Tag Archives: matlab
Stop Data Acquisition when Needed
I am building a data aquisition program using NI devices. I developed a program using the data aquisition toolbox, however the code that I have needs a run time as input which is only when I know the data aquisition time.
However in cases when I need to stop the data aquisition before the set input time, I am unable to do so before the complete run is done.
Is there a way to stop the program and still have access to the aquired data because if I stop the program, the workspace clears out and there in no data there or is there a way I can continously add data into a buffer which the data is being read so that even if the program is stipped, the aquired data is accessible.
I have attached my code for review.
close all
clear all
%% Create a data acquisition session
daqSession = daq.createSession(‘ni’);
%% Add channels specified by subsystem type and device
%% Configure properties
daqSession.Rate = 1653;
daqSession.IsContinuous = 1;
hlistener = daqSession.addlistener(‘DataAvailable’,@(src,event) plot(event.TimeStamps, event.Data));
daqSession.IsContinuous = 0;
daqSession.DurationInSeconds = 1800;
daqSession.Channels(1).BridgeMode = ‘Full’;
daqSession.Channels(1).ExcitationVoltage = 5;
daqSession.Channels(1).NominalBridgeResistance = 1;
daqSession.Channels(1).Name = ‘Kulite 1’;
daqSession.Channels(2).BridgeMode = ‘Full’;
daqSession.Channels(2).NominalBridgeResistance = 1;
daqSession.Channels(2).Name = ‘Kulite2’;
daqSession.Channels(3).BridgeMode = ‘Full’;
daqSession.Channels(3).NominalBridgeResistance = 1;
daqSession.Channels(3).Name = ‘Kulite3’;
daqSession.Channels(4).BridgeMode = ‘Full’;
daqSession.Channels(4).NominalBridgeResistance = 1;
daqSession.Channels(4).Name = ‘Kulite4’;
%Read supplied voltage
%% Run the data acquisition session
[data,time] = daqSession.startForeground();
%Take values from DAQ Matrix
%Create Matrix for other Time and Pressure Values
fileName = sprintf(‘RawVData_%s.csv’, datestr(now, ‘yyyymmdd_HHMMSS’))
%% Disconnect from the device
clear daqSession;Hello,
I am building a data aquisition program using NI devices. I developed a program using the data aquisition toolbox, however the code that I have needs a run time as input which is only when I know the data aquisition time.
However in cases when I need to stop the data aquisition before the set input time, I am unable to do so before the complete run is done.
Is there a way to stop the program and still have access to the aquired data because if I stop the program, the workspace clears out and there in no data there or is there a way I can continously add data into a buffer which the data is being read so that even if the program is stipped, the aquired data is accessible.
I have attached my code for review.
close all
clear all
%% Create a data acquisition session
daqSession = daq.createSession(‘ni’);
%% Add channels specified by subsystem type and device
%% Configure properties
daqSession.Rate = 1653;
daqSession.IsContinuous = 1;
hlistener = daqSession.addlistener(‘DataAvailable’,@(src,event) plot(event.TimeStamps, event.Data));
daqSession.IsContinuous = 0;
daqSession.DurationInSeconds = 1800;
daqSession.Channels(1).BridgeMode = ‘Full’;
daqSession.Channels(1).ExcitationVoltage = 5;
daqSession.Channels(1).NominalBridgeResistance = 1;
daqSession.Channels(1).Name = ‘Kulite 1’;
daqSession.Channels(2).BridgeMode = ‘Full’;
daqSession.Channels(2).NominalBridgeResistance = 1;
daqSession.Channels(2).Name = ‘Kulite2’;
daqSession.Channels(3).BridgeMode = ‘Full’;
daqSession.Channels(3).NominalBridgeResistance = 1;
daqSession.Channels(3).Name = ‘Kulite3’;
daqSession.Channels(4).BridgeMode = ‘Full’;
daqSession.Channels(4).NominalBridgeResistance = 1;
daqSession.Channels(4).Name = ‘Kulite4’;
%Read supplied voltage
%% Run the data acquisition session
[data,time] = daqSession.startForeground();
%Take values from DAQ Matrix
%Create Matrix for other Time and Pressure Values
fileName = sprintf(‘RawVData_%s.csv’, datestr(now, ‘yyyymmdd_HHMMSS’))
%% Disconnect from the device
clear daqSession; Hello,
I am building a data aquisition program using NI devices. I developed a program using the data aquisition toolbox, however the code that I have needs a run time as input which is only when I know the data aquisition time.
However in cases when I need to stop the data aquisition before the set input time, I am unable to do so before the complete run is done.
Is there a way to stop the program and still have access to the aquired data because if I stop the program, the workspace clears out and there in no data there or is there a way I can continously add data into a buffer which the data is being read so that even if the program is stipped, the aquired data is accessible.
I have attached my code for review.
close all
clear all
%% Create a data acquisition session
daqSession = daq.createSession(‘ni’);
%% Add channels specified by subsystem type and device
%% Configure properties
daqSession.Rate = 1653;
daqSession.IsContinuous = 1;
hlistener = daqSession.addlistener(‘DataAvailable’,@(src,event) plot(event.TimeStamps, event.Data));
daqSession.IsContinuous = 0;
daqSession.DurationInSeconds = 1800;
daqSession.Channels(1).BridgeMode = ‘Full’;
daqSession.Channels(1).ExcitationVoltage = 5;
daqSession.Channels(1).NominalBridgeResistance = 1;
daqSession.Channels(1).Name = ‘Kulite 1’;
daqSession.Channels(2).BridgeMode = ‘Full’;
daqSession.Channels(2).NominalBridgeResistance = 1;
daqSession.Channels(2).Name = ‘Kulite2’;
daqSession.Channels(3).BridgeMode = ‘Full’;
daqSession.Channels(3).NominalBridgeResistance = 1;
daqSession.Channels(3).Name = ‘Kulite3’;
daqSession.Channels(4).BridgeMode = ‘Full’;
daqSession.Channels(4).NominalBridgeResistance = 1;
daqSession.Channels(4).Name = ‘Kulite4’;
%Read supplied voltage
%% Run the data acquisition session
[data,time] = daqSession.startForeground();
%Take values from DAQ Matrix
%Create Matrix for other Time and Pressure Values
fileName = sprintf(‘RawVData_%s.csv’, datestr(now, ‘yyyymmdd_HHMMSS’))
%% Disconnect from the device
clear daqSession; nidaq, data acquisition MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Multivariate regression for constrained dependent variables
I have a database formed by 6 independent variables and 2 dependent variables. The equation for each dependent variable should be something like:
I want to find s that satisfy .
Which metodology should I use?
I tried using mvregress, but I couldn’t constrain the dependent variables. I am also thinking of using optimization as well, but I still couldn’t figure out how to constrain the dependent variables.
Thank you so much!I have a database formed by 6 independent variables and 2 dependent variables. The equation for each dependent variable should be something like:
I want to find s that satisfy .
Which metodology should I use?
I tried using mvregress, but I couldn’t constrain the dependent variables. I am also thinking of using optimization as well, but I still couldn’t figure out how to constrain the dependent variables.
