cnn-lstm error
hello everyone
i have error whene i use cnn-lstm
this is the error
Error using trainNetwork (line 191)
Invalid training data. The output size (1024) of the last layer does not match the response size (1).
Error in Main_fn (line 266)
[trainedNet,traininfo] = trainNetwork(XTrain,YTrain,layers,options);
Error in Fig12_generator (line 49)
but whene use cnn onle the code run without error and i make every possible to fix it but it not work and i change the shape of YTrain but still the error
function [Rate_DL,Rate_OPT]=Main_fn(L,My,Mz,M_bar,K_DL,Pt,kbeams,Training_Size)
%% Description:
% This is the function called by the main script for ploting Figure 10
% in the original article mentioned below.
% version 1.0 (Last edited: 2019-05-10)
% The definitions and equations used in this code refer (mostly) to the
% following publication:
% Abdelrahman Taha, Muhammad Alrabeiah, and Ahmed Alkhateeb, "Enabling
% Large Intelligent Surfaces with Compressive Sensing and Deep Learning,"
% arXiv e-prints, p. arXiv:1904.10136, Apr 2019.
% [Online]. Available:
% The DeepMIMO dataset is adopted.
% [Online]. Available:
% License: This code is licensed under a Creative Commons
% Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
% [Online]. Available:
% If you in any way use this code for research that results in
% publications, please cite our original article mentioned above.
%% System Model Parameters
params.scenario=’O1_28′; % DeepMIMO Dataset scenario:
params.active_BS=3; % active basestation(/s) in the chosen scenario
D_Lambda = 0.5; % Antenna spacing relative to the wavelength
BW = 100e6; % Bandwidth
Ut_row = 850; % user Ut row number
Ut_element = 90; % user Ut position from the row chosen above
Ur_rows = [1000 1200]; % user Ur rows
Validation_Size = 6200; % Validation dataset Size
K = 512; % number of subcarriers
miniBatchSize = 500; % Size of the minibatch for the Deep Learning
% Note: The axes of the antennas match the axes of the ray-tracing scenario
Mx = 1; % number of LIS reflecting elements across the x axis
M = Mx.*My.*Mz; % Total number of LIS reflecting elements
% Preallocation of output variables
Rate_DL = zeros(1,length(Training_Size));
Rate_OPT = Rate_DL;
LastValidationRMSE = Rate_DL;
%— Accounting SNR in ach rate calculations
%— Definning Noisy channel measurements
Gt=3; % dBi
Gr=3; % dBi
NF=5; % Noise figure at the User equipment
Process_Gain=10; % Channel estimation processing gain
noise_power_dB=-204+10*log10(BW/K)+NF-Process_Gain; % Noise power in dB
SNR=10^(.1*(-noise_power_dB))*(10^(.1*(Gt+Gr+Pt)))^2; % Signal-to-noise ratio
% channel estimation noise
No_user_pairs = (Ur_rows(2)-Ur_rows(1))*181; % Number of (Ut,Ur) user pairs
RandP_all = randperm(No_user_pairs).’; % Random permutation of the available dataset
%% Starting the code
disp([‘ Calculating for M = ‘ num2str(M)]);
Rand_M_bar_all = randperm(M);
%% Beamforming Codebook
% BF codebook parameters
over_sampling_x=1; % The beamsteering oversampling factor in the x direction
over_sampling_y=1; % The beamsteering oversampling factor in the y direction
over_sampling_z=1; % The beamsteering oversampling factor in the z direction
% Generating the BF codebook
%% DeepMIMO Dataset Generation
disp([‘ Calculating for K_DL = ‘ num2str(K_DL)]);
% —— Inputs to the DeepMIMO dataset generation code ———— %
% Note: The axes of the antennas match the axes of the ray-tracing scenario
params.num_ant_x= Mx; % Number of the UPA antenna array on the x-axis
params.num_ant_y= My; % Number of the UPA antenna array on the y-axis
params.num_ant_z= Mz; % Number of the UPA antenna array on the z-axis
params.ant_spacing=D_Lambda; % ratio of the wavelnegth; for half wavelength enter .5
params.bandwidth= BW*1e-9; % The bandiwdth in GHz
params.num_OFDM= K; % Number of OFDM subcarriers
params.OFDM_sampling_factor=1; % The constructed channels will be calculated only at the sampled subcarriers (to reduce the size of the dataset)
