Trigger event for graphic handle object?
The function notify seems to be designed for user-define class. Is it possible to make it works on MATLAB graphic handle objects such as uibutton. This code
fig = uifigure;
btn = uibutton(fig);
addlistener(btn, ‘PropertyAdded’, @(varargin) disp(‘trigger’));
notify(fig, ‘PropertyAdded’)
returns the following error:
Returns error
Error using matlab.ui.Figure/notify
Cannot notify listeners of event ‘PropertyAdded’ in class ‘dynamicprops’.The function notify seems to be designed for user-define class. Is it possible to make it works on MATLAB graphic handle objects such as uibutton. This code
fig = uifigure;
btn = uibutton(fig);
addlistener(btn, ‘PropertyAdded’, @(varargin) disp(‘trigger’));
notify(fig, ‘PropertyAdded’)
returns the following error:
Returns error
Error using matlab.ui.Figure/notify
Cannot notify listeners of event ‘PropertyAdded’ in class ‘dynamicprops’. The function notify seems to be designed for user-define class. Is it possible to make it works on MATLAB graphic handle objects such as uibutton. This code
fig = uifigure;
btn = uibutton(fig);
addlistener(btn, ‘PropertyAdded’, @(varargin) disp(‘trigger’));
notify(fig, ‘PropertyAdded’)
returns the following error:
Returns error
Error using matlab.ui.Figure/notify
Cannot notify listeners of event ‘PropertyAdded’ in class ‘dynamicprops’. events, addlistener, notify MATLAB Answers — New Questions