Thank you so much! I have a database formed by 6 independent variables and 2 dependent variables. The equation for each dependent variable should be something like:
I want to find s that satisfy .
Which metodology should I use?
I tried using mvregress, but I couldn’t constrain the dependent variables. I am also thinking of using optimization as well, but I still couldn’t figure out how to constrain the dependent variables.
Thank you so much! regression, optimization MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Write code to solve the following 0-1 Knapsack problem
Given a knapsack of items N and capacity W. The volume and value of the item is c(i) and w(i) respectively. Find the maximum total value in the knapsack. Suppose that N=10, and V=300. The volume of each item is 95, 75, 23, 73, 50, 22, 6, 57, 89 and 98. The values of each item are 89, 59, 19, 43, 100, 72, 44, 16, 7 and 64.Given a knapsack of items N and capacity W. The volume and value of the item is c(i) and w(i) respectively. Find the maximum total value in the knapsack. Suppose that N=10, and V=300. The volume of each item is 95, 75, 23, 73, 50, 22, 6, 57, 89 and 98. The values of each item are 89, 59, 19, 43, 100, 72, 44, 16, 7 and 64. Given a knapsack of items N and capacity W. The volume and value of the item is c(i) and w(i) respectively. Find the maximum total value in the knapsack. Suppose that N=10, and V=300. The volume of each item is 95, 75, 23, 73, 50, 22, 6, 57, 89 and 98. The values of each item are 89, 59, 19, 43, 100, 72, 44, 16, 7 and 64. knapsack0-1, find maximum total value MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Ignored/Incorrect MV constraint in nonlinear MPC block with parameter
Hello! I am implementing a nonlinear model predictive controller using MPC Toolbox in Simulink. A constraint of my NMPC appears to be ignored and I believe it is due to an error in my custon inequality constraint function. Here’s some context:
I am making a mass follow a reference displacement in a vehicle active suspension system. Currently, my NMPC’s manipulated variable is the increment in force for an actuator. My system under control takes a force magnitude as an input rather than an increment in force. Therefore, to constrain the maximum force magnitude allowed in my custom constraint function I need to pass in the previous magnitude as a parameter to add to the manipulated variable. This allows me to compare the sum of the increment and the previous magnitude to the constraint parameter. Currently, when looking at the produced force in a scope after a simulation, the amount is outside of the bounds of Fc_max and Fc_min (+/- 15N).
I have ensured the scope determines the value of the force magnitude correctly, and I have also ensured my cost function, state function, and equality constraints are configured properly. The bus that passes in params is also configured correctly. The controller exhibits acceptable tracking performance, it just ignores this constraint. Furthermore, the other constraints appear to be observed (but this could just be due to my reference not requiring the controller to apply those constraints). This leads me to believe my cineq function is incorrect somehow. The first block of code is my nlmpc setup, and the second is my cineq function. The picture is the force command produced (that violates the constraint).
%% cost function weights (best perf @ w=95000,w_dot=105,R=2,’E=1′)
Ts = 0.01;
Q_n = 1000;
Q_ndot = 0; % fix this
R = 15;
E = 1;
%% physical constraints
% maximum forces (currently +/- 15) (units: N)
Fc_max = 15;
Fc_min = -15;
% maximum rate of change in forces (units: N/Ts) (at Ts = 0.01 this is 10)
delta_Fc_max = 1000*Ts;
delta_Fc_min =-1000*Ts;
% maximum displacement of the spacing (units: m)
n_max = 0.05;
n_min = -0.05;
%% misc params
alpha_o = 1/(ms) + 1/(mu);
eta_ddot = 0;
Fc_last = 0;
Hc = 1;
%% NMPC settings, weights, and constraints
nx = 2;
ny = nx;
nu = 1;
nulmpcobj = nlmpc(nx,ny,nu);
nulmpcobj.Ts = Ts;
nulmpcobj.PredictionHorizon = 20;
nulmpcobj.ControlHorizon = Hc;
% how plant states evolve over time. Model is DT.
nulmpcobj.Model.StateFcn = "stateFunction";
nulmpcobj.Model.IsContinuousTime = false;
nulmpcobj.Model.NumberOfParameters = 15;
nulmpcobj.Model.OutputFcn = "outputFunction";
% set up cost function and constraints
nulmpcobj.Optimization.CustomCostFcn = "costFunction";
Optimization.CustomEqConFcn = "eqConFunction";
Optimization.CustomIneqConFcn = "ineqConFunction";
nulmpcobj.Optimization.ReplaceStandardCost = true;
SolverOptions.Algorithm = ‘sqp’;
% initial conditions
x0 = [0;0];
u0 = 0;
parameters = {alpha_o,eta_ddot,Q_n,Q_ndot,R,E,Fc_max,Fc_min,delta_Fc_max,delta_Fc_min,n_max,n_min,Ts,Fc_last,Hc};
% Set up parameter bus for NMPC object (if it isn’t already initialized)
if exist(‘paramBus’,’var’)==0
mdl = ‘NULMPC_RAS’;
createParameterBus(nulmpcobj,[mdl ‘/NULMPC’],’paramBus’,parameters);
%% Now the NLMPC and simulation parameters are ready to go!
%% Run the simulation or optionally validate the NMPC functions here in MATLAB.
% rng(0);
% validateFcns(nulmpcobj,rand(nx,1),rand(nu,1),[],parameters);
function cineq = ineqConFunction(X,U,data,alpha_o,eta_ddot,Q_n,Q_ndot,R,E,Fc_max,Fc_min,delta_Fc_max,delta_Fc_min,n_max,n_min,Ts,Fc_last,Hc)
cineq = zeros(6,1);
p = data.PredictionHorizon;
% delta constraint max/min
U1 = U(1:Hc,data.MVIndex(1));
cineq(1) = U1 – delta_Fc_max;
cineq(2) = -U1 + delta_Fc_min;
% magnitude
X1 = X(2:p+1,1);
cineq(3) = X1 – n_max;
cineq(4) = -X1 + n_min;
%% output constraint (THIS IS THE ONE I THINK IS INCORRECT)
cineq(5) = (U1 + Fc_last) – Fc_max;
cineq(6) = -(U1 + Fc_last) + Fc_min;
Since my control horizon is 1, the nmpc controller will hold my constrained input constant after the end of Hc. This should mean I do not need to have these constraints run across the whole prediction horizon p for the constraints to apply. Thank you to anyone who responds!Hello! I am implementing a nonlinear model predictive controller using MPC Toolbox in Simulink. A constraint of my NMPC appears to be ignored and I believe it is due to an error in my custon inequality constraint function. Here’s some context:
I am making a mass follow a reference displacement in a vehicle active suspension system. Currently, my NMPC’s manipulated variable is the increment in force for an actuator. My system under control takes a force magnitude as an input rather than an increment in force. Therefore, to constrain the maximum force magnitude allowed in my custom constraint function I need to pass in the previous magnitude as a parameter to add to the manipulated variable. This allows me to compare the sum of the increment and the previous magnitude to the constraint parameter. Currently, when looking at the produced force in a scope after a simulation, the amount is outside of the bounds of Fc_max and Fc_min (+/- 15N).
