Tag Archives: microsoft
Regarding Windows Insider ISO Download Website by Microsoft….
Hello to all, Every single time after signing in to the website I will eventually get an error message known as this : An error occurred while processing your request.
Reference #221.4fbc7768.1729885610.27bbbe6
https://errors.edgesuite.net/221.4fbc7768.1729885610.27bbbe6 and also When I goto the website provided by this error message it gives me this message :
Uh oh! Something went wrong with the previous request.
If you navigated here, it’s because the previous request experienced an error. If you are the site owner, you can use the Translate Error String tool to investigate this further. This is located on the control center under:
Hamburger menu > SUPPORT > Edge Diagnostics.. I have tried to remove temporary internet files and cookies and such as well as ipconfig /flushdns and both have not fixed it at all and I have also tried a restart of my computer and that did not even fix it either as well, So Ay help would be most appreciated at this point.!
Hello to all, Every single time after signing in to the website I will eventually get an error message known as this : An error occurred while processing your request.Reference #221.4fbc7768.1729885610.27bbbe6https://errors.edgesuite.net/221.4fbc7768.1729885610.27bbbe6 and also When I goto the website provided by this error message it gives me this message : Uh oh! Something went wrong with the previous request.If you navigated here, it’s because the previous request experienced an error. If you are the site owner, you can use the Translate Error String tool to investigate this further. This is located on the control center under:Hamburger menu > SUPPORT > Edge Diagnostics.. I have tried to remove temporary internet files and cookies and such as well as ipconfig /flushdns and both have not fixed it at all and I have also tried a restart of my computer and that did not even fix it either as well, So Ay help would be most appreciated at this point.! Read More
iqvw64e.sys being blocked by windows.
Is there a fix for this below. I get this message all the time but don’t have the memory integrity turned on. Any resolution would be appreciated.
Is there a fix for this below. I get this message all the time but don’t have the memory integrity turned on. Any resolution would be appreciated. Read More
pulling diferent conditions with the IFS fuction
Hello I am trying utilize the IFS function to calculate additional footages pas a certain Unit criteria. based on the length of a short, medium, or long unit and whether it is a normal unit, branch unit or transfer unit as different factors. the maximum length for a long normal unit is 120 ft, for any length branch unit is 25 ft, and for any length transfer is 5 ft. I came up with the formula below but am not getting the right output.
PHoto of table for referenced:
Hello I am trying utilize the IFS function to calculate additional footages pas a certain Unit criteria. based on the length of a short, medium, or long unit and whether it is a normal unit, branch unit or transfer unit as different factors. the maximum length for a long normal unit is 120 ft, for any length branch unit is 25 ft, and for any length transfer is 5 ft. I came up with the formula below but am not getting the right output. =IFS(G4=”long”&F4>120,F4-120,I4=”branch”&F4>25,F4-25,I4=”transfer”&F4>5,F4-5) PHoto of table for referenced: Read More
SharePoint ‘sites’ API Doesn’t Return All Sites
I’m new to SharePoint, so bear with me.
I have 100+ users, all of whom have been given access to a SharePoint site called ‘NetSuite BluDocs’ through a group called ‘NetSuite BluDocs Members’ which has ‘Edit’ permissions. A third-party NetSuite app called ‘bluDocs’ (that I don’t control) runs in NetSuite and will display folders and files for projects. Users have to authenticate with SharePoint the first time they open the bluDocs list in NetSuite. A ‘refresh_token’ returned by SharePoint is stored in NetSuite, which is then used for authentication whenever the NetSuite user wants to view folders and files. Every user can go directly to SharePoint and find any folder/file they want since they all belong to the ‘NetSuite BluDocs Members’ group.
However, there are 7 users for whom the bluDocs in NetSuite don’t display. The reason is that the ‘sites’ API is not returning the ‘NetSuite BluDocs’ site info even though it’s returning other sites the user has access to. I’ve had users reauthenticate bluDocs several times without success.
If I copy the refresh_token from a user who is working properly in NetSuite and paste it into the refresh_token for a user who can’t see the bluDocs in NetSuite, the user can see the bluDocs, but anything they upload is shown as belonging to the user whose token I copied. I don’t know how permissions are stored in SharePoint, but it looks like some user refresh_tokens aren’t being linked to the ‘NetSuite BluDocs’ site – or the opposite; ‘NetSuite BluDocs’ isn’t being linked to the refresh_token.
Given that all 7 affected users can go directly to SharePoint and see all folders and files, why isn’t the ‘sites’ API returning ‘NetSuite BluDocs’ in the list of sites the user is assigned to?