params.OFDM_limit=K_DL*1; % Only the first params.OFDM_limit subcarriers will be considered when constructing the channels
params.num_paths=L; % Maximum number of paths to be considered (a value between 1 and 25), e.g., choose 1 if you are only interested in the strongest path
disp([‘ Calculating for L = ‘ num2str(params.num_paths)]);
% —————— DeepMIMO "Ut" Dataset Generation —————–%
Ht = single(DeepMIMO_dataset{1}.user{Ut_element}.channel);
clear DeepMIMO_dataset
% —————— DeepMIMO "Ur" Dataset Generation —————–%
%Validation part for the actual achievable rate perf eval
Validation_Ind = RandP_all(end-Validation_Size+1:end);
[~,VI_sortind] = sort(Validation_Ind);
[~,VI_rev_sortind] = sort(VI_sortind);
Ur_rows_step = 100; % access the dataset 100 rows at a time
Delta_H_max = single(0);
for pp = 1:1:numel(Ur_rows_grid)-1 % loop for Normalizing H
clear DeepMIMO_dataset
for u=1:params.num_user
Hr = single(conj(DeepMIMO_dataset{1}.user{u}.channel));
Delta_H = max(max(abs(Ht.*Hr)));
if Delta_H >= Delta_H_max
Delta_H_max = single(Delta_H);
clear Delta_H
disp([‘ Calculating for M_bar = ‘ num2str(M_bar)]);
Rand_M_bar =unique(Rand_M_bar_all(1:M_bar));
Ht_bar = reshape(Ht(Rand_M_bar,:),M_bar*K_DL,1);
DL_input = single(zeros(M_bar*K_DL*2,No_user_pairs));
DL_output = single(zeros(No_user_pairs,codebook_size));
DL_output_un= single(zeros(numel(Validation_Ind),codebook_size));
Delta_H_bar_max = single(0);
for pp = 1:1:numel(Ur_rows_grid)-1
clear DeepMIMO_dataset
disp([‘Starting received user access ‘ num2str(pp)]);
%% Construct Deep Learning inputs
for u=1:u_step:params.num_user
for uu=1:1:u_step
Hr = single(conj(DeepMIMO_dataset{1}.user{u+uu-1}.channel));
Hr_bar = reshape(Hr(Rand_M_bar,:),M_bar*K_DL,1);
%— Constructing the sampled channel
H_bar = ((Ht_bar+n1).*(Hr_bar+n2));
DL_input(:,u+uu-1+((pp-1)*params.num_user))= reshape([real(H_bar) imag(H_bar)].’,[],1);
Delta_H_bar = max(max(abs(H_bar)));
if Delta_H_bar >= Delta_H_bar_max
Delta_H_bar_max = single(Delta_H_bar);
%— Actual achievable rate for performance evaluation
H = Htx.*Hrx;
SNR_sqrt_var = abs(H_BF);
for uu=1:1:u_step
if sum((Validation_Ind == u+uu-1+((pp-1)*params.num_user)))
DL_output_un(count,:) = single(sum(log2(1+(SNR*((SNR_sqrt_var(uu,:)).^2))),1));
%— Label for the sampled channel
R = single(log2(1+(SNR_sqrt_var/Delta_H_max).^2));
% — DL output normalization
Delta_Out_max = max(R,[],2);
if ~sum(Delta_Out_max == 0)
DL_output(u+((pp-1)*params.num_user):u+((pp-1)*params.num_user)+u_step-1,:) = 1*Rn; %%%%% Normalized %%%%%
clear u Delta_H_bar R Rn
%– Sorting back the DL_output_un
DL_output_un = DL_output_un(VI_rev_sortind,:);
%— DL input normalization
DL_input= 1*(DL_input/Delta_H_bar_max); %%%%% Normalized from -1->1 %%%%%
%% DL Beamforming
% —————— Training and Testing Datasets —————–%
% Reshape for CNN-LSTM
% Assuming each sample is a sequence of features where each feature vector should be treated as a 1D image (sequence length x 1 x 1)
DL_output_reshaped = reshape(DL_output.’, size(DL_output,2), 1, 1, size(DL_output,1));
DL_output_reshaped_un = reshape(DL_output_un.’, size(DL_output_un,2), 1, 1, size(DL_output_un,1));
DL_input_reshaped = reshape(DL_input, size(DL_input,1), 1, 1, size(DL_input,2));
for dd=1:numel(Training_Size)
disp([‘ Calculating for Dataset Size = ‘ num2str(Training_Size(dd))]);
Training_Ind = RandP_all(1:Training_Size(dd));
% Index the reshaped data for training and validation
XTrain = single(DL_input_reshaped(:,1,:,Training_Ind));
YTrain = single(DL_output_reshaped(:,:,1,Training_Ind));
XValidation = single(DL_input_reshaped(:,1,:,Validation_Ind));
YValidation = single(DL_output_reshaped(:,:,1,Validation_Ind));
YValidation_un = single(DL_output_reshaped_un(:,:,1,:));
%% DL Model definition with adjusted pooling and convolution layers
layers = [
imageInputLayer([size(XTrain,1), 1, 1],’Name’,’input’,’Normalization’,’none’)
