How i get a graph that i attached here with this matlab code?
function HTP()
clear all format long % hybrid Carreau
% Define constants
J1 = 0.1;
J2 = 0.1;
J3 = 0.1;
J4 = 0.1;
JS = 0.1;
z = 0.1;
S = 0.1;
GC = 0.1;
Gr = 0.1;
H = 0.1;
a = 0.1;
m = 1;
G = 0.5;
phi = 0.1;
% Define time vector
t = linspace(0, 5, 100); % 100 points between 0 and 5
%t= 1;
% Calculate u1 and u2
u1 = exp(-t) – 1;
% Compute u2 with corrected parentheses and mathematical operations
exp_t = exp(t); % Compute exp(t) once for efficiency
term1 = -33 / J1 * (1 – exp_t – z / 3 * S);
term2 = 2 * GC * J3 + 2 * Gr * J2;
term3 = (2 * J4 * H * a^2) / (1 + m^2);
term4 = 3 * G * exp_t + 6 * exp_t / ((1 – phi)^2.5);
term5 = 2 * GC * JS * exp_t + 2 * Gr * J2 * exp_t;
u2 = (term1 + term2 – term3 – term4 – term5 + term3 * (exp_t – m + m * exp_t)) / (6 * a);
% Compute u
y = 1; % Define y as 1 or another constant value; adjust as needed
u = u1 * y + u2 * y.^2;
% Plot the result
phi = 0.1
figure ;
plot(t, u);
phi= 0.2
figure ;
plot(t, u);
phi = 0.3
figure ;
plot(t, u);
phi = 0.4
figure ;
plot(t, u);
xlabel(‘Time (t)’);
title(‘Plot of u(t)’);
axis([0 5 min(u) max(u)]);
grid on;
endfunction HTP()
clear all format long % hybrid Carreau
% Define constants
J1 = 0.1;
J2 = 0.1;
J3 = 0.1;
J4 = 0.1;
JS = 0.1;
z = 0.1;
S = 0.1;
GC = 0.1;
Gr = 0.1;
H = 0.1;
a = 0.1;
m = 1;
G = 0.5;
phi = 0.1;
% Define time vector
t = linspace(0, 5, 100); % 100 points between 0 and 5
%t= 1;
% Calculate u1 and u2
u1 = exp(-t) – 1;
% Compute u2 with corrected parentheses and mathematical operations
exp_t = exp(t); % Compute exp(t) once for efficiency
term1 = -33 / J1 * (1 – exp_t – z / 3 * S);
term2 = 2 * GC * J3 + 2 * Gr * J2;
term3 = (2 * J4 * H * a^2) / (1 + m^2);
term4 = 3 * G * exp_t + 6 * exp_t / ((1 – phi)^2.5);
term5 = 2 * GC * JS * exp_t + 2 * Gr * J2 * exp_t;
u2 = (term1 + term2 – term3 – term4 – term5 + term3 * (exp_t – m + m * exp_t)) / (6 * a);
% Compute u
y = 1; % Define y as 1 or another constant value; adjust as needed
u = u1 * y + u2 * y.^2;
% Plot the result
phi = 0.1
figure ;
plot(t, u);
phi= 0.2
figure ;
plot(t, u);
phi = 0.3
figure ;
plot(t, u);
phi = 0.4
figure ;
plot(t, u);
xlabel(‘Time (t)’);
title(‘Plot of u(t)’);
axis([0 5 min(u) max(u)]);
grid on;
end function HTP()
clear all format long % hybrid Carreau
% Define constants
J1 = 0.1;
J2 = 0.1;
J3 = 0.1;
J4 = 0.1;
JS = 0.1;
z = 0.1;
S = 0.1;
GC = 0.1;
Gr = 0.1;
H = 0.1;
a = 0.1;
m = 1;
G = 0.5;
phi = 0.1;
% Define time vector
t = linspace(0, 5, 100); % 100 points between 0 and 5
%t= 1;
% Calculate u1 and u2
u1 = exp(-t) – 1;
% Compute u2 with corrected parentheses and mathematical operations
exp_t = exp(t); % Compute exp(t) once for efficiency
term1 = -33 / J1 * (1 – exp_t – z / 3 * S);
term2 = 2 * GC * J3 + 2 * Gr * J2;
term3 = (2 * J4 * H * a^2) / (1 + m^2);
term4 = 3 * G * exp_t + 6 * exp_t / ((1 – phi)^2.5);
term5 = 2 * GC * JS * exp_t + 2 * Gr * J2 * exp_t;
u2 = (term1 + term2 – term3 – term4 – term5 + term3 * (exp_t – m + m * exp_t)) / (6 * a);
% Compute u
y = 1; % Define y as 1 or another constant value; adjust as needed
u = u1 * y + u2 * y.^2;
% Plot the result
phi = 0.1
figure ;
plot(t, u);
phi= 0.2
figure ;
plot(t, u);
phi = 0.3
figure ;
plot(t, u);
phi = 0.4
figure ;
plot(t, u);
xlabel(‘Time (t)’);
title(‘Plot of u(t)’);
axis([0 5 min(u) max(u)]);
grid on;
end multiple lines in one graph MATLAB Answers — New Questions