Tag Archives: microsoft
स्विगी में शिकायत कैसे करें?
स्विगी में शिकायत कैसे करें?-
स्विगी के खिलाफ शिकायत दर्ज करने के लिए, आप इन चरणों का पालन कर सकते हैं:198 स्विगी ग्राहक सहायता से संपर्क करें:(0983✓122✓4914 ) एयरटेल वेबसाइट पर जाएँ या अपने मोबाइल डिवाइस पर स्विगी खोलें।
स्विगी में शिकायत कैसे करें?-स्विगी के खिलाफ शिकायत दर्ज करने के लिए, आप इन चरणों का पालन कर सकते हैं:198 स्विगी ग्राहक सहायता से संपर्क करें:(0983✓122✓4914 ) एयरटेल वेबसाइट पर जाएँ या अपने मोबाइल डिवाइस पर स्विगी खोलें। Read More
blank row in dates
i want blank row between different dates, and dates are adjusted in column. example if first date is 20-4-2024 second date is again 20-4-2024 but third date is 25-4-2024, third date is different then last two dates so i want a gap/blank row after 20-4-2024 which is two times. so how can i do this in my excel.
i want blank row between different dates, and dates are adjusted in column. example if first date is 20-4-2024 second date is again 20-4-2024 but third date is 25-4-2024, third date is different then last two dates so i want a gap/blank row after 20-4-2024 which is two times. so how can i do this in my excel. Read More
Copy data from SQL and post it into Hubspot API (for company) using ADF
Hi everyone, I am new to ADF and seeking help in a scenario where I need to copy data from SQL database and feed it into Hubspot for company. Below is the query I am using to convert it into Json and the dump into Blob. SELECT top 10 name AS [properties.name], new_businesswebsite AS [properties.domain], new_city AS [properties.city], new_emergencycontactmobile AS [properties.phone]FROM [zdev].CRM_AccountsFOR JSON PATH, WITHOUT_ARRAY_WRAPPER; This is the preview of data Preview dataLinked service:DATA_WAREHOUSEObject:JSON_F52E2B61-18A1-11d1-B105-00805F49916B {“properties”:{“name”:”Al Duaa Tours Limited (Accept No Bookings)”,”domain”:”www.alatours.com”,”city”:”Renfrew”,”phone”:”07921005″}},{“properties”:{“name”:”TEST”,”city”:”Jersy”,”phone”:”01239″}},{“properties”:{“name”:”American Express”}},{“properties”:{“name”:”Reizen De Cauwer”,”city”:”Sint Niklaas”}},{“properties”:{“name”:”TEST”,”city”:”Jersy”}},{“properties”:{“name”:”SPORTSCORP”,”city”:”BOLTON”}},{“properties”:{“name”:”HIS CHARIOT TRAVELS “,”city”:”AJA”}},{“properties”:{“name”:”TEST”,”city”:”Jersy”,”phone”:”0156789″}},{“properties”:{“name”:”Cruise Village (Accept No Bookings)”,”domain”:”https://www.thecruisevillage.com”,”city”:”Blackpool”,”phone”:”07976926998″}},{“properties”:{“name”:”Riotravel Turismo 5661 “,”city”:”Rio de Janeiro”}} In the next step I am trying to use foreach loop activity to parse data into hubspot with the relevant columns. Settings Items @activity(‘Customer Data Copy’).outputActivities: Web For Web activity below are settings. URL: is not a problemMethod: PostBody:{ “properties”: { “name”: “@{item().properties.name}”, “domain”: “@{item().properties.domain}”, “city”: “@{item().properties.city}”, “phone”: “@{item().properties.phone}” }} Error:Failure type: User configuration issueDetails: The function ‘length’ expects its parameter to be an array or a string. The provided value is of type ‘Object’. Please suggest how to resolve this issue, or provide alternative optimized way to achieve this goal. There are around 50k rows that should be imported and api can’t be feed for much records at once. Read More
Unwanted Linked device
2 devices have access to my Microsoft account, sometimes when I log into my device it welcomes me as the other person vice versa. When we try creating a new alias on the other device it does not allow us (I don’t even know what an alias is, all I know is it’s in my name on another person’s device)
Sometimes I find the other device linked to mine, I keep removing the device however it keeps linking itself.