convolution2dLayer(3, 64, ‘Padding’, ‘same’, ‘Name’, ‘conv1’)
batchNormalizationLayer(‘Name’, ‘bn1’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘relu1’)
maxPooling2dLayer([3,1], ‘Stride’, [3,1], ‘Name’, ‘maxpool1’)
convolution2dLayer(3, 128, ‘Padding’, ‘same’, ‘Name’, ‘conv2’)
batchNormalizationLayer(‘Name’, ‘bn2’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘relu2’)
maxPooling2dLayer([3,1], ‘Stride’, [3,1], ‘Name’, ‘maxpool2’)
convolution2dLayer(3, 256, ‘Padding’, ‘same’, ‘Name’, ‘conv3’)
batchNormalizationLayer(‘Name’, ‘bn3’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘relu3’)
maxPooling2dLayer([3,1], ‘Stride’, [3,1], ‘Name’, ‘maxpool3’)
flattenLayer(‘Name’, ‘flatten’)
lstmLayer(128, ‘Name’, ‘lstm1’, ‘OutputMode’, ‘sequence’)
lstmLayer(128, ‘Name’, ‘lstm2’, ‘OutputMode’, ‘last’)
fullyConnectedLayer(512, ‘Name’, ‘fc1’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘relu4’)
dropoutLayer(0.5, ‘Name’, ‘dropout1’)
fullyConnectedLayer(1024, ‘Name’, ‘fc2’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘relu5’)
dropoutLayer(0.5, ‘Name’, ‘dropout2’)
fullyConnectedLayer(2048, ‘Name’, ‘fc3’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘relu6’)
dropoutLayer(0.5, ‘Name’, ‘dropout3’)
fullyConnectedLayer(size(YTrain,3), ‘Name’, ‘fc4’)
regressionLayer(‘Name’, ‘output’)
options = trainingOptions(‘rmsprop’, …
‘MiniBatchSize’, miniBatchSize, …
‘MaxEpochs’, 20, …
‘InitialLearnRate’, 1e-3, …
‘LearnRateSchedule’, ‘piecewise’, …
‘LearnRateDropFactor’, 0.5, …
‘LearnRateDropPeriod’, 10, …
‘L2Regularization’, 1e-4, …
‘Shuffle’, ‘every-epoch’, …
‘ValidationData’, {XValidation, YValidation}, …
‘ValidationFrequency’, 30, …
‘Verbose’, 1, …
‘Plots’, ‘none’, …
‘ExecutionEnvironment’, ‘cpu’);
[~,Indmax_OPT]= max(YValidation,[],3);
Indmax_OPT = squeeze(Indmax_OPT); %Upper bound on achievable rates
MaxR_OPT = single(zeros(numel(Indmax_OPT),1));
[trainedNet,traininfo] = trainNetwork(XTrain,YTrain,layers,options);
YPredicted = predict(trainedNet,XValidation);
% ——————— Achievable Rate ————————–%
[~,Indmax_DL] = maxk(YPredicted,kbeams,2);
MaxR_DL = single(zeros(size(Indmax_DL,1),1)); %True achievable rates
for b=1:size(Indmax_DL,1)
MaxR_DL(b) = max(squeeze(YValidation_un(1,1,Indmax_DL(b,:),b)));
MaxR_OPT(b) = squeeze(YValidation_un(1,1,Indmax_OPT(b),b));
Rate_OPT(dd) = mean(MaxR_OPT);
Rate_DL(dd) = mean(MaxR_DL);
LastValidationRMSE(dd) = traininfo.ValidationRMSE(end);
clear trainedNet traininfo YPredicted
clear layers options Rate_DL_Temp MaxR_DL_Temp Highest_Rate
endhello everyone
i have error whene i use cnn-lstm
this is the error
Error using trainNetwork (line 191)
Invalid training data. The output size (1024) of the last layer does not match the response size (1).
Error in Main_fn (line 266)
[trainedNet,traininfo] = trainNetwork(XTrain,YTrain,layers,options);
Error in Fig12_generator (line 49)
but whene use cnn onle the code run without error and i make every possible to fix it but it not work and i change the shape of YTrain but still the error
function [Rate_DL,Rate_OPT]=Main_fn(L,My,Mz,M_bar,K_DL,Pt,kbeams,Training_Size)
%% Description:
% This is the function called by the main script for ploting Figure 10
% in the original article mentioned below.
% version 1.0 (Last edited: 2019-05-10)
% The definitions and equations used in this code refer (mostly) to the
% following publication:
% Abdelrahman Taha, Muhammad Alrabeiah, and Ahmed Alkhateeb, "Enabling
% Large Intelligent Surfaces with Compressive Sensing and Deep Learning,"
% arXiv e-prints, p. arXiv:1904.10136, Apr 2019.
% [Online]. Available:
% The DeepMIMO dataset is adopted.
% [Online]. Available:
% License: This code is licensed under a Creative Commons
% Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
% [Online]. Available:
% If you in any way use this code for research that results in
% publications, please cite our original article mentioned above.
