Loading satellite TLE data into MATLAB using satellite function
Using TLE data from an online database, MATLAB throws the error "The specified initial conditions will cause the orbit of ‘STARLINK-2438’ to intersect the Earth’s surface." when using this function:
close all
format long
G = 3.986004418e14;
% Create a satellite scenario and add ground stations from latitudes and longitudes.
startTime = datetime(2024,7,18,13,00,41);
stopTime = startTime + days(1);
sampleTime = 60*1;
sc = satelliteScenario(startTime,stopTime,sampleTime);
sat = satellite(sc,’test_tle.txt’)
The TLE data in "test_tle.txt" is as follows:
1 48103U 21027M 24199.52200852 .27610719 12343-4 29456-2 0 9995
2 48103 53.0228 234.3624 0004658 334.7729 174.1970 16.36724891183121
when manually importing the values into the function, I dont receive the error:
% Mean Motion Line2 Field 8
semiMajorAxis = (G)^(1/3)/((2*pi*(16.36724891183121)/86400)^(2/3)); % ref : https://space.stackexchange.com/questions/18289/how-to-get-semi-major-axis-from-tle
% Eccentricity Line2 Field 5
eccentricity = 0.0004658;
% Inclination Line2 Field 3
inclination = 53.0228;
% Right Ascension of the asending node Line2 Field 4
rightAscensionOfAscendingNode = 234.3624;
% Argument of perigee Line2 Field 6
argumentOfPeriapsis = 334.7729;
% Mean Anomaly Line2 Field 7
trueAnomaly = 174.1970;
sat = satellite(sc,semiMajorAxis,eccentricity,inclination, …
rightAscensionOfAscendingNode,argumentOfPeriapsis,trueAnomaly);Using TLE data from an online database, MATLAB throws the error "The specified initial conditions will cause the orbit of ‘STARLINK-2438’ to intersect the Earth’s surface." when using this function:
close all
format long
G = 3.986004418e14;
% Create a satellite scenario and add ground stations from latitudes and longitudes.
startTime = datetime(2024,7,18,13,00,41);
stopTime = startTime + days(1);
sampleTime = 60*1;
sc = satelliteScenario(startTime,stopTime,sampleTime);
sat = satellite(sc,’test_tle.txt’)
The TLE data in "test_tle.txt" is as follows:
1 48103U 21027M 24199.52200852 .27610719 12343-4 29456-2 0 9995
2 48103 53.0228 234.3624 0004658 334.7729 174.1970 16.36724891183121
when manually importing the values into the function, I dont receive the error:
% Mean Motion Line2 Field 8
semiMajorAxis = (G)^(1/3)/((2*pi*(16.36724891183121)/86400)^(2/3)); % ref : https://space.stackexchange.com/questions/18289/how-to-get-semi-major-axis-from-tle
% Eccentricity Line2 Field 5
eccentricity = 0.0004658;
% Inclination Line2 Field 3
inclination = 53.0228;
% Right Ascension of the asending node Line2 Field 4
rightAscensionOfAscendingNode = 234.3624;
% Argument of perigee Line2 Field 6
argumentOfPeriapsis = 334.7729;
% Mean Anomaly Line2 Field 7
trueAnomaly = 174.1970;
sat = satellite(sc,semiMajorAxis,eccentricity,inclination, …
rightAscensionOfAscendingNode,argumentOfPeriapsis,trueAnomaly); Using TLE data from an online database, MATLAB throws the error "The specified initial conditions will cause the orbit of ‘STARLINK-2438’ to intersect the Earth’s surface." when using this function:
close all
format long
G = 3.986004418e14;
% Create a satellite scenario and add ground stations from latitudes and longitudes.
startTime = datetime(2024,7,18,13,00,41);
stopTime = startTime + days(1);
sampleTime = 60*1;
sc = satelliteScenario(startTime,stopTime,sampleTime);
sat = satellite(sc,’test_tle.txt’)
The TLE data in "test_tle.txt" is as follows:
1 48103U 21027M 24199.52200852 .27610719 12343-4 29456-2 0 9995
2 48103 53.0228 234.3624 0004658 334.7729 174.1970 16.36724891183121
when manually importing the values into the function, I dont receive the error:
% Mean Motion Line2 Field 8
semiMajorAxis = (G)^(1/3)/((2*pi*(16.36724891183121)/86400)^(2/3)); % ref : https://space.stackexchange.com/questions/18289/how-to-get-semi-major-axis-from-tle
% Eccentricity Line2 Field 5
eccentricity = 0.0004658;
% Inclination Line2 Field 3
inclination = 53.0228;
% Right Ascension of the asending node Line2 Field 4
rightAscensionOfAscendingNode = 234.3624;
% Argument of perigee Line2 Field 6
argumentOfPeriapsis = 334.7729;
% Mean Anomaly Line2 Field 7
trueAnomaly = 174.1970;
sat = satellite(sc,semiMajorAxis,eccentricity,inclination, …
rightAscensionOfAscendingNode,argumentOfPeriapsis,trueAnomaly); satellite, tle MATLAB Answers — New Questions