V2H Optimization: No feasible solution found
I have some troubles to code an optimization Problem in Matlab. Since this is my first optimization i am a bit lost. This code is not running because "Linprog stopped because no point satisfies the constraints.". But I fail to see which constraint is prohibiting the code from running.
T = length(PV); % Anzahl der Zeitschritte
% Problem
prob = optimproblem;
% battery storage system parameter
BSS_Pmax = 11; % max power
BSS_Emax = 100; % max energy
% battery variables
BSS_ch = optimvar(‘BSS_ch’, T, ‘LowerBound’, 0, ‘UpperBound’, BSS_Pmax);
BSS_disch = optimvar(‘BSS_disch’, T, ‘LowerBound’, 0, ‘UpperBound’, BSS_Pmax);
BSS_SOC = optimvar(‘BSS_SOC’, T, ‘LowerBound’, 0, ‘UpperBound’, BSS_Emax);
% other variables
Grid_Import = optimvar(‘Grid_Import’, T, ‘LowerBound’, 0);
% battery constraints
prob.Constraints.energyStorage = optimconstr(T);
prob.Constraints.energyStorage = BSS_SOC(1) == 0;
prob.Constraints.energyStorage = BSS_SOC(2:T) == BSS_SOC(1:T-1) – BSS_disch(2:T) + BSS_ch(2:T);
% energy flow
prob.Constraints.EnergyBalance = Grid_Import == Bedarf – PV – BSS_disch + BSS_ch;
% cost funtion
cost = Grid_Import .* Price;
prob.ObjectiveSense = ‘minimize’;
prob.Objective = sum(cost);
% solve
[x, fval] = solve(prob);
% optional display
%disp(x.BSS_disch);I have some troubles to code an optimization Problem in Matlab. Since this is my first optimization i am a bit lost. This code is not running because "Linprog stopped because no point satisfies the constraints.". But I fail to see which constraint is prohibiting the code from running.
T = length(PV); % Anzahl der Zeitschritte
% Problem
prob = optimproblem;
% battery storage system parameter
BSS_Pmax = 11; % max power
BSS_Emax = 100; % max energy
% battery variables
BSS_ch = optimvar(‘BSS_ch’, T, ‘LowerBound’, 0, ‘UpperBound’, BSS_Pmax);
BSS_disch = optimvar(‘BSS_disch’, T, ‘LowerBound’, 0, ‘UpperBound’, BSS_Pmax);
BSS_SOC = optimvar(‘BSS_SOC’, T, ‘LowerBound’, 0, ‘UpperBound’, BSS_Emax);
% other variables
Grid_Import = optimvar(‘Grid_Import’, T, ‘LowerBound’, 0);
% battery constraints
prob.Constraints.energyStorage = optimconstr(T);
prob.Constraints.energyStorage = BSS_SOC(1) == 0;
prob.Constraints.energyStorage = BSS_SOC(2:T) == BSS_SOC(1:T-1) – BSS_disch(2:T) + BSS_ch(2:T);
% energy flow
prob.Constraints.EnergyBalance = Grid_Import == Bedarf – PV – BSS_disch + BSS_ch;
% cost funtion
cost = Grid_Import .* Price;
prob.ObjectiveSense = ‘minimize’;
prob.Objective = sum(cost);
% solve
[x, fval] = solve(prob);
% optional display
%disp(x.BSS_disch); I have some troubles to code an optimization Problem in Matlab. Since this is my first optimization i am a bit lost. This code is not running because "Linprog stopped because no point satisfies the constraints.". But I fail to see which constraint is prohibiting the code from running.
T = length(PV); % Anzahl der Zeitschritte
% Problem
prob = optimproblem;
% battery storage system parameter
BSS_Pmax = 11; % max power
BSS_Emax = 100; % max energy
% battery variables
BSS_ch = optimvar(‘BSS_ch’, T, ‘LowerBound’, 0, ‘UpperBound’, BSS_Pmax);
BSS_disch = optimvar(‘BSS_disch’, T, ‘LowerBound’, 0, ‘UpperBound’, BSS_Pmax);
BSS_SOC = optimvar(‘BSS_SOC’, T, ‘LowerBound’, 0, ‘UpperBound’, BSS_Emax);
% other variables
Grid_Import = optimvar(‘Grid_Import’, T, ‘LowerBound’, 0);
% battery constraints
prob.Constraints.energyStorage = optimconstr(T);
prob.Constraints.energyStorage = BSS_SOC(1) == 0;
prob.Constraints.energyStorage = BSS_SOC(2:T) == BSS_SOC(1:T-1) – BSS_disch(2:T) + BSS_ch(2:T);
% energy flow
prob.Constraints.EnergyBalance = Grid_Import == Bedarf – PV – BSS_disch + BSS_ch;
% cost funtion
cost = Grid_Import .* Price;
prob.ObjectiveSense = ‘minimize’;
prob.Objective = sum(cost);
% solve
[x, fval] = solve(prob);
% optional display
%disp(x.BSS_disch); optimization, constraints MATLAB Answers — New Questions