I have ensured the scope determines the value of the force magnitude correctly, and I have also ensured my cost function, state function, and equality constraints are configured properly. The bus that passes in params is also configured correctly. The controller exhibits acceptable tracking performance, it just ignores this constraint. Furthermore, the other constraints appear to be observed (but this could just be due to my reference not requiring the controller to apply those constraints). This leads me to believe my cineq function is incorrect somehow. The first block of code is my nlmpc setup, and the second is my cineq function. The picture is the force command produced (that violates the constraint).
%% cost function weights (best perf @ w=95000,w_dot=105,R=2,’E=1′)
Ts = 0.01;
Q_n = 1000;
Q_ndot = 0; % fix this
R = 15;
E = 1;
%% physical constraints
% maximum forces (currently +/- 15) (units: N)
Fc_max = 15;
Fc_min = -15;
% maximum rate of change in forces (units: N/Ts) (at Ts = 0.01 this is 10)
delta_Fc_max = 1000*Ts;
delta_Fc_min =-1000*Ts;
% maximum displacement of the spacing (units: m)
n_max = 0.05;
n_min = -0.05;
%% misc params
alpha_o = 1/(ms) + 1/(mu);
eta_ddot = 0;
Fc_last = 0;
Hc = 1;
%% NMPC settings, weights, and constraints
nx = 2;
ny = nx;
nu = 1;
nulmpcobj = nlmpc(nx,ny,nu);
nulmpcobj.Ts = Ts;
nulmpcobj.PredictionHorizon = 20;
nulmpcobj.ControlHorizon = Hc;
% how plant states evolve over time. Model is DT.
nulmpcobj.Model.StateFcn = "stateFunction";
nulmpcobj.Model.IsContinuousTime = false;
nulmpcobj.Model.NumberOfParameters = 15;
nulmpcobj.Model.OutputFcn = "outputFunction";
% set up cost function and constraints
nulmpcobj.Optimization.CustomCostFcn = "costFunction";
Optimization.CustomEqConFcn = "eqConFunction";
Optimization.CustomIneqConFcn = "ineqConFunction";
nulmpcobj.Optimization.ReplaceStandardCost = true;
SolverOptions.Algorithm = ‘sqp’;
% initial conditions
x0 = [0;0];
u0 = 0;
parameters = {alpha_o,eta_ddot,Q_n,Q_ndot,R,E,Fc_max,Fc_min,delta_Fc_max,delta_Fc_min,n_max,n_min,Ts,Fc_last,Hc};
% Set up parameter bus for NMPC object (if it isn’t already initialized)
if exist(‘paramBus’,’var’)==0
mdl = ‘NULMPC_RAS’;
createParameterBus(nulmpcobj,[mdl ‘/NULMPC’],’paramBus’,parameters);
%% Now the NLMPC and simulation parameters are ready to go!
%% Run the simulation or optionally validate the NMPC functions here in MATLAB.
% rng(0);
% validateFcns(nulmpcobj,rand(nx,1),rand(nu,1),[],parameters);
function cineq = ineqConFunction(X,U,data,alpha_o,eta_ddot,Q_n,Q_ndot,R,E,Fc_max,Fc_min,delta_Fc_max,delta_Fc_min,n_max,n_min,Ts,Fc_last,Hc)
cineq = zeros(6,1);
p = data.PredictionHorizon;
% delta constraint max/min
U1 = U(1:Hc,data.MVIndex(1));
cineq(1) = U1 – delta_Fc_max;
cineq(2) = -U1 + delta_Fc_min;
% magnitude
X1 = X(2:p+1,1);
cineq(3) = X1 – n_max;
cineq(4) = -X1 + n_min;
%% output constraint (THIS IS THE ONE I THINK IS INCORRECT)
cineq(5) = (U1 + Fc_last) – Fc_max;
cineq(6) = -(U1 + Fc_last) + Fc_min;
Since my control horizon is 1, the nmpc controller will hold my constrained input constant after the end of Hc. This should mean I do not need to have these constraints run across the whole prediction horizon p for the constraints to apply. Thank you to anyone who responds! Hello! I am implementing a nonlinear model predictive controller using MPC Toolbox in Simulink. A constraint of my NMPC appears to be ignored and I believe it is due to an error in my custon inequality constraint function. Here’s some context:
I am making a mass follow a reference displacement in a vehicle active suspension system. Currently, my NMPC’s manipulated variable is the increment in force for an actuator. My system under control takes a force magnitude as an input rather than an increment in force. Therefore, to constrain the maximum force magnitude allowed in my custom constraint function I need to pass in the previous magnitude as a parameter to add to the manipulated variable. This allows me to compare the sum of the increment and the previous magnitude to the constraint parameter. Currently, when looking at the produced force in a scope after a simulation, the amount is outside of the bounds of Fc_max and Fc_min (+/- 15N).
I have ensured the scope determines the value of the force magnitude correctly, and I have also ensured my cost function, state function, and equality constraints are configured properly. The bus that passes in params is also configured correctly. The controller exhibits acceptable tracking performance, it just ignores this constraint. Furthermore, the other constraints appear to be observed (but this could just be due to my reference not requiring the controller to apply those constraints). This leads me to believe my cineq function is incorrect somehow. The first block of code is my nlmpc setup, and the second is my cineq function. The picture is the force command produced (that violates the constraint).
%% cost function weights (best perf @ w=95000,w_dot=105,R=2,’E=1′)
Ts = 0.01;
Q_n = 1000;
Q_ndot = 0; % fix this
R = 15;
E = 1;
%% physical constraints
% maximum forces (currently +/- 15) (units: N)
Fc_max = 15;
Fc_min = -15;
% maximum rate of change in forces (units: N/Ts) (at Ts = 0.01 this is 10)
delta_Fc_max = 1000*Ts;
delta_Fc_min =-1000*Ts;
% maximum displacement of the spacing (units: m)
n_max = 0.05;
n_min = -0.05;
%% misc params
alpha_o = 1/(ms) + 1/(mu);
eta_ddot = 0;
Fc_last = 0;
Hc = 1;
%% NMPC settings, weights, and constraints
nx = 2;
ny = nx;
nu = 1;
nulmpcobj = nlmpc(nx,ny,nu);
nulmpcobj.Ts = Ts;
nulmpcobj.PredictionHorizon = 20;
nulmpcobj.ControlHorizon = Hc;
% how plant states evolve over time. Model is DT.
nulmpcobj.Model.StateFcn = "stateFunction";
nulmpcobj.Model.IsContinuousTime = false;
nulmpcobj.Model.NumberOfParameters = 15;
nulmpcobj.Model.OutputFcn = "outputFunction";
% set up cost function and constraints
nulmpcobj.Optimization.CustomCostFcn = "costFunction";
Optimization.CustomEqConFcn = "eqConFunction";
Optimization.CustomIneqConFcn = "ineqConFunction";
nulmpcobj.Optimization.ReplaceStandardCost = true;
SolverOptions.Algorithm = ‘sqp’;
% initial conditions
x0 = [0;0];
u0 = 0;
parameters = {alpha_o,eta_ddot,Q_n,Q_ndot,R,E,Fc_max,Fc_min,delta_Fc_max,delta_Fc_min,n_max,n_min,Ts,Fc_last,Hc};
% Set up parameter bus for NMPC object (if it isn’t already initialized)
if exist(‘paramBus’,’var’)==0
mdl = ‘NULMPC_RAS’;
createParameterBus(nulmpcobj,[mdl ‘/NULMPC’],’paramBus’,parameters);
%% Now the NLMPC and simulation parameters are ready to go!
