i could like to create a debounce block in simulink
if the input is false and the previous out is false then the counter = counter – dec, if the input is false and the previous out is true then the counter = counter + inc ,if the input is true and the previous out is false then the counter = counter + inc ,if the input is true and the previous out is true then the counter = counter – dec, and if the previous out is true and the counter is greater than reset thershold then the output is false and the counter is 0, if the previous out is false and the counter is greater than set thershold then the out is true and the counter is 0 else out is previous out and the counter is equal to counter. Note: counter = 0 – The block can also output the counter. – if R (Reset) =1, the output is set to Init_Out. For every blocks, INC=1 and DEC=1. USING RULES NFR AUTEMSLIB DEBOUNCE 01/01 In, Out. Init Out and R are Boolean variables. The Cntr. SET_THR, RESET_THR, have no unit and an accuracy of 1. The range of Cntr has to be the same as the one defined under the block. The range of SET_THR, RESET_THR, Inc and Dec is [0..254] or [0..65534] if the range of Cntr is respectively [0..255]ог [0..65535].if the input is false and the previous out is false then the counter = counter – dec, if the input is false and the previous out is true then the counter = counter + inc ,if the input is true and the previous out is false then the counter = counter + inc ,if the input is true and the previous out is true then the counter = counter – dec, and if the previous out is true and the counter is greater than reset thershold then the output is false and the counter is 0, if the previous out is false and the counter is greater than set thershold then the out is true and the counter is 0 else out is previous out and the counter is equal to counter. Note: counter = 0 – The block can also output the counter. – if R (Reset) =1, the output is set to Init_Out. For every blocks, INC=1 and DEC=1. USING RULES NFR AUTEMSLIB DEBOUNCE 01/01 In, Out. Init Out and R are Boolean variables. The Cntr. SET_THR, RESET_THR, have no unit and an accuracy of 1. The range of Cntr has to be the same as the one defined under the block. The range of SET_THR, RESET_THR, Inc and Dec is [0..254] or [0..65534] if the range of Cntr is respectively [0..255]ог [0..65535]. if the input is false and the previous out is false then the counter = counter – dec, if the input is false and the previous out is true then the counter = counter + inc ,if the input is true and the previous out is false then the counter = counter + inc ,if the input is true and the previous out is true then the counter = counter – dec, and if the previous out is true and the counter is greater than reset thershold then the output is false and the counter is 0, if the previous out is false and the counter is greater than set thershold then the out is true and the counter is 0 else out is previous out and the counter is equal to counter. Note: counter = 0 – The block can also output the counter. – if R (Reset) =1, the output is set to Init_Out. For every blocks, INC=1 and DEC=1. USING RULES NFR AUTEMSLIB DEBOUNCE 01/01 In, Out. Init Out and R are Boolean variables. The Cntr. SET_THR, RESET_THR, have no unit and an accuracy of 1. The range of Cntr has to be the same as the one defined under the block. The range of SET_THR, RESET_THR, Inc and Dec is [0..254] or [0..65534] if the range of Cntr is respectively [0..255]ог [0..65535]. debounce, matlabfunction, simulink, counter MATLAB Answers — New Questions