Deep Neural Network – Validation accuracy unchanged
I would like to ask you for a help or advice. I try to construct and learn deep learning neural network (DLNN) in area of stock market in Matlab. My goal is to forecast next day price movement based on five time-series sequences (open, close, high, low price and volume). According to my best knowledge the best type of DLNN for such problem is using Long short-term memory (LSTM) layer or Bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) for recurrent neural network (RNN). I create the DLNN with following layers structure, train, validation and test data in ratios of 80%:10%:10%.
Input dataset consist of 365 days price movement observations (from 2014 until now) charecterized by five time-series sequences (open, close, high, low price and volume) and associated label (UP or DOWN) corresponding to the close price in the next day. In this way (80%:10%:10%) it is possible to create 1721 train, 215 validation and 216 test data groups each in 365×5 dimmensions. I try to used trainnet function with adam solver. However to my surprise, I always get the exactly the same value of Validation accuracy result about 50 what I interpret to myself as some king of systematic error. I get (see picture)
1. oscillating around 50 (if InitialLearnRate is high)
2. stay near up or down around 50 (if InitialLearnRate is low)
From my point of view I suppose that I do someting wrong but really dont know where to look for the error. For this reason, I appeal to you, more experienced community for a help. The code is below and I also attach the source code together with saved workspace (consisting of dln associated DLNN generated from deepNetworkDesigner), if anyone has interest. Please here is the google drive link (external link because size is greater than allowed 5MB): DLN –
Thank you for any advice.
%% Start Script
filename = ‘./Training data/HistoricalData_1715268339888.csv’;
seriesLength =365;
%% Data import, format, create datasets
dataImport = readmatrix(filename); % data import
dataFlip = flipud(dataImport); % data flipping, older first
samplesSize = size(dataFlip,1)-seriesLength+1; % size (amount) of input samples
% create dataset:
data = cell(samplesSize,1);
for i=1:samplesSize
data{i,1} = dataFlip(i:(seriesLength-1+i),2:end); % 2:end), end change to 2
% create labels
priceMovement = cell(samplesSize-1,1);
for j=1:(samplesSize-1)
if data{j}(end,1)<data{j+1}(end,1)
priceMovement{j} = ‘UP’;
priceMovement{j} = ‘DOWN’;
data = data(1:end-1); % last day has no any forecast, must be removed
labels = categorical(priceMovement); % two categories of price movement forecast: 1.up 2.down
classNames = categories(labels);
paramsCount = size(data{1},2);
%% Show datasets (first four dataset group)
for i = 1:4
stackedplot(data{i},DisplayLabels="Parameter "+string(1:paramsCount))
xlabel("Order [day]")
title("Class: " + string(labels(i)))
%% Partition the data into a training validation and test sets
numObservations = numel(data);
[idxTrain,idxValidation,idxTest] = trainingPartitions(numObservations,[0.8 0.1 0.1]);
% separate Train Data
XTrain = data(idxTrain);
TTrain = labels(idxTrain);
% separate Validation Data
XValidation = data(idxValidation);
TValidation = labels(idxValidation);
% separate Test Data
XTest = data(idxTest);
TTest = labels(idxTest);
%% Build Deep Learning Neural Network by ‘deepNetworkDesigner’ according to example in URL
% deepNetworkDesigner;
%% Specify the training options.
options = trainingOptions("adam", … % adam
InitialLearnRate=0.0005, … % InitialLearnRate=0.0005, ..
GradientThreshold=5, … % GradientThreshold=10, …
Shuffle = "every-epoch", … % Shuffle = "every-epoch", …
Plots="training-progress", …
OutputNetwork= ‘best-validation’,…
Acceleration= "auto",…
%% Train Neural Network
[netNN,netNNinfo] = trainnet(XTrain,TTrain,dln,"binary-crossentropy",options); % this clasification issue belongs to binary problem, therefore used "binary-crossentropy" instead of "crossentropy"
%% Show Trained Neural Network
%% Test Neural Network
netScores = minibatchpredict(netNN,XTest); % insert test samples into trained network
YTest = scores2label(netScores,classNames); % conversion scores to labels
netAcc = mean(YTest == TTest)*100; % in [%], classification accuracy calculation
%% Visualize the predictions in a confusion chart
showI would like to ask you for a help or advice. I try to construct and learn deep learning neural network (DLNN) in area of stock market in Matlab. My goal is to forecast next day price movement based on five time-series sequences (open, close, high, low price and volume). According to my best knowledge the best type of DLNN for such problem is using Long short-term memory (LSTM) layer or Bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) for recurrent neural network (RNN). I create the DLNN with following layers structure, train, validation and test data in ratios of 80%:10%:10%.