%% Run the simulation or optionally validate the NMPC functions here in MATLAB.
% rng(0);
% validateFcns(nulmpcobj,rand(nx,1),rand(nu,1),[],parameters);
function cineq = ineqConFunction(X,U,data,alpha_o,eta_ddot,Q_n,Q_ndot,R,E,Fc_max,Fc_min,delta_Fc_max,delta_Fc_min,n_max,n_min,Ts,Fc_last,Hc)
cineq = zeros(6,1);
p = data.PredictionHorizon;
% delta constraint max/min
U1 = U(1:Hc,data.MVIndex(1));
cineq(1) = U1 – delta_Fc_max;
cineq(2) = -U1 + delta_Fc_min;
% magnitude
X1 = X(2:p+1,1);
cineq(3) = X1 – n_max;
cineq(4) = -X1 + n_min;
%% output constraint (THIS IS THE ONE I THINK IS INCORRECT)
cineq(5) = (U1 + Fc_last) – Fc_max;
cineq(6) = -(U1 + Fc_last) + Fc_min;
Since my control horizon is 1, the nmpc controller will hold my constrained input constant after the end of Hc. This should mean I do not need to have these constraints run across the whole prediction horizon p for the constraints to apply. Thank you to anyone who responds! nonlinear, mpc, constraint, simulink, nmpc, optimization MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Figure scaling issues in Linux
Getting good DPI settings for the editor in Linux is possible, though a tad annoying.
However, I have no idea how to go about fixing the scaling problems for figures. I can make a temp fix by upping the font size (see image) but can’t find a way to fix this. Ideally, want I want is to, by default, scale all images by about 160%.
Font adjusted with
I could possible go through everything in
and asjust dozens of settings there to fix this but realy all it needs is a single scale factor that would apply to fonts and data points/lines.
Cheers for any help.Getting good DPI settings for the editor in Linux is possible, though a tad annoying.
However, I have no idea how to go about fixing the scaling problems for figures. I can make a temp fix by upping the font size (see image) but can’t find a way to fix this. Ideally, want I want is to, by default, scale all images by about 160%.
Font adjusted with
I could possible go through everything in
and asjust dozens of settings there to fix this but realy all it needs is a single scale factor that would apply to fonts and data points/lines.
Cheers for any help. Getting good DPI settings for the editor in Linux is possible, though a tad annoying.
However, I have no idea how to go about fixing the scaling problems for figures. I can make a temp fix by upping the font size (see image) but can’t find a way to fix this. Ideally, want I want is to, by default, scale all images by about 160%.
Font adjusted with
I could possible go through everything in
and asjust dozens of settings there to fix this but realy all it needs is a single scale factor that would apply to fonts and data points/lines.
Cheers for any help. linux, dpi, scale, figures, dispaly MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to export images to a single pdf file
I have a cell array and in it i have say 200 images of size(250,250). Now i want to generate a visualization i-e i want to generate a pdf file that will have all those 200 images in a single pdf file. Can someone please give a hint or guide me because i cant seem to find a possible solution by using print function.
Thanks anywaysHi
I have a cell array and in it i have say 200 images of size(250,250). Now i want to generate a visualization i-e i want to generate a pdf file that will have all those 200 images in a single pdf file. Can someone please give a hint or guide me because i cant seem to find a possible solution by using print function.
Thanks anyways Hi
I have a cell array and in it i have say 200 images of size(250,250). Now i want to generate a visualization i-e i want to generate a pdf file that will have all those 200 images in a single pdf file. Can someone please give a hint or guide me because i cant seem to find a possible solution by using print function.
Thanks anyways digital image processing, image processing, print, pdf MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How do I modify the attributes of entities in a custom matlab discrete-event system block?
I want to modify the entity attribute during the simulation in a custom matlab discrete-event system block.As shown below. But when I debugged the simulation, it turned out that the attribute of entity was restored to its original value after the program jumped out of the function that changed its value. How can I modify the attributes correctly?I want to modify the entity attribute during the simulation in a custom matlab discrete-event system block.As shown below. But when I debugged the simulation, it turned out that the attribute of entity was restored to its original value after the program jumped out of the function that changed its value. How can I modify the attributes correctly? I want to modify the entity attribute during the simulation in a custom matlab discrete-event system block.As shown below. But when I debugged the simulation, it turned out that the attribute of entity was restored to its original value after the program jumped out of the function that changed its value. How can I modify the attributes correctly? simulink, simevents, simulation MATLAB Answers — New Questions
CPU usage 100% when I use simulink desktop real time, both in connected mode and kernel mode
My sotfware and hardware infomation:
Simulink Desktop Real-Time version 23.2.0 (C) The MathWorks, Inc. 1994-2023
Matlab version is R2023b, and my CPU is Intel 13900H
I use simulink desktop real time to run my project, the fixed step is 0.1s, Once I start the model simulation, regardless of kernel mode or connected mode, my computer’s cpu usage is always dead at 100% unless I stop the model simulation; at first I suspected that it’s a problem with my model or time step, so I switched to the official matlab example (openExample(‘sldrt/ RealTimeVanDerPolSimulationExample’)), the result is still the same as my model simulation, the cpu usage stays at 100% unless I stop the model simulation for the cpu usage to return to normal.
Please help, thanksMy sotfware and hardware infomation:
Simulink Desktop Real-Time version 23.2.0 (C) The MathWorks, Inc. 1994-2023
Matlab version is R2023b, and my CPU is Intel 13900H
I use simulink desktop real time to run my project, the fixed step is 0.1s, Once I start the model simulation, regardless of kernel mode or connected mode, my computer’s cpu usage is always dead at 100% unless I stop the model simulation; at first I suspected that it’s a problem with my model or time step, so I switched to the official matlab example (openExample(‘sldrt/ RealTimeVanDerPolSimulationExample’)), the result is still the same as my model simulation, the cpu usage stays at 100% unless I stop the model simulation for the cpu usage to return to normal.
Please help, thanks My sotfware and hardware infomation:
Simulink Desktop Real-Time version 23.2.0 (C) The MathWorks, Inc. 1994-2023
Matlab version is R2023b, and my CPU is Intel 13900H
I use simulink desktop real time to run my project, the fixed step is 0.1s, Once I start the model simulation, regardless of kernel mode or connected mode, my computer’s cpu usage is always dead at 100% unless I stop the model simulation; at first I suspected that it’s a problem with my model or time step, so I switched to the official matlab example (openExample(‘sldrt/ RealTimeVanDerPolSimulationExample’)), the result is still the same as my model simulation, the cpu usage stays at 100% unless I stop the model simulation for the cpu usage to return to normal.
