Non-Negative Solution with Integrator in Simulink
When solving ode in Matlab, the ode solver has an option that allows setting the solution non-negative property to be true. For instance –
x = odeset;
x.NonNegative = ones(numStates,1);
Is there an equivalent setting in Simulink? Something that can be adjusted in either model parameters or the [1/s] block?When solving ode in Matlab, the ode solver has an option that allows setting the solution non-negative property to be true. For instance –
x = odeset;
x.NonNegative = ones(numStates,1);
Is there an equivalent setting in Simulink? Something that can be adjusted in either model parameters or the [1/s] block? When solving ode in Matlab, the ode solver has an option that allows setting the solution non-negative property to be true. For instance –
x = odeset;
x.NonNegative = ones(numStates,1);
Is there an equivalent setting in Simulink? Something that can be adjusted in either model parameters or the [1/s] block? ode, odeset MATLAB Answers — New Questions