How do I manage Speedgoat software version mismatches in a standalone SLRT app deployed with MATLAB Compiler?
When operating a Speedgoat target computer from a development computer, both must have the following matching set of software:MATLAB release and update versionSpeedgoat I/O Blockset versionSimulink Real-Time Target Support Package version
If this is not the case, a "Target computer software version mismatch" error is thrown when trying to connect to the target:
Unable to connect to target computer ‘TargetPC1’:
Target computer software version mismatch.
The development computer <…> version ‘X’ does
not match the target computer <…> version ‘Y’.
Run update(tg) command.
When connecting to a Speedgoat from a full MATLAB installation, the user can simply start the software update from SLRT Explorer or the MATLAB command window.
However, in a deployed situation where the user only interacts with the Speedgoat target from a standalone MATLAB app, the user would be completely blocked when the error message appears in the console. Could you advise what the recommended approach is to resolve or entirely avoid software mismatches in a deployed situation?When operating a Speedgoat target computer from a development computer, both must have the following matching set of software:MATLAB release and update versionSpeedgoat I/O Blockset versionSimulink Real-Time Target Support Package version
If this is not the case, a "Target computer software version mismatch" error is thrown when trying to connect to the target:
Unable to connect to target computer ‘TargetPC1’:
Target computer software version mismatch.
The development computer <…> version ‘X’ does
not match the target computer <…> version ‘Y’.
Run update(tg) command.
When connecting to a Speedgoat from a full MATLAB installation, the user can simply start the software update from SLRT Explorer or the MATLAB command window.
However, in a deployed situation where the user only interacts with the Speedgoat target from a standalone MATLAB app, the user would be completely blocked when the error message appears in the console. Could you advise what the recommended approach is to resolve or entirely avoid software mismatches in a deployed situation? When operating a Speedgoat target computer from a development computer, both must have the following matching set of software:MATLAB release and update versionSpeedgoat I/O Blockset versionSimulink Real-Time Target Support Package version
If this is not the case, a "Target computer software version mismatch" error is thrown when trying to connect to the target:
Unable to connect to target computer ‘TargetPC1’:
Target computer software version mismatch.
The development computer <…> version ‘X’ does
not match the target computer <…> version ‘Y’.
Run update(tg) command.
When connecting to a Speedgoat from a full MATLAB installation, the user can simply start the software update from SLRT Explorer or the MATLAB command window.
However, in a deployed situation where the user only interacts with the Speedgoat target from a standalone MATLAB app, the user would be completely blocked when the error message appears in the console. Could you advise what the recommended approach is to resolve or entirely avoid software mismatches in a deployed situation? MATLAB Answers — New Questions