Error: unable to resolve the name
I have some code which generates a variable name iteratively in a loop, It was working fine but now I get the error: unable to resolve the name ‘pre1min.windowchunkIdx’.
preORpost = {‘pre’ ‘post’}
all_type_ALL = []; %output for all voc types for all ppts
%load raw data
for pOp = 1:length(preORpost)
for min = 1:2
%window = [preORpost{pOp} num2str(min) ‘min’];
varName = [preORpost{pOp} num2str(min) ‘min’]; % Generate variable name
fieldName = ‘windowchunkIdx’; % Generate field name
windowchunk = eval([varName ‘.’ fieldName]);I have some code which generates a variable name iteratively in a loop, It was working fine but now I get the error: unable to resolve the name ‘pre1min.windowchunkIdx’.
preORpost = {‘pre’ ‘post’}
all_type_ALL = []; %output for all voc types for all ppts
%load raw data
for pOp = 1:length(preORpost)
for min = 1:2
%window = [preORpost{pOp} num2str(min) ‘min’];
varName = [preORpost{pOp} num2str(min) ‘min’]; % Generate variable name
fieldName = ‘windowchunkIdx’; % Generate field name
windowchunk = eval([varName ‘.’ fieldName]); I have some code which generates a variable name iteratively in a loop, It was working fine but now I get the error: unable to resolve the name ‘pre1min.windowchunkIdx’.
preORpost = {‘pre’ ‘post’}
all_type_ALL = []; %output for all voc types for all ppts
%load raw data
for pOp = 1:length(preORpost)
for min = 1:2
%window = [preORpost{pOp} num2str(min) ‘min’];
varName = [preORpost{pOp} num2str(min) ‘min’]; % Generate variable name
fieldName = ‘windowchunkIdx’; % Generate field name
windowchunk = eval([varName ‘.’ fieldName]); variable, name, loop MATLAB Answers — New Questions