M365 Adoption User Group – Answers in Viva Deep Dive
Do you have Answers?
I’m excited to have James Tyer (and engineers) from the Microsoft Viva team return to showcase Answers in Viva, including answers in communities and its intelligent importer. Nothing like having direct access to the source! The Microsoft Viva team will also showcase where they are headed with Answers and answer all your questions on both the journey and next steps.
Afterwards, stick around to hear all the latest on what’s new and coming to Microsoft 365 & the ACM space!
Online Teams Meeting Link: https://aka.ms/M365UG
12:00 – 12:05 Welcome: Kirsty McGrath
12:05 – 12:45 Viva Answers with James Tyer, Microsoft
12:45 – 1:25 What’s New & Coming to Microsoft 365 & ACM
1:25 – 1:30 What’s Next & Close: Kirsty McGrath
James is the Senior Program Manager on the Viva Engage & Answers Customer Experience team at Microsoft. He has previously helped launch Yammer & Viva Engage networks for companies such as Coca-Cola and Kellogg’s. James also advises interesting enterprise startups, such as www.soundbite.ai. He regularly presents at conferences and in 2021 had his first book published: Social by Design: How to create and scale a collaborative company
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jtyer/
LinkedIn: Kirsty McGrath
X: @M365Adoption, @KirstyMcGrath13,
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Microsoft365Adoption
YouTube: https://aka.ms/M365Adoption or @Microsoft365Adoption
#M365AdoptionUG #M365Adoption #MSFTAdoption #VivaEngage #VivaAnswers
Do you have Answers?
I’m excited to have James Tyer (and engineers) from the Microsoft Viva team return to showcase Answers in Viva, including answers in communities and its intelligent importer. Nothing like having direct access to the source! The Microsoft Viva team will also showcase where they are headed with Answers and answer all your questions on both the journey and next steps.
Afterwards, stick around to hear all the latest on what’s new and coming to Microsoft 365 & the ACM space!
Online Teams Meeting Link: https://aka.ms/M365UG
AGENDA:12:00 – 12:05 Welcome: Kirsty McGrath12:05 – 12:45 Viva Answers with James Tyer, Microsoft12:45 – 1:25 What’s New & Coming to Microsoft 365 & ACM1:25 – 1:30 What’s Next & Close: Kirsty McGrath
BIO:James is the Senior Program Manager on the Viva Engage & Answers Customer Experience team at Microsoft. He has previously helped launch Yammer & Viva Engage networks for companies such as Coca-Cola and Kellogg’s. James also advises interesting enterprise startups, such as www.soundbite.ai. He regularly presents at conferences and in 2021 had his first book published: Social by Design: How to create and scale a collaborative company
SOCIAL MEDIA:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jtyer/
LinkedIn: Kirsty McGrathX: @M365Adoption, @KirstyMcGrath13,Facebook: www.facebook.com/Microsoft365AdoptionYouTube: https://aka.ms/M365Adoption or @Microsoft365Adoption#M365AdoptionUG #M365Adoption #MSFTAdoption #VivaEngage #VivaAnswers Read More