Please help, thanks desktop real time, cpu 100%, simulink MATLAB Answers — New Questions
confusion matrix from the classification learner app.
how can i calculate metrics from the trained model with classification learnerhow can i calculate metrics from the trained model with classification learner how can i calculate metrics from the trained model with classification learner matlab, classification, classification learner, confusion matrix, sensitivity, precision, metrics MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Error with find Function in MATLAB: “Incorrect number or types of inputs or outputs”
I am encountering an error in MATLAB when using the find function in my code. The error message is:
Error using find Incorrect number or types of inputs or outputs for function ‘find’.
The error occurs in the following function:
function SNR_matrix = Compute_SNR(K, N, M, A, z,…);
SNR_matrix = optimexpr(K, N, M);
for v = 1:M
for s = 1:K
for n = 1:N
Arg1 = find(A(s, :, v), 1); % This line causes the error
% [Additional code here]
and ”A” is a Binary decision variable
A = optimvar(‘A’, K, N, M, ‘Type’, ‘integer’, ‘LowerBound’, 0, ‘UpperBound’, 1);
How can I resolve this error? Are there specific issues with how find is used with multi-dimensional arrays? What adjustments should I make to ensure that the find function works correctly in this context?
Any Help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!Hello,
I am encountering an error in MATLAB when using the find function in my code. The error message is:
Error using find Incorrect number or types of inputs or outputs for function ‘find’.
The error occurs in the following function:
function SNR_matrix = Compute_SNR(K, N, M, A, z,…);
SNR_matrix = optimexpr(K, N, M);
for v = 1:M
for s = 1:K
for n = 1:N
Arg1 = find(A(s, :, v), 1); % This line causes the error
% [Additional code here]
and ”A” is a Binary decision variable
A = optimvar(‘A’, K, N, M, ‘Type’, ‘integer’, ‘LowerBound’, 0, ‘UpperBound’, 1);
How can I resolve this error? Are there specific issues with how find is used with multi-dimensional arrays? What adjustments should I make to ensure that the find function works correctly in this context?
Any Help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance! Hello,
I am encountering an error in MATLAB when using the find function in my code. The error message is:
Error using find Incorrect number or types of inputs or outputs for function ‘find’.
The error occurs in the following function:
function SNR_matrix = Compute_SNR(K, N, M, A, z,…);
SNR_matrix = optimexpr(K, N, M);
for v = 1:M
for s = 1:K
for n = 1:N
Arg1 = find(A(s, :, v), 1); % This line causes the error
% [Additional code here]
and ”A” is a Binary decision variable
A = optimvar(‘A’, K, N, M, ‘Type’, ‘integer’, ‘LowerBound’, 0, ‘UpperBound’, 1);
How can I resolve this error? Are there specific issues with how find is used with multi-dimensional arrays? What adjustments should I make to ensure that the find function works correctly in this context?
Any Help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance! error, matlab code, find, function, optimization MATLAB Answers — New Questions
convert mat file to excel
how can i convert a mat file into an excel filehow can i convert a mat file into an excel file how can i convert a mat file into an excel file files, matlab MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How to write a subclass that `copies’ an instance of the superclass?
Basic Question: Can I make a copy of an instance of a class, but with a different version of one of the class’s methods?
Details: I have a class called Domain2d which has a method threePointQuadrature. I want to rewrite the threePointQuadrature method and run tests to compare the new method versus the old method. The idea I have is to make Domain2d_exp < Domain2d which is the same in every way as Domain2d, except I will write an experimental version of the threePointQuadrature method in Domain2d_exp.
My understanding is that subclasses inherit all methods from the superclass, but will run the subclass version of a method if the subclass has a method with the same name as one of the superclass methods. So, if I have dom (an instance of Domain2d) and dom_exp (an instance of Domain2d_exp) then when I call dom.threePointQuadrature, the original version of the function will be run, and when I call dom_exp.threePointQuadrature, the the experimental version of threePointQuadrature will be run.
Now, since Domain2d_exp < Domain2d I would normally write the constructor for Domain2d_exp to take the same parameters as Domain2d, and then just call the superclass constructor for Domain2d from within the constructor for Domain2d_exp. However, the issue in this case is that once a Domain2d object has been instantiated, it must be configured, which requires several other lines of code, and is somewhat costly in terms of time. So what I’d rather do is instantiate and configure dom, and instance of Domain2d, and then pass dom to the constructor for Domain2d_exp, which will retain all the properties and methods of dom, but with the experimental threePointQuadrature method.
Is this possible? Or, is there a better way to acheive the same end result?Basic Question: Can I make a copy of an instance of a class, but with a different version of one of the class’s methods?
Details: I have a class called Domain2d which has a method threePointQuadrature. I want to rewrite the threePointQuadrature method and run tests to compare the new method versus the old method. The idea I have is to make Domain2d_exp < Domain2d which is the same in every way as Domain2d, except I will write an experimental version of the threePointQuadrature method in Domain2d_exp.
My understanding is that subclasses inherit all methods from the superclass, but will run the subclass version of a method if the subclass has a method with the same name as one of the superclass methods. So, if I have dom (an instance of Domain2d) and dom_exp (an instance of Domain2d_exp) then when I call dom.threePointQuadrature, the original version of the function will be run, and when I call dom_exp.threePointQuadrature, the the experimental version of threePointQuadrature will be run.
Now, since Domain2d_exp < Domain2d I would normally write the constructor for Domain2d_exp to take the same parameters as Domain2d, and then just call the superclass constructor for Domain2d from within the constructor for Domain2d_exp. However, the issue in this case is that once a Domain2d object has been instantiated, it must be configured, which requires several other lines of code, and is somewhat costly in terms of time. So what I’d rather do is instantiate and configure dom, and instance of Domain2d, and then pass dom to the constructor for Domain2d_exp, which will retain all the properties and methods of dom, but with the experimental threePointQuadrature method.
Is this possible? Or, is there a better way to acheive the same end result? Basic Question: Can I make a copy of an instance of a class, but with a different version of one of the class’s methods?
Details: I have a class called Domain2d which has a method threePointQuadrature. I want to rewrite the threePointQuadrature method and run tests to compare the new method versus the old method. The idea I have is to make Domain2d_exp < Domain2d which is the same in every way as Domain2d, except I will write an experimental version of the threePointQuadrature method in Domain2d_exp.
My understanding is that subclasses inherit all methods from the superclass, but will run the subclass version of a method if the subclass has a method with the same name as one of the superclass methods. So, if I have dom (an instance of Domain2d) and dom_exp (an instance of Domain2d_exp) then when I call dom.threePointQuadrature, the original version of the function will be run, and when I call dom_exp.threePointQuadrature, the the experimental version of threePointQuadrature will be run.
