Rte_Type.h in model reference
I have a autosar classic component that has a model reference is using datatypes defined in the component. Code generation is successfull but, I can not get the metrics report.
Error messages as follows
In component code generation report, section static code metrics: (3 Lines error)
component.h line 65 identifier "XYZ" is undefined, XYZ is a enum class
component.c line 32 identifier "ABC" is undefined, ABC is a enum value
model reference.h Line 34 expected a declaration
In model reference code generation report, section static code metrics: (1 Line error)
model reference.h Line 26 cannot open source file "Rte_Type.h"I have a autosar classic component that has a model reference is using datatypes defined in the component. Code generation is successfull but, I can not get the metrics report.
Error messages as follows
In component code generation report, section static code metrics: (3 Lines error)
component.h line 65 identifier "XYZ" is undefined, XYZ is a enum class
component.c line 32 identifier "ABC" is undefined, ABC is a enum value
model reference.h Line 34 expected a declaration
In model reference code generation report, section static code metrics: (1 Line error)
model reference.h Line 26 cannot open source file "Rte_Type.h" I have a autosar classic component that has a model reference is using datatypes defined in the component. Code generation is successfull but, I can not get the metrics report.
Error messages as follows
In component code generation report, section static code metrics: (3 Lines error)
component.h line 65 identifier "XYZ" is undefined, XYZ is a enum class
component.c line 32 identifier "ABC" is undefined, ABC is a enum value
model reference.h Line 34 expected a declaration
In model reference code generation report, section static code metrics: (1 Line error)
model reference.h Line 26 cannot open source file "Rte_Type.h" autosar simulink MATLAB Answers — New Questions