Different results from RL TD3 in MATLAB 2023a and 2024a
I am running the same Simulink model with the same RL agent and settings, but I get different results running it in MATLAB 2023a and MATLAB 2024a. while reapeating in the same MATLAB gives me the same results. Does anyone have any idea what is the reason and how can I fix it?I am running the same Simulink model with the same RL agent and settings, but I get different results running it in MATLAB 2023a and MATLAB 2024a. while reapeating in the same MATLAB gives me the same results. Does anyone have any idea what is the reason and how can I fix it? I am running the same Simulink model with the same RL agent and settings, but I get different results running it in MATLAB 2023a and MATLAB 2024a. while reapeating in the same MATLAB gives me the same results. Does anyone have any idea what is the reason and how can I fix it? rl, td3 MATLAB Answers — New Questions