I’m new to SharePoint, so bear with me. I have 100+ users, all of whom have been given access to a SharePoint site called ‘NetSuite BluDocs’ through a group called ‘NetSuite BluDocs Members’ which has ‘Edit’ permissions. A third-party NetSuite app called ‘bluDocs’ (that I don’t control) runs in NetSuite and will display folders and files for projects. Users have to authenticate with SharePoint the first time they open the bluDocs list in NetSuite. A ‘refresh_token’ returned by SharePoint is stored in NetSuite, which is then used for authentication whenever the NetSuite user wants to view folders and files. Every user can go directly to SharePoint and find any folder/file they want since they all belong to the ‘NetSuite BluDocs Members’ group. However, there are 7 users for whom the bluDocs in NetSuite don’t display. The reason is that the ‘sites’ API is not returning the ‘NetSuite BluDocs’ site info even though it’s returning other sites the user has access to. I’ve had users reauthenticate bluDocs several times without success. If I copy the refresh_token from a user who is working properly in NetSuite and paste it into the refresh_token for a user who can’t see the bluDocs in NetSuite, the user can see the bluDocs, but anything they upload is shown as belonging to the user whose token I copied. I don’t know how permissions are stored in SharePoint, but it looks like some user refresh_tokens aren’t being linked to the ‘NetSuite BluDocs’ site – or the opposite; ‘NetSuite BluDocs’ isn’t being linked to the refresh_token. Given that all 7 affected users can go directly to SharePoint and see all folders and files, why isn’t the ‘sites’ API returning ‘NetSuite BluDocs’ in the list of sites the user is assigned to? Read More
Unable to set ‘Send As’ permissions in Exchange Online via runbook in Azure.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to grant ‘Send As’ permissions through a runbook in Azure.
I have tested various EXO modules and runtime versions, but I keep encountering this error:
Write-ErrorMessage : A server-side error has occurred, preventing the operation from completing. Please try again later. If the issue persists, please contact MS support.
It doesn’t matter whether I use delegated permissions or a managed identity.
I am able to set ‘Send As’ permissions through the Exchange portal and locally on my machine using PowerShell. However, I need this to work within my Azure runbook. Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this issue?
Hi,Unfortunately, it is not possible to grant ‘Send As’ permissions through a runbook in Azure.I have tested various EXO modules and runtime versions, but I keep encountering this error:Write-ErrorMessage : A server-side error has occurred, preventing the operation from completing. Please try again later. If the issue persists, please contact MS support.It doesn’t matter whether I use delegated permissions or a managed identity.I am able to set ‘Send As’ permissions through the Exchange portal and locally on my machine using PowerShell. However, I need this to work within my Azure runbook. Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this issue? Read More
Este Mês no Azure Static Web Apps | 09/2024
Estamos de volta com mais uma edição da Comunidade Azure Static Web Apps! ⚡
Lembrando que, caso você queira aprender mais sobre o Azure Static Web Apps, temos:
👉 Tutoriais
👉 Vídeos
👉 Códigos de Exemplo
👉 Documentação Oficial
👉 E muito mais!
Caso queira ver seu conteúdo em destaque no próximo mês, compartilhe com a gente! 🌟
Se você não sabe como fazer isso, não se preocupe! Vamos explicar como participar no final deste artigo. 😉
Agradecimentos Especiais
Gostaríamos de expressar nossa gratidão a todos que contribuíram com seus conteúdos em setembro! 🚀
Agora, vamos conferir o que a comunidade trouxe de interessante em setembro de 2024?
Destaques de Conteúdos da Comunidade – Setembro 2024
Vamos conferir os principais conteúdos criados pela comunidade em setembro de 2024!
Artigo: Build Scalable Azure Static Web Apps for Handling High Traffic Websites
Autor: Lakindu Hewawasam
O artigo apresenta estratégias para escalar Azure Static Web Apps e lidar com grandes volumes de tráfego, destacando a importância de ajustes para garantir desempenho global. São abordadas otimizações como compressão de ativos, cache, e carregamento sob demanda, além de melhorias na infraestrutura com Azure Front Door e CDN.
A escalabilidade do backend é discutida, com foco na autoescalabilidade do Azure Functions. O uso de Azure Monitor e Application Insights é recomendado para monitoramento proativo. Planos pagos e recursos avançados são sugeridos para garantir alta qualidade. Explore o artigo completo para mais detalhes.
Link: Build Scalable Azure Static Web Apps for Handling High Traffic Websites
Video: Deploy Next.js websites to the cloud with Azure Static Web Apps – Beginner’s Guide
Autor: Microsoft Azure Developers Youtube Channel
Este guia em vídeo é um ótimo ponto de partida para iniciantes que desejam aprender a implantar seus sites Next.js usando Azure Static Web Apps. O tutorial explica todas as etapas necessárias, desde a configuração do repositório no GitHub até o deploy no Azure, tudo de forma gratuita e rápida.
