Can i dynamically filter a list on a page to match content to the page title
Hi Folks,
I have a Sharepoint list (Risk_links) with groupings that provides links to areas of risk.
I have an index page
I also have a page for EACH risk category that provides guidance on that topic.
On each topic page I have hosted the ‘list web part’ that links to RIsk_links.
What I am hoping to achieve is to have each topic page filter the Risk_links list to only show the same items with the same category as the page title
Topic page = Asbestos
filter the Risk_links list to only show ‘Asbestos’ rows.
I could create a list in each page, and manually upload the relevant content, what i’d like though is the one master list that is dynamically filtered so i can keep one thing current rather than having to keep many things current.
This would also help me create a page template so that new topics could be added fairly seamlessly.
Is there a setting (or some JSON) that can help the list in each topic page to dynamically filter the list as desired?
Hi Folks, I have a Sharepoint list (Risk_links) with groupings that provides links to areas of risk. I have an index pageI also have a page for EACH risk category that provides guidance on that topic. On each topic page I have hosted the ‘list web part’ that links to RIsk_links. ~~ What I am hoping to achieve is to have each topic page filter the Risk_links list to only show the same items with the same category as the page title E.G. Topic page = Asbestosfilter the Risk_links list to only show ‘Asbestos’ rows. ~ I could create a list in each page, and manually upload the relevant content, what i’d like though is the one master list that is dynamically filtered so i can keep one thing current rather than having to keep many things current. This would also help me create a page template so that new topics could be added fairly seamlessly. ~ Is there a setting (or some JSON) that can help the list in each topic page to dynamically filter the list as desired? Thanks Read More