FM broadcasting Transmitter and Receiver using Adalm Pluto
I am new to SDR and communication systems and I am trying to transmit an mp3 file via FM broadcasting transmitter and then receive it using adalm Pluto. I have connected the Transmitter and receiver together with the cable but when i receive the signal and demodulate it, I only get noise.
This is the block diagram I am using.
And These are my parameters for each block
Thank youI am new to SDR and communication systems and I am trying to transmit an mp3 file via FM broadcasting transmitter and then receive it using adalm Pluto. I have connected the Transmitter and receiver together with the cable but when i receive the signal and demodulate it, I only get noise.
This is the block diagram I am using.
And These are my parameters for each block
Thank you I am new to SDR and communication systems and I am trying to transmit an mp3 file via FM broadcasting transmitter and then receive it using adalm Pluto. I have connected the Transmitter and receiver together with the cable but when i receive the signal and demodulate it, I only get noise.
This is the block diagram I am using.
And These are my parameters for each block
Thank you pluto, fm broadcasting MATLAB Answers — New Questions