Strange issue with mean, max, and min of vector?
I am having an issue with finding the mean max and min of a vector (attached). All values in the vector are positive (increments of time) and less than 1. However, when I test the mean() = -8.0219, max = 9.5770, min = -4.3200e+04. When I try to find() the indices of the min and max, it says that it is 1 but, the value at index 1 is 0.012.
When you test the vector, do you get the same result? Why is it outputting these incorrect values?Hello,
I am having an issue with finding the mean max and min of a vector (attached). All values in the vector are positive (increments of time) and less than 1. However, when I test the mean() = -8.0219, max = 9.5770, min = -4.3200e+04. When I try to find() the indices of the min and max, it says that it is 1 but, the value at index 1 is 0.012.
When you test the vector, do you get the same result? Why is it outputting these incorrect values? Hello,
I am having an issue with finding the mean max and min of a vector (attached). All values in the vector are positive (increments of time) and less than 1. However, when I test the mean() = -8.0219, max = 9.5770, min = -4.3200e+04. When I try to find() the indices of the min and max, it says that it is 1 but, the value at index 1 is 0.012.
When you test the vector, do you get the same result? Why is it outputting these incorrect values? mean, max, min MATLAB Answers — New Questions