Interpolate y and y using a 3D vector with similar length
Hello, I have a a matrix with 3 coordinates (each column) x, y, and z. Each column has the same length. I would like to interpolate a especific coordinate xi and yi to obtain zi using the main matriz. Besides, I would like to generate a surface plot using the codinates x,y and z. I know that z should be a matrix mxn in order to do that based on the number of elements m and n according to x and y, respectively. It is worth mentioning that x, y and z are longitude, latitude and depth respectively. I would appreciate the help.Hello, I have a a matrix with 3 coordinates (each column) x, y, and z. Each column has the same length. I would like to interpolate a especific coordinate xi and yi to obtain zi using the main matriz. Besides, I would like to generate a surface plot using the codinates x,y and z. I know that z should be a matrix mxn in order to do that based on the number of elements m and n according to x and y, respectively. It is worth mentioning that x, y and z are longitude, latitude and depth respectively. I would appreciate the help. Hello, I have a a matrix with 3 coordinates (each column) x, y, and z. Each column has the same length. I would like to interpolate a especific coordinate xi and yi to obtain zi using the main matriz. Besides, I would like to generate a surface plot using the codinates x,y and z. I know that z should be a matrix mxn in order to do that based on the number of elements m and n according to x and y, respectively. It is worth mentioning that x, y and z are longitude, latitude and depth respectively. I would appreciate the help. interpolate 3d vector using x and y MATLAB Answers — New Questions