Tag Archives: microsoft
Search with keywords within documents in One Drive
I would like to search keywords in OneDrive within documents. Now it shows only results matching the keyword with the filenames in OneDrive. Is there a setting somewhere to activate this search option?
I would like to search keywords in OneDrive within documents. Now it shows only results matching the keyword with the filenames in OneDrive. Is there a setting somewhere to activate this search option? Read More
MS stream + copilot. Searching the entire video catalogue
Hi, is it possible to use the copilot integration with Microsoft stream to ask queries regarding the entire catalogue (e.g. “In which video was X discussed?”). I can only see info about using copilot to ask questions about a certain video.
Hi, is it possible to use the copilot integration with Microsoft stream to ask queries regarding the entire catalogue (e.g. “In which video was X discussed?”). I can only see info about using copilot to ask questions about a certain video. Read More
Azure Storage – TLS 1.0 and 1.1 retirement
TLS 1.0 and 1.1 retirement on Azure Storage was previously announced for Nov 1st, 2024, and it was postponed recently to 1 year later, to Nov 1st, 2025.
Despite that, we may see some documentation informing the old date – we are currently updating the date on some documentation.
See : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/transport-layer-security-configure-migrate-to-tls2
What you need to change:
On Nov 1st, 2025, Azure Blob Storage will stop supporting versions 1.0 and 1.1 of Transport Layer Security (TLS) and TLS 1.2 will become the new minimum TLS version.
This change on Azure Storage side will be internally and you don’t need to take any action on Azure Storage service.
Despite that, at that time, all clients connecting to Azure storage needs to send and receive data by using TLS 1.2, otherwise will not be able to connect to storage using SSL connections.
So, you may need to make sure your client applications are using TLS 1.2 at that time, and update your applications, if needed, removing all dependencies on TLS version 1.0 and 1.1.
If your storage accounts are already configured with minimum TLS version 1.2, this means that storage clients are already connecting using TLS 1.2or above, and in that case you don’t need to take any action on that client applications.
If you have some storage account configured with minimum TLS version 1.0 or 1.1, you may need to check what TLS version that storage account’s clients are using; if using TLS 1.0 and 1.1, you may need to update that applications to ensure being able to connect to Storage after Nov 1st, 2025.
Once that corrected, you may manually change Azure Storage configurations to enforce minimum TLS 1.2, if you want.
That is not needed, as after Nov 1st, 2025 will be enforced to use minimum TLS 1.2, and this change is something that happening internally.
How to verify what minimum TLS version is configured on each storage accounts, under some Azure Subscription:
To help you on listing the minimum TLS version configured on all storage accounts in your subscription, you can use the below PowerShell script:
Connect-AzAccount -Subscription <your subscrition id>
# get Minimum Tls Version used on all accounts in one subscription
foreach($account in $accounts){
Write-Host $account.MinimumTlsVersion “-” $account.Context.Name
If you have some storage accounts using minimum TLS 1.0 or 1.1, you may need to check the TLS version used by the client applications connecting to that Storage account.
The only ways to check that is looking on the application code, or having Storage Diagnostic Logs enabled, to list all storage operations and check the TLS version used.
How to enable/disable Storage Diagnostic Logs on the relevant Storage accounts:
The below PowerShell Script will scan all storage accounts in some Azure subscription, and will enable Storage Diagnostic Logs on the ones configured with minimum TLS version below 1.2.
The logs will be enabled to all services (Blob, Table, Queue and Files), on each storage account.
You need first to have some Log Analytic workspace to accommodate that logs; it’s better to create a new one, just to these proposes, and you can delete it later.
You also need to define the Azure Subscription ID, and the Log Analytic workspace ID, on the $WorkspaceId variable, in the PowerShell script.
At the end of the script, there are some instructions on how to run the script again to remove all Diagnostic settings added, when not needed anymore.
Once Storage Diagnostic Logs enabled on the relevant Storage accounts, wait some time (maybe some days to make sure all your applications interact with all storages), and then you can query Log Analytics Workspace, and look for any requests using TLS version below 1.2.
For that you can use the Kusto query also shared below.
Please understand the scripts provided on this page are shared as Guidance for you, and as best effort to try be better help you.
Please use any script or query on this page as per you own risk.
We share these scripts, without any guarantee and we can’t assume any responsibility for any unexpected results.
We strongly recommend you to review, test and adjust all scripts and queries as per your needs.
