Plotting mutiple measurement Data with counter
Hello together,
i would like to plot my measurements data 66 signals over time in one plot.
However i wrote a counter that i dont have to deal with 66 signals.
How can i plot now all this data in one plot using my counter?
My Script
% 28 or 33 C with 2 sensors each
for iC = 1:numOfC
for iTempOfC = 1:2
signalNameCTemp = sprintf("CC_%02i_Temperatur_%01i", iC, iTempOfC);
idxTemp = (iC – 1) * 2 + iTempOfC; %sub2ind([3,2],2,2)
plot (m.t, all signals of the 66 sensors)
So far I only get 1 signal in my plot.
Thank you guys.Hello together,
i would like to plot my measurements data 66 signals over time in one plot.
However i wrote a counter that i dont have to deal with 66 signals.
How can i plot now all this data in one plot using my counter?
My Script
% 28 or 33 C with 2 sensors each
for iC = 1:numOfC
for iTempOfC = 1:2
signalNameCTemp = sprintf("CC_%02i_Temperatur_%01i", iC, iTempOfC);
idxTemp = (iC – 1) * 2 + iTempOfC; %sub2ind([3,2],2,2)
plot (m.t, all signals of the 66 sensors)
So far I only get 1 signal in my plot.
Thank you guys. Hello together,
i would like to plot my measurements data 66 signals over time in one plot.
However i wrote a counter that i dont have to deal with 66 signals.
How can i plot now all this data in one plot using my counter?
My Script
% 28 or 33 C with 2 sensors each
for iC = 1:numOfC
for iTempOfC = 1:2
signalNameCTemp = sprintf("CC_%02i_Temperatur_%01i", iC, iTempOfC);
idxTemp = (iC – 1) * 2 + iTempOfC; %sub2ind([3,2],2,2)
plot (m.t, all signals of the 66 sensors)
So far I only get 1 signal in my plot.
Thank you guys. plot, for loop, counter, graph, database MATLAB Answers — New Questions