Blazor .Net 8 : Get a referenece to the actual instance of a child component
Given the following markup: <Wizard Title=”Add workplace” OnSave=”PersistWizardData”><WizardStep Title=”Checklist”><AddWorkplaceWizardStepChecklist /></WizardStep> <WizardStep Title=”Locate workplace”><AddWorkplaceWizardStepLocateWorkplace /></WizardStep> <WizardStep Title=”Workplace details”><AddWorkplaceWizardStepChecklist /></WizardStep> <WizardStep Title=”Amenities”><AddWorkplaceWizardStepLocateWorkplace /></WizardStep> <WizardStep Title=”Photos”><AddWorkplaceWizardStepChecklist /></WizardStep> <WizardStep Title=”Access hours”><AddWorkplaceWizardStepLocateWorkplace /></WizardStep> <WizardStep Title=”Contact details”><AddWorkplaceWizardStepChecklist /></WizardStep></Wizard> The Wizard component maintains a collection of WizardSteps. As I navigate from one step to another I want to call a method on the underlying component (e.g. AddWorkplaceWizardStepChecklist). From my WizardStep component is it possible to get a reference to the underlying instance of the rendered child so I that can directly call methods on it? Read More