOG SQ4 FROM DISK = ‘\smb-c80b.anfsmb.comSQLBackupSQ4T-Log202408131721.trn’
RESTORE LOG SQ4 FROM DISK = ‘\smb-c80b.anfsmb.comSQLBackupSQ4T-Log202408131735.trn’
Now open The Database
The best is to take fresh SnapShot or backup after the restore.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Insights from MVPs at the Power Platform Community Conference
Microsoft senior leaders, engineers, and MVPs from around the world recently shared their knowledge, experiences, and answered questions about Microsoft Power Platform at the Power Platform Community Conference (PPCC). From discussing the latest trends and innovations to providing advice for newcomers, these experts offered a wealth of knowledge that can inspire and guide anyone interested in the Power Platform. In this blog post, we delve into the valuable insights shared by these MVPs, highlighting their memorable experiences and the exciting future of low-code/no-code development. Curious for more? Check out videos from past Power Platform Community Conferences. Thanks to MVP Heidi Neuhauser and Kylie Kiser for the pics from PPCC.
What inspired you to become a part of the Power Platform community, and how has your journey been so far?
MVP Julie Yack: The Power Platform community is the natural evolution of both the Dynamics community and the Microsoft developer community. I have been part of these two communities for decades, and now have the opportunity to watch the Power Platform community grow stronger and stronger to support more and more professionals. It’s a very welcoming space.
MVP Laura Rogers: I was inspired to join the Power Platform community because of my passion for empowering citizen developers to create solutions that make their work easier and more efficient, which I have been doing for 20 years ever since I first started working in SharePoint and writing my blog and books. My journey over the years has been incredibly rewarding, filled with learning, collaboration, and the joy of seeing others succeed using the tools and knowledge I’ve shared. I love it when conference attendees introduce themselves to me and let me know that my blog and videos have been helpful to them in their careers!
What are some of the most exciting trends or innovations in the Power Platform space that you’re currently following?
MVP Heidi Jordon: As a modern workplace manager, 2024 has truly been the year of Copilot for me. I’m especially excited about how Microsoft Copilot Studio is evolving and making it easier to leverage data from external sources using Power Platform connectors. But as we see more organizations adopting these tools, it’s clear that with great power comes great responsibility. It is essential for companies to fully understand the governance options that Microsoft makes available to them.
I recently attended a session at PPCC that highlighted the trust pillars for successfully rolling out Copilot Studio in an enterprise setting. The session covered tools for controlling access to data and generative AI, the cost benefits of using Power Platform and Gen AI, as well as strategies to manage risk and stay compliant. I’m currently diving deeper into some of these capabilities, like DLP features, Advisor recommendations, role-based access control (RBAC), and the Solutions and Pipelines available for Copilot Studio.
MVP Julie Yack: The Power Platform opens up so many possibilities for so many people. You have spent the last 3 years in retail? No problem, you must just be great at identifying slow manual processes, and then defining and building cloud flows to make things run more smoothly. Stay-at-home parent? Farmer? Doesn’t matter. All of that past experience comes with you and helps you be better at making solutions.
MVP Heidi Neuhauser and Kylie Kiser presenting at PPCC their 60 Power Platform Tips in 60 Minutes60 Tips
How do you see the role of AI and machine learning evolving within the Power Platform?
MVP Éric Sauvé: When considering the following announcements around 2 key features related to AI:
Copilot agents
Power Apps Plan Designer
And the fact that these are being launched about less than 2 years after the first Copilots were released, this generates a mix of emotions for me. On the one hand, it’s pure excitement and disbelief of how the ‘future is now’, on the other hand it’s the whole anxiety of how this will transform our daily lives as IT professionals. Plus, as an aging professional, will I be able to cope with all the upcoming changes and be able to follow the trend or will I just see the train pass.
It is definitely interesting and I’m happy to live through these changes, witnessing all 1st hand. Can’t wait to see where we will be in 2 years from now, compared to where we are now, 2 years after that kickstart.
What advice would you give to newcomers who are just starting to explore Power Platform?
MVP Kylie Kiser: I encourage everyone joining this community to talk to people! Share your experiences and learn from others around you. You will find people who are in the same spot as you and you can grow in your careers together. I have made so many great friends through this community and I look forward to spending time with them at these events!
Then volunteer to share your knowledge! Remember that you know so much more today than you did a year ago and there are so many people who don’t know that yet. Start blogging and presenting and giving back!
MVP Laura Rogers: My advice to newcomers would be to start small and gradually build your skills. Start with small projects that only impact your personal productivity, get familiar with the tools like automation with Power Automate, and build forms for your business processes with Power Apps. As you become more comfortable with your skillset, share your creations with your peers, and spread the word in your company, so that more citizen developers are empowered.
Also, I recommend taking advantage of the wealth of resources available, such as tutorials, community forums, and online courses (such as mine, at Don’t be afraid to experiment and learn from your mistakes as you go. The Power Platform community is incredibly supportive, so don’t hesitate to reach out for help and guidance.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Need Assistance with Microsoft Action Pack Renewal – Admin Permission Issue
Hello everyone,
I’ve been a user of Microsoft Action Pack for several years, and I usually renew my subscription online without any issues. However, this year, I’m encountering a frustrating problem. When trying to renew, the system blocks me from completing the purchase, saying I need administrator permission to proceed – even though I AM the administrator of my account.
I’ve been contacting Microsoft support for the past two weeks, but unfortunately, I haven’t received any helpful response or callback. Has anyone else experienced this issue, and if so, how did you resolve it?
Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance.
Hello everyone, I’ve been a user of Microsoft Action Pack for several years, and I usually renew my subscription online without any issues. However, this year, I’m encountering a frustrating problem. When trying to renew, the system blocks me from completing the purchase, saying I need administrator permission to proceed – even though I AM the administrator of my account.I’ve been contacting Microsoft support for the past two weeks, but unfortunately, I haven’t received any helpful response or callback. Has anyone else experienced this issue, and if so, how did you resolve it? Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance. Read More