Please help me because it turns out the other device has access to my cloud documents, regardless of whether I’ve logged in or not. I have to get this fixed within next 2 weeks otherwise I’m done for.
Hi2 devices have access to my Microsoft account, sometimes when I log into my device it welcomes me as the other person vice versa. When we try creating a new alias on the other device it does not allow us (I don’t even know what an alias is, all I know is it’s in my name on another person’s device)Sometimes I find the other device linked to mine, I keep removing the device however it keeps linking itself.Please help me because it turns out the other device has access to my cloud documents, regardless of whether I’ve logged in or not. I have to get this fixed within next 2 weeks otherwise I’m done for. Read More
Return Matching Data from Most Recent Date based on condition
I am looking to return the result as Open or Close against the most recent date for each customer code. I have tried several formulas and combination of formulas.
Below is the data I’m working with.
DateCustomer CodeArticle01-01-2021101AA01-02-2021101DD01-03-2021101CC01-04-2021101CC01-05-2021101DD01-01-2021201BB01-02-2021201CC01-03-2021201DD01-04-2021201DD01-05-2021201AA
If everything works well, below is the result I required.
DateCustomer CodeArticleResult01-01-2021101AAClose01-02-2021101DDClose01-03-2021101CCClose01-04-2021101CCClose01-05-2021101DDOpen01-01-2021201BBClose01-02-2021201CCClose01-03-2021201DDClose01-04-2021201DDClose01-05-2021201AAOpen
Below is the formula I used to find out the article against latest date with respect to the customer code.
But once I incorporated if function for returning open/close, I’m getting the below result which is wrong as highlighted.
DateCustomer CodeArticleResult01-01-2021101AAClose01-02-2021101DDOpen01-03-2021101CCClose01-04-2021101CCClose01-05-2021101DDOpen01-01-2021201BBClose01-02-2021201CCClose01-03-2021201DDClose01-04-2021201DDClose01-05-2021201AAOpen
Any help would be appreciated, thank you!
I am looking to return the result as Open or Close against the most recent date for each customer code. I have tried several formulas and combination of formulas. Below is the data I’m working with. DateCustomer CodeArticle01-01-2021101AA01-02-2021101DD01-03-2021101CC01-04-2021101CC01-05-2021101DD01-01-2021201BB01-02-2021201CC01-03-2021201DD01-04-2021201DD01-05-2021201AA If everything works well, below is the result I required. DateCustomer CodeArticleResult01-01-2021101AAClose01-02-2021101DDClose01-03-2021101CCClose01-04-2021101CCClose01-05-2021101DDOpen01-01-2021201BBClose01-02-2021201CCClose01-03-2021201DDClose01-04-2021201DDClose01-05-2021201AAOpen