## Enable/Disable Storage Diagnostic Logs on all storage accounts, under some subscription
Connect-AzAccount -Subscription “your subscrition id”
# Create a Log Analytic Workspace, go to Properties and Copy “Resource ID”:
$WorkspaceId = “/subscriptions/<yourAzureSubscritionId>/resourceGroups/<LogAnalyticsWorkspace_ResourceGroupName>/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/<LogAnalyticsWorkspaceName>”
$DiagnosticSettingName = “Logs_to_check_TLS_requests” # any name to identify the Diagnostic Logs on each storage account
# get all accounts in the subscription
foreach($account in $accounts)
# If account.MinimumTlsVersion greater or equal “TLS1_2”, we don’t need Diagnostic logs, and we can continue to the next storage account
if ($account.MinimumTlsVersion -ge “TLS1_2”)
Write-Host $account.MinimumTlsVersion “-” $account.Context.Name “- continue”
$ResourceId = $account.Id;
#$metric = New-AzDiagnosticDetailSetting -Metric -RetentionEnabled -Category AllMetrics -Enabled
#$setting = New-AzDiagnosticSetting -Name $DiagnosticSettingName -ResourceId $ResourceId -WorkspaceId $WorkspaceId -Setting $metric
#Set-AzDiagnosticSetting -InputObject $setting
#$metric = New-AzDiagnosticDetailSetting -Metric -RetentionEnabled -Category AllMetrics -Enabled
$readlog = New-AzDiagnosticDetailSetting -Log -RetentionEnabled -Category StorageRead -Enabled
$writelog = New-AzDiagnosticDetailSetting -Log -RetentionEnabled -Category StorageWrite -Enabled
$deletelog = New-AzDiagnosticDetailSetting -Log -RetentionEnabled -Category StorageDelete -Enabled
# Create an array of resource IDs for different services in the storage account
$Ids = @($ResourceId + “/blobServices/default”
$ResourceId + “/fileServices/default”
$ResourceId + “/queueServices/default”
$ResourceId + “/tableServices/default”
# Enable / Disable Diagnostic Settings to each service
$Ids | ForEach-Object {
# Enable Storage Diagnostic Logs on all storage accounts (comment Remove-AzDiagnosticSetting command below)
$setting = New-AzDiagnosticSetting -Name $DiagnosticSettingName -ResourceId $_ -WorkspaceId $WorkspaceId -Setting $readlog,$writelog,$deletelog
Set-AzDiagnosticSetting -InputObject $setting
# Disable Storage Diagnostic Logs on all storage accounts (comment two lines above)
# This will Disable only Logs with name defined above $DiagnosticSettingName, and will maintain any other previous existing Diagnostic Logs configurations
#Remove-AzDiagnosticSetting -Name $DiagnosticSettingName -ResourceId $_
At the end of the script, there are some instructions on how to run the script again to remove all Diagnostic settings added, when not needed anymore.
How to check Storage Diagnostic Logs to identify the client applications using TLS 1.0 or 1.1 to connect to Storage service:
To query Log Analytics Workspace, and look for any requests using TLS version below 1.2, you can use the Kusto query below.
The Kusto query will return all requests using TLS version below 1.2, from all services (Blob, Table, Queue and Files), on all storage accounts that have Logs from Diagnostic Logs, on the same Log Analytic workspace used.
If you want to check only some specific(s) storage account(s), uncomment the 6th line and provide the storage account names(s) you want to check.
//| where AccountName in (“storageaccount1″,”storageaccount2”)
| where TimeGenerated > ago(7d)
| where strcmp(TlsVersion,”TLS 1.2″) <0
| project TimeGenerated, TlsVersion, AccountName, ServiceType, OperationName, StatusCode, CallerIpAddress, UserAgentHeader, Uri
The last line select only the relevant fields to you investigation.
CallerIpAddress, UserAgentHeader should help you on identifying the client application;
TlsVersion is the relevant field showing the TLS version on each request;
TimeGenerated, AccountName, ServiceType, OperationName, StatusCode, Uri acn also help you on identifying the service and request URI used,
If you want to check all fields, just remove or comment the last line.
Azure Storage TLS 1.0 and 1.1 deprecation date was postponed 1 year, to Nov 1st, 2025.
After that date, all clients connecting to Azure Storage services using TLS version below 1.2, will not be able to connect to Azure Storage anymore.
You don’t need to take any action on your Azure Storage services; this change will be automatic.
You just need to ensure that all client applications connecting to your Storage accounts are using TLS 1.2 or above, after that date.
