How to convert euler angles to rotation matrix and back to euler angles consistently?
I want to compare the rotations from two different sources. However, I can do it only in R3, using Euler angles. However, it seems even for an elementary conversion, we don’t get matching euler vectors. I know that there can be non-unique representations for the same rotation matrix, but is there a way, where I can enforce some particular angle range output so that the vectors match? Maybe a constraint like rotation in Z has to be positive.
For eg.
%% Euler Angle -> Rotation Matrix -> Euler Angle
Rzc = -0.0030; Ryc = -2.4788; Rxc = 0.0180;
eul_seq_c_in = [Rzc, Ryc, Rxc]
rotm_c = eul2rotm(eul_seq_c_in);
eul_seq_c_out = rotm2eul(rotm_c)
%% Many to One Mapping for Euler Angle
For my application, all I get is a sequence of euler angles as an input. Then, I get a rotation transform independently, whose Euler sequence is calculated. And then I verify, if they represent the same rotation transform.I want to compare the rotations from two different sources. However, I can do it only in R3, using Euler angles. However, it seems even for an elementary conversion, we don’t get matching euler vectors. I know that there can be non-unique representations for the same rotation matrix, but is there a way, where I can enforce some particular angle range output so that the vectors match? Maybe a constraint like rotation in Z has to be positive.
For eg.
%% Euler Angle -> Rotation Matrix -> Euler Angle
Rzc = -0.0030; Ryc = -2.4788; Rxc = 0.0180;
eul_seq_c_in = [Rzc, Ryc, Rxc]
rotm_c = eul2rotm(eul_seq_c_in);
eul_seq_c_out = rotm2eul(rotm_c)
%% Many to One Mapping for Euler Angle
For my application, all I get is a sequence of euler angles as an input. Then, I get a rotation transform independently, whose Euler sequence is calculated. And then I verify, if they represent the same rotation transform. I want to compare the rotations from two different sources. However, I can do it only in R3, using Euler angles. However, it seems even for an elementary conversion, we don’t get matching euler vectors. I know that there can be non-unique representations for the same rotation matrix, but is there a way, where I can enforce some particular angle range output so that the vectors match? Maybe a constraint like rotation in Z has to be positive.
For eg.
%% Euler Angle -> Rotation Matrix -> Euler Angle
Rzc = -0.0030; Ryc = -2.4788; Rxc = 0.0180;
eul_seq_c_in = [Rzc, Ryc, Rxc]
rotm_c = eul2rotm(eul_seq_c_in);
eul_seq_c_out = rotm2eul(rotm_c)
%% Many to One Mapping for Euler Angle
For my application, all I get is a sequence of euler angles as an input. Then, I get a rotation transform independently, whose Euler sequence is calculated. And then I verify, if they represent the same rotation transform. rotation, transforms, euler MATLAB Answers — New Questions