%% System Model Parameters
params.scenario=’O1_28′; % DeepMIMO Dataset scenario:
params.active_BS=3; % active basestation(/s) in the chosen scenario
D_Lambda = 0.5; % Antenna spacing relative to the wavelength
BW = 100e6; % Bandwidth
Ut_row = 850; % user Ut row number
Ut_element = 90; % user Ut position from the row chosen above
Ur_rows = [1000 1200]; % user Ur rows
Validation_Size = 6200; % Validation dataset Size
K = 512; % number of subcarriers
miniBatchSize = 500; % Size of the minibatch for the Deep Learning
% Note: The axes of the antennas match the axes of the ray-tracing scenario
Mx = 1; % number of LIS reflecting elements across the x axis
M = Mx.*My.*Mz; % Total number of LIS reflecting elements
% Preallocation of output variables
Rate_DL = zeros(1,length(Training_Size));
Rate_OPT = Rate_DL;
LastValidationRMSE = Rate_DL;
%— Accounting SNR in ach rate calculations
%— Definning Noisy channel measurements
Gt=3; % dBi
Gr=3; % dBi
NF=5; % Noise figure at the User equipment
Process_Gain=10; % Channel estimation processing gain
noise_power_dB=-204+10*log10(BW/K)+NF-Process_Gain; % Noise power in dB
SNR=10^(.1*(-noise_power_dB))*(10^(.1*(Gt+Gr+Pt)))^2; % Signal-to-noise ratio
% channel estimation noise
No_user_pairs = (Ur_rows(2)-Ur_rows(1))*181; % Number of (Ut,Ur) user pairs
RandP_all = randperm(No_user_pairs).’; % Random permutation of the available dataset
%% Starting the code
disp([‘ Calculating for M = ‘ num2str(M)]);
Rand_M_bar_all = randperm(M);
%% Beamforming Codebook
% BF codebook parameters
over_sampling_x=1; % The beamsteering oversampling factor in the x direction
over_sampling_y=1; % The beamsteering oversampling factor in the y direction
over_sampling_z=1; % The beamsteering oversampling factor in the z direction
% Generating the BF codebook
%% DeepMIMO Dataset Generation
disp([‘ Calculating for K_DL = ‘ num2str(K_DL)]);
% —— Inputs to the DeepMIMO dataset generation code ———— %
% Note: The axes of the antennas match the axes of the ray-tracing scenario
params.num_ant_x= Mx; % Number of the UPA antenna array on the x-axis
params.num_ant_y= My; % Number of the UPA antenna array on the y-axis
params.num_ant_z= Mz; % Number of the UPA antenna array on the z-axis
params.ant_spacing=D_Lambda; % ratio of the wavelnegth; for half wavelength enter .5
params.bandwidth= BW*1e-9; % The bandiwdth in GHz
params.num_OFDM= K; % Number of OFDM subcarriers
params.OFDM_sampling_factor=1; % The constructed channels will be calculated only at the sampled subcarriers (to reduce the size of the dataset)
params.OFDM_limit=K_DL*1; % Only the first params.OFDM_limit subcarriers will be considered when constructing the channels
params.num_paths=L; % Maximum number of paths to be considered (a value between 1 and 25), e.g., choose 1 if you are only interested in the strongest path
disp([‘ Calculating for L = ‘ num2str(params.num_paths)]);
% —————— DeepMIMO "Ut" Dataset Generation —————–%
Ht = single(DeepMIMO_dataset{1}.user{Ut_element}.channel);
clear DeepMIMO_dataset
% —————— DeepMIMO "Ur" Dataset Generation —————–%
%Validation part for the actual achievable rate perf eval
Validation_Ind = RandP_all(end-Validation_Size+1:end);
[~,VI_sortind] = sort(Validation_Ind);
[~,VI_rev_sortind] = sort(VI_sortind);
Ur_rows_step = 100; % access the dataset 100 rows at a time
Delta_H_max = single(0);
for pp = 1:1:numel(Ur_rows_grid)-1 % loop for Normalizing H
clear DeepMIMO_dataset
for u=1:params.num_user
Hr = single(conj(DeepMIMO_dataset{1}.user{u}.channel));
Delta_H = max(max(abs(Ht.*Hr)));
if Delta_H >= Delta_H_max
Delta_H_max = single(Delta_H);
clear Delta_H
disp([‘ Calculating for M_bar = ‘ num2str(M_bar)]);
Rand_M_bar =unique(Rand_M_bar_all(1:M_bar));
Ht_bar = reshape(Ht(Rand_M_bar,:),M_bar*K_DL,1);
DL_input = single(zeros(M_bar*K_DL*2,No_user_pairs));
DL_output = single(zeros(No_user_pairs,codebook_size));
