How to measure time of matrix multiplication in matab?
I am using R2023b in case that is important.
For the sake of a project, I am trying to measure the average time of matlab when it multiplies a 96 x 192 matrix with a 192 x 1 matrix.
I have used the following code:
repeats = 100;
tTot = 0;
m = 96;
n = 192;
for j = 0:repeats
A = rand([m,n]);
A(:,1) = 1;
b = rand([n,1]);
c = A * b;
tTot = tTot + toc;
tAvg = tTot/repeats
I have run this script a few times on my computer with different values for "repeats":
If I set repeats to 1, I get the time it takes to complete a matrix multiplication is ~1.25e-04
If I set repeats to 10, I get the time it takes to complete a matrix multiplication is ~8.75e-05
If I set repeats to 100, I get the time it takes to complete a matrix multiplication is ~5e-06
It seems quite strange to me that the average changed so much if I increase the value for repeats, so my questions are: Am I doing something wrong when I am measuring the average time? If yes, what am I doing wrong?I am using R2023b in case that is important.
For the sake of a project, I am trying to measure the average time of matlab when it multiplies a 96 x 192 matrix with a 192 x 1 matrix.
I have used the following code:
repeats = 100;
tTot = 0;
m = 96;
n = 192;
for j = 0:repeats
A = rand([m,n]);
A(:,1) = 1;
b = rand([n,1]);
c = A * b;
tTot = tTot + toc;
tAvg = tTot/repeats
I have run this script a few times on my computer with different values for "repeats":
If I set repeats to 1, I get the time it takes to complete a matrix multiplication is ~1.25e-04
If I set repeats to 10, I get the time it takes to complete a matrix multiplication is ~8.75e-05
If I set repeats to 100, I get the time it takes to complete a matrix multiplication is ~5e-06
It seems quite strange to me that the average changed so much if I increase the value for repeats, so my questions are: Am I doing something wrong when I am measuring the average time? If yes, what am I doing wrong? I am using R2023b in case that is important.
For the sake of a project, I am trying to measure the average time of matlab when it multiplies a 96 x 192 matrix with a 192 x 1 matrix.
I have used the following code:
repeats = 100;
tTot = 0;
m = 96;
n = 192;
for j = 0:repeats
A = rand([m,n]);
A(:,1) = 1;
b = rand([n,1]);
c = A * b;
tTot = tTot + toc;
tAvg = tTot/repeats
I have run this script a few times on my computer with different values for "repeats":
If I set repeats to 1, I get the time it takes to complete a matrix multiplication is ~1.25e-04
If I set repeats to 10, I get the time it takes to complete a matrix multiplication is ~8.75e-05
If I set repeats to 100, I get the time it takes to complete a matrix multiplication is ~5e-06
It seems quite strange to me that the average changed so much if I increase the value for repeats, so my questions are: Am I doing something wrong when I am measuring the average time? If yes, what am I doing wrong? matrix multiplication, time, measuring performance, tic toc MATLAB Answers — New Questions