Related documentation:
Azure Storage TLS 1.0 and 1.1 deprecation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/transport-layer-security-configure-migrate-to-tls2
Other Azure products TLS 1.0 and 1.1 deprecation and FAQ’s: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/security-compliance-and-identity/support-for-legacy-tls-protocols-and-cipher-suites-in-azure/ba-p/3952099
Enforce a minimum required version of Transport Layer Security (TLS) for requests to a storage account: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/transport-layer-security-configure-minimum-version?tabs=portal
Use Azure Policy to audit for compliance: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/transport-layer-security-configure-minimum-version?tabs=portal#use-azure-policy-to-audit-for-compliance
Storage Diagnostic Logs:
Create diagnostic settings: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/essentials/diagnostic-settings?tabs=portal#create-diagnostic-settings
Destinations: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/essentials/diagnostic-settings?tabs=portal#destinations
Log Analytics tutorial: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/logs/log-analytics-tutorial
Log Analytic workspace – Sample Kusto queries: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/monitor-blob-storage?tabs=azure-portal#sample-kusto-queries
Log Format and information available: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/monitor-blob-storage-reference#resource-logs
Storage Diagnostic Logs may incur in some additional charges – the most significant charges for most Azure Monitor implementations will typically be ingestion and retention of data in your Log Analytics workspaces;
you can disable Storage Diagnostic Logs again after our investigation, if you don’t need that.
Logs cost calculation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/logs/cost-logs
Analytic logs pricing: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/monitor/
I hope this can be useful!!!
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
How to move item specifying @microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior
I need to move items but need to set the @microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior to replace.
What I’m currently trying to do in python but doesn’t set the @microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior strategy:
import requests
import json
data=json.dumps({‘parentReference’: {‘driveId’: ‘MYDRIVEID’, ‘path’: ‘MYNEWPARENTLOCATION’}}),
headers={‘Authorization’: ‘Bearer MYTOKEN’, ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’, ‘Prefer’: ‘IdType=”ImmutableId”,bypass-shared-lock’}
This gives me error 409 conflict, but I want the replace to force the move of folder to its new parent locaiton.
Any idea ?
Hello,I need to move items but need to set the @microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior to replace.What I’m currently trying to do in python but doesn’t set the @microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior strategy:import requests
import json
data=json.dumps({‘parentReference’: {‘driveId’: ‘MYDRIVEID’, ‘path’: ‘MYNEWPARENTLOCATION’}}),
headers={‘Authorization’: ‘Bearer MYTOKEN’, ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’, ‘Prefer’: ‘IdType=”ImmutableId”,bypass-shared-lock’}
) This gives me error 409 conflict, but I want the replace to force the move of folder to its new parent locaiton. Any idea ? Thanks Read More
Take ownership for a teams app on dev portal
Hi Microsoft Teams community,
I’m an IT admin, and i’m having issues to find the owner of a published app on the MS teams store. Is there a way to know who the owner of an app is ? We need to update the manifest of the app.
– Using the take ownership with the app ID is not allowing me to do it. No errors, it just doesn’t do anything.
Thank you
Hi Microsoft Teams community, I’m an IT admin, and i’m having issues to find the owner of a published app on the MS teams store. Is there a way to know who the owner of an app is ? We need to update the manifest of the app. – Using the take ownership with the app ID is not allowing me to do it. No errors, it just doesn’t do anything. Thank you Read More
Why Are Per-User MFA Settings Available in the Entra Admin Center?
A reader asked why the Entra admin center includes an option to manage per-user MFA settings for accounts. I don’t know why Microsoft added this option, but it doesn’t take away from the strategy to enforce and manage multifactor authentication through conditional access policies. Microsoft has been very focused on CA policies for the last few years and per-user MFA will eventually be subsumed into the CA strategy.
A reader asked why the Entra admin center includes an option to manage per-user MFA settings for accounts. I don’t know why Microsoft added this option, but it doesn’t take away from the strategy to enforce and manage multifactor authentication through conditional access policies. Microsoft has been very focused on CA policies for the last few years and per-user MFA will eventually be subsumed into the CA strategy.
https://office365itpros.com/2024/10/30/per-user-mfa-entra-admin/ Read More
Microsoft Partner Center API Sku Property
Hello everyone,
Hello everyone,We need the SKU IDs, and currently, they are coming in the following format: 0002. However, for our invoicing process, we need them in this format: P73-08328.Could you let us know which API(s) we can use to obtain the IDs in the required format? Read More
VBA code to reorganize range to fill empty rows
Excel 365. I have a small range “noteList” of 1 column (L) and 30 rows (13-43) on sheet “Home”. I created a userform to add and clear contents of rows (to facilitate doing this from any sheet in the workbook). When user clears a row of data it leaves an empty row so my data list may have one or several empty rows. When adding a new record to the range it is always added to the first empty row at the bottom of the range (.Cells(.Rows.Count, “L”).End(xlUp).Row + 1). I am trying to find a way for vba when adding new data to either choose the first available empty row from the top; or after adding the new row contents at the bottom re-organize/consolidate the range to move data up as needed to fill any empty rows. I cannot add/delete rows because there is other data on the sheet, I can only add/clear contents.