Video: Deploy Blazor websites to the cloud with Azure Static Web Apps – Beginner’s Guide
Autor: Microsoft Azure Developers Youtube Channel
Neste guia, Dheeraj Bandaru, Gerente de Produto do Azure Static Web Apps, ensina como implantar sites Blazor na nuvem usando Azure Static Web Apps. O vídeo destaca benefícios como rapidez, economia e segurança, além de integrar frameworks como Angular e React.
O guia mostra como configurar o aplicativo Blazor, a publicação com GitHub Actions, a configuração de domínios personalizados e backend com Azure Functions. Também aborda testes de tráfego, uso de CDN e criação de conexões de banco de dados. Para aprender cada etapa detalhadamente, assista ao vídeo completo.
Video: Deploy Angular websites to the cloud with Azure Static Web Apps – Beginner’s Guide
Autor: Microsoft Azure Developers Youtube Channel
Mais um vídeo do canal Microsoft Azure Developers, este guia é voltado para iniciantes que desejam implantar sites Angular na nuvem usando Azure Static Web Apps. O tutorial é detalhado e fácil de seguir, abordando desde a criação do aplicativo Angular até a publicação no Azure.
Video: Deploy React websites to the cloud with Azure Static Web Apps – Beginner’s Guide
Autor: Microsoft Azure Developers Youtube Channel
E, para fechar com chave de ouro, temos mais um vídeo do canal Microsoft Azure Developers! Este guia é para quem deseja implantar sites React na nuvem usando Azure Static Web Apps. O tutorial é completo e fácil de seguir, abordando desde a configuração do aplicativo React até a publicação no Azure.
Documentação: Enterprise-grade edge
Nesta documentação, você encontrará uma visão geral do novo recurso Enterprise-Grade Edge do Azure Static Web Apps, que integra o Azure Front Door e o Azure CDN para oferecer carregamento de páginas mais rápido, segurança aprimorada e maior confiabilidade para aplicações globais.
Visão geral do Enterprise-Grade Edge (23/09/2024): O Azure Static Web Apps agora conta com o Enterprise-Grade Edge, que integra o Azure Front Door e o Azure CDN para oferecer carregamento de páginas mais rápido, segurança aprimorada e maior confiabilidade para aplicações globais.
Principais características: O serviço abrange mais de 118 locais de borda em 100 cidades metropolitanas, oferecendo capacidades de cache, proteção proativa contra DDoS, suporte a IPv6 e HTTP/2, além de compressão de arquivos otimizada.
Níveis de cache: O Enterprise-Grade Edge permite caching nos níveis de CDN, DNS e navegador, com opções para configurar cabeçalhos de controle de cache personalizados, otimizando o desempenho.
Opções de configuração: Os usuários podem ativar o Enterprise-Grade Edge via uma experiência gerenciada pelo portal do Azure (sem necessidade de mudanças de configuração e sem tempo de inatividade) ou manualmente, para maior controle sobre a configuração da CDN, limitações de tráfego e uso do firewall de aplicativos web.
Considerações e limitações: A ativação do recurso acarreta custos adicionais. A exclusão de um domínio personalizado pode levar até 48 horas para se propagar, e o Private Endpoint não é compatível.
Link: Visão geral do Enterprise-Grade Edge
Artigo: Unleashing My Passion for Azure Static Web Apps!
Autor: Stacy Cash
Neste artigo, Stacy Cash compartilha sua paixão por Azure Static Web Apps, destacando a facilidade de deploy e a integração com Azure Functions. Ele também anuncia uma conferência online, que acontecerá em 31 de outubro de 2024, com palestras e demonstrações sobre o uso dessa tecnologia, desde introduções básicas até casos de uso avançados. Se você busca uma visão entusiasmada e detalhada sobre Azure Static Web Apps, este artigo é uma ótima escolha.
Link: Unleashing My Passion for Azure Static Web Apps
Documentação: Quickstart: Building your first static site using the Azure CLI
Autor: Microsoft Azure Docs
Este guia rápido ensina como criar e implantar seu primeiro site estático usando o Azure Static Web Apps com o Azure CLI. O tutorial aborda os pré-requisitos, configuração de variáveis de ambiente, criação de repositório e publicação do aplicativo, oferecendo uma maneira prática e eficiente de começar a trabalhar com o serviço.
Link: Quickstart: Building your first static site with the Azure Static Web Apps using the CLI
Artigo: CI/CD with GitHub Actions on Azure Web App (Dev, QA and Prod)
Autor: Lorenzo Uriel
O artigo “CI/CD with GitHub Actions on Azure Web App (Dev, QA and Prod)” guia você na criação de um pipeline completo de CI/CD para Azure Static Web Apps usando GitHub Actions. Ele aborda como configurar ambientes separados para Desenvolvimento, QA e Produção, garantindo um processo de deploy organizado e seguro. Ideal para quem deseja automatizar a entrega de aplicações na nuvem com eficiência.
