Conditional array accumulation inside parfor
I have a situation were I am testing a condition inside a parfor loop, and if true append the results of a computation to an array. A simplified example is as follows
ary = [];
parfor n=1:N
for m = 1:M
if (f(m,n)>0) % do some test, this is not easily vectorizable
ary = [ary; n m];
I would like, however, to avoid growing arrays in the loop.
I could estimate an upperbound for the size of ary and try to do it this way,
ary = zeros(ubound,2);
ind = 0;
parfor n=1:N
for m = 1:M
if (f(m,n)>0) % do some test, this is not easily vectorizable
ind = ind + 1;
ary(ind,:) = [n m]; % such indexing will not work within parfor
but that wouldn’t work as shown in the comment.
Another idea I had was using a logical array to keep track of the conditional result.
condary = false(N*M);
for k = 1:N*M % flatten the loop
% get n and m from k; k = (n-1)*M+m, therefore
m = mod(k,M); if m == 0, m = M; end
n = (k-m)/M+1;
if (f(m,n)>0)
condary(k) = true;
The desired array, ary, can then be back-constructed from the logical array in a second loop. In fact, ary, can be preallocated at this point. Or the operations meant to be performed using ary can be performed based on condary in a second loop. But this involves flattening the loop.
I was wondering if there are any better ways to do this.I have a situation were I am testing a condition inside a parfor loop, and if true append the results of a computation to an array. A simplified example is as follows
ary = [];
parfor n=1:N
for m = 1:M
if (f(m,n)>0) % do some test, this is not easily vectorizable
ary = [ary; n m];
I would like, however, to avoid growing arrays in the loop.
I could estimate an upperbound for the size of ary and try to do it this way,
ary = zeros(ubound,2);
ind = 0;
parfor n=1:N
for m = 1:M
if (f(m,n)>0) % do some test, this is not easily vectorizable
ind = ind + 1;
ary(ind,:) = [n m]; % such indexing will not work within parfor
but that wouldn’t work as shown in the comment.
Another idea I had was using a logical array to keep track of the conditional result.
condary = false(N*M);
for k = 1:N*M % flatten the loop
% get n and m from k; k = (n-1)*M+m, therefore
m = mod(k,M); if m == 0, m = M; end
n = (k-m)/M+1;
if (f(m,n)>0)
condary(k) = true;
The desired array, ary, can then be back-constructed from the logical array in a second loop. In fact, ary, can be preallocated at this point. Or the operations meant to be performed using ary can be performed based on condary in a second loop. But this involves flattening the loop.
I was wondering if there are any better ways to do this. I have a situation were I am testing a condition inside a parfor loop, and if true append the results of a computation to an array. A simplified example is as follows
ary = [];
parfor n=1:N
for m = 1:M
if (f(m,n)>0) % do some test, this is not easily vectorizable
ary = [ary; n m];
I would like, however, to avoid growing arrays in the loop.
I could estimate an upperbound for the size of ary and try to do it this way,
ary = zeros(ubound,2);
ind = 0;
parfor n=1:N
for m = 1:M
if (f(m,n)>0) % do some test, this is not easily vectorizable
ind = ind + 1;
ary(ind,:) = [n m]; % such indexing will not work within parfor
but that wouldn’t work as shown in the comment.
Another idea I had was using a logical array to keep track of the conditional result.
condary = false(N*M);
for k = 1:N*M % flatten the loop
% get n and m from k; k = (n-1)*M+m, therefore
m = mod(k,M); if m == 0, m = M; end
n = (k-m)/M+1;
if (f(m,n)>0)
condary(k) = true;
The desired array, ary, can then be back-constructed from the logical array in a second loop. In fact, ary, can be preallocated at this point. Or the operations meant to be performed using ary can be performed based on condary in a second loop. But this involves flattening the loop.
I was wondering if there are any better ways to do this. parfor, array, preallocation MATLAB Answers — New Questions