My code thus far:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.StartUpPosition = 0
Me.Top = Application.Top + 100
Me.Left = Application.Left + Application.Width – Me.Width – 575
ComboBox1.List = Worksheets(“Home”).Range(“L13:L43”).Value
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim noteList As Range, i As Range
Set noteList = Range(“L13:L43”)
Set i = noteList.Find(Me.ComboBox1.Value, LookIn:=xlValues)
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
Dim lngR As Long
With Worksheets(“Home”)
lngR = .Cells(.Rows.Count, “L”).End(xlUp).Row + 1
.Range(“L” & lngR).Value = Me.TextBox2.Text
End With
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
I am still new to vba and cannot figure this out.
Sorry if this question is redundant, I already posted one similar but got no responses and could not find the post again so I don’t know what happened to it.
Excel 365. I have a small range “noteList” of 1 column (L) and 30 rows (13-43) on sheet “Home”. I created a userform to add and clear contents of rows (to facilitate doing this from any sheet in the workbook). When user clears a row of data it leaves an empty row so my data list may have one or several empty rows. When adding a new record to the range it is always added to the first empty row at the bottom of the range (.Cells(.Rows.Count, “L”).End(xlUp).Row + 1). I am trying to find a way for vba when adding new data to either choose the first available empty row from the top; or after adding the new row contents at the bottom re-organize/consolidate the range to move data up as needed to fill any empty rows. I cannot add/delete rows because there is other data on the sheet, I can only add/clear contents.My code thus far:Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()Me.StartUpPosition = 0Me.Top = Application.Top + 100Me.Left = Application.Left + Application.Width – Me.Width – 575ComboBox1.List = Worksheets(“Home”).Range(“L13:L43”).ValueEnd SubPrivate Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim noteList As Range, i As RangeSet noteList = Range(“L13:L43”)Set i = noteList.Find(Me.ComboBox1.Value, LookIn:=xlValues)i.Offset.ClearContentsUnload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub CommandButton3_Click()Dim lngR As LongWith Worksheets(“Home”)lngR = .Cells(.Rows.Count, “L”).End(xlUp).Row + 1.Range(“L” & lngR).Value = Me.TextBox2.TextEnd WithUnload MeEnd SubPrivate Sub CommandButton2_Click()Unload MeEnd Sub I am still new to vba and cannot figure this out.Sorry if this question is redundant, I already posted one similar but got no responses and could not find the post again so I don’t know what happened to it. Read More
Windows 10 freezes unexpectedly
Welcome to the Microsoft Community.
To address the issue of your computer freezing, I recommend examining the Task Manager for potential solutions. Begin by launching the Task Manager with the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc and navigating to the Processes tab. Look for any applications consuming excessive CPU, memory, or disk resources as this could be the source of the freezes.
Additionally, it would be beneficial to review your hardware setup. Locate “System Information” in the Start menu to access a comprehensive list of your system’s hardware and software configuration. Once the System Information window is open, go to the top menu, click on File, choose to Export, specify a save location, assign a name to the file, and save it. You can then share the system information file with a cloud service such as Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.
Following these steps can help identify the underlying cause of the problem, providing essential information for troubleshooting purposes.
For further troubleshooting tips, explore additional recommendations at: Windows-based computer freeze troubleshooting – Windows Client | Microsoft Learn
Greetings, Welcome to the Microsoft Community. To address the issue of your computer freezing, I recommend examining the Task Manager for potential solutions. Begin by launching the Task Manager with the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc and navigating to the Processes tab. Look for any applications consuming excessive CPU, memory, or disk resources as this could be the source of the freezes. Additionally, it would be beneficial to review your hardware setup. Locate “System Information” in the Start menu to access a comprehensive list of your system’s hardware and software configuration. Once the System Information window is open, go to the top menu, click on File, choose to Export, specify a save location, assign a name to the file, and save it. You can then share the system information file with a cloud service such as Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, etc. Following these steps can help identify the underlying cause of the problem, providing essential information for troubleshooting purposes. For further troubleshooting tips, explore additional recommendations at: Windows-based computer freeze troubleshooting – Windows Client | Microsoft Learn Read More
Laptop Experiencing Unusual Sleep Activity on Windows 11
Here is an updated version of the content with significant changes:
“Consider this scenario: Could this be pertinent?