Input dataset consist of 365 days price movement observations (from 2014 until now) charecterized by five time-series sequences (open, close, high, low price and volume) and associated label (UP or DOWN) corresponding to the close price in the next day. In this way (80%:10%:10%) it is possible to create 1721 train, 215 validation and 216 test data groups each in 365×5 dimmensions. I try to used trainnet function with adam solver. However to my surprise, I always get the exactly the same value of Validation accuracy result about 50 what I interpret to myself as some king of systematic error. I get (see picture)
1. oscillating around 50 (if InitialLearnRate is high)
2. stay near up or down around 50 (if InitialLearnRate is low)
From my point of view I suppose that I do someting wrong but really dont know where to look for the error. For this reason, I appeal to you, more experienced community for a help. The code is below and I also attach the source code together with saved workspace (consisting of dln associated DLNN generated from deepNetworkDesigner), if anyone has interest. Please here is the google drive link (external link because size is greater than allowed 5MB): DLN –
Thank you for any advice.
%% Start Script
filename = ‘./Training data/HistoricalData_1715268339888.csv’;
seriesLength =365;
%% Data import, format, create datasets
dataImport = readmatrix(filename); % data import
dataFlip = flipud(dataImport); % data flipping, older first
samplesSize = size(dataFlip,1)-seriesLength+1; % size (amount) of input samples
% create dataset:
data = cell(samplesSize,1);
for i=1:samplesSize
data{i,1} = dataFlip(i:(seriesLength-1+i),2:end); % 2:end), end change to 2
% create labels
priceMovement = cell(samplesSize-1,1);
for j=1:(samplesSize-1)
if data{j}(end,1)<data{j+1}(end,1)
priceMovement{j} = ‘UP’;
priceMovement{j} = ‘DOWN’;
data = data(1:end-1); % last day has no any forecast, must be removed
labels = categorical(priceMovement); % two categories of price movement forecast: 1.up 2.down
classNames = categories(labels);
paramsCount = size(data{1},2);
%% Show datasets (first four dataset group)
for i = 1:4
stackedplot(data{i},DisplayLabels="Parameter "+string(1:paramsCount))
xlabel("Order [day]")
title("Class: " + string(labels(i)))
%% Partition the data into a training validation and test sets
numObservations = numel(data);
[idxTrain,idxValidation,idxTest] = trainingPartitions(numObservations,[0.8 0.1 0.1]);
% separate Train Data
XTrain = data(idxTrain);
TTrain = labels(idxTrain);
% separate Validation Data
XValidation = data(idxValidation);
TValidation = labels(idxValidation);
% separate Test Data
XTest = data(idxTest);
TTest = labels(idxTest);
%% Build Deep Learning Neural Network by ‘deepNetworkDesigner’ according to example in URL
% deepNetworkDesigner;
%% Specify the training options.
options = trainingOptions("adam", … % adam
InitialLearnRate=0.0005, … % InitialLearnRate=0.0005, ..
GradientThreshold=5, … % GradientThreshold=10, …
Shuffle = "every-epoch", … % Shuffle = "every-epoch", …
Plots="training-progress", …
OutputNetwork= ‘best-validation’,…
Acceleration= "auto",…
%% Train Neural Network
[netNN,netNNinfo] = trainnet(XTrain,TTrain,dln,"binary-crossentropy",options); % this clasification issue belongs to binary problem, therefore used "binary-crossentropy" instead of "crossentropy"
%% Show Trained Neural Network
%% Test Neural Network
netScores = minibatchpredict(netNN,XTest); % insert test samples into trained network
YTest = scores2label(netScores,classNames); % conversion scores to labels
netAcc = mean(YTest == TTest)*100; % in [%], classification accuracy calculation
%% Visualize the predictions in a confusion chart
show I would like to ask you for a help or advice. I try to construct and learn deep learning neural network (DLNN) in area of stock market in Matlab. My goal is to forecast next day price movement based on five time-series sequences (open, close, high, low price and volume). According to my best knowledge the best type of DLNN for such problem is using Long short-term memory (LSTM) layer or Bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) for recurrent neural network (RNN). I create the DLNN with following layers structure, train, validation and test data in ratios of 80%:10%:10%.
