To find Droplet size distribution, number density and unwanted background spots
Hi, I have high speed captured images of multiple droplets as I attached in the file. I want to find out the droplet size distribution and its’s number density for each frames and I want to remove unwanted background spots present in each frame (you can see in the image). If someone can help me in it then I would be greatful to him, as I am new in the image processing.Hi, I have high speed captured images of multiple droplets as I attached in the file. I want to find out the droplet size distribution and its’s number density for each frames and I want to remove unwanted background spots present in each frame (you can see in the image). If someone can help me in it then I would be greatful to him, as I am new in the image processing. Hi, I have high speed captured images of multiple droplets as I attached in the file. I want to find out the droplet size distribution and its’s number density for each frames and I want to remove unwanted background spots present in each frame (you can see in the image). If someone can help me in it then I would be greatful to him, as I am new in the image processing. droplet size distribution and the number density MATLAB Answers — New Questions