DL_output_un= single(zeros(numel(Validation_Ind),codebook_size));
Delta_H_bar_max = single(0);
for pp = 1:1:numel(Ur_rows_grid)-1
clear DeepMIMO_dataset
disp([‘Starting received user access ‘ num2str(pp)]);
%% Construct Deep Learning inputs
for u=1:u_step:params.num_user
for uu=1:1:u_step
Hr = single(conj(DeepMIMO_dataset{1}.user{u+uu-1}.channel));
Hr_bar = reshape(Hr(Rand_M_bar,:),M_bar*K_DL,1);
%— Constructing the sampled channel
H_bar = ((Ht_bar+n1).*(Hr_bar+n2));
DL_input(:,u+uu-1+((pp-1)*params.num_user))= reshape([real(H_bar) imag(H_bar)].’,[],1);
Delta_H_bar = max(max(abs(H_bar)));
if Delta_H_bar >= Delta_H_bar_max
Delta_H_bar_max = single(Delta_H_bar);
%— Actual achievable rate for performance evaluation
H = Htx.*Hrx;
SNR_sqrt_var = abs(H_BF);
for uu=1:1:u_step
if sum((Validation_Ind == u+uu-1+((pp-1)*params.num_user)))
DL_output_un(count,:) = single(sum(log2(1+(SNR*((SNR_sqrt_var(uu,:)).^2))),1));
%— Label for the sampled channel
R = single(log2(1+(SNR_sqrt_var/Delta_H_max).^2));
% — DL output normalization
Delta_Out_max = max(R,[],2);
if ~sum(Delta_Out_max == 0)
DL_output(u+((pp-1)*params.num_user):u+((pp-1)*params.num_user)+u_step-1,:) = 1*Rn; %%%%% Normalized %%%%%
clear u Delta_H_bar R Rn
%– Sorting back the DL_output_un
DL_output_un = DL_output_un(VI_rev_sortind,:);
%— DL input normalization
DL_input= 1*(DL_input/Delta_H_bar_max); %%%%% Normalized from -1->1 %%%%%
%% DL Beamforming
% —————— Training and Testing Datasets —————–%
% Reshape for CNN-LSTM
% Assuming each sample is a sequence of features where each feature vector should be treated as a 1D image (sequence length x 1 x 1)
DL_output_reshaped = reshape(DL_output.’, size(DL_output,2), 1, 1, size(DL_output,1));
DL_output_reshaped_un = reshape(DL_output_un.’, size(DL_output_un,2), 1, 1, size(DL_output_un,1));
DL_input_reshaped = reshape(DL_input, size(DL_input,1), 1, 1, size(DL_input,2));
for dd=1:numel(Training_Size)
disp([‘ Calculating for Dataset Size = ‘ num2str(Training_Size(dd))]);
Training_Ind = RandP_all(1:Training_Size(dd));
% Index the reshaped data for training and validation
XTrain = single(DL_input_reshaped(:,1,:,Training_Ind));
YTrain = single(DL_output_reshaped(:,:,1,Training_Ind));
XValidation = single(DL_input_reshaped(:,1,:,Validation_Ind));
YValidation = single(DL_output_reshaped(:,:,1,Validation_Ind));
YValidation_un = single(DL_output_reshaped_un(:,:,1,:));
%% DL Model definition with adjusted pooling and convolution layers
layers = [
imageInputLayer([size(XTrain,1), 1, 1],’Name’,’input’,’Normalization’,’none’)
convolution2dLayer(3, 64, ‘Padding’, ‘same’, ‘Name’, ‘conv1’)
batchNormalizationLayer(‘Name’, ‘bn1’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘relu1’)
maxPooling2dLayer([3,1], ‘Stride’, [3,1], ‘Name’, ‘maxpool1’)
convolution2dLayer(3, 128, ‘Padding’, ‘same’, ‘Name’, ‘conv2’)
batchNormalizationLayer(‘Name’, ‘bn2’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘relu2’)
maxPooling2dLayer([3,1], ‘Stride’, [3,1], ‘Name’, ‘maxpool2’)
convolution2dLayer(3, 256, ‘Padding’, ‘same’, ‘Name’, ‘conv3’)
batchNormalizationLayer(‘Name’, ‘bn3’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘relu3’)
maxPooling2dLayer([3,1], ‘Stride’, [3,1], ‘Name’, ‘maxpool3’)
flattenLayer(‘Name’, ‘flatten’)
lstmLayer(128, ‘Name’, ‘lstm1’, ‘OutputMode’, ‘sequence’)
lstmLayer(128, ‘Name’, ‘lstm2’, ‘OutputMode’, ‘last’)
fullyConnectedLayer(512, ‘Name’, ‘fc1’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘relu4’)
dropoutLayer(0.5, ‘Name’, ‘dropout1’)
fullyConnectedLayer(1024, ‘Name’, ‘fc2’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘relu5’)
dropoutLayer(0.5, ‘Name’, ‘dropout2’)
fullyConnectedLayer(2048, ‘Name’, ‘fc3’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘relu6’)
dropoutLayer(0.5, ‘Name’, ‘dropout3’)
fullyConnectedLayer(size(YTrain,3), ‘Name’, ‘fc4’)