Link: CI/CD with GitHub Actions on Azure Web App (Dev, QA and Prod)
Artigo: Stop building CRUD API’s, use Data API Builder instead!
Autor: Sander ten Brinke
O artigo “Stop building CRUD API’s, use Data API Builder instead!” explora como o Data API Builder (DAB) da Microsoft pode simplificar a criação de APIs, eliminando a necessidade de configurar manualmente CRUD APIs. O autor destaca os benefícios do DAB, como suporte a múltiplos bancos de dados e geração automática de endpoints REST e GraphQL. Ideal para desenvolvedores que desejam agilizar a exposição de dados e reduzir o tempo gasto em tarefas repetitivas.
Link: Stop building CRUD API’s, use Data API Builder instead!
Artigo: Deploying a Full-stack Next.js App to Azure Web App through Bitbucket Pipelines
Autor: @tharakahalkewelatecs
Este guia detalha o processo de deploy de uma aplicação full-stack Next.js para o Azure Web App usando Bitbucket Pipelines. Ele aborda desde a configuração inicial do projeto, ajustes no Bitbucket e no Azure, até o uso de pipelines para automatizar o build e o deploy. Ideal para quem busca uma solução prática para hospedar aplicações Next.js no Azure.
Link: Deploying a Full-stack Next.js App to Azure Web App through Bitbucket Pipelines
Artigo: Implementing Custom Middleware in .NET 8 for Azure Web Apps
Autor: NashTech
O artigo “Implementing Custom Middleware in .NET 8 for Azure Web Apps” explora como configurar middleware personalizado no .NET 8 para adicionar funcionalidades como log de requisições e tempo de processamento. Com instruções detalhadas sobre criação, teste local e deploy no Azure Web Apps, ele é ideal para quem deseja aplicar middleware em cenários reais.
Link: Implementing Custom Middleware in .NET 8 for Azure Web Apps
Video: How to host a website in Microsoft Azure for Free
Autor: Azure Innovation Station
Neste vídeo, explica como hospedar um site gratuitamente no Microsoft Azure, destacando as vantagens do Azure Static Web Apps. Ele aborda recursos como suporte para domínios personalizados, SSL gratuito, integração contínua (CI/CD) e funções do Azure para o backend. Se você está procurando uma solução rápida e fácil para colocar seu site no ar, este vídeo é uma ótima escolha.
Como Participar?
Gostou do artigo? Quer ver seu conteúdo em destaque no próximo mês? É bem simples! Vamos te explicar agora como participar:
Crie um conteúdo sobre Azure Static Web Apps (artigo, vídeo, projeto, ou podcast).
Compartilhe nas redes sociais com a hashtag #AzureStaticWebApps.
Publique no repositório oficial do Azure Static Web Apps no GitHub, na aba Discussions. Encontre o tópico chamado This Month In Azure Static Web Apps e compartilhe o link do seu conteúdo lá.
Assim, seu conteúdo poderá ser compartilhado no TechCommunity da Microsoft na próxima edição!
E esses foram os destaques da Comunidade Azure Static Web Apps em setembro de 2024! 🚀
Agradecemos a todos que contribuíram com seus conteúdos e ajudaram a fortalecer essa comunidade incrível! Se você quer ver seu conteúdo em destaque no próximo mês, não se esqueça de compartilhar com a gente! 🌟
Até a próxima edição! 👋
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
How to set min max bounds for Custom Values
Dear Experts,
I have an issue where in Y-Axis , I have time in format h:mm:ss.000, and I need to set min/max according to the data I have (attached)
But, seems in the Axis options, not much can be achieved, please share if it’s possible and how.
Thanks in Advance,
Dear Experts, I have an issue where in Y-Axis , I have time in format h:mm:ss.000, and I need to set min/max according to the data I have (attached)But, seems in the Axis options, not much can be achieved, please share if it’s possible and how.Thanks in Advance,Br,Anupam Read More
Festival Web
Microsoft lanzo una nueva iniciativa para ayudarte a impulsar tu carrera en desarrollo web al lanzar la serie de charlas en vivo – Festival Web – comienza el 31 de octubre y finaliza hasta el 14 de noviembre. Estas sesiones están diseñadas para ayudarte a explorar esta emocionante área de programación y para ayudarte a explorar herramientas esenciales como VSCode y GitHub.