Now, since Domain2d_exp < Domain2d I would normally write the constructor for Domain2d_exp to take the same parameters as Domain2d, and then just call the superclass constructor for Domain2d from within the constructor for Domain2d_exp. However, the issue in this case is that once a Domain2d object has been instantiated, it must be configured, which requires several other lines of code, and is somewhat costly in terms of time. So what I’d rather do is instantiate and configure dom, and instance of Domain2d, and then pass dom to the constructor for Domain2d_exp, which will retain all the properties and methods of dom, but with the experimental threePointQuadrature method.
Is this possible? Or, is there a better way to acheive the same end result? classes, constructors MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Sending Data sensor from MATLAB Simulink to firebase
I have a MATLAB Simulink model of an EV station electric with sensors such as a current sensor. I want to send the real-time sensor data to Firebase. Is there a methode to do connect MATLAB with Firebase databse?
I have a MATLAB Simulink model of an EV station electric with sensors such as a current sensor. I want to send the real-time sensor data to Firebase. Is there a methode to do connect MATLAB with Firebase databse?
Thanks, Hi,
I have a MATLAB Simulink model of an EV station electric with sensors such as a current sensor. I want to send the real-time sensor data to Firebase. Is there a methode to do connect MATLAB with Firebase databse?
Thanks, matlab, firebase MATLAB Answers — New Questions
what function for computing all subsets given an array of consecutive number?
Hi I’m a little lost looking up the function call for the task: computing all subset of this array, which has 12 consecutive numbers
So, like given we have
a = [1:12];
% need to get all 2^12 subsets [1, 2], [1, 2, 3]….
I’m trying but I don’t think combntns() could workHi I’m a little lost looking up the function call for the task: computing all subset of this array, which has 12 consecutive numbers
So, like given we have
a = [1:12];
% need to get all 2^12 subsets [1, 2], [1, 2, 3]….
I’m trying but I don’t think combntns() could work Hi I’m a little lost looking up the function call for the task: computing all subset of this array, which has 12 consecutive numbers
So, like given we have
a = [1:12];
% need to get all 2^12 subsets [1, 2], [1, 2, 3]….
I’m trying but I don’t think combntns() could work subsets MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Lorenz Attractor Animation with Frame-by-Frame Plotting
I was trying to create an animation of Lorenz Attractor. I used the following code but it did not give me the result I want like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorenz_system.
% Parameters
sigma = 10;
rho = 28;
beta = 8/3;
% Time span
tspan = [0 50]; % Adjusted for smooth animation
% Initial conditions
y0 = [1; 1; 1];
% Lorenz system of equations
lorenz = @(t, y) [sigma * (y(2) – y(1));
y(1) * (rho – y(3)) – y(2);
y(1) * y(2) – beta * y(3)];
% Solve the system using ode45
[t, y] = ode45(lorenz, tspan, y0);
% Set up the figure for animation
h = plot3(y(1,1), y(1,2), y(1,3));
title(‘Lorenz Attractor Animation’);
grid on;
axis([-20 20 -30 30 0 50]);
hold on;
% Animate the Lorenz attractor
for i = 2:length(t)
% Update the plot data
h.XData = y(1:i, 1);
h.YData = y(1:i, 2);
h.ZData = y(1:i, 3);
% Refresh the figure
% Optional: Pause to slow down the animation if too fast
pause(0.01); % Adjust the pause time as needed
endI was trying to create an animation of Lorenz Attractor. I used the following code but it did not give me the result I want like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorenz_system.
% Parameters
sigma = 10;
rho = 28;
beta = 8/3;
% Time span
tspan = [0 50]; % Adjusted for smooth animation
% Initial conditions
y0 = [1; 1; 1];
% Lorenz system of equations
lorenz = @(t, y) [sigma * (y(2) – y(1));
y(1) * (rho – y(3)) – y(2);
y(1) * y(2) – beta * y(3)];
% Solve the system using ode45
[t, y] = ode45(lorenz, tspan, y0);
% Set up the figure for animation
h = plot3(y(1,1), y(1,2), y(1,3));
title(‘Lorenz Attractor Animation’);
grid on;
axis([-20 20 -30 30 0 50]);
hold on;
% Animate the Lorenz attractor
for i = 2:length(t)
% Update the plot data
h.XData = y(1:i, 1);
h.YData = y(1:i, 2);
h.ZData = y(1:i, 3);
% Refresh the figure
% Optional: Pause to slow down the animation if too fast
pause(0.01); % Adjust the pause time as needed
end I was trying to create an animation of Lorenz Attractor. I used the following code but it did not give me the result I want like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorenz_system.
% Parameters
sigma = 10;
rho = 28;
beta = 8/3;
% Time span
tspan = [0 50]; % Adjusted for smooth animation
% Initial conditions
y0 = [1; 1; 1];
% Lorenz system of equations
lorenz = @(t, y) [sigma * (y(2) – y(1));
y(1) * (rho – y(3)) – y(2);
y(1) * y(2) – beta * y(3)];
% Solve the system using ode45
[t, y] = ode45(lorenz, tspan, y0);
% Set up the figure for animation
h = plot3(y(1,1), y(1,2), y(1,3));
title(‘Lorenz Attractor Animation’);
grid on;
axis([-20 20 -30 30 0 50]);
hold on;
% Animate the Lorenz attractor
for i = 2:length(t)
% Update the plot data
h.XData = y(1:i, 1);
h.YData = y(1:i, 2);
h.ZData = y(1:i, 3);
% Refresh the figure
% Optional: Pause to slow down the animation if too fast
pause(0.01); % Adjust the pause time as needed
end ode45, differential equations, 3d plots MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Using Matlab Runge Kutta Routine
I’m having trouble with the following code. I’m trying to test it to get it to produce the final value as it proceeds through the count and increments the count, but it isn’t working. It won’t go past the first increment. I’m new to Matlab (once again). Can anyone assist me?
%Initial Conditions
pn0 = 0.0; %Initial north position
pe0 = 0.0; %initial east position
pd0 = -100.0; %initial east position
u0 =25.0; %initial velocity along body x-axis
v0 = 0.0; %initial velocity along body y-axis
w0 = 0.0; %initial velocity along body z-axis
phi0 = 0.0; %initial roll angle
theta0 = 0.0; %initial pitch angle
psi0 = 0.0; %initial yaw rate
l0 = 0; %initial moment about ib axis
m0 = 0; %initial moment about jb axis
n0 = 0; %initial moment about kb axis
p0 = 0; %initial roll rate along ib in Fb
q0 = 0; %initial pitch rate along jb in Fb
r0 = 0; %initial yaw rate along kb in Fb
Va0 = (u0^2 + v0^2 + w0^2)^0.5; %initial velocity
%Initial forces producing acceleration – fx, fy, fz
fx = 0; %Force in the ib direction.
fy = 0; %Force in the jb direciton.
fz = 0; %Force in the kb direction.
%Plane is initially aligned so that ib,jb, and kb
%correspond to x, y, z.
