how can ı solve
find a root of one of the functions f(x)=x^3-3x+1 (a)Bisection method, (b)Newton’s method,(c)Secant method and (d)Fixed point iteration method.
Calculate the true percent relative error (εt) in each iteration step for each method and plot it with respect to the iteration number.
Note that you should first find the true root of the function with a minimum resolution of 10^-13 to calculate the true relative error.
You should also determine an appropriate interval [a,b] for the function to search for the root.
Determine a true relative error (εt) tolerance of 10^-12 to stop the iterations and apply this tolerance in all four methods.
Plot all four relative errors in one graph and comment on the comparison of these methods.find a root of one of the functions f(x)=x^3-3x+1 (a)Bisection method, (b)Newton’s method,(c)Secant method and (d)Fixed point iteration method.
Calculate the true percent relative error (εt) in each iteration step for each method and plot it with respect to the iteration number.
Note that you should first find the true root of the function with a minimum resolution of 10^-13 to calculate the true relative error.
You should also determine an appropriate interval [a,b] for the function to search for the root.
Determine a true relative error (εt) tolerance of 10^-12 to stop the iterations and apply this tolerance in all four methods.
Plot all four relative errors in one graph and comment on the comparison of these methods. find a root of one of the functions f(x)=x^3-3x+1 (a)Bisection method, (b)Newton’s method,(c)Secant method and (d)Fixed point iteration method.
Calculate the true percent relative error (εt) in each iteration step for each method and plot it with respect to the iteration number.
Note that you should first find the true root of the function with a minimum resolution of 10^-13 to calculate the true relative error.
You should also determine an appropriate interval [a,b] for the function to search for the root.
Determine a true relative error (εt) tolerance of 10^-12 to stop the iterations and apply this tolerance in all four methods.
Plot all four relative errors in one graph and comment on the comparison of these methods. matlab MATLAB Answers — New Questions