How can I perform speaker verification for X-Vectors based on the ivectorsystem documentation?
I am trying to create a basic voice based attendance system as a beginner project for biometric based security. I am using MathWorks’ implementation of X-Vector systems for this project. Based on this link’s implementation of X-Vector based speaker verification :, I have already trained the TDNN, X-Vector system and PLDA scoring. I have also obtained thresholds for the PLDA and Cosine Similarity scoring here based on the Detection Error Tradeoff figure using the X-axis values of the EER.
Since the above link states that I-Vector and X-Vector share the same classifier backend ("The x-vector system backend, or classifier, is the same as developed for i-vector systems. For details on the backend, see Speaker Verification Using i-vectors and ivectorSystem."), how would I adapt the ivectorsystem’s verify() function in the speaker verification using I-Vectors example to use X-Vectors instead per this link : Presumably, in the X-Vector speaker recognition link, all the helper functions were probably wrapper functions for X-Vector.I am trying to create a basic voice based attendance system as a beginner project for biometric based security. I am using MathWorks’ implementation of X-Vector systems for this project. Based on this link’s implementation of X-Vector based speaker verification :, I have already trained the TDNN, X-Vector system and PLDA scoring. I have also obtained thresholds for the PLDA and Cosine Similarity scoring here based on the Detection Error Tradeoff figure using the X-axis values of the EER.
Since the above link states that I-Vector and X-Vector share the same classifier backend ("The x-vector system backend, or classifier, is the same as developed for i-vector systems. For details on the backend, see Speaker Verification Using i-vectors and ivectorSystem."), how would I adapt the ivectorsystem’s verify() function in the speaker verification using I-Vectors example to use X-Vectors instead per this link : Presumably, in the X-Vector speaker recognition link, all the helper functions were probably wrapper functions for X-Vector. I am trying to create a basic voice based attendance system as a beginner project for biometric based security. I am using MathWorks’ implementation of X-Vector systems for this project. Based on this link’s implementation of X-Vector based speaker verification :, I have already trained the TDNN, X-Vector system and PLDA scoring. I have also obtained thresholds for the PLDA and Cosine Similarity scoring here based on the Detection Error Tradeoff figure using the X-axis values of the EER.
Since the above link states that I-Vector and X-Vector share the same classifier backend ("The x-vector system backend, or classifier, is the same as developed for i-vector systems. For details on the backend, see Speaker Verification Using i-vectors and ivectorSystem."), how would I adapt the ivectorsystem’s verify() function in the speaker verification using I-Vectors example to use X-Vectors instead per this link : Presumably, in the X-Vector speaker recognition link, all the helper functions were probably wrapper functions for X-Vector. audio processing, speaker recognition MATLAB Answers — New Questions