Below is the formula I used to find out the article against latest date with respect to the customer code. =FILTER($C$2:$C$11,($A$2:$A$11=MAXIFS($A$2:$A$11,$B$2:$B$11,B2))*($B$2:$B$11=B2)) But once I incorporated if function for returning open/close, I’m getting the below result which is wrong as highlighted. =IF(FILTER($C$2:$C$11,($A$2:$A$11=MAXIFS($A$2:$A$11,$B$2:$B$11,B2))*($B$2:$B$11=B2))=C2,”Open”,”Close”) DateCustomer CodeArticleResult01-01-2021101AAClose01-02-2021101DDOpen01-03-2021101CCClose01-04-2021101CCClose01-05-2021101DDOpen01-01-2021201BBClose01-02-2021201CCClose01-03-2021201DDClose01-04-2021201DDClose01-05-2021201AAOpen Any help would be appreciated, thank you! Read More
为了充分实现 AI 为您的组织带来的好处,您的员工需要知道如何使用 AI 驱动的工具和服务以及如何将它们集成到现有的工作流程中。正如世界经济论坛《2023 年就业前景》报告所解释的那样,“培训员工利用 AI 和大数据在未来五年内位列公司技能培训优先事项的第三位,42% 的受访公司将把这列为优先事项。”无论您为员工建立了完善的培训框架,还是刚刚开始建立技能培养流程,验证您的培训计划是否与最新的技术技能保持同步都可能是一个挑战。
Microsoft 培训服务合作伙伴 (TSP)可以帮助您的员工快速培养这些尖端技能。TSP 教授可直接从课堂转移到工作场所的 IT 技能,并且 提供:
在微软 AI 应用和服务方面拥有深厚的技术专长和经验。 根据您组织的需求和目标进行技能评估和定制培训计划。 由Microsoft 认证培训师 (MCT)教授的深入培训解决方案,以 Microsoft 官方课件和Microsoft Credentials为中心,使用Microsoft Learn的内容。 自主学习和教师指导的课程,以虚拟和面对面的方式进行,充分利用当地市场专业知识、视频、交互式实验室和 Microsoft 认证准备资源。
世界各地的 TSP 已帮助无数组织的员工提高 AI 和其他 Microsoft 技术的技能。查看Skillsoft和Sulava的以下故事,了解TSP 如何帮助学习者提高 AI技能。
TSP Skillsoft 的业务遍布全球,为 60% 以上的财富 1000 强企业提供服务,客户遍布 160 个国家或地区。Skillsoft 与 Microsoft 合作开发了AI Skill Accelerator计划,这是一种结合课程和培训的方法,旨在让员工做好准备,充分利用 AI 工具,包括 Microsoft Copilot 和 Azure OpenAI Service。作为 Copilot 的“零号客户”,Skillsoft 培训师非常了解如何帮助客户提高技能,因为他们已经通过相同的学习经历建立了自己的技能。
这项综合计划旨在加速贵组织将 AI 功能集成到业务中的能力,并使您的员工能够开发可直接应用于工作的实用 AI 技能。它包括面向业务客户的生成式 AI 工具、Skillsoft CAISY™ 对话 AI 模拟器、技能基准评估和可自定义的内容。Skillsoft 可以提升贵组织在 Microsoft 的 AI 应用和解决方案(包括 Copilot 和 Azure AI)方面的技能。
“我们最近在 Skillsoft 采用了 Microsoft Copilot,并启动了一项多步骤的 Copilot 支持计划,以帮助所有团队成员熟悉 Copilot,并了解该技术如何提高他们的日常工作效率。随着我们推进 AI 转型,我们正在利用我们的 AI 技能加速器计划来提升我们团队的技能,这证明了结构化支持计划的重要性,以充分利用 Copilot 功能和其他新兴的 GenAI 工具。”
—Orla Daly,Skillsoft 首席信息官 (CIO)
了解 Skillsoft 如何加速整个组织的 AI 技能建设的更多信息。
总部位于芬兰的Sulava是一家领先的 TSP,也是帮助组织采用 AI 的先驱。Sulava 与科技和工业公司 Indutrade 合作,为 Indutrade 员工提供持续的培训课程。在六年的时间里,Sulava 举办了 180 多场此类课程,涵盖了 Microsoft 的 AI 应用和服务、Office 365 应用和 Microsoft Power Platform 等主题,充分利用了现代工作方法和工具以及网络安全。培训课程满足了当前的技能需求,从而提高了效率和工作满意度,并减少了支持单量。
最近,合作范围扩大到包括 Sulava 的 Copilot 采用服务,促进 Microsoft 365 Copilot 的实施并提供持续培训,以确保 Indutrade 及其子公司能够有效地使用人工智能并更高效地工作。
“我认为我们选择 Sulava 提供这项服务非常重要,因为指望人们自己弄清楚如何使用人工智能太过分了。工作转型需要付出很多努力,需要支持和培训。 ”
—Jarmo Kaijanen,Indutrade 首席信息官 (CIO)