Windows 11 now provides critical security updates as the default option, which can be changed to also include driver updates by selecting the “Get latest updates” option.
For optimal performance, consult your laptop/PC manufacturer’s support guide for updating both your BIOS and ALL drivers.
You should find a quick link to the manufacturer’s update utility on your device.
Don’t forget to reset your BIOS settings to default and adjust power settings to a balanced mode. To ensure proper maintenance, shut down your system at the end of the day instead of leaving it in sleep mode.
Avoid updating your system from any unauthorized sources, including the Device Manager.
For specific recommendations, check for updates in Lenovo Vantage.”
Here is an updated version of the content with significant changes: “Consider this scenario: Could this be pertinent? Windows 11 now provides critical security updates as the default option, which can be changed to also include driver updates by selecting the “Get latest updates” option. For optimal performance, consult your laptop/PC manufacturer’s support guide for updating both your BIOS and ALL drivers. You should find a quick link to the manufacturer’s update utility on your device. Don’t forget to reset your BIOS settings to default and adjust power settings to a balanced mode. To ensure proper maintenance, shut down your system at the end of the day instead of leaving it in sleep mode. Avoid updating your system from any unauthorized sources, including the Device Manager. For specific recommendations, check for updates in Lenovo Vantage.” Read More
“Windows 11 Automatically Operating System”
Greetings! I’m Vinay, and I appreciate your contact.
I am available to assist you today.
1. Firstly, please review if there are any pending updates in the Settings section. Visit Update & Security > Windows Update to check for updates.
2. Additionally, execute a system file check via the Command Prompt with the following command: sfc /scannow.
3. Proceed to run a Windows troubleshooter by navigating to Settings > System > Troubleshoot > Other Troubleshooters. Then, select Windows Store Apps and run the troubleshooter.
I trust that these steps will help resolve your concern! Should you require any further assistance, feel free to reach out to me.
Greetings! I’m Vinay, and I appreciate your contact. I am available to assist you today. 1. Firstly, please review if there are any pending updates in the Settings section. Visit Update & Security > Windows Update to check for updates. 2. Additionally, execute a system file check via the Command Prompt with the following command: sfc /scannow. 3. Proceed to run a Windows troubleshooter by navigating to Settings > System > Troubleshoot > Other Troubleshooters. Then, select Windows Store Apps and run the troubleshooter. I trust that these steps will help resolve your concern! Should you require any further assistance, feel free to reach out to me. Read More
Security for power app
Hi everyone,
I am just looking for some help and advice on security to protect a Power Apps model-driven app we are using to store client personal data. We are a very small organisation with only 4 employees, 3 of us have access to power apps that has been created to store basic information about clients e.g. name, address, contact numbers and which services of ours they have used. Obviously being a 365 app I am assuming the data is stored on One Drive and the three users have to log in via their computer (which is password protected) and also their 365 account (which is also password protected). We have been recommended to also add Microsoft 365 Security Management and Monitoring as an additional security feature which is only a few pounds extra each month which is no issue however comes with a very large installation fee from out IT support provider.
Can I ask if anyone can offer any advice on whether the Security Management and Monitoring is actually needed (or in fact what it does)??
Thanks you in advance.
Hi everyone, I am just looking for some help and advice on security to protect a Power Apps model-driven app we are using to store client personal data. We are a very small organisation with only 4 employees, 3 of us have access to power apps that has been created to store basic information about clients e.g. name, address, contact numbers and which services of ours they have used. Obviously being a 365 app I am assuming the data is stored on One Drive and the three users have to log in via their computer (which is password protected) and also their 365 account (which is also password protected). We have been recommended to also add Microsoft 365 Security Management and Monitoring as an additional security feature which is only a few pounds extra each month which is no issue however comes with a very large installation fee from out IT support provider. Can I ask if anyone can offer any advice on whether the Security Management and Monitoring is actually needed (or in fact what it does)??Thanks you in advance. Read More
Activate Windows 11 digitally
Hello there! I’m Dave, and I’m here to assist you with the following steps.
To begin, click on the Start Button, type in “cmd,” then right-click on Command Prompt. From the options that appear, select ‘Run as Administrator.’
Next, execute or paste the following command into the Command Prompt window and press Enter:
slmgr.vbs /dlv
After completing the previous step, please provide a screenshot of the resulting dialog for further assistance. If you encounter any issues, feel free to reach out for further guidance.
