Convolution of two matrixes of PDF values
I’m trying to write a function that looks like something like this: convolved_matrix = convolve_matrixes(matrix1, matrix2), where the matrixes are N x 2 large (N rows and 2 columns). These matrixes is containing PDF values where on the first column contains the indexes and the second column contains the probabilities. So my question is how can i obtain a matrix that contains the correct convolution with correct index values and probability values between the inputed matrixes?Hello,
I’m trying to write a function that looks like something like this: convolved_matrix = convolve_matrixes(matrix1, matrix2), where the matrixes are N x 2 large (N rows and 2 columns). These matrixes is containing PDF values where on the first column contains the indexes and the second column contains the probabilities. So my question is how can i obtain a matrix that contains the correct convolution with correct index values and probability values between the inputed matrixes? Hello,
I’m trying to write a function that looks like something like this: convolved_matrix = convolve_matrixes(matrix1, matrix2), where the matrixes are N x 2 large (N rows and 2 columns). These matrixes is containing PDF values where on the first column contains the indexes and the second column contains the probabilities. So my question is how can i obtain a matrix that contains the correct convolution with correct index values and probability values between the inputed matrixes? matrix MATLAB Answers — New Questions