regressionLayer(‘Name’, ‘output’)
options = trainingOptions(‘rmsprop’, …
‘MiniBatchSize’, miniBatchSize, …
‘MaxEpochs’, 20, …
‘InitialLearnRate’, 1e-3, …
‘LearnRateSchedule’, ‘piecewise’, …
‘LearnRateDropFactor’, 0.5, …
‘LearnRateDropPeriod’, 10, …
‘L2Regularization’, 1e-4, …
‘Shuffle’, ‘every-epoch’, …
‘ValidationData’, {XValidation, YValidation}, …
‘ValidationFrequency’, 30, …
‘Verbose’, 1, …
‘Plots’, ‘none’, …
‘ExecutionEnvironment’, ‘cpu’);
[~,Indmax_OPT]= max(YValidation,[],3);
Indmax_OPT = squeeze(Indmax_OPT); %Upper bound on achievable rates
MaxR_OPT = single(zeros(numel(Indmax_OPT),1));
[trainedNet,traininfo] = trainNetwork(XTrain,YTrain,layers,options);
YPredicted = predict(trainedNet,XValidation);
% ——————— Achievable Rate ————————–%
[~,Indmax_DL] = maxk(YPredicted,kbeams,2);
MaxR_DL = single(zeros(size(Indmax_DL,1),1)); %True achievable rates
for b=1:size(Indmax_DL,1)
MaxR_DL(b) = max(squeeze(YValidation_un(1,1,Indmax_DL(b,:),b)));
MaxR_OPT(b) = squeeze(YValidation_un(1,1,Indmax_OPT(b),b));
Rate_OPT(dd) = mean(MaxR_OPT);
Rate_DL(dd) = mean(MaxR_DL);
LastValidationRMSE(dd) = traininfo.ValidationRMSE(end);
clear trainedNet traininfo YPredicted
clear layers options Rate_DL_Temp MaxR_DL_Temp Highest_Rate
end hello everyone
i have error whene i use cnn-lstm
this is the error
Error using trainNetwork (line 191)
Invalid training data. The output size (1024) of the last layer does not match the response size (1).
Error in Main_fn (line 266)
[trainedNet,traininfo] = trainNetwork(XTrain,YTrain,layers,options);
Error in Fig12_generator (line 49)
but whene use cnn onle the code run without error and i make every possible to fix it but it not work and i change the shape of YTrain but still the error
function [Rate_DL,Rate_OPT]=Main_fn(L,My,Mz,M_bar,K_DL,Pt,kbeams,Training_Size)
%% Description:
% This is the function called by the main script for ploting Figure 10
% in the original article mentioned below.
% version 1.0 (Last edited: 2019-05-10)
% The definitions and equations used in this code refer (mostly) to the
% following publication:
% Abdelrahman Taha, Muhammad Alrabeiah, and Ahmed Alkhateeb, "Enabling
% Large Intelligent Surfaces with Compressive Sensing and Deep Learning,"
% arXiv e-prints, p. arXiv:1904.10136, Apr 2019.
% [Online]. Available:
% The DeepMIMO dataset is adopted.
% [Online]. Available:
% License: This code is licensed under a Creative Commons
% Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
% [Online]. Available:
% If you in any way use this code for research that results in
% publications, please cite our original article mentioned above.
%% System Model Parameters
params.scenario=’O1_28′; % DeepMIMO Dataset scenario:
params.active_BS=3; % active basestation(/s) in the chosen scenario
D_Lambda = 0.5; % Antenna spacing relative to the wavelength
BW = 100e6; % Bandwidth
Ut_row = 850; % user Ut row number
Ut_element = 90; % user Ut position from the row chosen above
Ur_rows = [1000 1200]; % user Ur rows
Validation_Size = 6200; % Validation dataset Size
K = 512; % number of subcarriers
miniBatchSize = 500; % Size of the minibatch for the Deep Learning
% Note: The axes of the antennas match the axes of the ray-tracing scenario
Mx = 1; % number of LIS reflecting elements across the x axis
M = Mx.*My.*Mz; % Total number of LIS reflecting elements
% Preallocation of output variables
Rate_DL = zeros(1,length(Training_Size));
Rate_OPT = Rate_DL;
LastValidationRMSE = Rate_DL;
%— Accounting SNR in ach rate calculations
%— Definning Noisy channel measurements
Gt=3; % dBi
Gr=3; % dBi
NF=5; % Noise figure at the User equipment
Process_Gain=10; % Channel estimation processing gain
noise_power_dB=-204+10*log10(BW/K)+NF-Process_Gain; % Noise power in dB
SNR=10^(.1*(-noise_power_dB))*(10^(.1*(Gt+Gr+Pt)))^2; % Signal-to-noise ratio
% channel estimation noise
