Usage of the commande nnls(A,b,tol) in MATLAB new versions
I want to solve the following non negative least squares problem : nnls(A,b,tol). Given a matrix A, a vector b and a tolerance tol, I want to fin x such ||A*x-b||^2 < tol* ||b||^2 with x>=0
Does someone have any idea how to do it in matlab ?
Regards !Hello,
I want to solve the following non negative least squares problem : nnls(A,b,tol). Given a matrix A, a vector b and a tolerance tol, I want to fin x such ||A*x-b||^2 < tol* ||b||^2 with x>=0
Does someone have any idea how to do it in matlab ?
Regards ! Hello,
I want to solve the following non negative least squares problem : nnls(A,b,tol). Given a matrix A, a vector b and a tolerance tol, I want to fin x such ||A*x-b||^2 < tol* ||b||^2 with x>=0
Does someone have any idea how to do it in matlab ?
Regards ! non negative least squares, matlab, lsqlin MATLAB Answers — New Questions