Nested if statement in the expression builder (dynamic editor)
I am trying to check activity steps failed and if so, get Target (activity) value, something like this below
“FailedStepAt”: “@{if(not(empty(activity(‘lkp_tables_list’).erro.message)), activity(‘lkp_tables_list’)?,
if(not(equals(activity(‘lkp_GetPipelineIDByName’).error.message, ”)), activity(‘lkp_GetPipelineIDByName’),
if(not(equals(activity(‘Export_table_to_NTADLS’).error.message, ”)), activity(‘Export_table_to_NTADLS’),
“ErrorMessage”: “@{concat(activity(‘lkp_tables_list’)?.error?.message,
But it doesn’t work . However, to check the target value if activity fails, used set variable to capture the target value but it supports with one condition something like .”
Or within set variable activity
Any help would be appreciated
I am trying to check activity steps failed and if so, get Target (activity) value, something like this below
“FailedStepAt”: “@{if(not(empty(activity(‘lkp_tables_list’).erro.message)), activity(‘lkp_tables_list’)?, if(not(equals(activity(‘lkp_GetPipelineIDByName’).error.message, ”)), activity(‘lkp_GetPipelineIDByName’),if(not(equals(activity(‘Export_table_to_NTADLS’).error.message, ”)), activity(‘Export_table_to_NTADLS’),”)))}”,”ErrorMessage”: “@{concat(activity(‘lkp_tables_list’)?.error?.message,activity(‘lkp_GetPipelineIDByName’)?.error?.message,activity(‘Export_table_to_NTADLS’)?.error?.message
But it doesn’t work . However, to check the target value if activity fails, used set variable to capture the target value but it supports with one condition something like .”
“@{if(not(empty(activity(‘lkp_GetPipelineIDByName’).error)), activity(‘lkp_GetPipelineIDByName’),
‘no err’)
I want to achieve using nested if within dynamic edition
Or within set variable activity
Any help would be appreciated Read More