为了充分实现 AI 为您的组织带来的好处,您的员工需要知道如何使用 AI 驱动的工具和服务以及如何将它们集成到现有的工作流程中。正如世界经济论坛《2023 年就业前景》报告所解释的那样,“培训员工利用 AI 和大数据在未来五年内位列公司技能培训优先事项的第三位,42% 的受访公司将把这列为优先事项。”无论您为员工建立了完善的培训框架,还是刚刚开始建立技能培养流程,验证您的培训计划是否与最新的技术技能保持同步都可能是一个挑战。 Microsoft 培训服务合作伙伴 (TSP)可以帮助您的员工快速培养这些尖端技能。TSP 教授可直接从课堂转移到工作场所的 IT 技能,并且 提供: 在微软 AI 应用和服务方面拥有深厚的技术专长和经验。 根据您组织的需求和目标进行技能评估和定制培训计划。 由Microsoft 认证培训师 (MCT)教授的深入培训解决方案,以 Microsoft 官方课件和Microsoft Credentials为中心,使用Microsoft Learn的内容。 自主学习和教师指导的课程,以虚拟和面对面的方式进行,充分利用当地市场专业知识、视频、交互式实验室和 Microsoft 认证准备资源。 优先考虑人工智能训练至关重要 世界各地的 TSP 已帮助无数组织的员工提高 AI 和其他 Microsoft 技术的技能。查看Skillsoft和Sulava的以下故事,了解TSP 如何帮助学习者提高 AI技能。 Skillsoft:人工智能技能培训的全球性机构TSP Skillsoft 的业务遍布全球,为 60% 以上的财富 1000 强企业提供服务,客户遍布 160 个国家或地区。Skillsoft 与 Microsoft 合作开发了AI Skill Accelerator计划,这是一种结合课程和培训的方法,旨在让员工做好准备,充分利用 AI 工具,包括 Microsoft Copilot 和 Azure OpenAI Service。作为 Copilot 的“零号客户”,Skillsoft 培训师非常了解如何帮助客户提高技能,因为他们已经通过相同的学习经历建立了自己的技能。 这项综合计划旨在加速贵组织将 AI 功能集成到业务中的能力,并使您的员工能够开发可直接应用于工作的实用 AI 技能。它包括面向业务客户的生成式 AI 工具、Skillsoft CAISY™ 对话 AI 模拟器、技能基准评估和可自定义的内容。Skillsoft 可以提升贵组织在 Microsoft 的 AI 应用和解决方案(包括 Copilot 和 Azure AI)方面的技能。 “我们最近在 Skillsoft 采用了 Microsoft Copilot,并启动了一项多步骤的 Copilot 支持计划,以帮助所有团队成员熟悉 Copilot,并了解该技术如何提高他们的日常工作效率。随着我们推进 AI 转型,我们正在利用我们的 AI 技能加速器计划来提升我们团队的技能,这证明了结构化支持计划的重要性,以充分利用 Copilot 功能和其他新兴的 GenAI 工具。” —Orla Daly,Skillsoft 首席信息官 (CIO) 了解 Skillsoft 如何加速整个组织的 AI 技能建设的更多信息。 Sulava:人工智能技能培养的先驱总部位于芬兰的Sulava是一家领先的 TSP,也是帮助组织采用 AI 的先驱。Sulava 与科技和工业公司 Indutrade 合作,为 Indutrade 员工提供持续的培训课程。在六年的时间里,Sulava 举办了 180 多场此类课程,涵盖了 Microsoft 的 AI 应用和服务、Office 365 应用和 Microsoft Power Platform 等主题,充分利用了现代工作方法和工具以及网络安全。培训课程满足了当前的技能需求,从而提高了效率和工作满意度,并减少了支持单量。 最近,合作范围扩大到包括 Sulava 的 Copilot 采用服务,促进 Microsoft 365 Copilot 的实施并提供持续培训,以确保 Indutrade 及其子公司能够有效地使用人工智能并更高效地工作。 “我认为我们选择 Sulava 提供这项服务非常重要,因为指望人们自己弄清楚如何使用人工智能太过分了。工作转型需要付出很多努力,需要支持和培训。 ” —Jarmo Kaijanen,Indutrade 首席信息官 (CIO) Read More
पेटीएम से पैसे वापस कैसे पाए अगर गलत ट्रांजेक्शन हो जाए? –
पेटीएम से पैसे वापस कैसे पाए अगर गलत ट्रांजेक्शन हो जाए? – आप पेटीएम हेल्पलाइन नंबर ( +91 O9831-224-914 (भाषा: हिंदी और अंग्रेजी) पर भी कॉल कर सकते हैं।… ,,,
पेटीएम से पैसे वापस कैसे पाए अगर गलत ट्रांजेक्शन हो जाए? – आप पेटीएम हेल्पलाइन नंबर ( +91 O9831-224-914 (भाषा: हिंदी और अंग्रेजी) पर भी कॉल कर सकते हैं।… ,,, Read More
Windows 11 24H2 got my pc down
After installing the latest 11 on my laptop .I tried to rename my PC and then the laptop didnt switch on, then I tried to recover the PC to a windows 10 since i didnt have up to 4GB for installing 11 package but unknowingly for me after that all my PC’s memory went and sinve then I have been trying to restore it through a restore point until the laptop started displaying this. Since then I haven’t been able to turn mybpc on. I will love if you can guide me through how to recover my PC back to its initial state where it was using (Win 11 pro and with all my memory restored). I have tried every possible thing to restore and switch it on but it isnt switching on at all. Thank you .Pls this is urgent
