Tabulating the data obtained for my Matlab code
With the code I stated below, I obtain 2 column graphic data as x and y. The data I obtained appear separately on the right. One writes as a column, the other as a row. I would like help in updating my code to create a txt or Excel file with these two data as columns from top to bottom.
The data I obtained look like this, separately, one as a column and the other as a graph. I want it to give me this data as columns in txt or excel.
I upload the data I use for the code to work as a txt file.
data = readmatrix(‘Naca LD0006 6R.txt’);
f = fit(data(:,1), data(:,2),’smoothingspline’,’SmoothingParam’,0.3);
xi = -15:1:18; % or -15:0.5:18 or whatever
yi = f(xi);
hold on
plot(xi,yi,’o’,’MarkerFaceColor’,’g’,’DisplayName’,’1° intervals’)
set(get(gca(),’Legend’),’Location’,’best’);With the code I stated below, I obtain 2 column graphic data as x and y. The data I obtained appear separately on the right. One writes as a column, the other as a row. I would like help in updating my code to create a txt or Excel file with these two data as columns from top to bottom.
The data I obtained look like this, separately, one as a column and the other as a graph. I want it to give me this data as columns in txt or excel.
I upload the data I use for the code to work as a txt file.
data = readmatrix(‘Naca LD0006 6R.txt’);
f = fit(data(:,1), data(:,2),’smoothingspline’,’SmoothingParam’,0.3);
xi = -15:1:18; % or -15:0.5:18 or whatever
yi = f(xi);
hold on
plot(xi,yi,’o’,’MarkerFaceColor’,’g’,’DisplayName’,’1° intervals’)
set(get(gca(),’Legend’),’Location’,’best’); With the code I stated below, I obtain 2 column graphic data as x and y. The data I obtained appear separately on the right. One writes as a column, the other as a row. I would like help in updating my code to create a txt or Excel file with these two data as columns from top to bottom.
The data I obtained look like this, separately, one as a column and the other as a graph. I want it to give me this data as columns in txt or excel.
I upload the data I use for the code to work as a txt file.
data = readmatrix(‘Naca LD0006 6R.txt’);
f = fit(data(:,1), data(:,2),’smoothingspline’,’SmoothingParam’,0.3);
xi = -15:1:18; % or -15:0.5:18 or whatever
yi = f(xi);
hold on
plot(xi,yi,’o’,’MarkerFaceColor’,’g’,’DisplayName’,’1° intervals’)
set(get(gca(),’Legend’),’Location’,’best’); #matlab #excel #txt #naca MATLAB Answers — New Questions