constraint Orientation Target quaternion
Hello again, dear community,
I’m seeking some clarity on the concept of constraintOrientationTarget, particularly regarding how TargetOrientation functions. Despite reviewing the explanation provided by MathWorks here, I’m still struggling to grasp its practical application. The example provided doesn’t directly incorporate TargetOrientation, leaving me a bit perplexed. Could someone kindly offer guidance on how to effectively utilize it? Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance!
fixOrientation = constraintOrientationTarget(gripper);
fixOrientation.ReferenceBody = bodyName; % This is an object to be picked up
fixOrientation.TargetOrientation = [1 0 0 0]; % ??Hello again, dear community,
I’m seeking some clarity on the concept of constraintOrientationTarget, particularly regarding how TargetOrientation functions. Despite reviewing the explanation provided by MathWorks here, I’m still struggling to grasp its practical application. The example provided doesn’t directly incorporate TargetOrientation, leaving me a bit perplexed. Could someone kindly offer guidance on how to effectively utilize it? Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance!
fixOrientation = constraintOrientationTarget(gripper);
fixOrientation.ReferenceBody = bodyName; % This is an object to be picked up
fixOrientation.TargetOrientation = [1 0 0 0]; % ?? Hello again, dear community,
I’m seeking some clarity on the concept of constraintOrientationTarget, particularly regarding how TargetOrientation functions. Despite reviewing the explanation provided by MathWorks here, I’m still struggling to grasp its practical application. The example provided doesn’t directly incorporate TargetOrientation, leaving me a bit perplexed. Could someone kindly offer guidance on how to effectively utilize it? Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance!
fixOrientation = constraintOrientationTarget(gripper);
fixOrientation.ReferenceBody = bodyName; % This is an object to be picked up
fixOrientation.TargetOrientation = [1 0 0 0]; % ?? matlab MATLAB Answers — New Questions