Input dataset consist of 365 days price movement observations (from 2014 until now) charecterized by five time-series sequences (open, close, high, low price and volume) and associated label (UP or DOWN) corresponding to the close price in the next day. In this way (80%:10%:10%) it is possible to create 1721 train, 215 validation and 216 test data groups each in 365×5 dimmensions. I try to used trainnet function with adam solver. However to my surprise, I always get the exactly the same value of Validation accuracy result about 50 what I interpret to myself as some king of systematic error. I get (see picture)
1. oscillating around 50 (if InitialLearnRate is high)
2. stay near up or down around 50 (if InitialLearnRate is low)
From my point of view I suppose that I do someting wrong but really dont know where to look for the error. For this reason, I appeal to you, more experienced community for a help. The code is below and I also attach the source code together with saved workspace (consisting of dln associated DLNN generated from deepNetworkDesigner), if anyone has interest. Please here is the google drive link (external link because size is greater than allowed 5MB): DLN –
Thank you for any advice.
%% Start Script
filename = ‘./Training data/HistoricalData_1715268339888.csv’;
seriesLength =365;
%% Data import, format, create datasets
dataImport = readmatrix(filename); % data import
dataFlip = flipud(dataImport); % data flipping, older first
samplesSize = size(dataFlip,1)-seriesLength+1; % size (amount) of input samples
% create dataset:
data = cell(samplesSize,1);
for i=1:samplesSize
data{i,1} = dataFlip(i:(seriesLength-1+i),2:end); % 2:end), end change to 2
% create labels
priceMovement = cell(samplesSize-1,1);
for j=1:(samplesSize-1)
if data{j}(end,1)<data{j+1}(end,1)
priceMovement{j} = ‘UP’;
priceMovement{j} = ‘DOWN’;
data = data(1:end-1); % last day has no any forecast, must be removed
labels = categorical(priceMovement); % two categories of price movement forecast: 1.up 2.down
classNames = categories(labels);
paramsCount = size(data{1},2);
%% Show datasets (first four dataset group)
for i = 1:4
stackedplot(data{i},DisplayLabels="Parameter "+string(1:paramsCount))
xlabel("Order [day]")
title("Class: " + string(labels(i)))
%% Partition the data into a training validation and test sets
numObservations = numel(data);
[idxTrain,idxValidation,idxTest] = trainingPartitions(numObservations,[0.8 0.1 0.1]);
% separate Train Data
XTrain = data(idxTrain);
TTrain = labels(idxTrain);
% separate Validation Data
XValidation = data(idxValidation);
TValidation = labels(idxValidation);
% separate Test Data
XTest = data(idxTest);
TTest = labels(idxTest);
%% Build Deep Learning Neural Network by ‘deepNetworkDesigner’ according to example in URL
% deepNetworkDesigner;
%% Specify the training options.
options = trainingOptions("adam", … % adam
InitialLearnRate=0.0005, … % InitialLearnRate=0.0005, ..
GradientThreshold=5, … % GradientThreshold=10, …
Shuffle = "every-epoch", … % Shuffle = "every-epoch", …
Plots="training-progress", …
OutputNetwork= ‘best-validation’,…
Acceleration= "auto",…
%% Train Neural Network
[netNN,netNNinfo] = trainnet(XTrain,TTrain,dln,"binary-crossentropy",options); % this clasification issue belongs to binary problem, therefore used "binary-crossentropy" instead of "crossentropy"
%% Show Trained Neural Network
%% Test Neural Network
netScores = minibatchpredict(netNN,XTest); % insert test samples into trained network
YTest = scores2label(netScores,classNames); % conversion scores to labels
netAcc = mean(YTest == TTest)*100; % in [%], classification accuracy calculation
%% Visualize the predictions in a confusion chart
show deep learning, validation accuracy, lstm, bilstm MATLAB Answers — New Questions