How can I restore a previous version of an m-file that I have accidentally overwritten with a MAT-file ?
How can I restore a previous version of an m-file that I have accidentally overwritten with a MAT-file (I guess with the command "save") ?
Now it it is unreadable and with stange symbols, and it looks like this:
MATLAB 5.0 MAT-file, Platform: MACI64, Created on: Fri Aug 30 19:21:09 2019 ����������IM����»e��xœìÊÇ
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ºî�=H<A/Л1)>&}���ÿÿìÂ?/ÃA��`]´ƒˆ¡›Ä"Æ&Š�è`l¨7 5(ªÒ�W¤CEHow can I restore a previous version of an m-file that I have accidentally overwritten with a MAT-file (I guess with the command "save") ?
Now it it is unreadable and with stange symbols, and it looks like this:
MATLAB 5.0 MAT-file, Platform: MACI64, Created on: Fri Aug 30 19:21:09 2019 ����������IM����»e��xœìÊÇ
�1�€á¸�l¨ Ø�‚½‹ØÅŠ
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€" dA™!¨ ¨‚jdê6Ò`Hš6Ò"ÓVDÇ!ºdz€¾
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ºî�=H<A/Л1)>&}���ÿÿìÂ?/ÃA��`]´ƒˆ¡›Ä"Æ&Š�è`l¨7 5(ªÒ�W¤CE How can I restore a previous version of an m-file that I have accidentally overwritten with a MAT-file (I guess with the command "save") ?
Now it it is unreadable and with stange symbols, and it looks like this:
MATLAB 5.0 MAT-file, Platform: MACI64, Created on: Fri Aug 30 19:21:09 2019 ����������IM����»e��xœìÊÇ
�1�€á¸�l¨ Ø�‚½‹ØÅŠ
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ºî�=H<A/Л1)>&}���ÿÿìÂ?/ÃA��`]´ƒˆ¡›Ä"Æ&Š�è`l¨7 5(ªÒ�W¤CE overwritten m-file MATLAB Answers — New Questions