mask rcnn does not detect mask
I’m practicing mrcnn.
I entered img, box, labeling, and mask well to proceed with the training.
The trained network recognizes and distinguishes boxes and labels well.
Mask appears as the same single array as the number of boxes.
But the mask was an array that was all zeros.
In this case, the problem is that you entered the mask incorrectly?
Or this net still unable to distinguish it due to the small amount of training?
I did not allocate much time to training due to a problem with computer specifications. It is a network that did 10 epoch 900 iteration.I’m practicing mrcnn.
I entered img, box, labeling, and mask well to proceed with the training.
The trained network recognizes and distinguishes boxes and labels well.
Mask appears as the same single array as the number of boxes.
But the mask was an array that was all zeros.
In this case, the problem is that you entered the mask incorrectly?
Or this net still unable to distinguish it due to the small amount of training?
I did not allocate much time to training due to a problem with computer specifications. It is a network that did 10 epoch 900 iteration. I’m practicing mrcnn.
I entered img, box, labeling, and mask well to proceed with the training.
The trained network recognizes and distinguishes boxes and labels well.
Mask appears as the same single array as the number of boxes.
But the mask was an array that was all zeros.
In this case, the problem is that you entered the mask incorrectly?
Or this net still unable to distinguish it due to the small amount of training?
I did not allocate much time to training due to a problem with computer specifications. It is a network that did 10 epoch 900 iteration. mask rcnn, rcnn, cnn, mask, train, deep learning, machine learning MATLAB Answers — New Questions