%Physical Parameters
mass = 11; % kg
Jx = 0.8244; %kg m^2
Jy = 1.135;
Jz = 1.759;
Jxz = 0.1204;
S_wing = 0.55;
b = 2.8956;
c = 0.18994;
Sprop = 0.2027;
rho = 1.2682;
e = 0.9;
AR = (b^2)/S_wing;
gravity = 9.81;
%Gamma Values
G = Jx * Jz – (Jxz^2);
G1 = (Jxz * (Jx – Jy + Jz))/ G ;
G2 = (Jz * (Jz – Jy) + (Jxz^2))/ G;
G3 = Jz / G;
G4 = Jxz / G;
G5 = (Jz – Jx) / Jy;
G6 = Jxz / Jy;
G7 = ((Jx – Jy) * Jx + (Jxz ^ 2)) / G;
G8 = Jx / G;
%Establish the parameters to pass to the subroutines
p = p0;
q = q0;
r = r0;
l = l0;
m = m0;
n = n0;
u = u0;
v = v0;
w = w0;
phi = phi0;
theta = theta0;
psi = psi0;
dt = 0.1;
fxone = fx;
fyone = fy;
fzone = fz;
fxtwo = 0;
fytwo = 0;
fztwo = 0;
total_time = 100; % total simulation time in seconds
time_step = 0.1; % time step in seconds
num_steps = total_time / time_step; % number of steps
for count = 1:numsteps
clear all;
%Runge Kutta 4 attempt;
%fx = 5*t/mass
mass = 10;
tstart = (count-1)*time_step;
tstop = tstart + 0.01;
tspan = [tstart,0.01,tstop];
[t,y]=ode45(@(t,y) (r*v-q*w)+5*t/mass, tspan, y0);
formatSpec = ‘The next element of the Y array is equal to %6.4f at %6.4.’;
fprintf (formatSpec,y(end,:),t(end,:));
endI’m having trouble with the following code. I’m trying to test it to get it to produce the final value as it proceeds through the count and increments the count, but it isn’t working. It won’t go past the first increment. I’m new to Matlab (once again). Can anyone assist me?
%Initial Conditions
pn0 = 0.0; %Initial north position
pe0 = 0.0; %initial east position
pd0 = -100.0; %initial east position
u0 =25.0; %initial velocity along body x-axis
v0 = 0.0; %initial velocity along body y-axis
w0 = 0.0; %initial velocity along body z-axis
phi0 = 0.0; %initial roll angle
theta0 = 0.0; %initial pitch angle
psi0 = 0.0; %initial yaw rate
l0 = 0; %initial moment about ib axis
m0 = 0; %initial moment about jb axis
n0 = 0; %initial moment about kb axis
p0 = 0; %initial roll rate along ib in Fb
q0 = 0; %initial pitch rate along jb in Fb
r0 = 0; %initial yaw rate along kb in Fb
Va0 = (u0^2 + v0^2 + w0^2)^0.5; %initial velocity
%Initial forces producing acceleration – fx, fy, fz
fx = 0; %Force in the ib direction.
fy = 0; %Force in the jb direciton.
fz = 0; %Force in the kb direction.
%Plane is initially aligned so that ib,jb, and kb
%correspond to x, y, z.
%Physical Parameters
mass = 11; % kg
Jx = 0.8244; %kg m^2
Jy = 1.135;
Jz = 1.759;
Jxz = 0.1204;
S_wing = 0.55;
b = 2.8956;
c = 0.18994;
Sprop = 0.2027;
rho = 1.2682;
e = 0.9;
AR = (b^2)/S_wing;
gravity = 9.81;
%Gamma Values
G = Jx * Jz – (Jxz^2);
G1 = (Jxz * (Jx – Jy + Jz))/ G ;
G2 = (Jz * (Jz – Jy) + (Jxz^2))/ G;
G3 = Jz / G;
G4 = Jxz / G;
G5 = (Jz – Jx) / Jy;
G6 = Jxz / Jy;
G7 = ((Jx – Jy) * Jx + (Jxz ^ 2)) / G;
G8 = Jx / G;
%Establish the parameters to pass to the subroutines
p = p0;
q = q0;
r = r0;
l = l0;
m = m0;
n = n0;
u = u0;
v = v0;
w = w0;
phi = phi0;
theta = theta0;
psi = psi0;
dt = 0.1;
fxone = fx;
fyone = fy;
fzone = fz;
fxtwo = 0;
fytwo = 0;
fztwo = 0;
total_time = 100; % total simulation time in seconds
time_step = 0.1; % time step in seconds
num_steps = total_time / time_step; % number of steps
for count = 1:numsteps
clear all;
%Runge Kutta 4 attempt;
%fx = 5*t/mass
mass = 10;
tstart = (count-1)*time_step;
tstop = tstart + 0.01;
tspan = [tstart,0.01,tstop];
[t,y]=ode45(@(t,y) (r*v-q*w)+5*t/mass, tspan, y0);
formatSpec = ‘The next element of the Y array is equal to %6.4f at %6.4.’;
fprintf (formatSpec,y(end,:),t(end,:));
end I’m having trouble with the following code. I’m trying to test it to get it to produce the final value as it proceeds through the count and increments the count, but it isn’t working. It won’t go past the first increment. I’m new to Matlab (once again). Can anyone assist me?
%Initial Conditions
pn0 = 0.0; %Initial north position
pe0 = 0.0; %initial east position
pd0 = -100.0; %initial east position
u0 =25.0; %initial velocity along body x-axis
v0 = 0.0; %initial velocity along body y-axis
w0 = 0.0; %initial velocity along body z-axis
phi0 = 0.0; %initial roll angle
theta0 = 0.0; %initial pitch angle
psi0 = 0.0; %initial yaw rate
l0 = 0; %initial moment about ib axis
m0 = 0; %initial moment about jb axis
n0 = 0; %initial moment about kb axis
p0 = 0; %initial roll rate along ib in Fb
q0 = 0; %initial pitch rate along jb in Fb
r0 = 0; %initial yaw rate along kb in Fb
Va0 = (u0^2 + v0^2 + w0^2)^0.5; %initial velocity
%Initial forces producing acceleration – fx, fy, fz
fx = 0; %Force in the ib direction.
fy = 0; %Force in the jb direciton.
fz = 0; %Force in the kb direction.
%Plane is initially aligned so that ib,jb, and kb
%correspond to x, y, z.