Asimismo, ¡en Microsoft estamos de fiesta! Nos complace anunciar que, por primera vez, tendremos charlas en español en el canal de Visual Studio Code en YouTube. Todas las sesiones del Festival Web serán transmitidas en vivo desde este canal.
¡Aprovecha esta oportunidad increíble para seguir aprendiendo y mejorar tu desarrollo web de la mano de expertos en la industria! Tanto si eres estudiante o profesional, compartiremos información invaluable para tu día a día profesional. Regístrate ahora a las charlas en vivo: aka.ms/FestivalWeb.
Además de las charlas, tenemos una maravillosa oportunidad gratuita para todas las personas que desean iniciar su carrera en programación web. ¡Descubre más sobre esta oportunidad en este blog y al ingresar en: aka.ms/RetoFestivalWeb!
¡Prepárate para sumergirte en el emocionante mundo de la programación web con nuestra serie de charlas y talleres en vivo con expertos en la industria! Estarán llenas de consejos, trucos y ejercicios prácticos para ayudarte a mejorar tus habilidades. Ya sea que estas comenzando o buscando aprender más sobre esta área, este es un evento imperdible para cualquier persona interesada en programación web.
¡Habrá sorpresas interesantes en cada una de estas sesiones! Regístrate ahora a las charlas en vivo: aka.ms/FestivalWeb.
Animaciones en la Web: Aprende HTML, CSS y JS con Movimiento – 31 de octubre a las 6 pm (Ciudad de México)
En esta charla, exploraremos cómo darles vida a tus proyectos web utilizando animaciones con HTML, CSS y JavaScript. A través de ejemplos prácticos y fáciles de seguir, aprenderás cómo crear efectos visuales sorprendentes que capturen la atención de los usuarios y mejoren la experiencia de tu sitio web. Desde transiciones simples hasta interacciones más complejas, te llevaré paso a paso por el proceso de convertir ideas estáticas en dinámicas, utilizando el poder del código. No importa tu nivel de experiencia, este taller te dará las herramientas necesarias para hacer que tu sitio web destaque con movimiento y creatividad.
Estefany Aguilar, Senior Frontend Developer y profe de +50K estudiantes en Platzi.
El día que comencé a desarrollar todas mis webs con Python – comienza el 6 de noviembre en estos países a las siguientes horas:
– España: 8 PM
– México: 1 PM
Esta es una charla sobre el amor a primera vista. Sobre cómo, tras 15 años desarrollando aplicaciones web y apps, y sin ser ningún experto en Python, descubrí un framework que tenía todo lo que buscaba, y que, sorprendentemente, no tenía que programarse con JavaScript.
Su nombre es Reflex (https://reflex.dev), y sus creadores lo definen como un framework para crear aplicaciones web con Python puro, sin JS, HTML o CSS. Front, Back y despliegue con un único comando.
Quiero hablar de su enfoque rompedor, de cómo ha cambiado mi manera de desarrollar webs durante el último año.
Brais Moure, conocido como MoureDev, es Ingeniero de Software, Microsoft MVP y GitHub Star.
Introducción al front-end: Crea interfaces increíbles desde cero – comienza el 7 de noviembre en estos países a las siguientes horas:
– España: 8 PM
– México: 1 PM
En esta charla, vamos a ver cómo empezar en el desarrollo web centrado en el front-end, combinando programación y diseño para crear páginas web que no solo funcionen bien, sino que además se vean genial. Te enseñaré cómo sacarles partido a herramientas como VSCode y GitHub, y compartiré algunos trucos de diseño para que tus proyectos brillen. Tanto si estás dando tus primeros pasos como si quieres mejorar tus habilidades, esta sesión es para ti.
Carmen Ansio, Designer Engineer en LottieFiles, Google Developer Expert (GDE) y Microsoft MVP.
¡Trucazos de Visual Studio Code para Programadores Web! – comienza el 14 de noviembre en estos países a las siguientes horas:
– España: 8 PM
– México: 1 PM
Descubre cómo aprovechar al máximo el editor Visual Studio Code para mejorar tu productividad. Configuraciones, extensiones, trucos del editor y características que seguro no conoces.
Miguel Ángel Durán García, mejor conocido como midudev, es Ingeniero de Software, Creador de Contenido y GitHub Star.
Como parte de esta iniciativa de Microsoft, estamos felices de compartir y anunciar esta gran oportunidad de aprendizaje gratuito para todas las personas que desean empezar en el mundo de la programación web – el reto del Festival Web. Esta experiencia es ideal tanto para principiantes como para expertos, ya que está diseñada para las personas desean aprender los conceptos básicos y puede ayudar a reforzar algunos temas esenciales de esta área.
