C-RNN dual output regression
Hi. I am writing a C-RNN regression learning code with single matrix input – dual scalar output. The loaded "paddedData2.mat" file is saved as paddedData, and it is stored as an N X 3 cell, as shown in the attached image. The input matrix used for training is the 3rd column of paddedData, which is [440 5] double, and the regression variable is the values in the 1st column. With this, I plan to create features of size [436 1] using two [3 3] kernels of convolution and train them using LSTM. The code is as follows. But it doesn’t work and the error code "trainnet (line 46), Error forming mini-batch of targets for network output "fc_1". Data interpreted with format "BC". To specify a different format use the TargetDataFormats option."
How can I modify the code?
clear all;
XTrain = paddedData(:,3);
YTrain1 = cell2mat(paddedData(:,1));
YTrain2 = cell2mat(paddedData(:,2));
dsX = arrayDatastore(XTrain, ‘OutputType’, ‘same’);
dsY1 = arrayDatastore(YTrain1, ‘OutputType’, ‘same’);
dsY2 = arrayDatastore(YTrain2, ‘OutputType’, ‘same’);
net = dlnetwork;
tempNet = [
sequenceInputLayer([440 5 1],"Name","sequenceinput")
convolution2dLayer([3 3],8,"Name","conv_A1")
convolution2dLayer([3 3],8,"Name","conv_2")
net = addLayers(net,tempNet);
tempNet = fullyConnectedLayer(1,"Name","fc_1");
net = addLayers(net,tempNet);
tempNet = fullyConnectedLayer(1,"Name","fc_2");
net = addLayers(net,tempNet);
clear tempNet;
net = connectLayers(net,"lstm","fc_1");
net = connectLayers(net,"lstm","fc_2");
net = initialize(net);
options = trainingOptions(‘adam’, …
‘MaxEpochs’, 2000, …
‘MiniBatchSize’, 100, …
‘Shuffle’, ‘every-epoch’, …
‘Plots’, ‘training-progress’);
lossFcn = @(Y1,Y2,dsY1,dsY2) crossentropy(Y1,dsY1) + 0.1*mse(Y2,dsY2);
net = trainnet(dsX, net, lossFcn, options);Hi. I am writing a C-RNN regression learning code with single matrix input – dual scalar output. The loaded "paddedData2.mat" file is saved as paddedData, and it is stored as an N X 3 cell, as shown in the attached image. The input matrix used for training is the 3rd column of paddedData, which is [440 5] double, and the regression variable is the values in the 1st column. With this, I plan to create features of size [436 1] using two [3 3] kernels of convolution and train them using LSTM. The code is as follows. But it doesn’t work and the error code "trainnet (line 46), Error forming mini-batch of targets for network output "fc_1". Data interpreted with format "BC". To specify a different format use the TargetDataFormats option."
How can I modify the code?
clear all;
XTrain = paddedData(:,3);
YTrain1 = cell2mat(paddedData(:,1));
YTrain2 = cell2mat(paddedData(:,2));
dsX = arrayDatastore(XTrain, ‘OutputType’, ‘same’);
dsY1 = arrayDatastore(YTrain1, ‘OutputType’, ‘same’);
dsY2 = arrayDatastore(YTrain2, ‘OutputType’, ‘same’);
net = dlnetwork;
tempNet = [
sequenceInputLayer([440 5 1],"Name","sequenceinput")
convolution2dLayer([3 3],8,"Name","conv_A1")
convolution2dLayer([3 3],8,"Name","conv_2")
net = addLayers(net,tempNet);
tempNet = fullyConnectedLayer(1,"Name","fc_1");
net = addLayers(net,tempNet);
tempNet = fullyConnectedLayer(1,"Name","fc_2");
net = addLayers(net,tempNet);
clear tempNet;
net = connectLayers(net,"lstm","fc_1");
net = connectLayers(net,"lstm","fc_2");
net = initialize(net);
options = trainingOptions(‘adam’, …
‘MaxEpochs’, 2000, …
‘MiniBatchSize’, 100, …
‘Shuffle’, ‘every-epoch’, …
‘Plots’, ‘training-progress’);
lossFcn = @(Y1,Y2,dsY1,dsY2) crossentropy(Y1,dsY1) + 0.1*mse(Y2,dsY2);
net = trainnet(dsX, net, lossFcn, options); Hi. I am writing a C-RNN regression learning code with single matrix input – dual scalar output. The loaded "paddedData2.mat" file is saved as paddedData, and it is stored as an N X 3 cell, as shown in the attached image. The input matrix used for training is the 3rd column of paddedData, which is [440 5] double, and the regression variable is the values in the 1st column. With this, I plan to create features of size [436 1] using two [3 3] kernels of convolution and train them using LSTM. The code is as follows. But it doesn’t work and the error code "trainnet (line 46), Error forming mini-batch of targets for network output "fc_1". Data interpreted with format "BC". To specify a different format use the TargetDataFormats option."
How can I modify the code?
clear all;
XTrain = paddedData(:,3);
YTrain1 = cell2mat(paddedData(:,1));
YTrain2 = cell2mat(paddedData(:,2));
dsX = arrayDatastore(XTrain, ‘OutputType’, ‘same’);
dsY1 = arrayDatastore(YTrain1, ‘OutputType’, ‘same’);
dsY2 = arrayDatastore(YTrain2, ‘OutputType’, ‘same’);
net = dlnetwork;
tempNet = [
sequenceInputLayer([440 5 1],"Name","sequenceinput")
convolution2dLayer([3 3],8,"Name","conv_A1")
convolution2dLayer([3 3],8,"Name","conv_2")
net = addLayers(net,tempNet);
tempNet = fullyConnectedLayer(1,"Name","fc_1");
net = addLayers(net,tempNet);
tempNet = fullyConnectedLayer(1,"Name","fc_2");
net = addLayers(net,tempNet);
clear tempNet;
net = connectLayers(net,"lstm","fc_1");
net = connectLayers(net,"lstm","fc_2");
net = initialize(net);
options = trainingOptions(‘adam’, …
‘MaxEpochs’, 2000, …
‘MiniBatchSize’, 100, …
‘Shuffle’, ‘every-epoch’, …
‘Plots’, ‘training-progress’);
lossFcn = @(Y1,Y2,dsY1,dsY2) crossentropy(Y1,dsY1) + 0.1*mse(Y2,dsY2);
net = trainnet(dsX, net, lossFcn, options); deep learning, regression, multiple output MATLAB Answers — New Questions