Finding value for each degree from matlab figure
After running the values I obtained from a NACA profile in Matlab along with the txt file, I perform the smoothing process. I am trying to find equivalents at every level for the figure in the appendix. How can I do it
This is the command I run for the figure I obtained:
[Alfa2D, cl2D, ~, ~]= textread(‘Naca LD1408 9R.txt’,’%f %f %f %f’);
N2D = size(Alfa2D,1);
% Fit a Smoothing Spline Model
f = fit(Alfa2D, cl2D,’smoothingspline’,’SmoothingParam’,0.3)
figure(1); plot(f,Alfa2D,cl2D)After running the values I obtained from a NACA profile in Matlab along with the txt file, I perform the smoothing process. I am trying to find equivalents at every level for the figure in the appendix. How can I do it
This is the command I run for the figure I obtained:
[Alfa2D, cl2D, ~, ~]= textread(‘Naca LD1408 9R.txt’,’%f %f %f %f’);
N2D = size(Alfa2D,1);
% Fit a Smoothing Spline Model
f = fit(Alfa2D, cl2D,’smoothingspline’,’SmoothingParam’,0.3)
figure(1); plot(f,Alfa2D,cl2D) After running the values I obtained from a NACA profile in Matlab along with the txt file, I perform the smoothing process. I am trying to find equivalents at every level for the figure in the appendix. How can I do it
This is the command I run for the figure I obtained:
[Alfa2D, cl2D, ~, ~]= textread(‘Naca LD1408 9R.txt’,’%f %f %f %f’);
N2D = size(Alfa2D,1);
% Fit a Smoothing Spline Model
f = fit(Alfa2D, cl2D,’smoothingspline’,’SmoothingParam’,0.3)
figure(1); plot(f,Alfa2D,cl2D) #matlab, #naca MATLAB Answers — New Questions