Ya sea que estes comenzando o buscando cambiar tu carrera, este programa está diseñado para brindarte una introducción a los fundamentos de programación web. Con lecciones fáciles de seguir, ejercicios prácticos y talleres en vivo, desarrollaras las habilidades y la confianza que necesitas para seguir una carrera en este campo de rápido crecimiento.
Es completamente gratis, súper divertido y con ejercicios dinámicos ¡prepárate para iniciar este emocionante desafío! Comienza el 31 de octubre y finaliza el 15 de noviembre del 2024. ¡Aprovecha esta oportunidad y regístrate ahora: aka.ms/RetoFestivalWeb!
¿Cuándo inicia y finaliza este reto de aprendizaje? Inicia el 31 de octubre del 2024 y finaliza el 15 de noviembre del 2024.
¿A quién va dirigido? A cualquier persona que le interese iniciar su carrera profesional en programación web.
¿Cuánta experiencia necesito? Ninguna experiencia. Este reto está diseñado para que aprendas desde cero las bases para iniciar en el mundo de programación web.
¿Cuánto tiempo debo dedicarle al día? Está diseñado para que vayas aprendiendo conforme a tus necesidades y tiempo disponible. Puedes acceder a la plataforma las 24 horas del día y desde tu celular. Recuerda que tienes que completarlo hasta el 15 de noviembre del 2024.
Prerrequisitos: Ninguno.
¿Tiene costo alguno? No tiene costo.
¿Necesito saber programar? No es necesario, de hecho, habrá un módulo de aprendizaje para que aprendas a programar.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
Grant Graph API Permission to Azure Automation System assigned Managed Identity
Azure Managed Identity is an identity automatically managed by Azure for applications to use when connecting to resources that support Microsoft Entra (formerly Azure Active Directory) authentication. It eliminates the need to manage credentials and secrets, as the identity is created and managed by Azure.
Use Case
Use PowerShell scripts that are making certain Microsoft Graph API calls to manage Entra ID users and groups as Azure Automation runbooks.
After turning on the system assigned Managed Identity it does not have any permissions to access Microsoft Graph API.
And any call to Microsoft Graph API leads to an error.
The script can successfully log in with Connect-MgGraph -Identity but fails on insufficient privileges to make any call.
When it comes to system assigned Managed Identity, we can’t grant Microsoft Graph permissions using Azure Portal user interface.
The Grant admin consent button is disabled.
Fortunately, we can easily do it with scripting.
Here are two PowerShell scripts that assign and remove three Microsoft Graph permissions to system assigned managed identity. You can run them locally or in Cloud Shell. You need to be a Global Administrator in your Tenant.
#Requires -Modules “Az.Accounts”, “Az.Resources”, “Microsoft.Graph.Applications”
param (
$GRAPH_APP_ID = “00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000”
Connect-AzAccount -TenantId $Tenant -Subscription $Subscription | Out-Null
Connect-MgGraph -TenantId $Tenant -Scopes “AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All”, “Application.Read.All” -NoWelcome
Write-Host “AZ context”
Get-AzContext | Format-List
Write-Host “MG context”
Get-MgContext | Format-List
$GraphPermissions = “User.Read.All”, “Group.ReadWrite.All”, “Directory.ReadWrite.All”
$AutomationMSI = (Get-AzADServicePrincipal -Filter “displayName eq ‘$AutomationAccountName'”)
Write-Host “Assigning permissions to $AutomationAccountName ($($AutomationMSI.Id))”
$GraphServicePrincipal = Get-AzADServicePrincipal -Filter “appId eq ‘$GRAPH_APP_ID'”
$GraphAppRoles = $GraphServicePrincipal.AppRole | Where-Object {$_.Value -in $GraphPermissions -and $_.AllowedMemberType -contains “Application”}
if($GraphAppRoles.Count -ne $GraphPermissions.Count)
Write-Warning “App roles found: $($GraphAppRoles)”
throw “Some App Roles are not found on Graph API service principal”
foreach ($AppRole in $GraphAppRoles) {
Write-Host “Assigning $($AppRole.Value) to $($AutomationMSI.DisplayName)”
New-MgServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignment -ServicePrincipalId $AutomationMSI.Id -PrincipalId $AutomationMSI.Id -ResourceId $GraphServicePrincipal.Id -AppRoleId $AppRole.Id | Out-Null
#Requires -Modules “Az.Accounts”, “Az.Resources”, “Microsoft.Graph.Applications”
param (
Connect-AzAccount -TenantId $Tenant -Subscription $Subscription | Out-Null
Connect-MgGraph -TenantId $Tenant -Scopes “AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All”, “Application.Read.All” -NoWelcome
Write-Host “AZ context”
Get-AzContext | Format-List
Write-Host “MG context”
Get-MgContext | Format-List
$AutomationMSI = (Get-AzADServicePrincipal -Filter “displayName eq ‘$AutomationAccountName'”)
Write-Host “Removing permissions from $AutomationAccountName ($($AutomationMSI.Id))”
Get-MgServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignment -ServicePrincipalId $AutomationMSI.Id |
ForEach-Object {
Write-Host “Removing $($_.Id)”
Remove-MgServicePrincipalAppRoleAssignment -ServicePrincipalId $AutomationMSI.Id -AppRoleAssignmentId $_.Id
As a result, Microsoft Graph permissions are added despite that the Grant admin consent button is still disabled and we can continue using the comfort and security of system assigned Managed Identity in Automation Account.
