Appending data when extracting nested fields as individual variables
Hi Matlab community,
I have a variable "hands" that contains several fields, and I am trying to make hand_type, one of the fields, as an individual variable. The size of "hands" varies between 1×1 struct and 1×2 struct, hence I used the if-elseif loop. When "hands" is 1×2 struct, I want the second group of data to be stored in a parallel cell next to the first group of data, hence the {end+1}, as I don’t want them to be in the same cell and create an additional layer of nesting.
However, in the resulting "hand_type", whenever "hands" is 1×2 struct, "hand_type" only has 0x0 double. In comparison, when "hands" is 1×1 struct, "hand_type" has a value of a number (0, 1, etc).
Could someone help me to identify what I am doing wrong, and how I can fix the problem? The full script is attached.
Thank you in advance!
has_hands = ~cellfun(@isempty, {frames.hands});
filtered_frames = frames(has_hands);
id = {};
time = {filtered_frames.timestamp};
hands = {filtered_frames.hands};
hand_type = cell(size(hands));
for i = 1:numel(hands)
if isequal(size(hands{i}),[1,1])
hand_type{i} = hands{i}.type;
elseif isequal(size(hands{i}),[1,2])
hand_type{end+1} = hands{i}(1).type;
hand_type{end+1} = hands{i}(2).type;
endHi Matlab community,
I have a variable "hands" that contains several fields, and I am trying to make hand_type, one of the fields, as an individual variable. The size of "hands" varies between 1×1 struct and 1×2 struct, hence I used the if-elseif loop. When "hands" is 1×2 struct, I want the second group of data to be stored in a parallel cell next to the first group of data, hence the {end+1}, as I don’t want them to be in the same cell and create an additional layer of nesting.
However, in the resulting "hand_type", whenever "hands" is 1×2 struct, "hand_type" only has 0x0 double. In comparison, when "hands" is 1×1 struct, "hand_type" has a value of a number (0, 1, etc).
Could someone help me to identify what I am doing wrong, and how I can fix the problem? The full script is attached.
Thank you in advance!
has_hands = ~cellfun(@isempty, {frames.hands});
filtered_frames = frames(has_hands);
id = {};
time = {filtered_frames.timestamp};
hands = {filtered_frames.hands};
hand_type = cell(size(hands));
for i = 1:numel(hands)
if isequal(size(hands{i}),[1,1])
hand_type{i} = hands{i}.type;
elseif isequal(size(hands{i}),[1,2])
hand_type{end+1} = hands{i}(1).type;
hand_type{end+1} = hands{i}(2).type;
end Hi Matlab community,
I have a variable "hands" that contains several fields, and I am trying to make hand_type, one of the fields, as an individual variable. The size of "hands" varies between 1×1 struct and 1×2 struct, hence I used the if-elseif loop. When "hands" is 1×2 struct, I want the second group of data to be stored in a parallel cell next to the first group of data, hence the {end+1}, as I don’t want them to be in the same cell and create an additional layer of nesting.
However, in the resulting "hand_type", whenever "hands" is 1×2 struct, "hand_type" only has 0x0 double. In comparison, when "hands" is 1×1 struct, "hand_type" has a value of a number (0, 1, etc).
Could someone help me to identify what I am doing wrong, and how I can fix the problem? The full script is attached.
Thank you in advance!
has_hands = ~cellfun(@isempty, {frames.hands});
filtered_frames = frames(has_hands);
id = {};
time = {filtered_frames.timestamp};
hands = {filtered_frames.hands};
hand_type = cell(size(hands));
for i = 1:numel(hands)
if isequal(size(hands{i}),[1,1])
hand_type{i} = hands{i}.type;
elseif isequal(size(hands{i}),[1,2])
hand_type{end+1} = hands{i}(1).type;
hand_type{end+1} = hands{i}(2).type;
end append, nesting, variable, indexing, if statement, loop MATLAB Answers — New Questions