How to stop auditing of a certain event
We currently have millions of the following log being spammed in Event Viewer, application logs. This log itself is not very useful in our opinion so we would like to stop it being generated but we cannot find a way to stop it individually without stop logging other useful SQL audit logs in EventID 33205.
The log:
network protocol: TCP/IP set quoted_identifier on set arithabort off set numeric_roundabort off set ansi_warnings on set ansi_padding on set ansi_nulls on set concat_null_yields_null on set cursor_close_on_commit off set implicit_transactions off set language us_english set dateformat mdy set datefirst 7 set transaction isolation level read committed additional_information:<action_info xmlnsl
Any way to we could stop logging of this? or where to look at?
Hello, We currently have millions of the following log being spammed in Event Viewer, application logs. This log itself is not very useful in our opinion so we would like to stop it being generated but we cannot find a way to stop it individually without stop logging other useful SQL audit logs in EventID 33205. The log: network protocol: TCP/IP set quoted_identifier on set arithabort off set numeric_roundabort off set ansi_warnings on set ansi_padding on set ansi_nulls on set concat_null_yields_null on set cursor_close_on_commit off set implicit_transactions off set language us_english set dateformat mdy set datefirst 7 set transaction isolation level read committed additional_information:<action_info xmlnsl Any way to we could stop logging of this? or where to look at? Read More