Hello there! I’m Dave, and I’m here to assist you with the following steps. To begin, click on the Start Button, type in “cmd,” then right-click on Command Prompt. From the options that appear, select ‘Run as Administrator.’ Next, execute or paste the following command into the Command Prompt window and press Enter: slmgr.vbs /dlv After completing the previous step, please provide a screenshot of the resulting dialog for further assistance. If you encounter any issues, feel free to reach out for further guidance. Read More
Windows 11 Blue Screen of Death Errors
Hello, I’m here to assist you.
Analysis of two minidump files suggests that the network drivers led to the system crash in one instance, while the graphics drivers were responsible in another. Additionally, RAM corruption was identified as the cause in the remaining two instances.
To address this issue, please visit the official support page of your PC’s manufacturer. Download and reinstall the network drivers and graphics drivers version specifically recommended by the manufacturer. It’s essential to avoid using any third-party utilities for driver installations.
After reinstalling the drivers, monitor your system to check if the stability has improved.
Hello, I’m here to assist you. Analysis of two minidump files suggests that the network drivers led to the system crash in one instance, while the graphics drivers were responsible in another. Additionally, RAM corruption was identified as the cause in the remaining two instances. To address this issue, please visit the official support page of your PC’s manufacturer. Download and reinstall the network drivers and graphics drivers version specifically recommended by the manufacturer. It’s essential to avoid using any third-party utilities for driver installations. After reinstalling the drivers, monitor your system to check if the stability has improved. Read More
YouTubeGPT: A Deep Dive Into Building and Running It
Another day, An other more comprehensive solution of our problems. This is Zil-e-huma, MLSA-Beta from Pakistan and I am here for those who always struggle with finding the best data from YouTube according to their need.
YouTubeGPT is an imaginative AI-driven application that allows users to interact with YouTube data, capitalizing GPT technology to summarize, analyze, and provide insights from video content. It’s a cutting-edge solution for those who want to make sense of vast amounts of YouTube data, whether it’s for content creation, market research, or just getting concise video summaries.
In this article, we will explore what YouTubeGPT is, how it works, and provide a detailed step-by-step guide on how to set it up and run it effectively.
What is YouTubeGPT?
YouTubeGPT uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning models, specifically based on OpenAI’s GPT, to process YouTube videos. Its goal is to allow users to:
Summarize YouTube videos – Provide key takeaways from long or complex videos.
Analyze trends – Give insights into trending topics, audience engagement, and more.
Automate content generation – Automatically create content summaries or highlight reels from YouTube videos.
Whether you’re a creator looking to streamline your content creation process or a viewer trying to extract the essence of videos without watching the entire content, YouTubeGPT can be your go-to tool.
Key Features
Video Summarization: Automatically generate concise summaries of long videos.
Audience Insights: Use AI to analyze engagement metrics and provide actionable insights.
Natural Language Queries: Interact with video data by asking questions in plain language.
Seamless Integration with YouTube: Fetch and analyze videos directly from YouTube’s API.
Now, let’s move to the core part: how to set up and run YouTubeGPT on your machine.
How to Run YouTubeGPT: Step-by-Step Guide
Before you get started, make sure you have the following set up on your machine:
.NET SDK: Since YouTubeGPT is built using .NET, you’ll need to have the .NET SDK installed. You can download it from [Microsoft’s official .NET website]
Docker: You’ll need Docker to set up services like PostgreSQL for storing data.
Access to Azure OpenAI Service or OpenAI API key.
For Azure OpenAI, you’ll need to set up an account and create an API key from Azure OpenAI Service.
For the OpenAI API, get an API key from OpenAI.
Setting Up YouTubeGPT
Here’s how you can set up and run YouTubeGPT on your local machine:
Clone the Repository
First, start by cloning the YouTubeGPT project repository from GitHub or your local code repository:
git clone https://github.com/Azure-Samples/YouTubeGPT.git
Navigate to the Project Directory
After cloning, move into the project directory where the main application is located:
cd YouTubeGPT/src/YouTubeGPT.AppHost
Ensure Docker is Running
YouTubeGPT uses Docker for handling the PostgreSQL database. Make sure your Docker service is running:
On Windows: Start Docker Desktop.
On Linux/Mac: Use the terminal command `sudo service docker start`.