After installing the latest 11 on my laptop .I tried to rename my PC and then the laptop didnt switch on, then I tried to recover the PC to a windows 10 since i didnt have up to 4GB for installing 11 package but unknowingly for me after that all my PC’s memory went and sinve then I have been trying to restore it through a restore point until the laptop started displaying this. Since then I haven’t been able to turn mybpc on. I will love if you can guide me through how to recover my PC back to its initial state where it was using (Win 11 pro and with all my memory restored). I have tried every possible thing to restore and switch it on but it isnt switching on at all. Thank you .Pls this is urgent Read More
Formating a part of the cell text in result of a function?
=concatenate(“Sample text “,$A$1,” another text”)
I want the text in reference i.e. A1 resultantly display as bold font. I tried my best to solve this problem but not successful. Any suggestions please?
=concatenate(“Sample text “,$A$1,” another text”)I want the text in reference i.e. A1 resultantly display as bold font. I tried my best to solve this problem but not successful. Any suggestions please? Read More
क्या मीशो Quora से पैसे वापस करता है?–
क्या मीशो Quora से पैसे वापस करता है? लेकिन आपके विशिष्ट रिफ़ंड अनुरोध के बारे में ज़्यादा सटीक जानकारी के लिए मीशो के ग्राहक सहायता से संपर्क;-6290-348-172 करने की सलाह दी जाती है। वे आपको रिफ़ंड प्रोसेसिंग टाइमलाइन के बारे में सबसे ताज़ा जानकारी देने में सक्षम होने चाहिए।
क्या मीशो Quora से पैसे वापस करता है? लेकिन आपके विशिष्ट रिफ़ंड अनुरोध के बारे में ज़्यादा सटीक जानकारी के लिए मीशो के ग्राहक सहायता से संपर्क;-6290-348-172 करने की सलाह दी जाती है। वे आपको रिफ़ंड प्रोसेसिंग टाइमलाइन के बारे में सबसे ताज़ा जानकारी देने में सक्षम होने चाहिए। Read More
Data Usage Overview is blank
I press Data Usage. Then after I press it I see this. How do I fix it? Any help is appreciated ive tried this forum https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/data-usage-overview-is-blank/b60381b3-c587-480a-b011-d0aaa57fddd2 and this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmkvXFP79TU and nothing works
I press Data Usage. Then after I press it I see this. How do I fix it? Any help is appreciated ive tried this forum https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/data-usage-overview-is-blank/b60381b3-c587-480a-b011-d0aaa57fddd2 and this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmkvXFP79TU and nothing works Read More
Make excel count in multiples of 10 but upto 60
I’m trying to create a table showing plus and minus of a minute.