PS: This post is inspired by Grant Graph API Permission to Managed Identity Object – Microsoft Community Hub.
Microsoft Tech Community – Latest Blogs –Read More
SUM formula calculating 1 more than actual
The count formula below is calculating one more than when i filter on the column.
=SUM(N(TOCOL(‘All Defects’!I:I,1)<>”Closed”)). This count is 174 when the actual count is 173. Any idea of what could be contributing to this? Thanks
The count formula below is calculating one more than when i filter on the column.=SUM(N(TOCOL(‘All Defects’!I:I,1)<>”Closed”)). This count is 174 when the actual count is 173. Any idea of what could be contributing to this? Thanks Read More
Block Plan Member delete Buckets and Works
how can I block Plan Member, to delete Buckets and Tasks?
Hi, how can I block Plan Member, to delete Buckets and Tasks? Read More
When using CoPilot in Edge What are the Benefits of using Web rather than Work?
I use CoPilot in Edge all the time just based on the proximity of where I’m working. Before we had web search enabled in M365 CoPilot it was obvious to me why I would choose work vs web in the chat windows. Now it isn’t as clear.
What are the benefits of using the Web option now rather than always using Work? I seem to get nearly identical results when I expect to use 3rd party sources.
It is possible for those who have access to M365 that there is no real value in using the Web option anymore when in their work account. I expect to have people I support asking this question.
I use CoPilot in Edge all the time just based on the proximity of where I’m working. Before we had web search enabled in M365 CoPilot it was obvious to me why I would choose work vs web in the chat windows. Now it isn’t as clear. What are the benefits of using the Web option now rather than always using Work? I seem to get nearly identical results when I expect to use 3rd party sources. It is possible for those who have access to M365 that there is no real value in using the Web option anymore when in their work account. I expect to have people I support asking this question. Read More
bot with copilot studio generative nodes only answer in desktop
Hi, I have a problem
I created a bot with copilot studio, but generative nodes only answer in desktop.
I need to works with devices like Android or IoS
Hi, I have a problem I created a bot with copilot studio, but generative nodes only answer in desktop. I need to works with devices like Android or IoS thanks Read More
Je suis un nouvel utilisateur de’Excel. (Très très basic) Je veux gfaire une simple addition de plusieurs cellules, j’écris: =SUM(A1:A5) quand je tape enter j’obtiens #NOM?
Je suis un nouvel utilisateur de’Excel. (Très très basic) Je veux gfaire une simple addition de plusieurs cellules, j’écris: =SUM(A1:A5) quand je tape enter j’obtiens #NOM?Pourquoi?SVPMerci Read More
Microsoft Purview – Sensitivity Auto-Label email attachments
I feel like this shouldn’t be that hard. I have a shared mailbox, and all email attachments in/out of the mailbox need auto labeled. I have an auto-label policy/rule setup for email in/out of the mailbox, and it works like charm (email gets the label, but not attachment).
How (or is it possible) can I auto-label email attachments? I somehow cannot land on the right rule config for this.
Thanks for any direction!
I feel like this shouldn’t be that hard. I have a shared mailbox, and all email attachments in/out of the mailbox need auto labeled. I have an auto-label policy/rule setup for email in/out of the mailbox, and it works like charm (email gets the label, but not attachment). How (or is it possible) can I auto-label email attachments? I somehow cannot land on the right rule config for this.Thanks for any direction! Read More
Starting off with Purview
Hi , we have just got a new M365 tenant in A5 licenses and want to get started with Purview. What are the recommendations with getting started? are there features that are on by default? and what needs to be turned on or configured ?
Hi , we have just got a new M365 tenant in A5 licenses and want to get started with Purview. What are the recommendations with getting started? are there features that are on by default? and what needs to be turned on or configured ? Read More
How to include button to channel tab in an adaptive card
When you add a tab to a channel, you can optionally “Post to the channel about this tab,” which includes a button that opens the tab.
How can I include a button like this in an adaptive card sent by my bot? I was able to send a deeplink to the tab using the format
https://teams.microsoft.com/l/entity/ <APP_ID>/<TAB_ENTITY_ID>
, but that opens a personal tab instead of a channel tab.