No_user_pairs = (Ur_rows(2)-Ur_rows(1))*181; % Number of (Ut,Ur) user pairs
RandP_all = randperm(No_user_pairs).’; % Random permutation of the available dataset
%% Starting the code
disp([‘ Calculating for M = ‘ num2str(M)]);
Rand_M_bar_all = randperm(M);
%% Beamforming Codebook
% BF codebook parameters
over_sampling_x=1; % The beamsteering oversampling factor in the x direction
over_sampling_y=1; % The beamsteering oversampling factor in the y direction
over_sampling_z=1; % The beamsteering oversampling factor in the z direction
% Generating the BF codebook
%% DeepMIMO Dataset Generation
disp([‘ Calculating for K_DL = ‘ num2str(K_DL)]);
% —— Inputs to the DeepMIMO dataset generation code ———— %
% Note: The axes of the antennas match the axes of the ray-tracing scenario
params.num_ant_x= Mx; % Number of the UPA antenna array on the x-axis
params.num_ant_y= My; % Number of the UPA antenna array on the y-axis
params.num_ant_z= Mz; % Number of the UPA antenna array on the z-axis
params.ant_spacing=D_Lambda; % ratio of the wavelnegth; for half wavelength enter .5
params.bandwidth= BW*1e-9; % The bandiwdth in GHz
params.num_OFDM= K; % Number of OFDM subcarriers
params.OFDM_sampling_factor=1; % The constructed channels will be calculated only at the sampled subcarriers (to reduce the size of the dataset)
params.OFDM_limit=K_DL*1; % Only the first params.OFDM_limit subcarriers will be considered when constructing the channels
params.num_paths=L; % Maximum number of paths to be considered (a value between 1 and 25), e.g., choose 1 if you are only interested in the strongest path
disp([‘ Calculating for L = ‘ num2str(params.num_paths)]);
% —————— DeepMIMO "Ut" Dataset Generation —————–%
Ht = single(DeepMIMO_dataset{1}.user{Ut_element}.channel);
clear DeepMIMO_dataset
% —————— DeepMIMO "Ur" Dataset Generation —————–%
%Validation part for the actual achievable rate perf eval
Validation_Ind = RandP_all(end-Validation_Size+1:end);
[~,VI_sortind] = sort(Validation_Ind);
[~,VI_rev_sortind] = sort(VI_sortind);
Ur_rows_step = 100; % access the dataset 100 rows at a time
Delta_H_max = single(0);
for pp = 1:1:numel(Ur_rows_grid)-1 % loop for Normalizing H
clear DeepMIMO_dataset
for u=1:params.num_user
Hr = single(conj(DeepMIMO_dataset{1}.user{u}.channel));
Delta_H = max(max(abs(Ht.*Hr)));
if Delta_H >= Delta_H_max
Delta_H_max = single(Delta_H);
clear Delta_H
disp([‘ Calculating for M_bar = ‘ num2str(M_bar)]);
Rand_M_bar =unique(Rand_M_bar_all(1:M_bar));
Ht_bar = reshape(Ht(Rand_M_bar,:),M_bar*K_DL,1);
DL_input = single(zeros(M_bar*K_DL*2,No_user_pairs));
DL_output = single(zeros(No_user_pairs,codebook_size));
DL_output_un= single(zeros(numel(Validation_Ind),codebook_size));
Delta_H_bar_max = single(0);
for pp = 1:1:numel(Ur_rows_grid)-1
clear DeepMIMO_dataset
disp([‘Starting received user access ‘ num2str(pp)]);
%% Construct Deep Learning inputs
for u=1:u_step:params.num_user
for uu=1:1:u_step
Hr = single(conj(DeepMIMO_dataset{1}.user{u+uu-1}.channel));
Hr_bar = reshape(Hr(Rand_M_bar,:),M_bar*K_DL,1);
%— Constructing the sampled channel
H_bar = ((Ht_bar+n1).*(Hr_bar+n2));
DL_input(:,u+uu-1+((pp-1)*params.num_user))= reshape([real(H_bar) imag(H_bar)].’,[],1);
Delta_H_bar = max(max(abs(H_bar)));
if Delta_H_bar >= Delta_H_bar_max
Delta_H_bar_max = single(Delta_H_bar);
%— Actual achievable rate for performance evaluation
H = Htx.*Hrx;
SNR_sqrt_var = abs(H_BF);
for uu=1:1:u_step
if sum((Validation_Ind == u+uu-1+((pp-1)*params.num_user)))
DL_output_un(count,:) = single(sum(log2(1+(SNR*((SNR_sqrt_var(uu,:)).^2))),1));
%— Label for the sampled channel
R = single(log2(1+(SNR_sqrt_var/Delta_H_max).^2));
% — DL output normalization
Delta_Out_max = max(R,[],2);
if ~sum(Delta_Out_max == 0)
DL_output(u+((pp-1)*params.num_user):u+((pp-1)*params.num_user)+u_step-1,:) = 1*Rn; %%%%% Normalized %%%%%
clear u Delta_H_bar R Rn
%– Sorting back the DL_output_un