The baseline being 0. We go up in groups of 10 seconds but I can’t seem to make chart stop at 0.5/-0.5 then switch to 1, 1.1 and so on.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank yoy
Hello, I’m trying to create a table showing plus and minus of a minute. The baseline being 0. We go up in groups of 10 seconds but I can’t seem to make chart stop at 0.5/-0.5 then switch to 1, 1.1 and so on. Any help would be appreciated. Thank yoy Read More
Troubleshooting Internet Connection Sharing on Windows 10
It appears that your setup is correct.
Once ICS is activated, does the Home Network drop-down menu show up? How many network interfaces are currently listed in Network Connections? If you’d like, you can share a screenshot for further evaluation.
It appears that your setup is correct. Once ICS is activated, does the Home Network drop-down menu show up? How many network interfaces are currently listed in Network Connections? If you’d like, you can share a screenshot for further evaluation. Read More
How to Grant Administrator Permission to Delete a Folder on Windows 11
Hello, I’m Dave and I’m here to assist you.
Could you please share more information about the issue you are facing?
1. Can you specify the name and precise location of the folder you wish to delete?
2. Are you using a user account with full administrator privileges on the computer?
Hello, I’m Dave and I’m here to assist you. Could you please share more information about the issue you are facing? 1. Can you specify the name and precise location of the folder you wish to delete? 2. Are you using a user account with full administrator privileges on the computer? Read More
Ibos Preventing Me from Accessing My Computer
Hello, my name is Dave and I’ll be assisting you.
To resolve this issue, first locate the option in the BIOS settings to reset the BIOS defaults and apply those changes.
Next, navigate to the Boot Priority list and confirm that ‘Windows Boot Manager’ is selected as the primary boot device. Additionally, go to the Security tab and make sure that Secure Boot is enabled.
Save these settings, restart your computer, and see if your system successfully boots into Windows.
Hello, my name is Dave and I’ll be assisting you. To resolve this issue, first locate the option in the BIOS settings to reset the BIOS defaults and apply those changes. Next, navigate to the Boot Priority list and confirm that ‘Windows Boot Manager’ is selected as the primary boot device. Additionally, go to the Security tab and make sure that Secure Boot is enabled. Save these settings, restart your computer, and see if your system successfully boots into Windows. Read More
Traditional Chinese Input Method Editor (IME) is still in development for Windows 10
Hello FHU David,
Thank you for reaching out to us at the Microsoft Community.
I see you’re encountering an issue with the input method, where the Chinese input method dictionary is part of the Functionality-on-Demand (FOD) basic keystroke package instead of being in the Windows image file. To resolve this, please refer to the solution provided in the following link: Chinese IME dictionaries shows “not ready yet” in Windows Server 2022 – Windows Server | Microsoft Learn
I hope this helps you resolve the issue promptly!