%Physical Parameters
mass = 11; % kg
Jx = 0.8244; %kg m^2
Jy = 1.135;
Jz = 1.759;
Jxz = 0.1204;
S_wing = 0.55;
b = 2.8956;
c = 0.18994;
Sprop = 0.2027;
rho = 1.2682;
e = 0.9;
AR = (b^2)/S_wing;
gravity = 9.81;
%Gamma Values
G = Jx * Jz – (Jxz^2);
G1 = (Jxz * (Jx – Jy + Jz))/ G ;
G2 = (Jz * (Jz – Jy) + (Jxz^2))/ G;
G3 = Jz / G;
G4 = Jxz / G;
G5 = (Jz – Jx) / Jy;
G6 = Jxz / Jy;
G7 = ((Jx – Jy) * Jx + (Jxz ^ 2)) / G;
G8 = Jx / G;
%Establish the parameters to pass to the subroutines
p = p0;
q = q0;
r = r0;
l = l0;
m = m0;
n = n0;
u = u0;
v = v0;
w = w0;
phi = phi0;
theta = theta0;
psi = psi0;
dt = 0.1;
fxone = fx;
fyone = fy;
fzone = fz;
fxtwo = 0;
fytwo = 0;
fztwo = 0;
total_time = 100; % total simulation time in seconds
time_step = 0.1; % time step in seconds
num_steps = total_time / time_step; % number of steps
for count = 1:numsteps
clear all;
%Runge Kutta 4 attempt;
%fx = 5*t/mass
mass = 10;
tstart = (count-1)*time_step;
tstop = tstart + 0.01;
tspan = [tstart,0.01,tstop];
[t,y]=ode45(@(t,y) (r*v-q*w)+5*t/mass, tspan, y0);
formatSpec = ‘The next element of the Y array is equal to %6.4f at %6.4.’;
fprintf (formatSpec,y(end,:),t(end,:));
end runge kutta MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Generated code (Embedded Coder) for Mod block generates expensive function call to rt_modf
Using the built in math function block for the mod operation generates an expensive function call in the generated code.
I am using floating points and the desire is just to produce fmodf() as the result of code generation.
Anyone have any ideas? there do not seem to be any settings for this block related to CodeGenUsing the built in math function block for the mod operation generates an expensive function call in the generated code.
I am using floating points and the desire is just to produce fmodf() as the result of code generation.
Anyone have any ideas? there do not seem to be any settings for this block related to CodeGen Using the built in math function block for the mod operation generates an expensive function call in the generated code.
I am using floating points and the desire is just to produce fmodf() as the result of code generation.
Anyone have any ideas? there do not seem to be any settings for this block related to CodeGen modulus, modulo, fmodf, rt_modf, mod MATLAB Answers — New Questions
Limit the number of Radar detections per object to one in Automated driving toolbox
I am using the Automated Driving Toolbox to collect radar data and test my algorithm. My algorithm is designed to use only one detection per object. Is there a way to configure this in the Automated Driving Toolbox? I understand that I can limit the total number of detections by radar, but I specifically need one detection per object.Hi,
I am using the Automated Driving Toolbox to collect radar data and test my algorithm. My algorithm is designed to use only one detection per object. Is there a way to configure this in the Automated Driving Toolbox? I understand that I can limit the total number of detections by radar, but I specifically need one detection per object. Hi,
I am using the Automated Driving Toolbox to collect radar data and test my algorithm. My algorithm is designed to use only one detection per object. Is there a way to configure this in the Automated Driving Toolbox? I understand that I can limit the total number of detections by radar, but I specifically need one detection per object. automated driving toolbox, radar MATLAB Answers — New Questions
How do I save the answers from a for loop that solved an equation symbolically?
I am trying to save the answers from a for loop in which I solved an equation symbolically.
T_c = 33.145; %crit temp of hydrogen (K)
P_c = 1.3e6; %crit pressure (Pa)
R = 8.314472; %universal gas constant (J/(mol*K)
a = (0.427487*(R^2)*(T_c^2.5))/P_c;
b = (0.08662*R*T_c)/P_c;
x = 0.000051473700293409386773440257598528; %V_m
for P = 2e6:2e6:70e6
syms T_g
eqn = ((8.314472*T_g)/(x-b)) – (a/(sqrt(T_g)*x*(x+b))) == P;
solx = solve(eqn,T_g,"Real",true);
solx = vpa(solx);
With this code, I only have the final answer.
I tried using the code below to save the answers from the for loop, but I could not save them and got the answer in the screenshot.
for P = 2e6:2e6:70e6
syms T_g
eqn = ((8.314472*T_g)/(x-b)) – (a/(sqrt(T_g)*x*(x+b))) == P;
solx = solve(eqn,T_g,"Real",true);
solx = vpa(solx);
T_g(:,k) = solx;
Can somebody show how to save the answers from a for loop?I am trying to save the answers from a for loop in which I solved an equation symbolically.
T_c = 33.145; %crit temp of hydrogen (K)
P_c = 1.3e6; %crit pressure (Pa)
R = 8.314472; %universal gas constant (J/(mol*K)
a = (0.427487*(R^2)*(T_c^2.5))/P_c;
b = (0.08662*R*T_c)/P_c;
x = 0.000051473700293409386773440257598528; %V_m
for P = 2e6:2e6:70e6
syms T_g
eqn = ((8.314472*T_g)/(x-b)) – (a/(sqrt(T_g)*x*(x+b))) == P;
solx = solve(eqn,T_g,"Real",true);
solx = vpa(solx);
With this code, I only have the final answer.
I tried using the code below to save the answers from the for loop, but I could not save them and got the answer in the screenshot.
for P = 2e6:2e6:70e6
syms T_g
eqn = ((8.314472*T_g)/(x-b)) – (a/(sqrt(T_g)*x*(x+b))) == P;
solx = solve(eqn,T_g,"Real",true);
solx = vpa(solx);
T_g(:,k) = solx;
Can somebody show how to save the answers from a for loop? I am trying to save the answers from a for loop in which I solved an equation symbolically.
T_c = 33.145; %crit temp of hydrogen (K)
P_c = 1.3e6; %crit pressure (Pa)
R = 8.314472; %universal gas constant (J/(mol*K)
a = (0.427487*(R^2)*(T_c^2.5))/P_c;
b = (0.08662*R*T_c)/P_c;
x = 0.000051473700293409386773440257598528; %V_m
for P = 2e6:2e6:70e6
syms T_g
eqn = ((8.314472*T_g)/(x-b)) – (a/(sqrt(T_g)*x*(x+b))) == P;
solx = solve(eqn,T_g,"Real",true);
solx = vpa(solx);
With this code, I only have the final answer.
I tried using the code below to save the answers from the for loop, but I could not save them and got the answer in the screenshot.
for P = 2e6:2e6:70e6
syms T_g
eqn = ((8.314472*T_g)/(x-b)) – (a/(sqrt(T_g)*x*(x+b))) == P;
solx = solve(eqn,T_g,"Real",true);
solx = vpa(solx);
T_g(:,k) = solx;
Can somebody show how to save the answers from a for loop? for loop, symbolic MATLAB Answers — New Questions
C++ code generation: is it possible to put struct declaration in a namespace?
I am generating C++ code using Embedded Coder in v2021b. I am able to put the generated class in my chosen namespace via the Code Interface dialog:
But in my model i am using various buses, which are translated in C++ structs, which in turn reside in the global namespace.
Is there a way to specify a namespace for these structs too?Hello,
I am generating C++ code using Embedded Coder in v2021b. I am able to put the generated class in my chosen namespace via the Code Interface dialog:
But in my model i am using various buses, which are translated in C++ structs, which in turn reside in the global namespace.
Is there a way to specify a namespace for these structs too? Hello,
I am generating C++ code using Embedded Coder in v2021b. I am able to put the generated class in my chosen namespace via the Code Interface dialog:
But in my model i am using various buses, which are translated in C++ structs, which in turn reside in the global namespace.
Is there a way to specify a namespace for these structs too? c++, embedded coder, simulink MATLAB Answers — New Questions