How to detect whether a figure is created by uifigure()
I have the following in my startup.m file,
set(groot,’defaultFigureCreateFcn’,@(fig, ~)addToolbarExplorationButtons(fig));
which throws an error when a uifigure is created,
fig = uifigure;
Error using matlab.ui.Figure/set
Functionality not supported with figures created with
the uifigure function.
So, the question becomes, how can I pre-detect whether fig has been created by uifigure() as opposed to figure()? There don’t appear to be separate classes reserved for the two,
>> class(figure)
ans =
>> class(uifigure)
ans =
‘matlab.ui.Figure’I have the following in my startup.m file,
set(groot,’defaultFigureCreateFcn’,@(fig, ~)addToolbarExplorationButtons(fig));
which throws an error when a uifigure is created,
fig = uifigure;
Error using matlab.ui.Figure/set
Functionality not supported with figures created with
the uifigure function.
So, the question becomes, how can I pre-detect whether fig has been created by uifigure() as opposed to figure()? There don’t appear to be separate classes reserved for the two,
>> class(figure)
ans =
>> class(uifigure)
ans =
‘matlab.ui.Figure’ I have the following in my startup.m file,
set(groot,’defaultFigureCreateFcn’,@(fig, ~)addToolbarExplorationButtons(fig));
which throws an error when a uifigure is created,
fig = uifigure;
Error using matlab.ui.Figure/set
Functionality not supported with figures created with
the uifigure function.
So, the question becomes, how can I pre-detect whether fig has been created by uifigure() as opposed to figure()? There don’t appear to be separate classes reserved for the two,
>> class(figure)
ans =
>> class(uifigure)
ans =
‘matlab.ui.Figure’ figure, uifigure, exploration buttons, graphics, app, gui MATLAB Answers — New Questions