Run the Application
YouTubeGPT is built using .NET, so the next step is to run it using the `dotnet` command:
dotnet run
Once you run this command, the system will build the application and start the distributed application. You will see logs similar to the following:
info: Aspire.Hosting.DistributedApplication[0]
Aspire version: 8.2.0
info: Aspire.Hosting.DistributedApplication[0]
Distributed application starting.
info: Aspire.Hosting.DistributedApplication[0]
Now listening on: https://localhost:15015
info: Aspire.Hosting.DistributedApplication[0]
Login to the dashboard at https://localhost:15015/login
Fix Common Issues
At this point, you might run into some common issues like the PostgreSQL container not being set up correctly. For example, you might see the following error:
Error handling TCP connection {“Service”: {“name”:”postgres”}, “error”: “no endpoints configured”}
This error typically occurs when Docker is unable to pull or configure the required PostgreSQL image. You can resolve this by manually pulling the correct image using:
docker pull postgres:latest
After pulling the image, re-run the application.
Access the Dashboard
Once everything is running smoothly, head over to the URL provided in the logs (e.g., https://localhost:15015/login) to access the YouTubeGPT dashboard. You’ll need to log in using the provided token.
Once you log in successfully, the following screen will appear. Click on the end point of the YouTubeGPTClient.
And Bam you are now in the world of YouTubeGPT, ask here the questions you want to get answers of.
Interacting with YouTube Data
Example: Using YouTubeGPT to Search for a Recipe
Now, let’s dive into how YouTubeGPT operates by conducting a search for a recipe video. In this example, we’ll look for a video on “how to make lasagna,” and let YouTubeGPT handle the rest.
Step 1: Enter the Query
Once you’re in the YouTubeGPT dashboard, you’ll find a search box where you can input your query. For this example, let’s search for a video on lasagna:
Query: “Find and summarize a video on how to make lasagna.”
Step 2: YouTubeGPT Searches and Analyzes the Video
YouTubeGPT will use the YouTube Data API to search for relevant videos. The model will then process the description of the most relevant video and provide a summary based on that context.
Example Output:
“This video walks you through a step-by-step process of making lasagna from scratch. It covers the preparation of ingredients, such as creating the meat sauce, assembling the ricotta and mozzarella cheese layers, and placing the pasta sheets. The video concludes with tips on how to achieve a perfect golden-brown cheese crust while baking. The total cook time is approximately 1 hour.”
Step 3: Link to the Original Video
After summarizing, YouTubeGPT also provides a direct link to the original video for further reference:
YouTube Video Link: Lasagna Recipe Video (not linking anywhere, here just for demo perpose)
Post-Setup: Further Customizations
YouTubeGPT is highly customizable, allowing you to tweak various settings based on your requirements:
API Keys: Make sure to insert your YouTube Data API key for fetching video details.
Database: If you prefer using a different database (e.g., MySQL), update the database connection settings accordingly.
Common Errors and Debugging Tips
Docker Container Issues: If Docker fails to pull or start a container, ensure Docker is properly installed and authenticated. Command to manually pull an image:
docker pull dpage/pgadmin4:8.11
Database Port Conflict: If you encounter errors related to PostgreSQL ports, make sure the port (usually 5432) is not being used by other services.
Final Thoughts
Running YouTubeGPT opens up a world of possibilities in interacting with and analyzing YouTube data in a more meaningful way. Whether you want to automate video content creation or simply analyze trending topics, this powerful tool will enable you to do so efficiently.
Remember, this guide covers the basic setup and running process. If you plan to scale the application or integrate it with more complex systems, you might need to dive deeper into its architecture and customize the deployment process accordingly.
Happy experimenting with YouTubeGPT!
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TITLE: Connect to Server
Cannot connect to “blank_for_security”
A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 – Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 53)
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I am running windows 11 version 23H2 efter upgrade from windows 10.I have installed Dosbox 0.74-3 and Dosbox-X in the C:Programfiles(x86) folder.Both applications have been running nicely until I installed Onedrive.I get the error-messages below when i try to run Dosbox after installation of Onedrive: I have tried compatibility mode with no avail. Windows can’t see the dosbox.exe files. Read More
A story about our journey on Microsoft Marketplace. I hope it will inspire and help on your journey
I would like to share my experience with publishing transactable apps in the Marketplace, the Microsoft 365 App Certification Program, Marketplace rewards, and certified software designations.
