Problems with finding the right IF formula
Hi, I am trying to get a formula that can give 3 results/returns (Resolved, Pending and blank). There is a Status column where the answer returns and 2 other columns where I compare data to see if they are filled with various names. If the 2 columns contain anything I want it to state “Resolved”. If only 1 out of the 2 columns is filled I want it to state “Pending”. If both columns are empty the cell should remain blank.
Below is the current formula and image of the table I am using but it either gives me resolved if the names appear in either column or both and if both cells are empty it remains blank my problem is to get the “Pending” return if only 1 of the 2 cells are filled.
Hi, I am trying to get a formula that can give 3 results/returns (Resolved, Pending and blank). There is a Status column where the answer returns and 2 other columns where I compare data to see if they are filled with various names. If the 2 columns contain anything I want it to state “Resolved”. If only 1 out of the 2 columns is filled I want it to state “Pending”. If both columns are empty the cell should remain blank.Below is the current formula and image of the table I am using but it either gives me resolved if the names appear in either column or both and if both cells are empty it remains blank my problem is to get the “Pending” return if only 1 of the 2 cells are filled. =IF(OR(COUNTIF(H2:I2,”*”&L4:L7&”*”)),”RESOLVED”,””) Read More