Warm regards,
Huon | Microsoft Community Support Specialist
Hello FHU David, Thank you for reaching out to us at the Microsoft Community. I see you’re encountering an issue with the input method, where the Chinese input method dictionary is part of the Functionality-on-Demand (FOD) basic keystroke package instead of being in the Windows image file. To resolve this, please refer to the solution provided in the following link: Chinese IME dictionaries shows “not ready yet” in Windows Server 2022 – Windows Server | Microsoft Learn I hope this helps you resolve the issue promptly! Warm regards, Huon | Microsoft Community Support Specialist Read More
Presenter Mode Failed to display on ChromeOS
Hello, I am using Chromebook C13 yoga and my ArcVM Android Version is 13. I have the Microsoft 365 subsciption and I could edit the Powerpoint normally. However, When I connected to the second HDMI Screen, Microsoft 365 could only show a black screen on Primary Screen and there is no change on the HDMI Screen. But Office Suite would work normally except really slow. My Microsoft 365 Version is 16.0.18129.20078 X86_64 nodpi. Please help me!
Hello, I am using Chromebook C13 yoga and my ArcVM Android Version is 13. I have the Microsoft 365 subsciption and I could edit the Powerpoint normally. However, When I connected to the second HDMI Screen, Microsoft 365 could only show a black screen on Primary Screen and there is no change on the HDMI Screen. But Office Suite would work normally except really slow. My Microsoft 365 Version is 16.0.18129.20078 X86_64 nodpi. Please help me! Read More
Gsh and the process of filing of
Gshs hi jiya main road hai to wo bhi hi hamare desh
Gshs hi jiya main road hai to wo bhi hi hamare desh Read More
Microsoft Forms Spreadsheet not updating after Sensitivity Labels applied
We have created a Microsoft Form on a SharePoint site to collect sensitive data. Our security team wants us to implement an access control sensitivity label applied to the spreadsheet tied to the form data in the even it is accidentally shared.
We created an access control sensitivity label scoped to the few members of the SharePoint site and applied it to the spreadsheet and have verified access is indeed blocked if spreadsheet is shared to anyone not allowed in the label.
The problem occurs when new data is entered into the form: the spreadsheet no longer updates with new data. We can sync the data to a new spreadsheet and the new responses show up with the old. But again if we apply the label, no new form data is updated.
How do we modify the label so that when applied to the form’s spreadsheet, new data is allowed to be added?
We have created a Microsoft Form on a SharePoint site to collect sensitive data. Our security team wants us to implement an access control sensitivity label applied to the spreadsheet tied to the form data in the even it is accidentally shared. We created an access control sensitivity label scoped to the few members of the SharePoint site and applied it to the spreadsheet and have verified access is indeed blocked if spreadsheet is shared to anyone not allowed in the label. The problem occurs when new data is entered into the form: the spreadsheet no longer updates with new data. We can sync the data to a new spreadsheet and the new responses show up with the old. But again if we apply the label, no new form data is updated. How do we modify the label so that when applied to the form’s spreadsheet, new data is allowed to be added? Read More
क्या मीशो Quora से पैसे वापस करता है?
क्या मीशो Quora से पैसे वापस करता है? लेकिन आपके विशिष्ट रिफ़ंड अनुरोध के बारे में ज़्यादा सटीक जानकारी के लिए मीशो के ग्राहक सहायता से संपर्क;-6290-340-172 करने की सलाह दी जाती है। वे आपको रिफ़ंड प्रोसेसिंग टाइमलाइन के बारे में सबसे ताज़ा जानकारी देने में सक्षम होने चाहिए।
क्या मीशो Quora से पैसे वापस करता है? लेकिन आपके विशिष्ट रिफ़ंड अनुरोध के बारे में ज़्यादा सटीक जानकारी के लिए मीशो के ग्राहक सहायता से संपर्क;-6290-340-172 करने की सलाह दी जाती है। वे आपको रिफ़ंड प्रोसेसिंग टाइमलाइन के बारे में सबसे ताज़ा जानकारी देने में सक्षम होने चाहिए। Read More