import txt file in matlab
I failed to import the attached txt which I need it to be read with the below function
which converts it into another data shape. I do not know what seems to be the problem. Any ideas?
function FBW = get_FBW(Ftable)
d = importdata(Ftable);
for i = 2:size(,1) % do each row separately
rowdat =,:);
rowdat = rowdat(~isnan(rowdat));
col = (rowdat(1:2:end-1));
val = rowdat(2:2:end);
nframes = col(end);
FBW(i-1,:) = zeros(1,nframes);
for j = 2:length(col)
if col(j) – col(j-1) >0
slope = (val(j) – val(j-1)) ./ (col(j) – col(j-1));
for k = 0:col(j)-col(j-1)
FBW(i-1, (col(j-1)+k)) = val((j-1)) + k*slope;
endI failed to import the attached txt which I need it to be read with the below function
which converts it into another data shape. I do not know what seems to be the problem. Any ideas?
function FBW = get_FBW(Ftable)
d = importdata(Ftable);
for i = 2:size(,1) % do each row separately
rowdat =,:);
rowdat = rowdat(~isnan(rowdat));
col = (rowdat(1:2:end-1));
val = rowdat(2:2:end);
nframes = col(end);
FBW(i-1,:) = zeros(1,nframes);
for j = 2:length(col)
if col(j) – col(j-1) >0
slope = (val(j) – val(j-1)) ./ (col(j) – col(j-1));
for k = 0:col(j)-col(j-1)
FBW(i-1, (col(j-1)+k)) = val((j-1)) + k*slope;
end I failed to import the attached txt which I need it to be read with the below function
which converts it into another data shape. I do not know what seems to be the problem. Any ideas?
function FBW = get_FBW(Ftable)
d = importdata(Ftable);
for i = 2:size(,1) % do each row separately
rowdat =,:);
rowdat = rowdat(~isnan(rowdat));
col = (rowdat(1:2:end-1));
val = rowdat(2:2:end);
nframes = col(end);
FBW(i-1,:) = zeros(1,nframes);
for j = 2:length(col)
if col(j) – col(j-1) >0
slope = (val(j) – val(j-1)) ./ (col(j) – col(j-1));
for k = 0:col(j)-col(j-1)
FBW(i-1, (col(j-1)+k)) = val((j-1)) + k*slope;
end import text as matrix MATLAB Answers — New Questions