Starting with publishing our apps in the Marketplace: We have several apps that operate within the context of Microsoft 365, including apps for Outlook, Microsoft Teams, Copilot Agent, Office, and SharePoint. We have been in AppSource for many years and have customers worldwide. We developed an in-house license application to manage our customers’ licenses. Before the Commercial Marketplace, we managed all invoicing and license management manually. Now that we are in Azure and the Commercial Marketplace, everything has become much easier. We have published monetized SaaS apps connected to the AppSource apps. Using the SaaS Fulfillment API, we integrated the purchasing process with our in-house license application. We have gained numerous benefits, including:
Significant time savings in the invoicing and billing process, as purchasing, adding, removing, or cancelling licenses is automated and managed by MicrosoftCustomers appreciate the ability to manage licenses themselves, finding it easierImproved market awareness due to promotion in the marketplace
New customers are joining regularly.
It is also important to mention Marketplace rewards, which offer various benefits. For example, customer case stories can be published through Marketplace rewards on Microsoft customer case stories. Here is a link to our latest story: Microsoft Customer Story – Design for Leisure improves efficiency 30% with iGlobe solutions and Microsoft Planner.
Additionally, the Transact & Grow Incentive Campaign has provided us with financial incentives through marketplace sales, as well as Azure Sponsorship credits to offset deployment costs.
Considering these advantages, there is potential to make the apps CSP Ready as well: https://aka.ms/P2PeBook.
Equally important is obtaining the Microsoft 365 App Certification. Certification confirms that an app solution is compatible with Microsoft technologies, compliant with cloud app security best practices, and supported by Microsoft. This is significant because:
It provides certification from Microsoft, confirming app security and complianceIt saves time in the sales process, as security and compliance are already verifiedIt makes the app easier to find on AppSource, the Commercial Marketplace, and in the Teams App admin portal, where it will be listed in a special category
Achieving sales in the Marketplace, having customer case stories, and obtaining the Microsoft 365 App Certification provides the foundation to obtain Certified Software Designations, which come with additional benefits and opportunities for co-selling with Microsoft.
Today two of our apps have achieved the Certified Software Designation for Modern Work.
Soon iPlanner Pro for Teams that includes a Copilot Agent will follow as well.
I share this story not to boast but to inspire and motivate others. There is nothing exceptional about us or our experience here – it can be completely replicated by leveraging the resources that Microsoft provides. Was it all very easy…. No. Is it doable? Yes!
I would like to share my experience with publishing transactable apps in the Marketplace, the Microsoft 365 App Certification Program, Marketplace rewards, and certified software designations.Starting with publishing our apps in the Marketplace: We have several apps that operate within the context of Microsoft 365, including apps for Outlook, Microsoft Teams, Copilot Agent, Office, and SharePoint. We have been in AppSource for many years and have customers worldwide. We developed an in-house license application to manage our customers’ licenses. Before the Commercial Marketplace, we managed all invoicing and license management manually. Now that we are in Azure and the Commercial Marketplace, everything has become much easier. We have published monetized SaaS apps connected to the AppSource apps. Using the SaaS Fulfillment API, we integrated the purchasing process with our in-house license application. We have gained numerous benefits, including:Significant time savings in the invoicing and billing process, as purchasing, adding, removing, or cancelling licenses is automated and managed by MicrosoftCustomers appreciate the ability to manage licenses themselves, finding it easierImproved market awareness due to promotion in the marketplaceNew customers are joining regularly.It is also important to mention Marketplace rewards, which offer various benefits. For example, customer case stories can be published through Marketplace rewards on Microsoft customer case stories. Here is a link to our latest story: Microsoft Customer Story – Design for Leisure improves efficiency 30% with iGlobe solutions and Microsoft Planner.Additionally, the Transact & Grow Incentive Campaign has provided us with financial incentives through marketplace sales, as well as Azure Sponsorship credits to offset deployment costs.Considering these advantages, there is potential to make the apps CSP Ready as well: https://aka.ms/P2PeBook.Equally important is obtaining the Microsoft 365 App Certification. Certification confirms that an app solution is compatible with Microsoft technologies, compliant with cloud app security best practices, and supported by Microsoft. This is significant because:It provides certification from Microsoft, confirming app security and complianceIt saves time in the sales process, as security and compliance are already verifiedIt makes the app easier to find on AppSource, the Commercial Marketplace, and in the Teams App admin portal, where it will be listed in a special categoryAchieving sales in the Marketplace, having customer case stories, and obtaining the Microsoft 365 App Certification provides the foundation to obtain Certified Software Designations, which come with additional benefits and opportunities for co-selling with Microsoft.Today two of our apps have achieved the Certified Software Designation for Modern Work. Soon iPlanner Pro for Teams that includes a Copilot Agent will follow as well.I share this story not to boast but to inspire and motivate others. There is nothing exceptional about us or our experience here – it can be completely replicated by leveraging the resources that Microsoft provides. Was it all very easy…. No. Is it doable? Yes! Read More