DL_output_un = DL_output_un(VI_rev_sortind,:);
%— DL input normalization
DL_input= 1*(DL_input/Delta_H_bar_max); %%%%% Normalized from -1->1 %%%%%
%% DL Beamforming
% —————— Training and Testing Datasets —————–%
% Reshape for CNN-LSTM
% Assuming each sample is a sequence of features where each feature vector should be treated as a 1D image (sequence length x 1 x 1)
DL_output_reshaped = reshape(DL_output.’, size(DL_output,2), 1, 1, size(DL_output,1));
DL_output_reshaped_un = reshape(DL_output_un.’, size(DL_output_un,2), 1, 1, size(DL_output_un,1));
DL_input_reshaped = reshape(DL_input, size(DL_input,1), 1, 1, size(DL_input,2));
for dd=1:numel(Training_Size)
disp([‘ Calculating for Dataset Size = ‘ num2str(Training_Size(dd))]);
Training_Ind = RandP_all(1:Training_Size(dd));
% Index the reshaped data for training and validation
XTrain = single(DL_input_reshaped(:,1,:,Training_Ind));
YTrain = single(DL_output_reshaped(:,:,1,Training_Ind));
XValidation = single(DL_input_reshaped(:,1,:,Validation_Ind));
YValidation = single(DL_output_reshaped(:,:,1,Validation_Ind));
YValidation_un = single(DL_output_reshaped_un(:,:,1,:));
%% DL Model definition with adjusted pooling and convolution layers
layers = [
imageInputLayer([size(XTrain,1), 1, 1],’Name’,’input’,’Normalization’,’none’)
convolution2dLayer(3, 64, ‘Padding’, ‘same’, ‘Name’, ‘conv1’)
batchNormalizationLayer(‘Name’, ‘bn1’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘relu1’)
maxPooling2dLayer([3,1], ‘Stride’, [3,1], ‘Name’, ‘maxpool1’)
convolution2dLayer(3, 128, ‘Padding’, ‘same’, ‘Name’, ‘conv2’)
batchNormalizationLayer(‘Name’, ‘bn2’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘relu2’)
maxPooling2dLayer([3,1], ‘Stride’, [3,1], ‘Name’, ‘maxpool2’)
convolution2dLayer(3, 256, ‘Padding’, ‘same’, ‘Name’, ‘conv3’)
batchNormalizationLayer(‘Name’, ‘bn3’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘relu3’)
maxPooling2dLayer([3,1], ‘Stride’, [3,1], ‘Name’, ‘maxpool3’)
flattenLayer(‘Name’, ‘flatten’)
lstmLayer(128, ‘Name’, ‘lstm1’, ‘OutputMode’, ‘sequence’)
lstmLayer(128, ‘Name’, ‘lstm2’, ‘OutputMode’, ‘last’)
fullyConnectedLayer(512, ‘Name’, ‘fc1’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘relu4’)
dropoutLayer(0.5, ‘Name’, ‘dropout1’)
fullyConnectedLayer(1024, ‘Name’, ‘fc2’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘relu5’)
dropoutLayer(0.5, ‘Name’, ‘dropout2’)
fullyConnectedLayer(2048, ‘Name’, ‘fc3’)
reluLayer(‘Name’, ‘relu6’)
dropoutLayer(0.5, ‘Name’, ‘dropout3’)
fullyConnectedLayer(size(YTrain,3), ‘Name’, ‘fc4’)
regressionLayer(‘Name’, ‘output’)
options = trainingOptions(‘rmsprop’, …
‘MiniBatchSize’, miniBatchSize, …
‘MaxEpochs’, 20, …
‘InitialLearnRate’, 1e-3, …
‘LearnRateSchedule’, ‘piecewise’, …
‘LearnRateDropFactor’, 0.5, …
‘LearnRateDropPeriod’, 10, …
‘L2Regularization’, 1e-4, …
‘Shuffle’, ‘every-epoch’, …
‘ValidationData’, {XValidation, YValidation}, …
‘ValidationFrequency’, 30, …
‘Verbose’, 1, …
‘Plots’, ‘none’, …
‘ExecutionEnvironment’, ‘cpu’);
[~,Indmax_OPT]= max(YValidation,[],3);
Indmax_OPT = squeeze(Indmax_OPT); %Upper bound on achievable rates
MaxR_OPT = single(zeros(numel(Indmax_OPT),1));
[trainedNet,traininfo] = trainNetwork(XTrain,YTrain,layers,options);
YPredicted = predict(trainedNet,XValidation);
% ——————— Achievable Rate ————————–%
[~,Indmax_DL] = maxk(YPredicted,kbeams,2);
MaxR_DL = single(zeros(size(Indmax_DL,1),1)); %True achievable rates
for b=1:size(Indmax_DL,1)
MaxR_DL(b) = max(squeeze(YValidation_un(1,1,Indmax_DL(b,:),b)));
MaxR_OPT(b) = squeeze(YValidation_un(1,1,Indmax_OPT(b),b));
Rate_OPT(dd) = mean(MaxR_OPT);
Rate_DL(dd) = mean(MaxR_DL);
LastValidationRMSE(dd) = traininfo.ValidationRMSE(end);
clear trainedNet traininfo YPredicted
clear layers options Rate_DL_Temp MaxR_DL_Temp Highest_Rate
end deep learning, cnn, communication MATLAB Answers — New Questions