When you add a tab to a channel, you can optionally “Post to the channel about this tab,” which includes a button that opens the tab. How can I include a button like this in an adaptive card sent by my bot? I was able to send a deeplink to the tab using the format https://teams.microsoft.com/l/entity/ <APP_ID>/<TAB_ENTITY_ID> , but that opens a personal tab instead of a channel tab. Read More
Create a dax to find time difference
I have a requirement to create a dax for below data:
we need to find the difference between setpoint temp column and current temp column:
Then make sure that difference falls in range of > -1 and less than 1. If the above condition is met then 1(which means it meets the set point) else zero(not met the setpoint).
Finally we need to count those that has not met the setpoint for more than 6 hours(Updatedon column).
PFA file here Heatsense.pbix
Please advise!
Thanks in advance!
Hi, I have a requirement to create a dax for below data:we need to find the difference between setpoint temp column and current temp column:Then make sure that difference falls in range of > -1 and less than 1. If the above condition is met then 1(which means it meets the set point) else zero(not met the setpoint).Finally we need to count those that has not met the setpoint for more than 6 hours(Updatedon column).PFA file here Heatsense.pbixPlease advise! Thanks in advance!@SergeiBaklan Read More
Export of Mailbox subfolders failing – Value is invalid
Hi, I have the script below that is supposed grab statistics on Archive/Cabinet to run through a fetch all folders in a “Cabinet” folder then run a loop for each folder under Cabinet so the folder can be exported to its own PST file located on the same server. I have tried many things and I cannot seem to get the passed the error “The provided IncludeFolders or ExcludeFolders value is invalid. Folder path ‘/Cabinet/Subfolder’ is invalid. What am I missing here?
# Define variables for the mailbox and the root folder from which subfolders will be exported
$Mailbox = “Archive” # Replace with the mailbox you want to export
$RootFolder = “Cabinet” # Replace with the folder you want to export subfolders from
$ExportPath = “\ServernameM$exports” # Replace with the path where you want the PST files to be saved
# Get a list of subfolders under the specified root folder
$Subfolders = Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity $Mailbox | Where-Object { $_.FolderPath -like “/$RootFolder/*” }
# Loop through each subfolder and create a New-MailboxExportRequest for each
foreach ($Subfolder in $Subfolders) {
# Get the subfolder name and replace any illegal characters in file names
$FolderName = $Subfolder.Name -replace ‘[\/:*?”<>|]’, ‘_’
$PSTFilePath = “$ExportPath$FolderName.pst”
# Create the mailbox export request for the subfolder
New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox $Mailbox -FilePath $PSTFilePath -IncludeFolders “$($Subfolder.FolderPath)”
Write-Host “Export request created for $($Subfolder.FolderPath) to $PSTFilePath”
Hi, I have the script below that is supposed grab statistics on Archive/Cabinet to run through a fetch all folders in a “Cabinet” folder then run a loop for each folder under Cabinet so the folder can be exported to its own PST file located on the same server. I have tried many things and I cannot seem to get the passed the error “The provided IncludeFolders or ExcludeFolders value is invalid. Folder path ‘/Cabinet/Subfolder’ is invalid. What am I missing here?Script# Define variables for the mailbox and the root folder from which subfolders will be exported$Mailbox = “Archive” # Replace with the mailbox you want to export$RootFolder = “Cabinet” # Replace with the folder you want to export subfolders from$ExportPath = “\ServernameM$exports” # Replace with the path where you want the PST files to be saved# Get a list of subfolders under the specified root folder$Subfolders = Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity $Mailbox | Where-Object { $_.FolderPath -like “/$RootFolder/*” }# Loop through each subfolder and create a New-MailboxExportRequest for eachforeach ($Subfolder in $Subfolders) {# Get the subfolder name and replace any illegal characters in file names$FolderName = $Subfolder.Name -replace ‘[\/:*?”<>|]’, ‘_’$PSTFilePath = “$ExportPath$FolderName.pst”# Create the mailbox export request for the subfolderNew-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox $Mailbox -FilePath $PSTFilePath -IncludeFolders “$($Subfolder.FolderPath)”Write-Host “Export request created for $($Subfolder.FolderPath) to $PSTFilePath”} Read More
Use .NET to determine if a Windows user account is password protected
I would like to take windows account username and just say YES he has password and NO he has no password. I don’t want to retrieve a password. Just to use .NET 8 to say YES this account is protected by password, so if user locked his PC no one can access this account withou password.
I would like to take windows account username and just say YES he has password and NO he has no password. I don’t want to retrieve a password. Just to use .NET 8 to say YES this account is protected by password, so if user locked his PC no one can access this account withou password. Read More