Computer uses only 21% of cpu when running multithreading in simulink
I made a simulink spice model for a circuit and it is taking around 30 minutes to compile, I thought it was normal, but checking windows task manager it seems that only one thread of my cpu is at it’s maximum capacity, i tried using different configurations of workers and threads per worker, but nothing work it is still using arount 21% of the total of my CPU.
My simulink model has only one .slx
I am using this code for the parallel computing part
bdclose all;
%proj = openProject(‘.C:UsersfernaDownloadshalfBridgeTest.slx’);
model = ‘DownloadshalfBridgeTest.slx’;
modelN = ‘halfBridgeTest’;
in = Simulink.SimulationInput(modelN);
tic; out = parsim(in, ‘UseFastRestart’,’on’); toc
delete(gcp(‘nocreate’));I made a simulink spice model for a circuit and it is taking around 30 minutes to compile, I thought it was normal, but checking windows task manager it seems that only one thread of my cpu is at it’s maximum capacity, i tried using different configurations of workers and threads per worker, but nothing work it is still using arount 21% of the total of my CPU.
My simulink model has only one .slx
I am using this code for the parallel computing part
bdclose all;
%proj = openProject(‘.C:UsersfernaDownloadshalfBridgeTest.slx’);
model = ‘DownloadshalfBridgeTest.slx’;
modelN = ‘halfBridgeTest’;
in = Simulink.SimulationInput(modelN);
tic; out = parsim(in, ‘UseFastRestart’,’on’); toc
delete(gcp(‘nocreate’)); I made a simulink spice model for a circuit and it is taking around 30 minutes to compile, I thought it was normal, but checking windows task manager it seems that only one thread of my cpu is at it’s maximum capacity, i tried using different configurations of workers and threads per worker, but nothing work it is still using arount 21% of the total of my CPU.
My simulink model has only one .slx
I am using this code for the parallel computing part
bdclose all;
%proj = openProject(‘.C:UsersfernaDownloadshalfBridgeTest.slx’);
model = ‘DownloadshalfBridgeTest.slx’;
modelN = ‘halfBridgeTest’;
in = Simulink.SimulationInput(modelN);
tic; out = parsim(in, ‘UseFastRestart’,’on’); toc
delete(gcp(‘nocreate’)); parallel computing, parallel computing toolbox, simulink MATLAB Answers — New Questions