step response of non linear model
pls tell me clearly with MATLAB code…i am not comfortable with simulink. how to get the step respone of non-linear ODE for 3*3 MIMO boiler systems. the following are the equations.. i want the step response of the output not for the states.
x1dot = (-0.0018*u2*x1^(9/8)) + (0.9*u1) – (0.15*u3);
x2dot = ((((0.73*u2)-0.16)*x1^(9/8)-x2))/10;
x3dot = ((141*u3)-((1.1*u2)-0.19)*x1)/85;
y1 = x1;
y2 = x2;
y3 = 0.05*((0.13073*x3) + (100*((1-(0.001538*x3))*((0.8*x1)-25.6))/(x3*(1.0394-0.00123404*x1))) +(((((0.854*u2) -0.147)*x1) + (45.59*u1) -(2.514*u3) -2.096)/9) -67.975);pls tell me clearly with MATLAB code…i am not comfortable with simulink. how to get the step respone of non-linear ODE for 3*3 MIMO boiler systems. the following are the equations.. i want the step response of the output not for the states.
x1dot = (-0.0018*u2*x1^(9/8)) + (0.9*u1) – (0.15*u3);
x2dot = ((((0.73*u2)-0.16)*x1^(9/8)-x2))/10;
x3dot = ((141*u3)-((1.1*u2)-0.19)*x1)/85;
y1 = x1;
y2 = x2;
y3 = 0.05*((0.13073*x3) + (100*((1-(0.001538*x3))*((0.8*x1)-25.6))/(x3*(1.0394-0.00123404*x1))) +(((((0.854*u2) -0.147)*x1) + (45.59*u1) -(2.514*u3) -2.096)/9) -67.975); pls tell me clearly with MATLAB code…i am not comfortable with simulink. how to get the step respone of non-linear ODE for 3*3 MIMO boiler systems. the following are the equations.. i want the step response of the output not for the states.
x1dot = (-0.0018*u2*x1^(9/8)) + (0.9*u1) – (0.15*u3);
x2dot = ((((0.73*u2)-0.16)*x1^(9/8)-x2))/10;
x3dot = ((141*u3)-((1.1*u2)-0.19)*x1)/85;
y1 = x1;
y2 = x2;
y3 = 0.05*((0.13073*x3) + (100*((1-(0.001538*x3))*((0.8*x1)-25.6))/(x3*(1.0394-0.00123404*x1))) +(((((0.854*u2) -0.147)*x1) + (45.59*u1) -(2.514*u3) -2.096)/9) -67.975); closed loop response MATLAB Answers — New Questions